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I love YOU , coordinated ladies!

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:: 2009 22 August :: 12.17am

Inglorious Basterds is absolutely glorious

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 21 August :: 6.31pm

This is what happens when little kids try to bug me in online games

4 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 21 August :: 2.01pm


$1200 or best offer

15 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 20 August :: 6.43pm


2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2010 19 August :: 5.08pm

i hate when people talk about their BLACK friends or their BLACK boyfriend loudly and often like... trying to prove that they have friends of another race or something... there's this girl that is constantly talking about her BLACk boyfriend and showing his picture and saying how she doesn't care what color people are ... "you could be purple. as long as you're cool"

that's nice and everything but i dont know it bothers me when people talk about it like they are trying to prove a point or something.


2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 19 August :: 12.52pm

Classes this fall:
Database systems
Unix using Linux
Cisco Wireless Network Administrator
Computer Security and Assurance

This semester is either going to be really fucking cool or really fucking hard.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 19 August :: 12.45pm

scooter riders.
dear trendy hipsters,

fuck you and your goddamn moped. your not cool because you ride a fucking scooter, most of you arn't even legally riding them, 150cc's with a moped sticker slapped on it, its classified as a moped you queer.

i hate these fuckers riding down the road at 35mph that you can't get around because they ride in the middle of the lane.

fuck you moped guys.

11 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 18 August :: 9.33pm
:: Music: Incubus Instrumentals

Look Alive

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 18 August :: 6.26pm
:: Music: Incubus- Look Alive

Monuments and Melodies

The hardest thing is rendering a
Moment moving too fast to endure
But you abide and smile wide cause
I want to remember this for sure
You can give me guns and politics and
I'll just make a mess of it, you know
Give me art and sustinance and
The wiser wider part of me will show
Yeah yeah yeah

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive
The camera lens is opening
The wider angle's yours

Yeah every empty one of us have methods
To quell the madness of this pace
But yours have bled and are running south
Like dollar store mascara down your face
You could take that wait and all that fuss and
They'll just get the best of us, you know
Give me love not suicide and
The wise wider part of me will show
Yeah yeah

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive
The camera lens is opening
The wider angle's yours!

Look alive, smile
Smile and look alive
Smile, smile and look alive
Yeah woah oh

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive

A picture says with sight
What we can't say with words
But you've been walking eyes to feet
In dark sunglasses
A picture will survive
So smile and look alive
The camera lens is opening
The wider angle's yours

Look alive
Smile, smile and look alive
Yeah, smile and look alive
Yeah woah

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 18 August :: 11.53am

i like to eat giant turds.

7 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 18 August :: 2.41am
:: Music: Incubus- Punch Drunk

Monuments and Melodies

Where did I park my car?
If I found it I would drive so far...
From here
The city streets are dim
In my hands, im tempted once again
To give in

I'm having trouble seeing
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, if you'd oblige

I will survive
On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

I'm on the road, and my thumb is out
I'm hitching home
Tonight I am without
A name
Where was it that I lived?
Nevermind, just take me with you and forgive...

My lack of information
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, if you'd oblige

I will survive
On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

I will survive
Tonight I wander, and I roam
Just looking for
A way back home

The sun is coming up
I think I've had my fill
Wait, who the Fuck are you?
Where did I park my car?

Please forgive my...
Lack of information
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, ooooooohhhhhhh

I'm having trouble seeing
I'm punch-drunk, and I need to find a way back home
It'd be a miracle, if you'd oblige

I will survive
On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

I will survive
Tonight I wander, and I roam
Just looking for
A way back home

Spare me
A ride; a ride

Spare me ooooooohhhhhhh
A ride; a ride

On this island, I am stuck
Could you correct
My crooked luck tonight?

Tonight I wander, and I roam
Just looking for
A way back home

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 13 August :: 11.58pm

i wish i had longer legs and perfect skin and


shitty shit. theres so much more to say but it doesn't even matter.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 13 August :: 1.13pm

Got the results of my MRI, torn cartilage and a micro fracture, have to go to a specialist.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 12 August :: 11.25pm


3 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 12 August :: 1.38am

Ok! So...wasted money.
Thoughts: Lots of action and poor plot lines. Way too much silly stuff. No PSA! People who lose track of basic concepts like gravity! Too much bling on 1 ear! Not enough knowing OR half the battle.

Why?: because hasbro has failed us.

Where: The movie duh!

Seriously I mean cmon icebergs the float perfectly fine then something changes and explosions suddenly make them rocks? No. Ok just no. That doesnt cut it. Aircraft that pull off near 90 degree angle cuts from ungodly nose dives. No. Im sorry just no.

Wheres all the celebrity up roar about how this movie is terrible future for our poor friends the polar bears!? Cmon! They fight on the ice that those cuddly bears need so badly.

Wheres the PSA moment at the end? Kids dont learn when you dont teach them things. GI Joe failed us all. Now who will teach the kids about the Polar Bears and their habits and about how global warming makes them not able to live?

Dont worry now Noah! You can blame Cobra Commander and that silly MARS company! They did this to those awesome Coke pushers.

4 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

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