2004 23 May :: 10.10 am
:: Mood: broken....
:: Music: movie--- bubble boy:.'.
y do I even bother?
well there was a bat in our house
so we spent all day n night locked
in my moms room.. it came flyin at
me n I was scared I ran upstairs n
into my moms room... we cant find
it still... ahhhhhhh!Im scared it like
watchin me or something n I dont
like it at all.... ewwwwwwwwww!!
n yeah... after so much.. I realized
that I dont have a heart n e more
theres nothing to me ='(
any `one* thought? |
2004 22 May :: 11.24 am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: let me turn on the radio- drift away
it's cold n rainy.. I wanna go n play!!
awww! I sound like a lil kid
but as the quote says
"whoever said sunshine brings happiness
has never danced in the rain"
I mean have u ever tried it?
its fun shit!!! n jumping in puddles
lol n then it gets so cold... that ur pool feels
sooooooooo warm... cuhz its like 40' hotter
n its verry fun!!!!!!
but if I did I'd just get sicker.... so.. yeah
I'm not gunna try it
any `one* thought? |
2004 22 May :: 7.19 am
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: what she likes
another dream crushed!, I just dont get it!
why is it that nothing ever
goes you'r way
expecially when you want it to?
Maybe I should just give up!
any `one* thought? |
2004 22 May :: 12.32 am
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: where's the love?
- too hyper n sore to sleep-
have you ever gotten that funny feeling whenever
you think of someone? well this time it's different....
for some reason this time it's more special
I can't explain it, it just is, and it feels so good, so right
any `one* thought? |
2004 21 May :: 10.29 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: free for all
he's some kind of wonderful
sick today
really bad
couldnt go to bh
n I fell down the stairs
oh Leah if u see this
well cuhz I no u used to look
o idm dont worry
but I have a quote i think u'd like
cuhz I no u like cute quotes
n it seems like one ud have
Jillane i love u
more then anything ever!
your my babii girl
best friends always
we will get through it all
cuhz we got eachother
i love u so much
i'd b nothign w.o u
any `one* thought? |
2004 21 May :: 7.55 pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: oooh babii babii its a wild world... it's hard to get by just apon a smile
since I started liking him again.. I always have a smile on my face.. n thats something for me =) =D
*I don't know what it is about him*
-but I do know that-
He's some kind of wonderful
xoxo <3 xoxo
- much lovin-
Ali Jean
2 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 19 May :: 7.59 pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: Dr. Pepper comercial =P
new look?
how does it look?
is the concept cute?
I have a better icon for it
it says:
I dont think we're in kansas n e more
but its on my other comp
once I get it on here
I will change that n the colors
then it wont look so plain
so just wait a lil
Jilly I love u
ur my best friend ever
n for always no matter wut
we wll always have eachother
I love you so so much
n you know it
well will update later I guess
hardly n e 1 looks at this n e ways
xo xo <3 xo xo
- much lovin-
~*> Ali Jean <*~
3 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 17 May :: 7.24 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: uhm.. none?
take this
Answer it. Please.
Am I cute?:
Am I crazy?:
Am I loveable?:
Am I funny?:
Am I fun to hang out with?:
Am I a good person?:
Miss me if I was gone?:
Listen to my problems?:
Hug me if I cried?:
Consider me a good friend?:
Ever go out with me?:
Kiss me?:
Have sex with me?:
Give me a new name, what would it be and why?:
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?:
Comment on my clothes/style, what would you say?:
What do you love about me?:
What do you hate about me?:
What is my best quality?:
If you could change one thing about me what would it be?:
What is your honest opinion of me?:
BehindxBlueEyezx: Am I cute?: yes but not in a sexual way lol
Am I crazy?: yes but in a good way!!
Am I loveable?: yes but in a non sexual way lol
Am I funny?: yes
Am I fun to hang out with?:hell yeah!
Am I a good person?:YES!
