2002 31 October :: 8.58 pm
*Girls:Umm, emily, sam , marisa, molly, rachel, and stacy.
*Guys:Robby, Dusty, Tom, and justin, and Spud, and Gunny, and lot's of them.
You've Known the Longest: Robby
You've known the least longest: Justin probably
You can tell anything to: Dusty
Lives farthest away: My friends Gordy and Paul down in Maryland.
Lives closest: Robby
Weirdest: Dusty/Robby, Robby's slowly losing his title as one of my wierder friends.
Funniest: Dusty
Shyest: Tom
Quietest: Tom
Smartest: Tom
Coolest: They are all cool
Flirtiest: Dusty
Cutest: eh?
Prettiest: umm, they are all, umm, pretty?
Tallest: Stacy, *Looks up*
Shortest: I'll get back to you on that
Most outgoing: Dusty
Most hyper: Robby
Most charming: hehe, Robby
Most friendly: Dusty
Most caring: Robby
Most sensitive: Robby
Most Popular: eh?
Most creative: Umm, I'd have to say , um, don't know
Most annoying: ummm, don't know
Most "off and on": Robby
Most TRULY unique: Dusty is a crazy soul
Most Pampered: ummm, Dani, I suppose
Most kissable: Sarah, we make out all the time...
Most confusing: Robby
Always there for you: Robby
Always makes you laugh: Dusty
Always has something clever to say: Spud
Always makes you really think: Umm, Spud
Always brightens your day: Dusty
Most daring: Robby or Dusty
Most outrageous: I dont' know, but joslyn put me, and I'm really hapy, she's got me for like three things.
Most blonde at heart: *fondles hair*
Best Hair: Emily, that read head
Best Eyes: ummm, I don't know, I'd have to say Like, Angie, she's got bright eyes, or like , Stacy.
Best Smile: Jessi Wilde, but I don't think she is very much my friend nowadays
Most likely to become famous: Robby, or Dusty, with me ofcourse
Most likely to star in a "got milk ad":Robby
Most likely to become a Hollywood actress: umm, Why do I have this feeling that this is another girl quiz
Most likely to become a writer: Spud
Most likely to go to Harvard: Spud
Most likely to end up flipping burgers at the local fast food restaurant: Dusty
Most likely to become a celebrity athlete: don't really have any athlete friends
First to get married: Robby
Last to get married: Tom
The one who will probably never get married: me
The casanova: Robby
The player: ha, not that I really am, but me...
One who'll have the most kids: Robby
One who'll have the least: Dusty
One who'll be your maid of honor: Emily
One who'll be your best man: Robby
One whose like the sister god forgot to give you: Emily
One whose like the brother god forgot to give you: Robby, we get asked if we are brothers all the time.
1 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 30 October :: 5.12 pm
:: Music: Taking Back Sunday - There's No "I" in Team
Time: 5:12 PM
Birth Date: 12/31/1986
Name on Birth Certificate:Kevin Jerald Cuppett
College: Not there yet
Location: Basement
Email: Tuwang128@hotmail.com
Color of Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Fantasy Height: 6' flat
Shoe Size: 12
Brothers/Sisters: One Brother
Bedtime:usually 10 - 11
Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No
Put a body part on fire for amusement: hehehe, yeah
Been in a car accident:no
Been hurt emotionally: yep
Kept a secret from everyone: yep
Had an imaginary friend: nope
Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeah
Cried during a movie: nope
Had a crush on a teacher: nope
Ever thought an animated character was hot? no
Had a New Kids On The Block tape: no
Cut your hair: yes
Shampoo: Suave
Color: green
Day/Night: Night
Lace or satin:Satin
Cartoon characters: Samarai jack
Food: Peach Rings!!!
Advertisement: The one where the fly is going across the screen and you think it's real, but it's really an orchan commercial
Movie: Braveheart
Ice Cream: Cookie Dough
Subject: ummm, probably Spanish
>Wearing: a red polo, and some pants, and socks
Drinking: Nothing
Thinking about: I contemplate alot, I'm contemplating my current life status and what my next move should be.
Listening to: 311 - Don't Stay Home
Talking to: Courtney, but she just left
Watching: Nothing
Cried: no
Worn a skirt: no
Met someone new: yes
Cleaned your room: no
Done laundry: no
Drove a car: no
Yourself: no
Santa Claus: He's a good guy
Tooth Fairy: no
Angels: yep
Ghosts: mp
UFO's: I believe they could exist, but I don't think we've really seen any yet.
Jesus Christ:*Warps Back to lunch today*
Brad: Hey, you stupid Jew
Me: Hey, I have jewish friends, jews are cool, there's nothing wrong with jews
Emily: Yeah, J.C.'s a jew
Me:who's J.C.?
