Tonight I'm leaving all my worries and my problems in the house
I'm going out with my homies and we gonna let it, gonna let it
All hang out, let it all hang out
It's the last day of the weekend, boy I need to release
And let it all hang out, let it all hang out
I'm going out with my homies and we gonna let it all hang out


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We gonna hit the town tonight, we were born to rock

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:: 2006 4 April :: 10.18pm
:: Mood: anxious

I am so nervous
Hair is being cut tomorrow.

3 wrote! | write


:: 2006 4 April :: 9.23pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Smoothie King - Bowling For Soup

So things didn't end up the way I planned but...I didn't really plan anything so I'm assuming it's okay, or something...? But I'm rooting for things to end up the way I'd like them to end up *thumbs up*

I called Mindy. She's sleeping in a convertable in a parking lot. lol. wtf? She's so weird. I miss her a whole lot though. my last weekend/this week/this weekend suck without her...

So a bazillion people quit Burger King, so they called John and he has an interview tomorrow! =) YAY! I'm so excited! He's one of my bestest friends ever! We're going to have so much fun! yay...

I wish Jessica would get home and call me. I really need to know if she's going with me to the mall tomorrow or not...cause I really dont want to go by myself and yeah, that would suck the big one. eww...

Welp, Ima thinkin' I'm done...BYE! =) have an awesomely magnificent night all!!

2 wrote! | write


:: 2006 4 April :: 10.52am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Love Is Rare - Morcheeba

errg...this is going to be the shittiest spring break ever... mom is being a bitch. my dad left for kalamazoo. I have to go golfing in like an hour. my computer is being gay for some odd reason. people are dumb. i have to work everyday this week. I really hope i get sunday off. But like a bagillion people quit so I highly doubt it. I have a Tummy ache. My brother is getting married to his ugly bitch girlfriend that I hate and he still hasnt told me. And I just wish that my sister would have Adulf Lusifer already so things could start looking up.

We should have just picked a better week to have spring break....

I want to do something fun...

I cant wait till tomorrow though!

I love you Jessica!! =)


1 wrote | write


:: 2006 3 April :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: bummed...
:: Music: daughters - John Mayer

anyone wanna go to the mall with me on wednesday? =( I'd just hate to go buy a dress buy myself...

3 wrote! | write


:: 2006 3 April :: 9.07pm
:: Music: I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - MCR

errg...I dont know what I should do about this little "situation" I'm in. Maybe I'll just let things go and if anything happens it will happen and if nothing happens I wont let it get to me. I'm done with getting too attached and then getting hurt all over again. I'm just going to live for me for now on and if someone wants to join in then that's cool. As long as they aren't suicidal, emo nemo, or crazy then they are cool in my book. lol. And as long as they dont say "I Love You" or at least wait more than 2 months to say it. God...Mike was a fucked up bastard. I'm glad he's gone. I'm really glad that he hasnt called me or anything in a little over a month or so. I like it. It's nice....

welp I think I shall give Mindy a ring pretty soon. Make sure she's doing good cause I love the shit out of her. (

well....I'm off! Ta Ta Kiddies...! =)

7 wrote! | write


:: 2006 3 April :: 5.23pm

I'm in Florida. Were at the Library getting directions to Wet n Wild and Crypress Gardens. Were leaving for Cypress Gardens tommorrow. I hope everyone is having a good spring break.

2 wrote! | write


:: 2006 3 April :: 2.18pm

You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).

Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

amazing how buddism and even islam and hindu came before! but that sounds just about right i would say...



:: 2006 3 April :: 1.49pm

it really annoys me when my best friends all get together and hang out and they dont invite me. really really seriously pisses me off. and then they talk about it to me. wtf?! what the hell am i? yesterday's stew?! and me and ash both get out of work at 8 it's not like they arent inviting me because i'm busy anyways or anything. erg! that's one of the things that i hate most, when i'm not invited. even if i know i dont want to go somewhere everyone else is going, it's still nice to have that invitation there for just incase ya know? or maybe i'm just a cry baby or something, i dont know. i just dont like being left out of the group, makes me feel like crap. and it's stinky crap at that.

*emo sigh*

this contest thing keeps sending me stuff telling me that they like my poem and i dont even remember signing up for it. and now they are telling me they want to turn it into some dumb pop song. it isnt even that good of a poem i mean i've written way better than that one. it's stupid. and then they want me to pay 50 dollars just to get the cd. i've desided noone is putting my poems in and books are songs unless i'm getting paid. i were the pants in this relationship...biotch!

welp, no golf today due to the rain and snow (wtf? it's suppose to be spring break not shitty break?) so i had to go babysit my niece and nephew (Madison and Chase) while my sister Holly went to the doctors for them to check on the baby that's going to be here any day now (Adulf Lusifer is his name lol) i cant wait until that little shit demon comes out! i'm so excited! =)

welp, i have to work today from 4-8...i dont want to, but it must be done. i really need the money.

i think i'm going to go get my hair done next week. maybe like monday or something. maybe mindy can schedule an appointment for me at the carreer center. i hear it's only like ten bucks there so that kinda rocks! i need a new color or something. somethings gotta change for me. change is good every once and a while.

and suddenly my hand is bleeding and i dont know what i did? hmm...what can ya do eh?

errg...i wish someone would want to hang out with me. some inperticular...oh well...once again, what can ya do?

later gaterz...$$!



:: 2006 2 April :: 5.17pm

Sundays are nice. Even when it rains.

I like the smell of rain. I think it's cool.

It's weird, sometimes rain makes me depressed and sometimes it just relaxes me.

Right now, I am relaxed.