Auto response from SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: gone to lunch then shopping for tak tops,tube tops, n short shorts for summer;-):-D
loookie at my journal www.woohu.com/~tiptoeinthedark its really cute.. too look at past entries just click that button:-P
leave some to make me feel better:-*
or you could call me n brighten my day *hint* PLEASE!!!!!
i wish y0u
[ l i k e d ]
me like I
[ like -y0u ]
BehindxBlueEyezx: WOULD YOU...
Miss me if I was gone?:yes id cry!!! :-(
Listen to my problems?: Yes
Hug me if I cried?: Yes
Consider me a good friend?:Yes
Ever go out with me?:umm no.... lol
Kiss me?:no lol
Have sex with me?: no lol
BehindxBlueEyezx: IF YOU COULD...
Give me a new name, what would it be and why?: I like ur name i couldnt think of anything else to name u cuz u look like an Ali
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?: Always remember you will find a great guy cuz ur a great girl!
Comment on my clothes/style, what would you say?: their so cuuute!
What do you love about me?:That you are always there for me and always listen and dont judge me
What do you hate about me?: nothing that i can think of
What is my best quality?: Your a great friend and listen!
If you could change one thing about me what would it be?: to make 10,000 ali's jk jk i wouldnt change anything about you!
What is your honest opinion of me?: you r awesome!!
BehindxBlueEyezx: there i did that thing for u:-D
TheDarkKnight322: Am I cute?: very cute
Am I crazy?:lol sometimes O:-)
Am I loveable?:yepers
Am I funny?:haha yep
Am I fun to hang out with?:your the best to hang with
Am I a good person?:nope... your a great person
TheDarkKnight322: WOULD YOU...
Miss me if I was gone?:to much =( please never be gone
Listen to my problems?:of course
Hug me if I cried?:yes
Consider me a good friend?:the bestest friend
Ever go out with me?:nothing against you hun but i wuv my alium as a friend =)
Kiss me?:as a friend on the cheek yep =) any other kiss of mine is for bri =P
Have sex with me?:nope sowwie
TheDarkKnight322: IF YOU COULD...
Give me a new name, what would it be and why?:I like your name =)
Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?:stop going for the wrong guys =( and stay in there
Comment on my clothes/style, what would you say?:sexy ;-)
What do you love about me?:What dont i wuv about my alium
What do you hate about me?:You let people hurt you *cough*cole*cough*
What is my best quality?:being your self
If you could change one thing about me what would it be?:Nothing at all.. well i take that back id want you happy all the time if that counts as a change
What is your honest opinion of me?:Your a good person and even greater of a friend... The bestest
TheDarkKnight322: there you go hun
1 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 13 May :: 9.07 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: I hate everything about you y do I love you
~ finally got sum closure.. I hate him!!!
everytime we lied awake
after every hit we took
every feeling that I got
but I havnt missed u yet
everyroom we kept awake
by all the silent screams we made
every feeling that I got
but I havnt missed u yet
only when I start to think about it...
I hate EVERYTHING about you...
WHY do I LOVE you...
the s t r o n g e s t person
you see all day
...may be the one...
who c r i e s themself
to sleep at night
iim a str0nq qirL' wh0 keeps mii shyt iin
line'even wif tears streamiinq d0wn mii
face'i styll manaqe t0 say [( i'm * fiine )]
this isn't a perfect world
`people do get hurt
you smile when you feel like crying
you act like your alright-
-meanwhile your fallin apart inside
_you let it go_you move on_
because there is nothin else you can do
*For once I *w i s h* one of my wishes would come [t r u e]..Then maybe my l.i.f.e wouldn't seem so ((b a d.))*
some things really are worth waiting for
yOu can*t g0 thrOugh life pushing things
aside that really matter. there*s g0ing tO
be times that are harder than 0thers `&
instead Of being naive t0 the fact that
they wOn*t change unless y0u change
them, yOu push me away - never really
facing the matter at all....
