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:: 2005 30 January :: 1.31 am

man... I think I'm trippin out.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2005 18 January :: 9.31 pm

So I had one of these moments yesterday... sitting there filtering through the Northfold Manor in the Arathi Highlands for Syndicate Highwaymen. Not quite an astute revelation, more of a paradoxical contemplation if you will.

I'm sure everyone has these at about this time in their life. You know, the stereotypical moment. The one where you ask yourself, what the hell are you going to do with your life. It was one of those. However, it's beyond the deciding portion of the journey, I've now moved on to the eagerness.

There is no word to describe my sickness of this place. By this place, I do not mean the people, or even really the town, I mean the whole country. The culture, to me it seems almost barbaric. I'm so incredibly fascinated by other cultures that I'm about This ---> | | close to jumping the gun and applying for the study abroad program right now. However, I know in my mind I'm not ready for this.

This is a problem I have, I think in a broad sense too much. I'm thinking too far ahead.


I've also come to the conclusion that I will most likely never marry anyone from this country. As horribly cliche as it be, I've decided the women here are too, how you say, full of shit. This may be partially drawn from the fact that none of the women I truly attempt to attain will date me, but it's more that in america, there is a skewed image of fun. Fun to the average girl of my age and within the age of 26:

A) Get drunk
B) Act like a whore
C) Pretend to be too pretty for her own good
D) Find a hot muscly football player to attempt to
concieve children with, followed by conception
that reveals the football player is infact fucking
her in the ass

That, however, is only one type, theres the other type. I'd like to refer to these as the untouchables. They're the egomaniacal power christians who you can't even talk to without feeling like you've sinned and are not worthy of the presence of a "real" christian. That's about 80% of the population right there, leaving us with about 20%.

Also, think me not a loser, for the only way I know about these archtypes is through experience... except for the whole ass fucking thing...

so this other 20% splits in half. One being what I will kindly refer to as the gimmick girls. This means that they will only talk to men who have a gimmick, whether it be with that they're in a band, they're state champion something, they deal crack, they're gay, etc...

the last 10% is dived into two simple categories 5% being the friends, and the other five being the datable percentile.

Half of that being cut away by my own inabilities to cope with different personalities, usually resulting in a theorem.

I haven't been anywhere in america, but the media tells me that all women are slutty and don't want anything to do with me, so I'm just going to suppose that all women in america are the same.

II. Celebration
Now back to my origional point. I've always felt that in other cultures, even the ones similar to our own, Their ideals of fun are different. I'm sure there's the exception, but for the most part I've found it to be true through exchange students, of my age and of my brothers age, and others. But other cultures aren't afraid to have fun in a mature way, while still keeping it fun.

For example ( taken for testimonies of foreigners, half the reason I find this so appealing):

A night in america:
Get drunk, fuck dancing (nothing wrong with it, but some people, correction, most people, get too carried away with it and it just ends up being dry humping), stumble home, pass out

A night anywhere else:
drink a little, dance, have a good time, talk to friends ( no nagging or bragging, just talking ) , drink a little more, dance some more, sing, have a good time, drink a little more, end it all by about 6 in the mourning and not be plastered.

Now don't get me wrong. My obsession for foreign culture is not merely derived from women and parties, those are about 20%. These countries are all so old and filled with knowledge and history. We, as americans, whether liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, often forget our own history. The capitalism and the darwinism has become what our culture is all about.

III. Culture

Culture to me is food, celebration, music, and family... In america, the general consensus is Burgers, Christmasly ( Lovingly filled with K-mart Comercials for those "last minute gift ideas), Britney Spears, and divorce. No offense intended for those who have had parents split up, love last minute gift shopping, britney spears, and favorite food is a nice cheesburger, but to me this is our stereotype. We could atleast with upon ourselves a good stereotype. I mean, everyone has a stereotype. some may have it worse but that's pretty bad to me. The british have David Beckham, fish and chips, The Beatles, and not so many divorces. They're kickin our ass in the stereotype competition.

This all really, is just my own ranting on how I feel my life should be. If you don't know, I want to go into translation and interpretation, ironically enough international business. God knows how I'm going to get into any of these, but I hope to do it.

Well, for a final end to this nonsensical compelation of thoughts, I want to get out of this country, and unlike most people who just complain about how stupid we are, I actually plan on leaving....

10 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2005 18 January :: 9.28 pm

maybe I'll go to the gym so I don't get fat... aren't things more easy with a tight six pack?

6 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2005 10 January :: 8.52 pm

Afterschool Morons... part II
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7 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2005 8 January :: 1.43 pm

My pen is a pistola...

12 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 31 December :: 12.15 pm

I'm 18 bitches...

12 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 28 December :: 1.44 pm

So me and Jayzulla got into this argument with two guys named drifter (nick) and rheborn (mike). Two beautiful people if you ask me.( go to and check the crew profiles on the left menu bar, drifter is under truggy).

Mike does these genius internet comics that make so much sense. Like who can forget this classic:

oh, and don't forget this one:

ANd then there's mikes serious side, becasue we know what a tortured soul he is (take note of his old english, the grammar is incredible):

Part I:

and as if they needed it Part II:

as you can see this guy is a tortured artist, and a true genius. Incase you didn't know also, they are incredible arguers, always bringing up their valid points. However, they don't seem to want to... tell us their valid points, but they like to tell about how they have valid points. now I was reading through this awesome material when I noticed this comic depicting my friend and yours, Kelly Edly, being run over by a car:

This inspired me to give it a go with comics, and I think I finally found out why these guys are like they are:

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6 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 25 December :: 12.25 pm

I just realized my woohu is purple...

when the fuck did I make it purple?

