Random thoughts: -i am hungry- I get to buy groceries tomorrow yeehaw- I want to see stefs puppy- I want a new vacuum cleaner soooo bad- I have to get my new passport and license tomorrow- I can never sleep at night anymore- I am excited to start school and wear scrubs- I put up (past tense) with SO much for you, you idiot.- I wonder if you know deep down that you really did a lot of bad things, you were/are such a jerk and so fake, it really sucks because when you're not like that you are pretty fun - where did they all go? - I wonder if that really is why and the doctors are wrong and it will be a problem. I can only pray that it won't.- why does my kidney area always hurt like a sharp pain ... Not good.- I'm married, isn't that weird!?!? Hahahaha- and that concludes the random list of thoughts going on in my head.
depends on my mood. When I am awake and ready to go out then it would be hip hop/rap etc, when i'm ready for bed it's classical, when i'm sad it's r&b/pop
Band or singer?::
ummmm i dont know
TV show?::
greys anatomy
i guess step brothers
TV channel?::
Radio station?::
Place to be?::
out with friends/ family
Thing to do?::
be iwth friends/family
Non alcoholic drink?::
diet pepsi
Alcoholic drink?::
bahama mama, vodka and sprite
dogs, cats, swans
my bday or christmas i guess i duno
spring summer or fall
sport? hmmm
Place to shop?::
vanity, forever 21, charlotte russe, marshalls, old navy, target... theres many
Clothing brand?::
as far as perfume- enchanted orchid from BBW or baby phat umm i can't remember what its called but i love it
olive garden or frankie v's
apples or bananas
potatos, corn
Fast food restaurant?::
arby's i suppose
Pizza topping?::
none, just cheese really
Ice cream flavor?::
mint chocolate chip
i duno
haven't visited enough to know
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?::
chocolate except for cake or ice cream
Pepsi or coke?::
diet pepsi
Hot or cold?::
Black or white?::
Dog or cat?::
French toast or pancakes?::
french toast
French fries or onion rings?::
french fries
Hamburger or hot dog?::
Pepperoni or sausage?::
Britney or Christina?::
McDonalds or Burger King?::
burger king
50 Cent or Eminem?::
Canada or Mexico?::
canada i think
Hug or kiss?::
Movies or TV?::
Truth or dare?::
Do you...
Shower daily?::
Sing in the shower?::
Like to sing?::
in my car
Like to dance?::
on occasion
Talk to yourself?::
not really
Believe in yourself?::
Play an instrument?::
Go to school?::
starting on the 27th
Go to college?::
" "
Have a job?::
Like your job?::
most of the time
Want to get married?::
Want to have kids?::
Get along with your parents?::
Get along with your siblings?::
Do you think you're trustworthy?::
Think your funny?::
Ever toilet papered someones house?::
Gone garbage can tipping?::
What are your parents names?::
stacey and michael
Siblings names?::
brandon shannon stefanie
Do you wash your hands frequently?::
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?::
Collect anything?::
Ever been in love?::
In love right now?::
What color pants are you wearing right now?::
How does your hair look?::
up in pony tail
Ever had your heartbroken?::
Ever broken the law?::
Been arrested?::
Been out of the country?::
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?::
When was the last time you got drunk?::
umm i cannot remember
Do you do drugs?::
When was the last time you were high on anything?::
so i had this really really fucked up dream last night.
I was at this party down the road from my house, it was apparently at jamie henteg's house, wich i've got no idea where he lives. but he was there.
anyways we get there and hang out with some people, and music is playing
and then jamie comes down the stairs with a shotgun and points it at me, and i'm like "WTF DUDE?!" and eventually he shoots me in the chest with some of those bean bag things, twice, and it didn't bruise. eventually he calmed down and everything was cool lol. so i go outside and todd kopkau(sp?) is singing and amy waller is playing the tamborine.
Today I went to the beach with Jessie G. At first I didn't like being there because it was too stormy. However, then I took off my braziere and flailed my toe around. I felt great!
After lazing around for a while she and I decided to play ring around the rosy. This is when we met Jamal. He was so hairy. I felt like puking! He said to me, "You can't get me!" and I calmed right down. Kristi told me how lucky I am that he said that to me.
We all decided to go to Arby's. I ordered a French Fries. It was pretty gross but when Gilbert spilled tarter sauce all over his jeans my Diet Pepsi flew out my nose. I was so embarassed.
Today is my wedding day, I am getting married to Shannon. He proposed by cruelly telling me he licked me and presented me with a blue ring decorated with 45023096ducks. How could I say no! We are having the wedding in Ada Community Reformed Church where we will eat lettuce and chocolate milk. The dress is scary and heavenly and the bouquet is a mauveboat. Jessicascreamed the bouquet into the air and it hitJessie. She got knocked out and had to be escorted to Walmart. All in all, my wedding was a very crazy day.
Can you grasp basic concepts?
Source: WoW Forum post: I implore Blizzard to let us lose
I found only a spare few with good solid ideas about how to continue stories and keep folks interested. The spectrum of replies suggests people cannot grasp how to make a story or how to even keep folks interested.
I find that really sad especially when a crap load of all -if not all- stories/shows tell just like this idea implores.