ThEy SaY tHeRe iS a ReAsOn, ThEy SaY tHaT TiMe WiLL hEaL, bUt NeiThEr TimE NoR rEaSoN cAn ChAnGe ThE wAy I fEeL. nO oNe KnOwS tHe HeArTaChE ThAt HiDeS bEhiNd My SmiLe, No OnE kNoWs HoW mAnY tiMeS iVe BrOkEn DoWn AnD cRiEd. I wAnT tO tELL u SoMeThiNg So ThErE wOnT bE aNy DoUbT, yOuRe So WoNdErFuL tO tHiNk Of BuT sO hArD tO LiVe WiThOuT-
Everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I make believe that you are here
It's the only way I see clear
What have I done
you seem to move on easy :'(
*.tHeRe R tHiNgZ YoU DoNT WaNT 2 HaPPeN.* *.bUt YoU GoTTa eXCePT iT.* *.tHeRe R tHiNgZ YoU DoNT WaNT 2 KnOw.* *.bUt YoU HaVe 2 LeaRN.* *.& tHeRe R PeOpLe YoU CaNT LiVe WiTHoUt.* *.BuT YoU HaVe To LeT Go.*
Why cant I just get over you. Why do these feelings have to be true! Why do I have to care about you.. Why can't I just forget all the cute things you do. I wish these answeres I could see. I wish I could just forget about you like you forgot about me.
*.LiKiNg hIm iS hArD tO foRgEt.*
*.LoVinG hIm iLL nEvEr rEgReT.*
*.LoSinG hiM bRoKe mY hEaRt.*
*.SaD tO sAy mY wOrLD fELL aPaRt.*
*.I guEsS iTs tImE tO hOLd mY HeaD uP hIGn.*
*.BLiNk bAcK tHe tEaRs, AnD sAy gOoDbYe.*
I'm convincing myself, yes I'll find some1 new, I won't be alone, & I won't be w/you .. You're waiting 4me,2crawl back to ur side but no..not this time, I'm keeping my pride .. So goodbye 4ever, I'll be on my way, It's gonna take time, but I'll be okay
This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart ,I'm gonna be strong & not fall apart .. It'll get better, I'll no longer cry.. In a couple of weeks, I wont want 2 die, I won't want 2 go back, I'll be able 2 sleep, It won't hurt so bad, & it won't feel so deep
I'vE lEaRnEd THaT gOoD-bYeS wIlL aLwAyS hUrT, pIcTuReS nEvEr RePlAcE hAvInG bEeN tHeRe, MeMoRiEs... GoOd Or BaD... wIlL aLwAyS bRiNg TeArS, aNd WoRdS cAn NeVeR rEpLaCe FeElInGs!
iLL bE sMiLiNg wHen i SeE yOu
ThE TeArZ wOnT eVeR sHoW
i kNoW iLL aLwAyZ LoVe YOu
AnD yEt uLL nEvEr knO
T R U E - L O V E
I used to believe it existed,
but when you've had your heart torn
and thrown on the floor,
You just don't care anymore
Happily ever after.
That's how they want you to think it will be
but its not. Not at all in reality.
The deaths, the tears,
the fears,
the falls,
through it all we still go on.
The broken hearts,
the cheating friends,
so much pain that never ends.
The fake smiles that seem to make everything ok, but not for you
because you know the pain won't go away.
Bright and cheery,
but oh so weary,
because inside your heart is breaking in two.
U'll Never Know How Much Some1 Means 2 U Until That Some1 Is No Longer There
In This Weird Way,
I Know You'll Miss Me,
Not Because I Want To Believe It's True,
But Because You'll Never Find A Girl That Will Put Up With U,
Like I Did.
You'll Never Find A Girl Who Will Care As Much,
As I Did.
Because No One Will Waste All Their Love On Someone Like You,
Like I Did.
Beware of the players,
they'll steal your heart;
and they wont even
give it back once
its all torn apart.
Don't let them suck
you into their game;
Cause once you lose,
your never the same.