5 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 20 December :: 12.32 pm

all I have to say is, WoW

8 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 16 December :: 5.11 pm

I got two turn tables and a microphooonnneee

7 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 9 December :: 9.06 pm

One day... I'm going to be the best at something...

5 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 10 November :: 9.56 pm

To A large group of people, A wide variety of creed
The True Fall of American Society:

I, in light of the past days event, find it necessary to explain what I've seen, in a calm and proper manner. So if you will, bear with me and read. You may find it humorous. The sights and sounds of the following descriptions of events, and the analyzation of these events, all converge to form a sort of, experiment, if you will.

About four or five months ago, I began to associate with Group X (X for the purpose of fast typing). If X were a country, the list of war crimes and criminal offenses among the citizens would be too great. I came into X very neutral. Only a few people I associated with. A few people in group X were people I've despised for quite some time, whether petty reasons or insignificant grudges, no one knows, no one cares, but these enemies that I had, soon became friends and close aquaintances. At first, the feeling of immense elation consumed me. Almost too much was this overwhelming feeling of comfort and, joy, stability may be used to describe it. Everything seemed to be balanced.

Now call me blind if you will, but there was an underlying theme that I missed at first. It seemed unreasonable at first, but I started noticing not the love that everyone shared for eachother, but the exact opposite. A fire that consumed everything.

The bonds between these people, whether pretended for the avoidance of awkwardness, or the fact that they feel they almost HAVE to have a bond, were loose, almost non-existant. It was almost a hate bond. Hatred cannot be fully be removed, but has a half life and it slowly dwindles away to near nothingness. When alone with people, I began to hear stories. Sometimes groups of people. In one instance Person A, B, C, D and E were telling me a story about another person. Peron E left to get a drink, and the entire circle scrunched together and began telling a story about that person. The words, so harsh, unbelievable to me.

I've concluded that this is how it was easy. Before, I had trouble making friends, I was shy, I never talked very loud and I was always uncertain. I met a few people, became less shy, talked more, and now comes them. With some of Group X it was so easy to form a relationship. I thought that at first the people were just really nice, but, although some may not except the fact and others may nod their head in agreeance, the fact is, The bond these people share are so miniscule and filled with resentment and hatred that it's easy to enter. People expected me everyday to be there, they always say hi, they hug, etc... This is all because their own bonds are so broken. Lets face it, Group X hates eachother. There are few if any gentle bones between these people

Now, Group X, is supposed to be the group people can go to. The nice ones, the ones you can talk to to escape the social darwinism of the world, a system I myself gave up on. But... it was the same. The same mannerisms, the same actions, the same language. Everything fit into the same pattern. The only difference was... well, it was worse. Everything was taken down to the same as me when i was 9 years old.

Heres the catch, and where I admit my own wrongs. After a few months of this, I began to notice myself, acting the same way. I was saying things about people I didn't know well enough, to say anything about. For about a month these behaviors took over me. I know of the usual struggle between friends, but this was ridiculous. The worst part about it, was when I would say things, Everybody would egg me on. Cheering for me. And the catch? These people then would go to the other person and tell them what I had said. I began to get paranoid. I was worried about people talking about me the same way they did of everyone else. It seemed to me that, in the order of things, There is something wrong that must be touched on, and , therefore, they would find this thing in me and use it against me. And people were not secretive. No, they would hold it out in the open.

Luckily I caught myself one night, I was silent for a time, almost puzzled at myself, the same way I was puzzled with them. I began to think about this. The situations these people put themselves into. For the most part, these situations are trivial. Who said what to who, who made out with who, and who fucked who, will never matter in the working world. I'd be suprised if half of them even knew OF a working world, or had any sort of plan as to what they were going to do after highschool. These people would not be useful in a "real world". The leader of a company will not care about who fucked who, and who made out with who, unless ofcourse it concerns his own wife.

And while love is a many splendid thing, these people rush to it. Suppose it is a thing that grows on trees and happens at a young age. I myself have not felt love, and I'm sure none of these people have felt the genuine effects. Only the cheap , store brand kind that you get for 70% off on sale. What's worse about these situations is they are made by the people themselves, but they act as though some mysterious force came from the heavens and smote there relationship with a mighty blow that caused the split. Think logically, there must have been something wrong. And everybody has loved everybody else in Group X, it's one bizzarre love polygon. In the end, ofcourse, everyone is the victim. No one is ever wrong.

So these people, the same ones who complain of social darwinism, and claim that capitalism ( A definition which half could not state without a dictionary ) and cooperations are the end of society as we know it. The ones that, jump into things and then victimize themselves, These "non-comformists", These "Nice" people, are inturn, or will be if it is so to happen, the Fall of American Society.

And if your convinced that I'm talking about you, but you deny what I say, think about it this way. You ARE! Look me in the eyes and tell me that you will never say a harsh word without saying the equivalent of the statement to that persons face. Tell me that you don't harbor harsh feelings about some people, and be honest, and yet talk to them everyday as if they are your best friend. IF you can answer these two questions, among the many more you should be able to answer, and you are free of this theorem.

Maybe the lesson you should pull from my words is kindness. If there is no way for you to be kind to someone, leave the situation, don't talk to them, it only causes more problems. Or how about this, just be nice.

All you want is sympathy, it's your energy. When people don't feel simpathetic to your supposed problem, then you shut down until someone answers to you cries. You people are shameless, and pathetic...

and I thought I was bad...

12 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 17 October :: 11.00 am



1 - on the way to kelly's house to pick them up for homecoming dinner

2 - on the way home

4 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 14 October :: 5.46 pm

turning onto alpine, and I look and theres a guy in a bee suit... this freaked me out enough. Then, he started doing the Robot. I turn my head for a second and look again and he's gone.

11 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2004 10 October :: 1.01 pm

aristotle was a bastard.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me | Random Journal