I got paid today

I'm thinking that I am going prom dress shopping on Wednesday with Sonia. It was her last day at work today. Makes me kinda sad cause I love that girl to peices. She's a sweetheart.

I need to mooch money off of my folks.

And I need to get my hair done...I'm kinda sick of it.

I think I want either a yellow dress or a lime green one. But I really really REALLY want a pocka dot

and a date too at that =(


3 wrote! | write


:: 2006 2 April :: 4.14pm

Why is it people feel the need to freak out on you when they don't get their food in minus 30 seconds? Beats me. Anyway, my wallet is nice and fat, I can't even close it anymore, no kidding. Its a wonderful feeling I tell you what. I guess this job is really taking its toll on me too. I just weighed myself out of curiosity, and apparently I've lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Whoa. The last time I lost that much was during my surgery when I couldn't eat anything. Then I gained it all back, and was back where I started (125) and now its gone again. Yay for muscles! lol.

Oh, and I forgot to mention something about yesterday at work. Remember I talked about that fight I saw? Well theres this really big girl in the group that looks like she has waaaay too much testosterone in her system who is pretty much doing all the fighting. Well, I saw her again last night. And guess what she was doing? Yep, she was fighting, this time she was coming in the door. Getting started early I guess. Oh well, serves for nice entertainment.

7 wrote! | write


:: 2006 2 April :: 3.51am

Oh my GAWD! I am so angry! Just got home from work like 20 mins ago, and I have to go back in at 10. Im debating if I should even sleep. I probably should though, Im glad I have Mon and Tues off. anyway, thats not what I'm angry about. Im angry cuz it was like, 10 mins to close, everything is going slow, so we start cleaning stuff up so we could get out faster, then all of a sudden theres this mad rush for food when we're supposed to close, and our manager won't let us close because we were so busy. Whats worse, it was only two trainees that were there, me and Amy's sister who was hired about the same time as me. So were trying to do all this stuff, we both wanted to strangle someone, mainly Sherry,(our manager who made us go longer) UGH!!!!!

Still waiting for more takers for HIM! It would be nice to have like a small group go =) Even if you're not like a super huge fan of HIM. Come on, its like a freaking road trip! plus a concert!! Thats like F-U-N to the max man!

2 wrote! | write


:: 2006 1 April :: 10.42pm
:: Mood: tired and bored
:: Music: joyride

well, my mother seems to think that i'm grounded over spring break but i dont remember discussing this...? i think it's funny when they think they have some kind of control over me. they are never home and they never know where i am and one time i come home at 1 in the morning and all the sudden they are parents again...they kinda annoy me. i cant wait to leave. sometimes i really wish they'd do one stupid thing to screw up so i could move in with Janis or something cause i'm sick of them. but i guess i'm just a teenager or something.

i work all week. tomorrow from 8-4 and then everyday 4-8 until friday and saturday i work 4-10. kinda sucks but i'll get alot of money.

i need to get a prom dress this week. i think i get paid tomorrow so that should be helpful. maybe i can talk my parents into giving me atleast 50 bucks or something. cause that would be nice. lol. they are stupid about things sometimes. i wonder if i'm going to cedar's prom or not. i dont know if i should. i have a band compitition the next morning but i can probably go to that half dead so no big deal. i'll get that day off just incase.

i miss mindy already. early this week i was looking forward to being with her anouther weekend but then i remembered that she wasnt going to be here..=( poo...I hope she gets me something cool though!=) I asked for a unicorn but i dont think she's going to try too hard to find one. she's a lazy ass like that sometimes when it comes to me i guess. she just thinks i'm not too reasonable about somethings but i just think she's a silly poo poo head. lol. but i love her. and i miss her like a buttload!

i think i have a bladder infection...=( i need to go to the doctors

wow..i thought i lost this but i didnt. phew. <--this makes me and john laugh. lol. you gotta love that kid...

yeah but seriously, if anyone wants to do something just call me cause i really dont have a life so that'd be cool if you helped me have one or something. lol. bye gangsters!!

7 wrote! | write


:: 2006 1 April :: 11.42am

damn...I think I spoke too soon...




:: 2006 1 April :: 1.09am

call me for fun! now bitches! guys are weird...

bowling tonight was fun. i got kinda bored with it though. i just got home. no one cares's weird. i dont know...maybe they just dont care what i'm doing. if i'm off selling my body for crack or robbing a chinese resturant. i dont know...they just dont care. oh well. i have to work tomorrow from 2 - 10 and then sunday from 8-4 damn...ugh..i dont know...i just dont. i want to have fun over break but yeah...i do. yeah. lol. i'm not making much sense right now but you know what i mean. well i mean you probably dont but oh well. fuck off!


2 wrote! | write


:: 2006 31 March :: 11.02pm
:: Music: James Blunt


Who wants to come see HIM with me in Chicago on the 17th of May @ the Congress Theatre?!??!!

12 wrote! | write


:: 2006 31 March :: 5.50pm

go back to whore island where you came from....bitch!

6 wrote! | write


:: 2006 30 March :: 9.46pm
:: Music: john mayer - only heart

so today was uneventful. i wanted to leave all day long cause i was soo tired and i didnt feel good. but yeah...mindy is leaving tomorrow...=( i dont know what to do with my weekend now. everyone else (my school) is going to my friend joel's birthday party but i dont really want to go cause his dad makes me feel uncomfortable. makes me feel like i'm going to hell and i dont like that feeling. so yeah...i probably wont be going to that one. so yeah...anyone want to hang out, give me a call or something i suppose and if not...oh well i suppose.

i need to go golfing soon...



7 wrote! | write | Random Journal