2010 6 July :: 10.00pm
Kinda want a mullet mobile, don't have money for it right now.
4 wishful thinkers |
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2010 6 July :: 12.33pm
:: Mood: listless
why is it that friends just make me sad? or I feel broken because I am just all alone.
In other non whining about how my friends make me depressed news... apparently August 7th we (and by we, I mean my graduating class) are having a 5 year beach party. I like how it is not really official and I am invited through facebook. Maybe I'll sit on the beach here in Kenosha staring out at Lake Michigan thinking... Wow has it really been 5 years? I don't need to go home to see all those people. Most of the people I care enough to keep tabs on are facebook friends, and I wasn't much wanted or needed 5 years ago, so I think I can wait another 5 years to go and see that crowd anyways.
Mike is thankfully enjoying his new job and left for a 24 hour trip to pick up 3 ppl to bring back to WI tomorrow.
The suck thing is that as always I am left alone.
Being a cooped up bitch must just be the life. Although, you would think with how social I can be professionally, I would have more friends. Funny how it works, that the rest of the time I am just a wall flower, with nothing and no one.
1 wishful thinker |
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2010 1 July :: 3.19pm
Today is the second day of my graduate class. I really like this class and I am one of four undergraduates, the others are teachers and a graduate students in creative writing.
I'm role playing Longinus tonight and I am prepared and ready to go! He is all about the sublimity of poetry and literature.
Working out is going great and I feel like a totally different person!
worst intentions
2010 25 June :: 9.24am
:: Mood: mellow
Summer Session one is done! I earned an A in biology 240 and it put my gpa up .01 to 3.77. Whateve. I start English 535 in a week and a half, but the prof already has us started with stuff. I have three days off next week and I'm sure that I'll be in the library for a while.
It's so weird to think that one year from now I could possibly be somewhere other than Michigan training for Teach for America, or I could be entering my second semester as a graduate student. Weird. Weird.
It's nice having some semblence of a day off. I don't work until six tonight, so I'm going to get up, eat, do some tae bo, bake some cookies, and just hang out with Rueben until I have to leave.
I think it might be summer now.
worst intentions
2010 24 June :: 8.51am
ya know considering that I am 23 I should not be having petty arguments with my mom. I am so sick of being blamed for her finances I could just smack her.
I as an only child, should be able to expect some help with buying clothes. Oh wait... I had to buy my own shit in high school, why the fuck would I get help now.
I am fed up with not having appropriate clothes for the season and even more annoyed that I am constantly having to get clothes that my friends are getting rid of, and then keeping them forever, just because I constantly am unable to get any clothes for myself. I really wish I had the gumption in high school that I have now... but it's prolly good I didn't, or I would have been in a lot of fights.
I am not spoiled! I have to work for what I want/ need. And considering that everyone thinks my parents are rich just because we have a jewelry store... wake the fuck up and smell the roses. The only people who seem to buy gold these days are place who are selling it to china. And people buying 9karat or less stamped goods coming from china with.... *drumroll please*... unregulated markings!
People keep buying crap that is marked totally wrong. What happened to trade regulation, and pride in work? What happened to honesty? We are living in an era where it is so difficult to find any of the things we ought to have. Decency is gone... for the most part. I am sick of living in a world where it feels like I am the only one who cares.
What's worse is Mike doesn't even want to understand. I feel totally fucking alone. I should probably be used to that by now... since it's just about all i've felt for the last 10 years.
3 wishful thinkers |
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2010 21 June :: 5.19pm
the entire time i have a woman, i'm bitching about her. (okay not really, but sometimes)
the minute i'm alone, i want one.
oh, the paradox that is me.
i suppose i'd have to stop hanging out with old people all the time to actually meet someone my age. but where's the fun in that?
4 wishful thinkers |
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2010 21 June :: 9.23am
I'm on the pursuit of happiness <3
Mike starts his new job today. And I am wishing I could have stayed in MI for at least another week.
