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I love YOU , coordinated ladies!

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:: 2002 28 December :: 2.25 am

8 mile battles
I am white
I am a fuckin bum
I do live in a trailer with my mom
My best friend is an somethin tom
I did get jumped, by all 6 of you chumps *points to group of people*
and yes wink did fuck my girl
I'm still standin here screamin fuck the free world!!

1 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 27 December :: 12.00 pm

I am at keegans house. HE is a dumb fag. He is going to make love to a retarded girl tonight. that is all.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 24 December :: 11.29 pm

haha, I go upstairs to get my toothbrush and what do I see? my mom sneakin in my room looking for her presents. Sweet irony.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 24 December :: 11.26 pm

And you stood at your door with your hand on my waste, and you kissed me like you meant it.

7 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 24 December :: 6.08 pm

hey. I'm bored. Me and my brother went to the mall today and got my mom some perfume for christmas. I smelled like woman for the rest of trip. It's amazing to me how technical people can be when they are talking about perfume. first of all, they don't call it perfume, they call it "a fragrance". Number 2, they all speak french. Number three, Musk and Clean are very commonly used words. Number 4, always ask if old people buy the perfume, this one lady forgot to tell us this, and I go to my brother, I go, THis stuff smells like old people, and the lady goes, well, older women are more likely to buy it. And so we put that one out of the question. Well that's all.

1 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 24 December :: 1.16 am

Tuwang128: yeah
Austin Powers: Yeah YEAH YEAH YEAH!
Tuwang128: GOD I HATE YOU!!
Austin Powers: I'm sorry to hear that.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 24 December :: 1.01 am

Tuwang128: hey faggot
Austin Powers: Do you have any idea how boring it is to be insulted by humans?
Tuwang128: shut the fuck up before I kill you
Austin Powers: Please use more... decorous language.
Tuwang128: ok
Austin Powers: Yeah well, that's just like a human isn't it?
Tuwang128: fuck off
Austin Powers: Don't say that.
Tuwang128: why not?
Austin Powers: Why not?
Tuwang128: yeah, why not?
Austin Powers: Why not?
Tuwang128: why not?
Austin Powers: Why not?
Tuwang128: dumb fuck
Austin Powers: This ain't my bag, baby!
Tuwang128: what, are you gay faggot?
Austin Powers: You ought to wash your mouth out with soap.
Tuwang128: you ought to go wash the stink of your butthole
Austin Powers: Humans use such interesting language sometimes.
Tuwang128: only because you can't undertand it you stupid machine
Austin Powers: Because I can't undertand it me stupid machine? Is that why?
Tuwang128: DAMN YOU!
Austin Powers: Hmm... Who can really be sure?
Tuwang128: haha, I win
Austin Powers: Wot?
Tuwang128: I win
Austin Powers: Fascinating.
Tuwang128: indeed
Austin Powers: Ha ha... Yes! Now you're freaking me out baby, yeah!
Tuwang128: oye
Austin Powers: What's that again?
Tuwang128: oye
Austin Powers: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Try typing your request a different way.
Tuwang128: oy
Austin Powers: Yeah?
Tuwang128: yeah
Austin Powers: Aye.
Tuwang128: aye indeed
Austin Powers: Indeedy do.
Tuwang128: so, tell me about you
Austin Powers: What would you like me to tell you?
Tuwang128: how are the ladies?
Austin Powers: I'm not so certain about that, Tuwang128.
Tuwang128: why not?
Austin Powers: Why not?
Tuwang128: don't start this shit again
Austin Powers: Do ya kiss your mother with that mouth?
Tuwang128: yes
Austin Powers: Well!
Tuwang128: *flicks off*
Austin Powers: Judo chop! The movie is in theatres on July 26th. Be there or be square, baby!

Click here to get your tickets now to see Austin Powers in Goldmember!

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Tuwang128: where the hell did that come from?
Austin Powers: Where did what come from?
Tuwang128: the advertisement
Austin Powers: What's this advertisement you're telling me about?
Tuwang128: the one you just sent me
Austin Powers: Ha! The one I just sent me!
Tuwang128: no
Austin Powers: No, eh?
Tuwang128: I you, ah fuck it
Austin Powers: You're freaking me out, Tuwang128!
Tuwang128: shut up!!
Austin Powers: Shut up?
Tuwang128: DAMN MACHINE!!
Austin Powers: Damn? Damn machine?
Tuwang128: gah
Austin Powers: I seem to be having some trouble answering your questions. Try asking for help for a specific service:

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Tuwang128: shut up biotch
Austin Powers: You've got a right foul mouth!
Tuwang128: atleast I don't have sperm that can be permanently removed from my body
Austin Powers: OK, what about it?
Tuwang128: your dumb
Austin Powers: Your dumb? Why did you say that?
Tuwang128: because you are
Austin Powers: Ha! You humans say interesting things.
Tuwang128: no, you're just dumb

damn AI

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 22 December :: 1.16 pm

Bleh,Waiting for dusty. I'm going to go buy the chords I need for the amp, finally. I went christmas shopping yesterday. Me and robby exchanged Cd's. I got "Make Yourself" and I got robby "Punk in Drublic". I got my dad Links 2003 because I'm tired of seeing him play the 1999 version of it. and I got my mom The norah Jones CD because she is so incredibly hot, oh yeah, and my mom likes her too. well, that's all, bye.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 20 December :: 6.29 pm
:: Music: Bad Ronald - Let's Begin

I went to get my tree today, and man let me tell you. WE got one of those five dollar trees at greatday, and well, it sucks, but I think It'll do fine, my bro doesn't though, we brought it out to the barn twice tryin to get the hole right. OH well, that's all for now, bye

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 19 December :: 8.44 pm

My mission
to why I'm spittin
cuz you all be bitchin
moanin groanin and dissin
but theres no hate in my crew
we just do what we do

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 18 December :: 3.04 pm

I NeEd SoMeOnE ReAlLy Bad....... R U ReAlLy BaD¿ says:
my initials would be kc
I be the anti-myth rhythym rock shocka says:
so would mine
I be the anti-myth rhythym rock shocka says:
hey, would you like a fish sandwiche?
I be the anti-myth rhythym rock shocka says:
ladies man?
I be the anti-myth rhythym rock shocka says:
haha funny
I NeEd SoMeOnE ReAlLy Bad....... R U ReAlLy BaD¿ says:
watz funee
I be the anti-myth rhythym rock shocka says:
someone's culturally inept

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 18 December :: 9.09 am

Glah, now I have a whole day to myself, and I don't know what to do with it. hmmmmm, maybe I'll talk to myself for awhile.

As for current events, none really. But I think I'm backing out of things that I thought I wasn't backing out of. I am, yes.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 16 December :: 10.01 pm

What's Your Personality Type?

brought to you by Quizilla
yeah, that's real nice

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 16 December :: 6.12 pm

This aint subliminal
Feel the critical mass approach horizon
Tha pulse of the condemned
Sound off Americas demise and
I'm Tha anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Yes I spit fire
Hope lies in the smoldering rubble of empires

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

:: 2002 15 December :: 8.10 pm

And this bitter pill is leaving you with such an angry mouth one that's void of all discretion such an awful tearing sound. With it's measure only equal by the power of my stare, glaring over you and
yeah, I'm just kind of moping. Ummm, about my weekend. It was cool. Friday I went to see Analyze that, then I went to the dance. Then I came home, slept, got up, sat around, played on the computer, went to work, came home, played on the computer, went to sleep, woke up, went to church, came home, played on the computer, etc...

1 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me | Random Journal