when we met.. the angels whispered perfect >>>Welcome to my page<<<

I lOove mUh BAbEe'z!! I LOVE NICK'S MY LIL SISTER KAYLA BOYD SO F'N MUCH!!! <3333 I LUHV SARAH ELIZABETH ANGELL !! Sarah, Jill, Court, Marissa, Steve, JAY, Steph, Jamie, Tyler, Carissa, Daniela, Shannon, Matt, Kevin, Daniel, Kimmy, Daniela, Lindsy, Kaela, Evan, Adam, Alex, Amanda, Markus, Mark, Brock, Ryan, TJ, Ashley, Cassanda, Chelsea, Danielle, Chris, Geoff, James, Jeremy, Justin, Roo, Michelle, Leighanne, Kayla n sOo many more.. i luhv yOu guys sOo much !! I LOVE NICK!!!! if my ship should sail from your sight It does not mean our journey ends, It only means the river bends. I think about your face And how I fall into your eyes The outline that I trace Around the one that I call mine So I close my eyes Let the whole thing pass me by I'll run away with you, by my side Love at this age is nothing but sex, sweet talk, and compulsive obsession your the reason i breath i lOove yOou sOo much jillane elizabeth dahms I LOVE MY LIL SISSY CHELSEA!! pick me up now, i need you so bad.. Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, And live life eachday as if it were your last. break the ones y0u thought y0u loved..when i went d0wn .. all i th0ught to say is hello i will see y0u in hell t0nyte -->im all yourz babii t0nyte --> iLl be y0ur *naughty gurl* i l0ove t0 l0ove y0u babii *

I l0ve
y0u nich0las

i lOve y0u!



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:: 2004 16 February :: 7.23pm
:: Mood: _HaPpY_

hey yall, sorry i havnt been updating!!! this weekend was REALLY fun.. friday lacey came over and we went to the movies where we met up with bailey, andrew, his friends, kayla goldman, her friends, malike, damion, keishla, matt, alexa, keishla's friend, criag, and prolly sum more ppl. then on saturday me and lacey went to emily's b day party and went to the movies AGAIN and saw 50 first dates, great movie. then on sunday i went to sarasota where my cuzins all spent the nite and we had A LOT of fun!!! then this afternoon me and my grandma went to get a louis vuitton purse, a lv wallet thingy and a prada purse and a gucci purse for my mom... very sexy! lol. i went to the nursing home to c my great gramma... shes doing great. sure she doesnt remember me and i know ur thinking "who could forget???" lol. then my dad met me there a took me home and well... here i am... talkin to calli.. her and chris r going out... and im fine with that b/c i hav andrew!! lol.... hey ima go!! i love every one!!!!

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 14 February :: 5.19pm



britts chels megs n my baby ali jean!! Have a wonderful v day!! i luv you all soo fuckin much!!

ali jean i luv you..ur my valentine!! and the best one at that!!

Britts ur my second valetine but you mean jus as much i luv you all!! latah babes!!

2 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 13 February :: 7.49pm

no one wanted to hang out with me tonight.
no one.
me and emily have been planning her birthday party since like forever. we were gonna have a joint bday party n we wrote everyone we were inviting in her planner. i was so happy =] than i heard she was havin one by herself n tiki was helpin her with everything.. so i was like ok whatever.. i wanna help to .. not only did i not get to help

i wasnt invited.

but i was okay cuz i was gonna go to the movies with jay. i asked my mom bout it n than jay is like screamin no dont go. so im sittin here. friday night. alone. i havnt seen anyone since monday.

and tomarrow is valentines day, ha.

6 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 13 February :: 2.29pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: one call away --chingy!!

Wow today was rather eventful!!

i got 7 valentines special special ppl except for the one from steve sayin he wanted me back and he still lvoes me..BULLSHIT!! heh =)

yeah neways..oh wow great news everyone!! Sidnee won representing queen for our freshmen class!!! yayayay were soo friggin happy!! And then shadell got it for sophmore!! Dats soo friggin awesome im soo glad!! =)

But yeah..nothing too big to write bout!! Me and britts are doing great!! i luv that girl soo fuckin much!! Britts your the best thing thats ever happened to me i fuckin luv you!! =)

BlOw BuBbLeZ : i will call you squisssssssshy
BlOw BuBbLeZ : and you shall be miiiiiiiiiiiiine
BlOw BuBbLeZ : nd u shall be my squisssssssshy

^^haha aint she da cutest thing!!

