2004 6 August :: 1.31am
Heyy... it's been a long time. I missed home. I got back yesterday. The flight while comin here wasn't as bad as it was while going there. U know how it seems longer GOING someplace compared to COMING from someplace? I dunno. And the layovers at the airports weren't as bad. When we were leavin Dhaka, one of our suitcases was too heavy. It was 42 kilo's [I dunno what the conversion to lbs is..] and the limit is 32. Even tho some of our suitcases were 36/37.. he [the person that was checking us in] let that slide, but not wit the 42. So we had to take things out and stuff it into our handbags and we opened another suitcase and stuffed things into that. And it was really full. And sure enough, the chain broke, so there were clothes and stuff coming out of it when we arrived in Miami. I don't like British people. The people at Virgin Atlantic were rude to us both ways. I don't think people out of the U.S. can stand Americans. But I mean, me and my family aren't really American.. well technically me and my sister r- but u know what I mean.. right? Anyway, it was sad leaving everyone. My aunt actually went to Bangkok that day. So she left before us. But I think my grandparents and aunt will come this winter of early 2005. And possibly my other aunt if she can save enough money. I know my mom really misses my grandparents cuz when she was young she never got 2 spend time wit them. I mean, my mom got married when she was our age. I couldn't ever think of that happenin 2 me at this age. I dunno... these Eastern societies just work so weird. Besides things like that always happening, it's just SO depressing going to the east. There is such poverty and SUCH a difference between the upper class and lower class. There's hardly any middle class. I mean... I just can't describe it. It's a COMPLETELY different world there. Everything.. I mean EVERYTHING there is ENTIRELY different. For people who aren't used to it- it would definitely come as a culture shock. I mean, there were floods with the dirtiest water- some of it even blue from toxins and stuff and ppl were bathing in it and washing their utensils in it. But.. it's not like they have any other choice. And the way the servants r treated... it's awful. My aunt's servant stays overnight 6 days a week JUST so she can give her child lunch. I mean, things like this that we never even have to THINK about. That never even crosses our mind as a possible situation. And it's like.. what did we do to be born into the lives we were. That could have just as easily been us. I mean.. we didn't do anything for God to put us into the lives He did. Nothing special. Nothing out of the ordinary... So in a way it makes u aprreciate things, in America. It's such a powerful country and all the other country's r really dependent on our country. The news always talks about the upcoming election [everyone HATES Bush]. Tv there sucks. Everything is so old. It's like stuff from 2000 and 2001?? And on-line is slow and u have a limited amount of time. Like 1000 mins each month. I don't think I could stand that. And obviously things there r hard to find there. Just all these little things we take for granted. Like shampoo, soap, our snacks, etc. Sorry.. I'm ranting and raving about that. But all in all, it was a good trip in the sense that I got to spend time wit all my family and see my aunt who I haven't seen in 11 years. I got close with everyone, which is the reason why I went..
Anyway, it's nice to back. I had Taco Bell yesterday night. That felt good lol. And then my mom cooked this morning, so I had her food after a long time. It's not that food there is bad, but it's just different. Different species of veg's and stuff. And I couldn't eat outside cuz I didn't wanna get sick- I know sounds paranoid.. but there, it really isn't. People who LIVE there get stomach problems lol. Today I had to go 2 school to do a whole bunch of stuff. And me and Amara had to get gas.. that wasn't fun. It sucks havin 2 pay gas wit cash. Cuz u have 2 go in and tell them and everything. Need to get a debit card. And then wit the rain.. I duno it just took a long time. So then I went 2 the IBO- God, do I hate Ms. Landaker. I had Ms. Kelly first and then since I was switchin into Strat. 4 College Success I had 2 go 2 Ms. Landaker. She is so sloww. And I dunno.. just really inefficient. Annoys me. So here's my new schedule:
1. Strategies for College Success- Colle- I dunno the name.
2. Ap English- Schillit
3. AP US History- Hall
4. Chem II- Swanson
5. AP Spanish- Halcomb
6. AP Bio- Morone
7. Pre Cal- Powers
I feel like I settled too much for Chem, or lowered my standards? I would've taken AP Chem if it wasn't only offered first hour...And I wish I could've gotten farther in math. Comment if u have any classes wit me. I haven't had a chance 2 really check wit ppl. And then I got my locker. It was the bottom one. So I went back 2 get it changed. Luckily, I knew one of the guys, and he did it for me. And the colonel wasn't there. But I switched it and it was the bottom one again lol. They told me if u divide it by 4 it's bottom and none of us checked lol. So then I felt like a dumbass for goin again. But hey.. they didn't check either. It was 132. Not that that is really relevant. But I got 133. So it's all good. I saw Mr. Morone- it was nice seein him again. He's a good man. I respect him. Once again, random. And I saw Liz, Sunil, and Allison- that was nice. I saw Greta 2 while the locker fiasco.
So that's about it. Sorry this was a long entry...
