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I love YOU , coordinated ladies!

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:: 2009 26 July :: 1.41am
:: Music: Static

Left Brain....Right Brain
Whats a fella to do when dreams are crushed? Your "plan b" falls blown out of the water.
Ive been down this road already. I hate it. Why am I here again?
I am a wanderer without a path. I am a compass without a needle.

3months later. 3 months of shuffling my feet. Seriously. I don't have ambition anymore. I hate it.
I sleep long hours. I dread waking. When I do, I take time to let my sloth set in.

I'm sorry for the bridges Ive burned.
I'm sorry for being disrespectful. I'm sorry for the then and there.
I'm sorry for ideals.
I'm sorry for not accepting.
I'm sorry for your hurt.

I looked too far into it. I set the bar too high.

Got that right. Way to go pal.

Imperfections is bliss.
Imperfections kicks dirt in you're face and spits on you when youre down.
It gloats you like its only goal in life is your downfall.

I wake

I eat.
I sit.

I sigh.

I smile.

I busy myself.

Distraction is key.

Focus is key.

I have none.

You have plenty.
Find it.

Mold it!

Why bother?
Just more turns to fall flat on my face.
Shortcomings are numerous.

Why cant you see [it]?

I see it....they set the path down.
Use it. Follow it.

Ha. They sent me packing.

This isnt helping.

[it] is empty.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 23 July :: 7.50pm


5 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 22 July :: 8.47pm

Just undo yourself, and see the second side of it.

Looking to do poker night or something.

3 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 22 July :: 7.18pm

I'm Old Greg, I got something to show ya

9 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 21 July :: 11.32pm

Dice really abandoned their fanbase by putting 1943 on consoles only.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 21 July :: 2.33am
:: Music: Incubus

Or something else.
Bat your eyes girl.
Be otherworldly.
Count your blessings.
Seduce a stranger.
What's so wrong with being happy?
Kudos to those who see through sickness...yeah

She woke in the morning.
She knew that her life had passed her by
She called out a warning.
Don't ever let life pass you by.

Perhaps if a few years older; Id totally make a move.

I'm cautious of who I would call a friend
Who you aquaint is who you are
The darkest hours are when we choose a side
So make your pick and take a fall

Say something
Say anything at all
Make a move

Shes a southern girl...

You're an exception to the rule
You're a bonafide rarity
You're all I ever wanted
Southern girl, could you want me?

Eyes that Vie

Your eyes are an undiscovered ocean far away
Any minute now keeping
Both poets and priests at bay
Don't get ahead of me
Could we just this once see eye to eye?
Could you want perhaps me?
Ask me how it feels to vie

To vie!

Silly me.

No, You're not the first to fall apart
But always the first one to complain
You better get careful or you'll compromise
Everything you are

...Leave me here in my stark raving sick sad little world

4 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 20 July :: 12.33am

Drinking a ping of HOPNOXXXIOUS from Walldorff that my dad brought me from up north.

This is the stuff of kings right here.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 19 July :: 11.02pm

Kimbo Slice will be on the next installment of The Ultimate Fighter. Fighting as a heavyweight. Atleast Dana White gave him a shot. Ill be pullin for him.

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 19 July :: 9.17pm
:: Music: Incubus - "Pantomime"


In my fantasy I'm a pantomime
I'll just move my hands and everyone sees what I mean
Words are too messy
And it's way past time
To hand in my mouth

Paint my face white and try to
Reinvent the sea
One wave at a time
Speak without my voice and see the world by candlelight

I ain't afraid to let it out
I'm unafraid to take that fall
But I have found beyond all doubt
We say more by saying nothing at all

In my fantasy no such thing as time
Minutes bleed into days
Avant garde art
Show me your heresy
And I'll show you mine
We only speak in pantomimes on this carpet ride

I ain't afraid to let it out
I'm unafraid to take that fall
But I have found beyond all doubt
We say more by saying nothing at all

In my fantasy you look good entwined
In my hair and skin and spit and sweat and spilled red wine
You're my deep secret
I'm your pantomime
I'll just move my hands
I promise you'll see what I mean

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 19 July :: 7.11pm

Kansas City Chefs
Hello there,

My name is chris, and I am in Kansas City (well... shawnee, KS. but close enough). isn't that cool? i thought you'd be impressed.

I'm getting kind of hungry. probably because this entry is about what i've done so far since i've been here.

we got here yesterday morning. i proceeded to burn cds and copy music to my laptop for the next several hours. then we went out to dinner. it was amazing. i got a glass of gewurtstraminer and a fish sandwich. today we went to gymnastics practice, and went shopping at kohls and old navy. then got gelato. now we're chilling at the house. leaving sometime either tomorrow, or early tuesday.

that's about it.

i should get some food. to eat. and stuff.