BlOw BuBbLeZ : why not somewhere u can get married homosexually:-P

BlOw BuBbLeZ : that i love yer guts n forever we shall be together :-)
BlOw BuBbLeZ : in a non sexual way so dont get yer hopes up
xSwEetoXoKiSseSx: oh dammit!!
BlOw BuBbLeZ : lol sorry i kinda led you onn :-P

^^And you wonder why i luv this gurl soo much!! awwe hehe!! babes i luv you soo fuckin much!!

well dats enough for now..latah everyone!! =)

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 13 February :: 1.00pm

yOur nOt what i thOught youde be ..
so everything is lookin good?
*feelin better
*3-day weekend
*kevin called last night <3.
*jill isnt pregnet *tank tha easter bunny ! *

i gueSs thats it...
wanna bet it all turns around?

yOur sO muCh mOre *

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 13 February :: 9.24am
:: Mood: happy

Awwe everyone luved thier lil presents i got em for v day!! Im soo happy!! =)

Me n duffey, *sidnee* were just talkin buot britt...haha it was interestin conversation. And den she said she was *PRETTY* cuz she saw pix of her dat i put in my agenda..

haha steve is going out wit Tuesday..FUCKIN GROSS!! I was walkin in da hall earlier and yeah i walked past him and i was already tardy so he came up to me and tried to give me a hug but cassie ran up to me jus in time and saved me and gave me a nice hug!! lol

Neways i jus wanted to say happy v day to my valentine ali jean!! I luv you soo fuckin much babes!! Cant wait to read ur letter i luv you and hope to talk to you soon babes!! Have a great v day!!


Im soo happy n hyper riten ow..cept ive gotta go to all my classes today for once cuz mrs arkison aint here dammit..oh wells..lit comp is next..yay..NOT!! oh well me n brittney will have some fun there!!

well i better get going..luv you all lots!! latah everyone!!

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 12 February :: 10.02pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: yeah--lil jon n usher

Time to update this!!
Wow aint nota whole lot happening around here really jus sittin here at larrys, had to get outta my house for abit, and get v day stuff for 2marrow..yayay wat i got for everyone is soo cute!! =)

2marrow is an early release day, good thing too cuz i couuldnt take another day of skool!! Whew too much for me right now!! Cant handle all of this!!

Awwe my baby gurl ali jean sent me a letter, which i sould get like 2marro, maybe 2 day, i unno im hoping, and she *says* shes sendin 2 more 2marro hah =p Awwe 2 more days till v day!!

Your all i need, my luv, my valentine

Babes your the best person ever, thanks for bein there through all this preganet shit *which im NOT!!* and all of this steve shit, your the best i luv you!!

Oh gosh you too britts n chelsie!! Your the best, i could seriously not live without you. ANd chels ya know wat i was jus thinking, ya now how we said we'd try to get together every month at least once..hah i saw you da day after me and steve started going out ='( but yeah nov 22nd its been too long babes, i miss you and think we sould get together!! luv you both tons!!

Omg ya know who i aint talked to lizzo..kathryn, awwe, dat sucks!! i miss her tons!!..awwe!! Somebody tell her dat i said hey n dati luv her.

well dats enough for now..buot to leave anyway..luv you all..byes!!

<33 Jilly!!

1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 12 February :: 8.17am
:: Mood: sick

i tryD tO change
saturday was pretty much perfect

[ sarah'z partey ]
soo many people were there..
we were outside most the time, me lindsey B mariSsa n steven tipped over a porta potty =] n we all jumped on this guys tramoline without permission lmao ! than we played lyk spin the bottle n shit mmhmm -n- watched findin nemo !! =] yay ! than we tried goin 2 sleEp - in the garage on tha flOor.. not the most confortable place.. it was sOo hott ! n than it would get really cold - we were up all night talkin n laughin though - finally round 7 me n steve went on the coach n i fell asleep in his armz =] n than at 7: 15 marissa n steven came in and woke us up .. lol.. than they kept us up and at 8 sarah's mom made us all get up


me n lindseys list !
1. kill a duck
2. get permission
3. jump on a tramoline -check
4. tip a portapotty -check
5. have sex on a trampoline
6. sharpen our brainz
7. dO a latin dance
8. be a spy -check

is that it?

