The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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This thing called life

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:: 2005 8 February :: 9.08 pm

I get $130+ back in taxes. That should cover my car repairs. So easy come easy go. On another front, 60 school days encounting.

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:: 2005 7 February :: 8.18 am
:: Music: Free Beer and Hot Wing Morning Show

1st Hour Sub
Well its First hour Management & Support 2. Normally I dont mind this boring dribble. But Today we have a sub. And this is that sub everyone hates. Shes a complete control freak and cannot seem to allow any independent actions.

The whole hour she spent her time walking around the room, standing over our shoulders. If we did anything besides read or type in MS Word, she would kinda flip out." What does that have to do with what you "should" be doing?"

Go AWAY! I hate this sub...bah...

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:: 2005 6 February :: 8.38 pm
:: Music: The Beatles

I just watched the Half time show for the superbowl. Good classics brought back. But as usual I was overthinking things and came to a conclusion. A good portion of the younger people watching the show, didnt know who that guy was, what songs he was singing, and why Britney spears wasnt on the stage having a wardrobe malfunction.

Am I wrong?

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:: 2005 5 February :: 1.33 pm

Slow go
WoW will be going slow on the levelup process until I get my pc fixed. Mainly because its not on my computer right now.

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:: 2005 2 February :: 3.11 pm
:: Music: RATM- War Within a Breath

Im sick of it. Im f**king fed up with this BS
Yesterday I went to eDen to try and get WoW back on my pc, already told you, and that didnt go so good. Each time I went to transfer it, my pc would shut off. So I gave up. Im now paying to 'not play'. Slow going is the motto for my characters I suppose.

Ive come pretty damn close to leaving it there and getting it fixed, but I decided to take it home and hav everyone get what they wanted and put it in there My doc. folders. Those items would be saved during the repairs. I got through my mom&dad, sister, and myself. I told my brother to do the same thing, he flipped out. He goes on and on about how he thinks that he has done and fixed. BS. It came down to him saying "Your going to spend the 80 billion hours to reload everything." and me countering with "What could possibly take so long to put back on? What is it that your afraid of losing?" Of course he couldnt seem to find and actual answer. All he could do is worry about his sercret stash of porn or something.

After he sat at the computer arguing with my parents about this, he grabbed a screw driver and unhooked the D drive from everything. This left the computer unable to boot up normally, my parents and I were pissed. He left for work without fixing it and saying,"Well if your so smart you can fix it." When it comes to any talk about getting the computer fixed other than downloading an update he freaks out and pins it on me, like Im personally going to fix it. He says that he knows the problem, okay, so why didnt you say something so the computer coudl be sent back to Dell to actually be fixed? Then he goes on about how he thinks that someone with a degree in Computers technologies orwhatever cant fix a computer, because "they dont have thing to do with each other" Okay so what makes other computer repair people thnk they can repair computers?

So anyway, he may or may not end up being thrown out soon. I can only hope this is true. Also I think a password is needed, so I can keep my admin rights. My brother felt the need to take them from me, being the asshole he is.

Serisouly, if I was anyone more violent, my brother would have been in the hospital by now. Im fed up with his BS and need to feel that he owns everythign he touches. Its just stupid.! Bah! I dunno, maybe he has some inferiority complex, I dont care, just make him LESS of an ass all the fooking time.

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:: 2005 31 January :: 10.32 pm

I like my new picture. What about you?

Its more in tune with my title to the journal. "this thing called life."
If you cannot see it, then it's a crow in front of a fire strom. by that I mean firey boulders falling from the sky.

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:: 2005 31 January :: 7.30 am

Auto Show
Went to the Auto Show, as expected. It was not quite as good as last year. They took out some of the sporty cars on the Million dollar Motorway. Otherwise I saw some cool cars. Ford had a couple nice ones get out in front, so you see them first.

Then I spent the evening on the computer, its pathetic, but its me.

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:: 2005 30 January :: 11.35 am

Half-Life 2 DM
So I decided to finally use the multiplayer part of HL2. It was friggin' hilarious. I rocked the server I was in. How could a new player do such a thing, you ask? Well, I thank a very speical File Cabinet. Didn't think about that, did ya? eh?