*EvEn ThO ivE BeEn HuRt i rEmAiN
[ s T r O n G ]*
mE hAvE rEgReTs?
uR dEaD [w r 0 n g]
CuZ yOu GoTtA take [c h a n c e s]
*uR wHoLe LiFe LoNg*
*..Everything happens 4 a reason..*
*..The Hard Part Is..*
*..Findin out wut the reason is..*
: if you can't get someone oFf ur
minD . . cHanCes are - tHey aRe
suPpOsEd to Be tHere « ` * -
I used to smile when I told
people you were mine
Now I can't even smile
and say your name at the same time
You don't love me
You don't care
You don't think about me
Whenever I'm not there
You don't know that you hurt me
With all the things you do
But for some strange reason
I'm still in love with you
SuMtyMz tHiNgS HaPpEn & wE dUn UnDaStAnD wHy
sUmTyMz tHiNgS HaPpEn & wE CAnT HeLp BuT CrY
BuT wEn YoU FeEL u CaNt PuT uP WiT iT aNy LoNgA
-JuSs HoLd OnN-
_CuZ BeLieVe Me_
--WuT dOnT KiLL u MaKeZ u StRoNgEr--
Tell him that I don't love him & that I
don't need him anymore, tell him that
I don't miss him & that I don't want
to see him at all, *but* most of all. .
[ d o n t ] tell him I said all this with
tears in my eyes :'( and that..
there just all lies :'(
*I DuNNo WhEtHeR tO*
*HaTe HiM fOr WhO hE iZ*
* LoVe HiM fOr WhO hE wAs*
*oR bE sAd cUz hE cHaNGeD*
1 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 4 May :: 8.32 pm
:: Music: d-12 my band
o wow... I miss...
thought I was gunna say Cole? haha NO!!!!!!
I miss my Jillane!!!!!
Im going to W.V thursday...
so I wont getta talk to her 4 ever
+ she is never on ne more ='(
come back sooooooon
leave a comment I miss you!!!!
with Jillane I can get through n e thing
she helps me get over guys
n I really need her for this 1!! lol
love u baby girl
best friends forver!!!!!!
3 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 4 May :: 8.32 pm
:: Music: d-12 my band
o wow... I miss...
thought I was gunna say Cole? haha NO!!!!!!
I miss my Jillane!!!!!
Im going to W.V thursday...
so I wont getta talk to her 4 ever
+ she is never on ne more ='(
come back sooooooon
leave a comment I miss you!!!!
with Jillane I can get through n e thing
she helps me get over guys
n I really need her for this 1!! lol
love u baby girl
best friends forver!!!!!!
any `one* thought? |
2004 2 May :: 5.20 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: get out
wow... so...
hmmmm... so I got kciked out
then me n my bf got in a fight
then we made up
thne I broke up with him cuz he cheated again
well grinded at hid prom
I stll dun like it
n I call it cheating but he doesnt
but whatever... its over
n now hes calling me a stupid bitch
I didnt do n e thing
hes the one that hurt me
so obviously he never cared
never loved me if he is gunna say shit like that
so yeah..; byes
3 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 23 April :: 10.16 am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: the reason- its always on haha
what a great wake-up =D
I love waking up in the mornings
I always have a text message that wakes me up
from my babi boi... saying he loves me
he's the best ever.. I love him so much
Jillane... through thick n thin... always together babes
Ima never leave u n I hope u dun leave me
we will get through this stuff.. cuz we got eacother
Please come now
I think I'm falling
Im holding on to all I think is safe
It seems I've found the road to no where
And i'm trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I'm down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say...
Hold me now
I'm 6 feet from the edge
And I'm thinkin
Maybe 6 feet ain't so far down
«3 °º *i juSt wAnt t0 fall int0 y0ur
arMs whEn n0thingz g0in My wAy
& i wAnt y0u t00 h0ld mE..& tell me
evErythingz g0nna Be O k «3 °º *
In your life you'll meet one guy unlike any other. You can talk to him & neva get bored..tell him everything & neva be judged...smile and get butterflies everytime you see his face...hear his name or his voice. This person is a best friend, boyfriend, & a true love!
2 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 18 April :: 6.16 pm
:: Mood: HAPPY AS CAN BE/ tired
:: Music: when im alone with you I feel like im home again
O0OoH =D thats the best beginning to vaca
OMG what a great start to vaca.