ive been sick since tuesday mornin =[
1o3 fever + my throat hurts x 10


but i changeD my minD

3 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 10 February :: 5.08pm
:: Mood: _GOoD DaY_

have you ever been in love so bad that you would do anything?...
i have
hey yall itz me!!! sry i havnt updated latley but before u get on my case u need to get on kristis.. SHE'S the one that needs to update. lol. anywayz.. mia is over, eatin pringles n drinkin beer [[root]] lol. we're engaged... sorry bailey but it just didnt work out. i got/found her a nice wavy silver lookin thing... [[cubic zircona]] lol just playin. no diamonds. mark broke his leg in two places. blu cast and i got to sign it. the marlins [my team] beat the giants [bailey's team] 14 to 2.. and i got baileys pop fly to center... HOORAY!!!
okey dokey well i'll update more when i feel like it.
and some one special[[mia]][[lol j/p]]

cant handle this


:: 2004 9 February :: 10.42am

Dude omg, steve and i just broke up before this class, and already hes like flirting wif every gurl and hes like all happy n shit..

I told him about wat happened wif my mom and wanted to know wat he wanted to do wif our relationship and everything and yeah i told him dat i wouldnt be able to see him barely and den we both went to our 1st hours and den yeah he came back after 1st hour and yeah den he told me dat i could give his shit back, and then yeah i said i would, and den he said dat we could still be friends and everything, and den he was like well maybe when things work out wif your mom den we can start talkin again..BULLSHIT!!

omfg i wanna die, hes da only guy ive ever felt something about, and yeah i know that you all this yeah well you'll get back together, but this time it was more like talkin on da phone every more sittin togetherin the morning, no more kisses before class, no more riot together, NO MORE ANYTHING!!

i hate this, im sittin here bawling in the middle of class, i havent done anything in this class yet and its almost over..

and den nicole invited me to her baby shower and gave me this cute lil invation and everything and i prolly wont be able to go, and i really wanna surport her, 14 years old havin a kid she needs all she can get..

my mom is pickin me up early to go da shelter and to go to counsling and den da police station..i fuckin hate her..she told me to break up wif steve too but i siad i wouldnt..i wanna die!!

but i lu vyou all of you and hope to hear from you sometime..i luv you soo fuckin much!!

ex you ali jean brittany chelsie megan stacey al of you omg i all of you..i lu vyou ='(

<33 Jilly!!

4 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 7 February :: 7.36pm






1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 7 February :: 1.10pm
:: Mood: tired

Friday = great.
walked home w/ stephanie. doors locked. no one home. walked to her aunts. aunt left, when to her grammas. went to the movies.. saw lotza people there =] [ finally mOvin on ]met marks friend nick =] had sooo much funnn ! went back tpO stephs.. today is sarah*z partey .. yay


1 alone | cant handle this


:: 2004 5 February :: 7.10pm
:: Mood: _I LovE mY fRIeNdS!_

i hav to say that i have the BEST friends in the world... their there for me, they care for me. they're just all round great!!
i love you guyz so much!!!

[[kayla's journal---shootinstarz]]
i dont think ive ever been truly worried about one of my friends except for kristi with all of the shit she had been going through. sure i've been worried about rachel with her boyfriends and stuff, because sometimes i worry she's rushing into things, but now that she's with cameron i am truly happy for her. but kayla... she's a diff'rent story. she met this kid named chris in august in school. he had broken up with his girlfriend CALLI a month later, and called kayla hott. right from the get go the two hit it off, but never actually hit it off. they started talking, than kayla's best friend bailey was talking to him, and everything was perrrrfect. but as soon as kayla tripped over the line that separates like from love, she fell in a huge lake of love for him. just like yelena, daisy, and calli did... not to mention all the other girls and well, ever since she's been drowning, when calli's like sitting up there walking on water if that makes any sense and i have to give kayla credit for swimming her hardest to get that guy, but she hasn't gotten him. for example, last weekend she was supposed to go on a damn date with him and he went to see bitch calli, cough cough, excuse me. therefore, kayla's self-esteem probably hit rock-bottom. i just want him to see her on an actual date, no kissing involved, no pressure, no nothing, just him to open the door for her, and give her a hug good-bye... like boyfriends are supposed to do. and all along she's felt pity for chris because of the way he felt for calli, just like i feel pity for KAYLA because of the way she feels for chris. so really it's a never-ending cycle, and even if calli killed a family member, or destroyed chris's life he's always going to fall for her, day after day. little things like the scent of her hair, the way she blinks, and how cute she looks when she laughs... thats what kayla notices in chris... and im stealing a line from WADWTH... well, kayla probably even knows how many smiles he has... and that is just love. calli doesnt know chris's favorite band, color, or fuck... she probably doesnt even know his bday..!! speaking of, calli just IMed me... ill probably post any good shit on this. if there's none, i wont. you know what really upsets me...