P.S. funny quote of the day:

"I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink." - Joe E. Lewis

5 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 17 July :: 7.38pm


1 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 17 July :: 3.23pm

Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 17 July :: 12.47pm

Save gasoline, ride a motorcycle.

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 16 July :: 10.04pm
:: Music: Mos Def - Quiet Dog

All about yourself...the survey.
Created by adawg and taken 427948 times on Bzoink
All about yourself...
First name?:: Shannon
Middle name?:: Alyssa
Like your name?:: of course
Named after anyone?:: not that I know of
Any nicknames?:: Sunshine, little Sha-nay-nay
Age?:: 19
Birthdate?:: 2/15/90
Birthplace?:: GR
Time you were born?:: ??
Current location?:: Tampa, FL in my apt
Height?:: 5'4?
Like your height?:: yeah
Eye color?:: brown/green
Contacts/glasses?:: both
Hair color?:: brown/blondish now
Natural hair color?:: darker, auburn brown
Dye your hair often?:: nope, never
Righty or lefty?:: righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: indie, R&B, bhangra and on occasion, rap
Band or singer?:: Regina Spektor
TV show?:: Degrassi
Movie?:: Breakfast at Tiffany's?
TV channel?:: eh... CNN?
Radio station?:: WBULL
Place to be?:: w/ my friends in Michigan
Thing to do?:: kayaking
Food?:: pizza
Non alcoholic drink?:: V8 Splash
Alcoholic drink?:: vodka and sprite or SoCo
Animal?:: zebra. definitely
Holiday?:: Valentine's Day
Season?:: summer in MI, fall in FL
Sport?:: ...kayaking
Place to shop?:: Forever 21
Clothing brand?:: none
Restaurant?:: IHOP
Fruit?:: peaches
Vegetable?:: taters
Fast food restaurant?:: Taco Bell
Pizza topping?:: pineapple
Ice cream flavor?:: Cookies n Cream
Magazine?:: Rolling Stones
City?:: Tampa, for now I guess.
Color?:: pink
Number?:: 5
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: coke
Hot or cold?:: cold
Black or white?:: white
Dog or cat?:: cat
French toast or pancakes?:: pancakes
French fries or onion rings?:: ugh neither
Hamburger or hot dog?:: ham.. burger?
Pepperoni or sausage?:: neither
Britney or Christina?:: Christina can sing.
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Burger King
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Eminem
Canada or Mexico?:: Mexico!
Hug or kiss?:: kiss
Movies or TV?:: movies
Truth or dare?:: dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: yup
Sing in the shower?:: of course
Like to sing?:: yup
Like to dance?:: uh huh
Smoke?:: no
Drink?:: once in a while
Cuss?:: depends where I am
Talk to yourself?:: yes. Tampa has made me nuts
Believe in yourself?:: in what situation? I'd say mostly yes
Play an instrument?:: guitar? sorta?
Go to school?:: yup
Go to college?:: USF
Have a job?:: Camilles
Like your job?:: sure. I just got a raise
Want to get married?:: yup
Want to have kids?:: yeah
Get along with your parents?:: yup
Get along with your siblings?:: yup
Drive?:: yes
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: yes
Think your funny?:: yeah sometimes. I'm horrible at re-telling jokes
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: I was involved in the act. That's all I can say.
Gone garbage can tipping?:: no that's lame
What are your parents names?:: Michael & Stacey
Siblings names?:: Brandon, Jess, Stef
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: yes
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: four
Collect anything?:: no
Ever been in love?:: infatuated
In love right now?:: no
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: blue skinny jeans
How does your hair look?:: HOT! I'm going to a party
Ever had your heartbroken?:: mmhmm
Ever broken the law?:: sure
Been arrested?:: nope
Been out of the country?:: Canada
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: no
When was the last time you got drunk?:: Magic's game
Do you do drugs?:: no
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: never
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: on
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: no
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: yes
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yes
Have you ever caught a fish?:: yes
What was the last thing you ate?:: a poptart
What time do you go to bed?:: whenever
What's your favorite color?:: ugh
Do you like to give or recieve?:: recieve
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: nope. maybe facebook?
Do you live alone?:: yes sorta. I have roommates, but it's pretty much just me
Do you own a blender?:: no
Do you like the snow?:: no
Ever been up a mountain?:: no
Ever been rootin'?:: no
Do you like surprises?:: yes
You've been totally Bzoink*d!
Take This Survey | Search Surveys | Create a Survey

2 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me


:: 2009 16 July :: 9.10am

weird harry potter dream tonight.

was with some chick, after we killed voldermort.

we had to destory what was left of him (it looked like mercury) it was really weird.

(finished the last book last night)

15 Coordinated Ladies | Hey, c'mon, tell me you love me

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