Emily:Jesus Christ
Me:Hey, I think that guy owes me money
Like anyone?: like, what? girls? no
Who's the loudest?: Dusty
Who's the weirdest?: Robby
Who do you go to for advice? Dusty
Who do you think about most when you're not online?: Nobody in paticular
Who do you cry with?: I haven't cried in forever
When did you last cry?: April of 1994
What's the best feeling in the world?: Ummm, when you kiss your lover
Worst Feeling?: When your lover hates you.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 29 October :: 6.33 pm
Broken down in bars and bathrooms
all I did was what I had to
don't believe me when I tell you
take the time to talk about it
Think a lot and live without it
Don't believe me when I tell you
Best friends means I pulled the trigger
Best friends means you get what you deserve
Best friends means I pulled the trigger
Best friends means you get what you deserve
Best friends means I pulled the trigger
Best friends means you get what you deserve
Best friends means I pulled the trigger
Best friends means you get what you deserve
Best friends means I pulled the trigger
Best friends means you get what you deserve
4 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 28 October :: 5.13 pm
if only it was that easy....
You Are A Romantic Kisser!
You'll only kiss if the mood is right and if you think you are falling in love.
Some may say you're old fashioned, but when you kiss, you see stars!
One kiss from you, and anyone will be hooked forever.
How Do *You* Kiss?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 27 October :: 9.45 pm

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?
That's even better than the whole love sick dolphin thing. HOORAY FOR ME!!
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 27 October :: 9.02 pm
:: Music: Bruce Said Checkers - Against Me
There's an alliance against me
I can feel it , It's there
it grows bigger with every bad word said
but who am I to care
I've lost all my integrity
thought to be serendipity
but I guess we only get one chance
to prove that we can do good
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 27 October :: 2.40 pm
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
listen to that
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
that guy sounds like a dying moose in labor
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
u would know what that sounds like
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
ur music sounds like a guy runnin around with a toothbrush in his ass
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
its a good song
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
dude, you have a toothbrush in your ass
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and you keep moving it in and out for some reason
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
u do lol
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
u sicko
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
god kevin that is sick
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
good comeback
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
if i wanted my own cum back i would wipe it of your face
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
durr hurrr
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I know you are but what am i
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
lol good comeback
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm cody Robinson
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im kevin
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I like to spread peanut butter on my wiener
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and have my dog lick it off
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
because girls won't do it for me
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
hey its better then ass
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
like u
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im kevin its ass its whats for dinner
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
good fun
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
\good fun
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I also like to take large objects and make a hole in the wall and pretend it's a dildo in my mom's ass
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
cuz I'm cody Robinsong
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
ive never heard of cody robinsong
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm cody
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm a smart ass
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and I think I'm witty
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
what witty who uses that word
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
my grandma
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
but really, I'm numbing my mind by listening to all these bands that sound exactly alike
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
umm, people who speek english maybe
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
depends on who you listen to cody
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
there's no getting away from it in metal
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
is it good charleotte, new found glory, uhh blink 182
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
i have no idea
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
no, it's Taking Back Sunday
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
maybe its the get up fags
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
Saves the day
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
oooo, good one cody
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im just fuckin with u
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
your witty
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
musics, music
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
do you know what witty means cody?
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
people like what they want
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
maybe your grandma does
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
oh wait, you fucked her brains out
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I forgot
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
no idea could u exp;lain
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
my grandmas dead
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
so is mine
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
so how could i
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
hey, your grandma use the word witty then
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
smart ass
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
before she died
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
yeah, but you used presenttense
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
not past tense
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
yes cody
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im gettin a c in that
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
you know,english, the language, you SPEAK, S. P. E. A. K.
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
yes it is
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm sure
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
your bung whole
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
you like to eat poop
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
ok stop
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and play with skin flutes
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
i quit
1 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 26 October :: 9.14 pm
Dear daddy,
I write you inspite of years of silence. You've cleaned up, found Jesus, things are good, oh so I hear. This bottle of stevens,awakens ancient feelings.
4 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 26 October :: 10.27 am
Things with Robby are good again. I got out everything I needed to. That makes my life a little better.
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 24 October :: 8.20 pm
2 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 22 October :: 8.43 pm
:: Music: BSC - Yet to be named
tell me what you think
The note I read said
sorry, it's over
I got the roses you left in my bed
your apolgies
have lost their meaning
I've erased you from my head
Meanwhile back at home
as I enter
a piece of paper on my front porch
I open it slowly
waiting for tragedy
and it says something I wouldn't have guessed
It says
Hi, I couldn't help but notice you at school
and I
would like to spend some time with you
and I
think your girlfriend is stupider
than anyone I've met before
I laughed
On monday Morning, I found another note in my locker
and I opened it knowing who it's from
It read casually
"Put on your happy face
everything goes round in circles
Sincerely, Brittani
I layed back
a big grin
layed on my face
happy to know you
happier to know her
The smile doesn't go away.
7 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 22 October :: 7.34 pm
*yawn*........................*looks around*................*smiles*................*bursts into song*
What became of everyone I used to know!?
Where did all respectable convictions go!?
the words don't match the story that your actions show!
but what do I know?!
say goodnight, mean goodbye
no you think my life will stop when your away
maybe I can see you on , holidays
worlds away
I've never forgotten all of yesterdays
lucky if we're speaking on the holidays!!
.............*cough*.............................*breathes deeply*. *sigh*
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 21 October :: 9.09 pm
I'm sitting here, with a smile on my face, trying to remember that good line I thought of to put on this paper so you'd hear it and know it was for you....
-Kevin Cuppett_
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |
2002 20 October :: 10.50 am
It's semi-quasi complete!!!
2 Coordinated Ladies |
Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me |