is that calli herself says that she could care less for chris, and she probably could. well i got her spitting out the juice so ill post that later..

if you want to read what i have to say about jamie vuitton go to her journal at and hit the people that have posted comments... and see what a bitch i can be. besides, that girl best be knowing not to talk to me

you know you love me
[[ i love you so much!!]]
bailey, rach, kris, heather, kayla, lacey, meghan, ashley, devin,hillary, brittany, kathryn, robert, craig, colleen, emily, matt, mark, MIA, mia c., chelsea, kayla v, j, and everyone else who's been there for me... i am SO thankful to have friends like you good friends come around like once in a lifetime... friendship is just a word, but you guyz give it a meaning...
I loVE YOu


cant handle this


:: 2004 1 February :: 4.47am
:: Mood: _HaPpY_

superbowl sunday
party at my house tongiht... BIG party... superbowl party=drunk people unable to drive home. lol
last nite i spent the nite at baileyz and woke up by bailey jumping on me at about 1o:3o
i had to leave at 11:15 for softball at 12:3o... fun. i played second base today and had a lot of fun doing it. i definetley put my sliders to good use!! lol. i got home and took a shower while my mom was going on a cleaning frenzy because of the party...
FREDDY=bad dreams. JASON=black or white? [[lol. bailey]]
last nite bailey and i watched freddy vs. jason... it was kinda corny on some parts, but otherwise it was scurry. she also rented darkness falls but we both already saw it so we didnt bother.
anywayz i gotta sell candy bars for softball so if ne one is in a chocolate' mood hollA at me. got plenty.
i'll swing by my ankles, she'll cling to your knees as you hang by your nose from a high-up trapeze. but just one thing please as we float through the breeze. DONT SNEEZE.
lol from where the sidewalk ends
i finaly got woohu to work!!! yay.. bailey has been wishing on the wrong star [[poor lil thing]] lol. right b?? u'll find somebody [[nahte]] lol... nah im not pressuring you. wink wink... hez kinda obsessed.
we had vball awards on friday.. ima miss my frend fransico. lol. and katelyn. i dont know what to say, besides "thanks for the number!!!" "smoooooooch" lol. although jenn didnt make it jess got a plaque [[as well as jenn]] for being such awesome coaches. in the beginning we were ok.... they made us great. thank you guyz so much!!!!
kristi u need to update chica!!!!! luv ya!
ima hollA
I lOVe YoU

kayla g.---- simplycomplexed
bailey------ bugga3
kristi-------- obsessed
heather---- heather90


cant handle this


:: 2004 1 February :: 4.47pm
:: Mood: moody
:: Music: my mom puking--FUCKIN EWWIE!!

Wow i aint really wrote in here for a few days or i jus thought that i would write in here..

I miss woohu, its soo friggin easy to use!! Livejournal is all like confusing and everything, but its still really kool because like alot of my friends from like skool and everything have it, but i still really miss woohu..cuz even tho there is alot of ppl from skool on livejournal, they dont have my homebase ppl like britt chels n megs livejournal yesh, sucks!! Without you 3 anything sucks!! =)

Me and brittany are doing good, me and chelsie are going really good, *thanks babes* and then me and megs, well shes mad at me i guess..=/ ill have to fix that shit..

And then me and steve are okay i guess, hes kinda mad cuz ryan stayed the night last nite, but were gonna talk latah, im surposed to be going to the mall wif him and josh and cassie, but yeah, im not sure if i want to because the reason were goin is cuzt ehre is this teen pregancy thingy gonig on there and we all wanted to check it out, but yeah i dont know if i wanna go yet..*still no news on all of that shit* =/ kinda scared..

Oh wells, neways i really dont have all that much to say so ima go..luvy ou all byes!!=)

3 alone | cant handle this | Random Journal