Example 1: Batman
Reason?: Because he always puts the baddies in jail, alive.
Why?: He wont sink to their level
Result: Baddies scheme together and get out.
Result2: Baddies beat Batman down. Defeat feels immanent
Result3: Batman calls on higher powers (i.e. other hero(es))
Finale: Batman & and company wins out and day is saved, at some form of cost. Be it a person(s) life or hero becoming jaded somehow.
Example 2: Every Power Rangers series ever.
Reason?: Look each over all season.
Why?: Heros take on challanges and win each ep almost in the same manner.
Result: Season finale comes with finding some new power they need and having had a crushing defeat they come out on top.
Need I continue?
These ideas are really basic and appeal to human nature. No one wants to see a story where every single time the hero wins. Somewhere, somehow the hero must lose. Even if it means losing something they will end up on top later.
I return to the topic of focus. WoW. Page #8 had a post by Gerthas
Not about anything
I didn't expect it to be so strange when I merged worlds. It's not bad, but it's different. I brought Poland, Australia, and America into the same place. I have Kara, who is experiencing what the real Shelton family is, and marveling at how I came from it. I have Prudence, who counts as both Polish and Australian to me, who is experiencing the American life. And then I have my American friends, who are experiencing the people I spent most of my time with abroad. Surprisingly (or maybe not,) I make friends with a similar type of people anywhere I go. Not that everyone doesn't have their own unique qualities, only that I tend to surround myself with people who will get along with each other. I really like my friends.
We're going to be traveling soon. Next trip will be about two weeks and we'll see Boston, New York City, Washington DC, Cincinnati, and Columbus, as well as everything in between. I'm really excited about this because I've always wanted to see New England more than ANYWHERE else in the USA. I know it's not a really thorough trip, but it's going to be great nonetheless. It's sad Prudence will have to leave about a week after we get back to Cedar, and Kara will leave in about three. I wish I could go with her.. I really hope I can. It all depends on the Australian government. I've already applied for residency; all that's left is waiting.
I'm going to miss my friends and winter Christmases. But Melbourne gets colder than Brisbane, so it will feel a little more like home. I can't WAIT to start studying, but once again, I'll have to wait. Two years. :S
I don't want to think about the future. My life is made up of a lot of phases. I'm always in a position where I can't do one thing until I've done another, and usually, it's time that's holding me back. Such as, a visa needing to be approved, or having a visa that won't let you study for two years. I'm not really in a hurry, but I like to feel like I'm working towards something. At least it never hurts to save money for a while.
I'm not going to complain about anything, or say anything contemplative, because I don't really feel like it, even though God knows I could. But it's been ages since I've written, so I thought I would. I used to keep a journal that I wrote in regularly, ever since I was little, but I haven't for the last year. I've never lived with anyone before in the sense that your lives actually affect each others, and ever since Kara and I moved in together, I haven't needed to write. Not much, anyway. We used to go to bed every night and just talk while laying there. It's harder to do here in America, where my mother is creeping around, making sure we're not being ourselves. That must be why I feel like writing right now. But also, Kara and Prudence are taking quizzes on some website right now. Instead of joining in, I went to woohu. I even forgot my password. I had to ask Kara--good thing she stores memories like a computer.
Well, we're going to drink some vodasz tonight, and watch Harry Potter movies (god help me.) The wine will help. :P
a random idiot i ran into today!
so i'm trying to do this new routine every morning just a quick workout because our complex has a small gym room with some equipment and then after that take my dogs for a walk.
so anyway i get to the "gym" and start on the elliptical and it keeps saying "motor unplug" which it did this the first ti me i ever used it like after 15 minutes , but i just got off , unplugged and replugged it and then it worked fine...
but today i kept replugging it and finding different plugs and it just would not work so instead i used a bike thing for like 10 minutes and then tried the elip again and it finally worked... so i did my workout on that and then .... this is the whole point of my story...
i walk back to my apartment and get the dogs and here i am walking, and i walk out of the apartment area/property and start down a road that turns into a housing development with pretty nice houses and i'm like just getting to the road with the houses, minding my own darn business with my dogs, and this stupid BITCH pulls up in her car and rolls down her window and says to me,
"You better be picking up after your dogs!"
and I say, "what?"
and she says "I dont see you holdin' no pooper scooper ! (notice the poor grammar which just made me more annoyed)
and i'm like "umm i have baggies right here! thanks!" (because i have the little clip on baggie holder-)
keep in mind my dogs are 6 and 12 lbs- they are not big dogs- they really dont create a lot of waste- i dont have to carry around a fricken SHOVEL to take care of the mess my dogs make... i'm not going to wheel around a fricken trash bin with me either ok.....
gAWD she was a stupid bitch!!!! i wanted to punch her in her fricken mouth. i called her a bitch after that but i'm not sure if she heard me because she was starting to pull away. i just HOPE she felt like a stupid bitch after she did that. how rude! i wasn't even doing anything wrong.
and she just put me in a horrible mood and UGGHGHGH i hate people like that!
i still can't seem to figure out how funny these guys are. i don't know if they're actually funny, or if i just started watching long enough to where brain cells actually started dying.