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2004 6 August :: 12.52am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: screwed // paris hilton
home sweet home!
after driving straight from Illinois to Florida, i am finally at home. in time for practice 2morrow, then shopping, then saturday having orientation and going to kaila's party! before school starts, i have to hang out with Alex, Jonah, Britt C, Brittany, Dominic, Jackie, Danielle G, Brett, Travis & Joey. I c Danielle B on Saturday!!!! YAY! plus Pretam, Anand, carlos, Kailannie, Sam, everyone! <333
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2004 3 August :: 12.10am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: every little thing i do, never seems enough for you. // NSYNC lol
x posting. **
yesterday was fun. i went to ULTA (this big makeup store), Borders, and Carsons (to look at the Coach purses) with my aunt. Afterwards, we came home & i went to the Cubs / Phillies game. cubs won! yay!
today = woke up early, headed north to Six Flags Great America. Hit every rollercoaster with the exception of DeJavu. we went on... Batman, Superman, Raging Bull, Vertical Velocity, Logger's Run, Ice Mountain Splash, Rapid, Demon, American Eagle & some stand up rollercoaster. omg we hadda blast, now i feel like i am permanently on a rollercoaster. we got $90 worth of Fast Lane Passes, so we could do all the rides.
its now 10:42pm here and uncle jim & daddy just came back with White Castles =D
anyways... 2morrow we finally get to go visit gramma Emily's grave. i'm happy.
i got calls from brett & travis last night. they were in front of my house. damn and joey was with them too. o well... i will see them when i get home. i have to call millions of people when i get home. Ashley E, Jonah, Brett, Travis, Alex G, Brittany, Danielle G, Britt, Ryan, JB, Jackie, etc. yay! people missed me! <3333 anyways, i g2g cause i feel kinda sick. =/ hehe
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2004 2 August :: 6.23pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Yeah-Usher
it's my birthdayyyy
the big one-six!! hollerrrrrr!!..finally..whew!!..took long are already turning such a yungin..haha..well guys..count down to the party has left my celly at my dad's if u called and left a message i still havent heard's pissing me off..i wanna hear wha messages people left..thanks to everybody tho that've wished me a happy birthday..i got my stereo system!!'s
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2004 1 August :: 1.50am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: autobiography // ashlee simspon
has anyone ever reassured u, but u were never comfortable?
today was a long day. woke up & showered and headed downtown. walked from the train station to navy pier which was a good 2hr walk. we had like the whole family = 18 people with us. but when we got to navy pier, my sister found this place that embroidered plain hats. so she got one, n so did my brother. then my dad decided to get 5 for their paintball team. what a long time that took because it had my mom getting pissed off and everyone was hungry and grumpy. so when my dad finally finished he was pissed at my mom for being bitchy and idk what happened from there... my dad walked off. then he came back. we tried finding the rest of the family aka grammy & aunts & uncles.... but they didn't save seats for where they decided to eat at. so that pissed my mom off more... we all were walking to find a cab because daddy was soooooo pissed. and then in the middle of nowhere my parents started arguing in the middle of the sidewalks with tons of people walking around. so my mom walked off. and my dad was yelling my name, but i wanted to go with my mom... so my dad walked one way with my sister and brother... my mom walked another and i sat next to a cement brick wall and cried my eyes out because of my parents. then my dad came back & we found my mom. once i found my mom i didn't wanna let go. i was hugging her with all i had. then we settled... and got a cab.... and went to Gino's East Pizza. that's the best deep dish pizza i think i ever had. we finished dinner & caught the cab back to the train station. the trains were packed. i was kinda hoping that gramma & etc. wouldn't make the train.... but like... i wish stacey did. cause i love her. but everyone else... idk they just piss me off. cause they don't like me cause they think i'm too spoiled. w/e but everyone of them had to run to the train which i guess was funny torture. its freezing up here. we were soooo cold tonight. but i'm so emotionally exhausted.
i'm tired of my parents fighting at every family outting we have. and it gets ridiculous. tonight... it was so horrible... all i wanted to do was run away and pretend like nothing was wrong. I needed a shoulder to cry on. i had nobody to call that i could rely on. and i couldnt really call anyone because my phone... was at uncle critter's house. i don't want to call someone and have them say "awww i'm sorry" or have someone say "that sucks" or "that's gay". i just want someone to let me call them and listen to me. i can't think of one person that i can call that will listen to me anymore. i wish i could call jonah and just talk to him. i think he's the only one i can rely on. not because he is my ex boyfriend, and not because we had a relationship. its just because he is someone i can trust and talk to without a problem. he was always a great friend. and since i know jonah doesn't want to hear it anymore because we're over... i wish jb and ryan could come over right now. i miss them too much. my brothers. its sad.
i never realized how much people actually make their own families rather than stick with the ones they're given to by birth. i mean... i consider everyone in florida... like LOS people... my family, and up here... i don't even know these people... they're just labelled my family. i mean my dad even admitted that he believed jim & gail were more of an aunt and uncle rather than trixie and sean or paula and joey. that's just the way it is.
i'm just emotionally worn with no1 to burst on. this is why i'm so laidback. i get it now.
but while we were downtown... i enjoyed the lights, the noises, transportation, the people, etc. everything about being in the city was phenomenal! like the stores/shopping beautiful. (the boys downtown and on the trains were hotttt) gosh i wish i lived in a complex in the city. <33333
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