Oh yeah... and wake up sex rocks! lol
worst intentions
2010 15 June :: 9.37am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Train- "If It's Love"
I finally finished the first draft of my writing sample for graduate school. It's titled _Sister, Where Art Thou?_ and is a combination of feminist criticism, feminist theory, and historical christian texts. Basically, it investigates the question of why there are so few women writers and why, when women writers do first prominently appear in literary circles in the nineteenth century, they were faced with the fracturing of their "womanly" personality and their "authorial" personality. The great thing about it is that I'm sure I can expand on it and perhaps it might be a direction for my eventual thesis.
I purchased a tae-bo dvd yesterday with the intention of attempting it this morning. I've managed to stay at the same weight since my surgery and even bought a new bathing suit yesterday-a size 12. It's definitely odd to eat, be full, and not feel like I'm going to puke. I find myself being a lot less crazy about food and it's definitely a MUCH healthier relationship. I eat what I want, when I want-but I don't eat if I'm not hungry, and I still can't eat that much because of my stomach size. I'm okay with that, though. I can eat a hotdog (with bun) or almost all of fajita size taco in one sitting. It's wonderful!
I'm editing a novel for pay this week. It's going well, and is probably something I would consider doing freelance during graduate school if I can find the work.
A Year Passes
Beyond the porcelain fence of the pleasure garden,
I hear the frogs in the blue-green ricefields;
But the sword-shaped moon
Has cut my heart in two.
-Amy Lowell, March 1917
worst intentions
2010 13 June :: 11.20pm
somedays i think i am cursed to always be alone... might as well start getting used to my own company
worst intentions
2010 12 June :: 3.42am
Who you are can be better.
worst intentions
2010 26 May :: 10.28pm
i hate that mike isn't working normal hours. i hate not being able to know when the heck he'll be home...
worst intentions
2010 26 May :: 10.47pm
"A small controversy has risen, after a report that President Obama would not be attending a traditional Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Instead, Obama will spend the holiday with his family in Chicago.
Traditionally, presidents would lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. Some conservative groups are angered by the move.
"Obama will however make it back to Washington in time next week to honor Paul McCartney, who has sacrificed so much for the freedoms we enjoy," seethes conservative commenter Michelle Malkin."
Another great move by the President.
7 wishful thinkers |
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2010 24 May :: 10.46pm
I am two and a half weeks post surgery and I am doing very well. I've been eating solid foods for about a week and haven't had many problems with my reflux. I climbed a flight of stairs today without feeling like I was going to throw up.
This evening I had dinner with some Brothers and ate asparagus, stuffed chicken breast, stuffed zucchini, and creamy pesto pasta. I still can't eat much because they used part of my stomach for the wrap, but it was so wonderful to eat until I was full without feeling sick!
Summer classes are in full swing and I am enjoying my summer. Back to work tomorrow, unfortunately.
1 wishful thinker |
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2010 20 May :: 6.37pm
Knowing how fragile mortality is and then if not completely disregarding it.
worst intentions
2010 20 May :: 1.53pm
sometimes life makes me feel like we will always be stuck between a rock and a hard place. thankfully things somewhat pan out. and thank God that our land lord is willing to work with us and can understand how life happens.
a long weekend of work and weddings in MI is coming up.
worst intentions
2010 18 May :: 11.24am
wtf, mate
been feeling really weird and detached the past couple of days. not sure why. been more sober than usual (though still not completely) so maybe that's part of it. also, my dear seester is gonna be sixteen in a couple days. makes me feel fucking old.
also also, still no job. sucks ducks, man. need a job. handyman scheduled me for like 2 hours on friday this week. awesome. there's 10 dollars that i'll see in two weeks. fucking bullshit.
just not feeling very enthused about much of anything in general. would like to be excited about something - anything - soon, very soon.
4 wishful thinkers |
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2010 18 May :: 9.35am
almost done with school for the semester... thank god. and it seems funny to me how many people are now photographers that I know. at least we all have our own niche, which makes me not as bothered by it.