I went to Cole's last night and stayed the night
we stayed up allllll night long.. it was great
just in eachothers arms.. god I love him so much...
hes on his way home now
they just dropped me off... I miss him ='(
hopefully I'll see him later this vaca.
1 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 13 April :: 6.23 pm
:: Music: lyrics
read the 1 below thats todays 2
I will never find another lover sweeter than you, sweeter than you
I will never find another lover more precious than you, more precious than you
Girl You are Close to me you're like my mother,
Close to me you're like my father,
Close to me you're like my sister,
Close to me you're like my brother
You are the only one my everything and for you this song I sing
All my life I pray for someone like you
I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I pray for someone like you
I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do, love me too
Said I promised to never fall in love with a stranger,
You're all I'm thinking of I praise the Lord above,
For sending me your love, I cherish every hug,
All my life, I pray for someone like you,
I thank God that I, that I finally found you
All my life I pray for someone like you
I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do, love me
You're all that I've ever known, your smile on your face, all I see is a glow,
You turned my life around, You picked me up when I was down,
You're all that I've ever known, when you smile your face glows,
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I've ever known, when you smile your face glows,
You picked me up when I was down & I hope that you feel the same way too,
Yes I pray that you do love me too
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Cause I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing
any `one* thought? |
2004 13 April :: 6.12 pm
:: Music: the reason- hubasank, this love =D- maroon 5
hehe Jillane's back =D so happy
hope to talk to her soon!!!!
I looooooove u Jillane
her friend Britty... her best friend
keeps using the same icon as me hehe
first my if I did one thing right in my life...
it was giving my heart to you
n now this one.. when we met the
angels whispered perfect
well I think she gets them from me
cuz she has em after I get em
but I dont mind at all... just notice it
I think it's cute tho! maybe I have good taste
hehe but they r about my baby boi
I looooove him so so much!
wow today was funny
caitlyn got her hand stuck in the soda machine
my poptarts got stuck so I had to buy 2
to get them out n no 1 would eat the others
we where singin this band for the cafeteria haha
I fell down..that was great
my sister told me to commit suicide.. nice
yesterday anabelle (my pony) n my horse semi chased me
hey that was my apple.. n I already gave them
there own... y do they need mine 2?
I was eating it
n stella (my puppy) bit my ass n tackled me
n steppecd on my blanketn I fell
n precious (my cat) atacked it
n wow its been interesting
n o yeah I just got shocked in the ass
witht he fence
n I drove my chevelle yesterday
wow haha
im hyper
*'.:'.* ali Jean *.':'.*
1 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 11 April :: 9.21 am
:: Music: Beyonce knowles - naughty girl
what ever happened to the good ol days
when everything was so cheery and
there where lil easter baskets on the table
when we woke up n easter egg hunts?
wtf is this world coming too?
I went to York yesterday
I didnt get to see my bf tho
that fuckin sucked
but ya no thats how my life is
he is sick and all his family is
down there and he wanted to see
them, expecially his bro who is
back from college so I understand
all these ppl do stuff with there family's
for easter but we dont.. y family is dumb
they all live in W.V n e ways
gawd.. sumtimes I wish I didnt live here
I don't have many friends up here to hang
out with, all my friends live in York
well they used to .. still do but we
arnt friends any more because of
things they heard... sum true
but not the one about what I said about
them cuz I didnt but w/e they can believe
whoever they want cuz they rnt good friends
n e ways if they do that.. gawd
eh.. my bf doesnt like em n e ways so I dont
n e more cuz they've turned into pricks
so it's all good I will just be on my love's side
works out ok in the end I suppose...
hmmmmmmmm.. well I guess I'ma end it here
thanks alot for the call Jade.. didn't wanna know
but whatever shit happens
I mean u knew that about me so I guess its
all good right? haha yeah least I wont tell
everyone like you did... that was fuckin shitty
now everyone knows but it isnt a big deal
so what the fuck ever they can get over it!!
1 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |
2004 8 April :: 5.23 pm
:: Music: ads haha
green light
How should you proceed?
