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I love YOU , coordinated ladies!

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:: 2003 4 May :: 10.07 pm

So the weekend was kind of wierd. I worked alot. Lot's of wierd stuff happened. I don't really know though, I wasn't involved really with any of it. Well, I was, but eh. Dusty's all talking about starting a different band, AKA Sitting his lazy ass on a couch. Oh well, good luck. Then all this, blah, I'm taking a shower

5 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 30 April :: 9.13 pm

I need someone to hold. But unfortunatly, well, let's just say, I've fucked up.

6 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 29 April :: 7.15 pm

so all this wierd stuff happened over the weekend, and I'm still not getting my story straight, but I think I have an idea. People get dragged in and I'm trying to stay out of it, but I'm sure I'm slowly going to be dragged into the drama. I have my own personal dramas to work with right now. Oh well, all I can do is lend my moral support which may not add up to much, but hey. Bye.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 23 April :: 5.16 pm

one day things won't be so complicated, one day. oye...

5 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 23 April :: 9.06 am

So I'm watching this old video from Christmas of 1991 (because my parents filmed these things). Don't know why I watched it but it just caught my eye and I decided that it would be fun. I've come to three conclusions. 1 - when I was young I had a brooklyn accent ( I shit you not ), and 2- I sounded exactly like my little 6 year old cousin does. well, I would have been about 4 and 359 days old, So that says something for the way I talked. I was atleast a year ahead. and finally 3 - My brother used to try to explain everything to me, and I would just kind of ignore him, I never noticed until I watched that today. Well, that's it, completely pointless but I thought it was funny.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 21 April :: 6.00 pm

we won't stand for hazy eyes anymore...

4 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 15 April :: 8.27 pm

you know, I just did one of those look back on past entries binges, and I've realize that , I haven't changed as much as I think I have. It's more of an adaptation to my surroundings sort-of speak. I also realized how stupid some of the things I've said were. I really wish I could go back and take things back, but I guess that that would defeat the purpose of life. I guess the only way to go from here is to just have a good time. I don't need to listen all the time to trash talkers and just let it be.


1 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 14 April :: 5.28 am

Dear Mom,
You suck. Set your clocks right. for waking me up at this hour without the knowledge it was too early I hate you. Now that I can't go back to sleep I hope you burn a slow torturous death.

5 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 10 April :: 11.17 pm
:: Music: thursday - How long is the night

so we have a song done. It's really cool sounding. Went to guitar center today with Brad and Dusty. It was fun. I'm really worried now that we aren't going to have enough material for the kent theatre. But I know by some miraculous way that it will end up ok. YOu know the song possessions, that basically got put together the day of skelletones and it came out pretty good. Well, I'm going to go do something now, checker you guys later. Hey, buy tickets for the kent theatre show, it will be awesome , I promise.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 7 April :: 10.44 pm

so we wrote some stuff today, yeah, it's taking awhile, but I'm not giving up on it, it's going to get done, and in the end, we'll look back and laugh at how stupid the arguments were.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 6 April :: 12.12 am

I'm excited for the first time in awhile. We are all getting together and writing new stuff. I'm hoping it'll turn out good. it's going to be fast/fun/moshable but talentful if you know what I mean. Everyone can buy tickets for the show on the 18th at the kent theatre from me or any other band member. later.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 3 April :: 10.54 pm

listen , I'm sick of this shit, Today at the talent show, fuzzy logic won. And by god they deserved it. We played ok, we did our songs, we had a good time. All you cocksmokers who are saying shit like I've been arguing are bastards. They did kick our ass. But it's not the end of the world. I love all you guys who are saying that we kicked their ass, but we didn't. Thankyou guys for the support. We have developed a great following. Even the faggots that hate me are still coming to our shows. Good job to fuzzy logic today, you guys are great. I've said shit about you guys only because of my temper. I didn't mean any harm(that being directed to gangles). You guys are awesome. So on that note, I'm out.

11 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 3 April :: 7.56 pm


1 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 29 March :: 12.27 pm

Yesterday was a really long day. But it was ok. I got really bad grades I guess, and seeing as how my brother got really good grades I guess I'm supposed to get just as good grades and I'm supposed to be a genius. I also found out that if I want a car I have to pay for it , which is bullshit seeing as how my brother got two cars for free. oh well, later.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2003 24 March :: 6.42 pm

And by bullshit I don't mean it's stupid, I mean it's amplified 10 times over and could have been prevented if some people would stop acting like fucking children and learn that other people are in this world/life too and they don't control everything. P.S. I love the band and I'm not talking about you guys.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me | Random Journal