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:: 2008 23 March :: 6.59pm

OH god damnit. But maybe the battery dying is for the better. I would have sat and listened for hours...



:: 2008 22 March :: 7.56pm

Well its been a while, I really need to update this more, cuz I love reading my past entries so I should keep it more up to date on whats going on. Well I've been off work for almost week, bc of my arm. I'm hoping to go back on monday as long as the doctor says its okay. I really hope I can, I never relaized how bored I could get not working. Hopefully going to be moving into a town house soon. Its pretty sweet. St. Patricks day was a blast, lots of good fun with people I havent seen in forever. Lots of good memories. *Good times* Other then that its just the normal same old shit going on.



:: 2008 22 March :: 12.18pm

THis is just proof of the human inevitability, including myself, to anything to bitch about...



:: 2008 19 March :: 9.33am

I had a dream last night that me, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Sam Jackson were in New York stealing cars. We had to run away from a helicopter and two cops but Chiwetel made the chopper crash into the other cars. Then we had to hide out in a rusty building in Central Park "so the heat seeking bastards" wouldn't get us. I'm pretty sure they'd still see us, but it was my dream, so back off.



:: 2008 18 March :: 11.58am


fuck you trent reznor

9 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 15 March :: 1.17pm

ahhh success. I've never been so lively after a night like that but something in me clicked and it took about two seconds from when I opened my eyes to get up and moving. Now I have this whole day ahead of me.

1 Spine | Ruptured


:: 2008 13 March :: 2.01pm

I'm floating down a river
oars freed from their holds long ago

2 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 10 March :: 11.39am

Oh god, I love this. XD



:: 2008 6 March :: 12.00pm

So... I'm doing my usual re-hash the past thing. Whatev. The point is that between last night and now I've been scanning some of the old songs that I used to listen to alot. We're talking my freshmen/sophmore year. This has been a couple week process but I"m not making a list so I can look at it later when I forget about these songs again, plus maybe you'll see something you remember from way back when and we can have a moment... together!

List of Songs:

Weezer - Say it ain't so ( I thank stewart for this song which started this journey), El Schorcho, Sweater Song, Buddy Holly, etc. It's weezer, just about every song is a "bring back good times" song.

Lost Prophets - Shinobi v. The dragon ninja/ Fake Sound of Progress. Dusty and I used to crank this song alot.

The Get Up Kids - I'll catch you/ Holiday. I totally forgot about this band. summer of 8th grade man... god damn I'm old.

All-American Rejects - Last Song. Wasn't always their biggest fan but I loved this song.

That fucker Chris Carraba - Living in your letters/ Bitter Pill. I know... I know... But there was a time, even if he is a narcassistic asshole who wines till he gets his way. Plus I'd be lying if I said I didn't still like the bitter pill song. I think it's the progression that gets me. Maybe I'm gay, who cares...

311 - Well, you know, just about every song, but if I had to be specific I'd say All Mixed Up/Confusing Use of Time/Purpose. Confusing Use of Time was a song that reminds me of Ski Club, those were the best of times.

Incubus - Anti-Gravity Love Song/ Here in my Room. I still listen to these, of course. But based on the whole vibe I have going, the songs are transcending their usual sounds and providing me with some good emotions. Summer Romance is a dusty standard from a LONG time ago, and here in my room will always be me and Chris, that fag. I love you.

Brand New - I still hate them. Gotcha bitches! And don't you forget it future Kevin. Classic me, really.

Thursday - How Long is the Night. Hilary turned me onto them, and I still like them like I like TBS. Not really fond of their newer stuff though.

Bad Ronald - Let's Begin (Shoot the Shit). Dude... how did I not know what this song was about? I guess I was 15.

311 - Tribute - I know I said 311 already... but I totally fucking forgot about this song, and I was borderline stalker obsessed with this one.

Blink182 - Party Song/Josie. Dusty made his TV pro video to Josie and we did a bunch of "jackass" stuff., and the other one is just fun.I refuse to put any other songs up there, because they hold no super significance to me other than the ones I may have attempted to play in a band.

Rival Schools - My Echo. Another one hilary turned me on to. Good times, you should look it up. here I'll do it for you. http://www.last.fm/music/Rival+Schools/_/My+Echo

FenixTX - Threesome. Lol. I know, I forgot about it too! If I were any older when this song came out it would have been my mantra. Because you both deserve a good time, and any position ;).

Silverchair - The Greatest View/ Emotion Sickness/ Ana's Song / Hell pretty much the entire "Neon Ballroom" album and then some. Probably who I view as one of the most underrated bands ever. THey had hit's sure, but Neon Ballroom is timeless and is some of the most Musically competent "alternative" music ever. Go Aussies.

The Vines - I'm only Sleeping (Cover). I thought it was well done to their style, plus I loved the vines, and God Knows I HATED the Hives... I dont' remember why though. I think it was a song they did I just thought was obnoxious. Who cares...

Taking Back Sunday - Ghost Man on third/ There's no "I" in team/ that whole first album. Very few people I know weren't into them at some point. I did my TV Pro video to Ghost Man, and it came out alright. Remember the Trilogy.

Something Corporate - If you C jordan/ 21 and Invincible. C'mon, we all know if you C jordan. and here I am now, 21 and Invincible.*tear* /wrist

Glassjaw - Worship and Tribute - Thanks Chuck for that one.

Saves the Day - At your funeral/ She

I'm sure there's more, but that's enough for now. Instead of dwelling any further I'm moving towards the future. If there is, however, any songs that you remember that I have not listed that you tie someway to me and you know I'd remember, let me know.

11 Spine Bones | Ruptured


:: 2008 3 March :: 9.34am

I suppose today is the day of reckoning, eh gents? Get your guns.

3 Spine Bones | Ruptured

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