Your score: 8
8 to 12 "Green Light"
If you scored in the 8 to 12 range, your relationship is probably in good or even great shape at this time, but remember that relationships don't stand still. In the next 12 months, you'll either have a stronger, happier relationship, or you could head in the other direction. Think of it like this: You are traveling along and hit a green light. There is no need to stop, but it is probably a great time to work on making your relationship all it can be.
^^^^^^ omg! thats not the first time I had the green light;-)
imadawl2006: hold onto me. john michael montgomreyI wanna wake up each morning
With you for the rest of my life
I wanna feel your heart beating
And just get lost in your eyes
You can tell me your secrets
You can let me feel your pain
You can show me your weakness
And never be ashamed
Hold on to me when your world's turnin' cold
When it feels like your life's spinnin' out of control
You're hopin', prayin', tryin' so hard to believe
Hold on to me when there's no middle ground
And every emotion is comin' unwound
And you don't know if you can hold on to your dreams
Baby you can hold on to me
I wanna lay down each evenin'
With you right here by my side
I wanna get drunk on your laughter
And wipe all the tears when you cry
You can scare me with your darkness
You can blind me with your light
Throw your worries out the window baby
On your wildest night
Hold on to me when your world's turnin' cold
When it feels like your life's spinnin' out of control
You're hopin', prayin', tryin' so hard to believe
Hold on to me when there's no middle ground
And every emotion is comin' unwound
And you don't know if you can hold on to your dreams
Baby you can hold on to me
Hold on to me when there's no middle ground
And every emotion is comin' unwound
And you don't know if you can hold on to your dreams
Baby you can hold on I said
Baby you can hold on I said
Baby you can hold on to me
imadawl2006: a song
imadawl2006: lol
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: awwwww's :-)
imadawl2006: :-D
imadawl2006: i saw your away message
imadawl2006: lol
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: its cuuuuuuuuuute!
imadawl2006: :-D thankies
imadawl2006: when you say nothing at all. alison kraouss
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I feel when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best.. When you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear people talking outloud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best.. When you say nothing at all
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best.. When you say nothing at all...
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best.. When you say nothing at all...
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: awwwww!
imadawl2006: lol
imadawl2006: i have good sappy songs :-D :-D
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: omg! they have a website for all love songs
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: theres millions
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: hahaha
imadawl2006: lol
imadawl2006: what is it?
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: http://www.links2love.com/love_lyrics.htm
imadawl2006: lol
imadawl2006: nnnicew
imadawl2006: nnnice*
SwEeTaZsUgAkIsEz: yeah
imadawl2006: Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it's only right
To think about the girl you love and hold her tight
So happy together
If I should call you up, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease my mind
Imagine how the world could be, so very fine
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
I can't see me lovin' nobody but you
For all my life
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue
For all my life
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba
Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
So happy together
How is the weather
So happy together
We're happy together
So happy together
Happy together
So happy together
So happy together (ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba)
any `one* thought? |
2004 8 April :: 3.13 pm
:: Mood: still figity
:: Music: Hilary Duff- coming clean
awww's lookie at my egg =P

any `one* thought? |
2004 7 April :: 9.16 pm
:: Mood: figity =P
:: Music: kc n jojo all my life
shooby dooby?
im so fuckin figity
way too hyper n wired
Im never gunna go to sleep
so yeah I am talkin to my Joshie white =D
he is my bnest friend thats a guy
he is the best friend that I could ever have
along with Jillane
and my bf is my friend too n he is just
very extremely wonderful to me
Josh is trying to find a prom date
too bad Bri boo cant go.. he loves her =)
I wonder who he will end up goign with =P
tehe n e how...
yeah today was intersting
all my nails fell off but 1 n I couldnt get it off
n we where counting how many times
our science teacher said sperm
jeezuz it was well over 100
everything in that class is realted to sex hah!
its wicked funny... like today
the naked seeds lol.. n the gymnosperm
haha they r in the gym naked workin there sperm
lol that was great
n u cant forget the time that girl said
orgasm.. inism.. lol (organism)
that was hillarious
she got so red in the face lol
well yeah.. just annother boring day
school sucks ass so fuckin bad
ahhhhhhhg my siste is driving me nuts
shes such a bitch
I wish I could move out lol
I am leaving for the summer =)
it wil be great hehehe
well yeah I guess this hyper chica will be goign now
love *my friends n love* you guys lots!