This week shall be filled with cleaning and rearranging... then off to MI for Garrett and Amanda's wedding. I need to find a job like asap, but right now i feel way too sleepy to even think about what i have to do for my exam in 30 mins.
everything will pan out... i have to believe that much.
worst intentions
2010 14 May :: 1.28pm
i'm quite amused by the way that people lie to make others feel better after a breakup. Ah well, perhaps in the end we shall find that the truth always comes out... but i'm not going to be the bitch to ruin everyones day!
although i am very amused!
worst intentions
2010 13 May :: 9.51am
He's Captain America, not Captain Government.

7 wishful thinkers |
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2010 12 May :: 8.25pm
the interviewee today didnt show i'm still looking good and it was over hear the boss was really thinking about hireing me!
worst intentions
2010 11 May :: 10.05pm
i need glasses. gr. i just cant afford them. its bugging me.
1 wishful thinker |
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2010 11 May :: 1.43pm
had an interview for the shipping department today at borisch went really good should hear back in about a week or less..
9 wishful thinkers |
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2010 7 May :: 3.13am
Spoiler Alert: Tony Stark finds the Green Lantern's crossbow in New Mexico at the end of Iron Man 2.
13 wishful thinkers |
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2010 6 May :: 10.23pm
We might not make it to finals, let alone Monday, but that was one hell of a game.
I love the Red Wings.
1 wishful thinker |
worst intentions
2010 28 April :: 10.10am
:: Mood: indifferent
The end of the semester is nearing and I am ready for it. These next few weeks are going to be a flurry of activity.
I just finished my last French Oral Exam about forty minutes ago. I am actually sad that I'm not continuing on in French, but I don't have the time. It seems like a waste that I'm just stopping after all the work I've put in over the past two years, but I need to keep going. If I just stopped to work on whatever tickled my fancy, I'd never leave college.
I have to meet with my academic advisor in a few hours to have him sign a modification of my major. I just need him to okay a few switch arounds so that I can graduate. When you sign your major they make you pick what electives you want which is dumb because when you're a sophomore you don't even know what you like and what classes will be offered that fit into your schedule.
I have class at two and three-thirty and get to present a paper on The Role of First Lady shaping policies and attitudes in the United States. After that, I have a review for Ancient Literature and a close reading paper to turn in.
I have a review session for Social, Liberalism, and Fascism at 8pm to finish up a study guide.
Tomorrow, I get to go to the Office of Student Life at 9am to find out if I am in the top ten for CMU Homecoming Ambassador for next fall. Then, it's off to the final Kappa Kappa Psi meeting of the year to finish up elections and install new officers. Finally, I have an interview at the Writing Center at 5:30pm.
Next week I have four exams and the my surgery on Thursday for my acid reflux. I guess I feel a bit indifferent toward the surgery. I've been living like this for so long that I don't really want to get my hopes up. The surgery does work in most cases, but there is a chance it won't. At least it will be a chance for me to relax during my 23 hour hold and get some intravenous pain medication.
Then, in just three weeks, my summer classes start. It's hard to feel excited about the end of the semester when I'm not really going to have a chance to relax; BUT, I would rather be taking summer classes than working at Meijer forty hours a week killing my soul.
Whatever may come, may come.
Whatever will be, will be.
I will keep going, I will survive,
Because all I have is me.
worst intentions
2010 27 April :: 5.19pm
i need to go do something. that way, i'll have something to write about when i come back.
because, even if i embellish it, my day to day life is pretty bland most of the time.
4 wishful thinkers |
worst intentions
2010 24 April :: 1.31pm
:: Mood: mellow
o rly?
i did a thing! new journal stylez for the elite blogging community that is woohu. look at all the pretty colors.
4 wishful thinkers |
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2010 21 April :: 12.00am
Iron Man Deuce on IMAX at midnight premiere
worst intentions
2010 19 April :: 7.37am
Look what I found
2 wishful thinkers |
worst intentions
2010 18 April :: 2.41am
someone get me 8 grand so I can buy this
Read more..
6 wishful thinkers |
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