any `one* thought? |
2004 6 April :: 9.05 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: I really wanna make u mine- on the countdown
ok ya no what? me n my bf's relationship
isnt n e of n e 1's buisness but ours
so stay the fuck out of it
n stop jumping to conclusions to what you
see put in my journal, I mean jeez
if u rnt one of my friends there is no reason for
you to view my life cuz u dont know n e thing
that I am talking about unless ur a friend
n stop IMing me n my bf n saying shit
n trying to get me mad at him cuz it dont work
n it wont work at all!
stop calling me names because ur calling me
what you really are n thats dumb
whew fake sn's with rude profiles
thats so immature
get it throught ur head
me n Cole love eachother
u r all just jealouse or mad about it
n it doesnt concern you... there is no reason
u should care about our relationship
stop making us the center of ur worlds
just accept it n move on
you ppl r so immature n dumb it isnt even funny
you really dont get n e where with this...
u just our love stronger...
Cole I love you baby thanks for everythign you have done for me and loving me n making me feel better your the best baby n I love you!!!!!!!
any `one* thought? |
2004 6 April :: 3.37 pm
:: Music: Alicia Keys- if I aint got you
this is cute n true
Your the first thing I think of each morning
when I rise, your the last thing I think of
each night when I close my eyes, ur in each
thought I have and every breath I take, My
feelings are growing stronger with every
move I make I want to prove I love you but
thats the hardest part so, Im givin all I have
to give...to you i give my heart
I have given him my heart
and he takes it with care
n I think I've proved I love him
so we r all good :-P
some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you
If I ain't got you with me baby
Nothing in this whole wide world don't mean a thing
If I ain't got you with me baby
any `one* thought? |
2004 6 April :: 2.07 pm
:: Music: Alicia keys - if it aint you baby
everything means nothing unless its with you baby
yeah in DTP again
haha this class sucks but ya no
its fuckin slack as hell haha!
it's pretty great...
I'm just online all th time..
talking to ppl
n most of our assignments r just things
in the paint programs so they r fun n all
she gives us like 3 weeks to do 1
but I get it done in a day.. while talking to ppl
it's pretty funny lol
well I miss my babi alot
I'm probubly gunna see him this weekend
that will be great *wink* lol =)
I love him so so much!
he is so very sweet to me!
ppl just dont understand
maybe he isnt nice to them but he is to me
and that is all that counts
well will write later
<3 much love <3
xoxo Ali Jean xoxo
any `one* thought? |
2004 5 April :: 10.16 am
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: my head throbbing =/
O0OoH =/ I dont feel so well
well im sick as hell
its just peachy
I think ima throw up
least no school =P
thats always a +
I will write later
xoxo much lovin xoxo
Ali Jean
any `one* thought? |
2004 4 April :: 10.15 am
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: countdown
whew! I love that boi
omg! I saw my baby last night
I love him so much.. we where hanging out
from about 5:30- 11:00 p.m it was great
he loves me alot I can tell n I dont care what
other ppl have to say.. such as
*cough*dirty ugly whores *cough*
he is so great to me u dont even know
I love him so much! its great
and Im glad that we did that cuz I dunno
it just completes it.. he is the best
be kept telling me how beautiful I was
I dont think im beautiful but he does
I think Im o.k... I just love him so so so much!
we r so in love <333333 it's so great!
any `one* thought? |
2004 1 April :: 2.17 pm
:: Music: have a lil faith in me!
oOoOoh Ali Jean is slackin =/
sorry that I havnt writen in a while..
havnt really thought bout it much
well me n Cole r O.K now... I called him
the other night n appologized cuz
I have been being a major bitch to him
I mean wht he did was wrong
n I have the right to be mad
but I took it a lil far, everytime
he would call me we would fight
n I called him. almost n tears n said that
I was very very sorry.. he was doing his
homework for once like a good boy =)
and I said I would let him go but he said no
that he liked talkin to me =)
yeha so I got home from York and my
friends IM'd me and where like
that Leah girl had an away message up
about you saying you where ugly
and that she wouldnt take cole back
cuz he's dirty and he lies
n all my friends IM'd her bitching at her
wow she is so immature I mean I hadnt
talked to her in 10 days n she goes n puts
up an away message about me
I maen she is fucking ugly n looks like a man
n she says im ugly.. im deffinetly NOT
expecially compared to her hoe ass
well gtg .. will write latah
xoxoxo ali jean
I love my baby Cole <33333333333
any `one* thought? |
2004 25 March :: 8.48 pm
:: Music: shooby dooby.. me
take this n IM me it
I think Ali Jean is__________.
Ali Jean is my____________.
I______________ Ali Jean.
Ali Jean reminds me of___________.
Best thing about Ali Jean is_____________.
Memories of Ali Jean are__________.
Without Ali Jean I would_________.
Ali Jean can be__________.
When I am with/talking to Ali Jean I am_______________.
hehe luv u
I got it from chelz =D
any `one* thought? |
2004 23 March :: 8.32 pm
:: Music: blue crush song- cool summer
I'm so excited
well my baby called me last night... n we talked.. den he went to class... then he called me n I was in bed dreamin bout him.. it was a pleasant suprise if u ask me =D
well thats not wut I am excited bout... that did excite me tho
n e ways.. I gained weight.. I used to be WAY too skinny... n now I am just right ... my tummy is so cute... n I dont have fat on my leg's n e more... n my boobs got bigger.. I look alot better.. i am so happy LOL... yeah like u wanted to know O=) but thats okay
today was O.K
there trying to get more metal in my FUCKERS it aint gunna happen.. I'll kick em in the balls first
tip: never take ur cell phone in the bathroom with you.. with the intention of picking it up if it rings while your in the shower... u might find urself on the floor ass naked O=)... and watch ur step getting back in.. u just might fall again =/
that was interesting
any `one* thought? |
2004 22 March :: 7.08 pm
:: Mood: restless
:: Music: with you
okay yeah so I love him
everytime I talk to him I just give in
he didnt call cuz he got in a fight with his dad =/ so he couldnt
he told me Leah is just lying about it all
I dunno wut to believe
but Im not gunna break up with him
I am gunna try n work this out
I love him so so so much!
grrrblez =P
yeah so if she ever IM's me again I'm gunna be pissed off to all hell
and she is probubly readign this cuz she wants to know the details of my life so she can try n get him back
aint gunna work BITCH!
well anyways lol yeah.......
dotn answer that I know ur just gunna bitch =/
any `one* thought? |
2004 22 March :: 3.36 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: case of the ex
fav song n tru for this sitch
mya case of the ex
It's after midnight
And she's on your phone
Saying come over
Cause she's all alone
I could tell it was your ex
By your tone
Why is she calling now
After so long
Now what is that she wants
Tell me what is that she needs
Did she hear about the brand new Benz
That you just bought for me
Cause y'all didn't have no kids
Didn't shared no mutual friends
And you told me that she turned trick
When y'all broke up in 96
What'cha gonna do
When you can't say no
When her feelings start to show
Boy I really need to know
And how you gonna act
How you gonna handle that
What'cha gonna do when she wants you back
There's no need to
Reminisce about the past
Obviously cause that BITCH did not last
I know how a woman will try to game you
So don't get caught up
Because baby you'll lose
[Hook 4xs]
Tell me why she on the phone
In the middle of the night
Tell me why she in your life
Trying to get what's mine
She don't know me
She's about to know me
I'm in your life
That's how its gonna be
I've seen the broke ho
She ain't even all that
So if you want her back
You can take her back
^^^ lol so true
I have see a pic of her n she is ugly
yes Leah I no u read my journal!!!!
n I think your ugly... *my bad*
yeah anyways.. =/
I was singing that song n realized it was true for my sitch
2 ` gave their oppinion |
any `one* thought? |