Anything thats of movable on the ground can be a weapon, its like Mcguiver, or something. The Gravity gun is a seriously painful thing. Spawn, in front of someone holding something with the gun, and your most likely dead. Tables, drum barrels, cabinets, chairs, monitors, sometimes even cars. Ever been running and a car flys out of the corner of your eye? Didnt think so.


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:: 2005 27 January :: 3.29 pm
:: Mood: aggravated

The crap continues.
So I get home, I feel like playing some World of Warcraft. So I turn on the computer and log in. I proceed to click the shortcut for the game and boom. I get a error about the file path. So I cose it and try again. Again it happens. So Im puzzled, I decide to go into the D drive where it was put in and what do I behold? Nothing a big crap load of nothing. My fucking brother deleted the game. If I had half the mind, I would go strangle his ass for all the stupid shit he does. God. I want him either dead or hurt seriously.

:: 2005 25 January :: 7.44 pm
:: Music: Barry McGuire- Eve of Destruction

SSS.go? Why does that remind me of Holocaust class??
There Im registered. Thats that.

Eve of Destruction Lyrics-

The Eastern world, it is explodin',
Violence flarin', bullets loadin'.
You're old enough to kill, but not for votin',
You don't believe in war -- but what's that gun you're totin'?

- Good song.

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:: 2005 25 January :: 7.08 pm
:: Music: The Lemon Pipers- Green Tamborine

G.R. Auto Show
Ive got an extra ticket to the Auto Show. Who wants to go? Im thinking of going either Thursday or Sunday. Thursday its open from 3-10 & Sunday its 10am-10pm. So if you want to get in free then tell me and I can hook you up with a free ticket.

Shiny new cars. Eh? ...Good stuff.

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:: 2005 24 January :: 8.25 pm
:: Music: Pearl Jam- Dissedent

Happenings of Late.
I opened up a checking account at the bank today. Since Im 18, the bank now feels the need to charge me money if I dont have $250 in the saving s account. So I liquidated the saving , opened a checking and debit. Tomorrow I should probably go and register for the draft like Im supposed to.

Im working on some simple animations in Macromedia programs. Nothing special yet. The book Im supposed to try and use isnt worth the money it cost to print it. Sure its a refrence, but when you cant open the files they want you to because the pc doesnt have them, its no use to me. The best animation I made was one of a circle moving along a set of lines, then expanding into a bunch of continuously larger dots. ITs 3 layers of basic animations.

My idea in the end is to try and draw soemthing using Macromedia Fireworks then transfer it to FX 2k4 and transform it into a different thing, that may, or may not, be related to it.

Im definatly hating PE 6th hour. The system is called, "bigger, faster, stronger." I call it, "unrealistic standards for those who havent touched a weight set since freshmen year." Im supposed to give these max lifts that are so skewed for people who are already in shape. Im not in shape! Yes, its so unshocking. I know Im not, so how can I instantly perfor these things like Ive been doing already. Can you go in and lift your body weight or more, after no physical training for 3+ years? Huh? I dont think so.

Im not sure if the -[E/E]- is ever going to sensisly beat these chums from ULX in BF:V. But in all honesty, I dont care. I won 2nd place on a national tournement. Did they? Also I wouldnt ever endorse that business, by giving it money or the satisfaction that I walked in there, so f**k them. I mean c'mon, its like they actually try and undercut eDen at every corner on purpose. Shady happenings...shady happenings.

World of Warcraft seems to be going good. Im slowly climbing the chain, with a lvl13 priest. Geeky, no? I know, I know. Sorry...Ill stop talking about this junk, but hey, thats who I am.

I work Wednesday and Saturday. Thankfully I havent had to close on the weekends for like 4 weeks. Am I slacking? Is Dean being nice to me?...I show up at work on time, or early; I dont stand around; hopefully this isnt a bad thing. I thought about bartending for 'em too. I think that would be profitable. One problem, Im not a people person, and I have a terrible memory. Whats the deal with this whole raising the minimum wage? I think its good, but its also twice as bad. Every business would have to increase prices to keep profit margins in the green. Some businesses would be firing workers because they couldnt afford to pay them...ugh..bad but good. I just hope I have a better, more secure job by the time these goverment people decide to actually go forth with all this.

Thats me rantz...

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:: 2005 19 January :: 7.44 pm

You ever have those times, just moments, where you look from the outside in on yourself and you life? Well I seem to be having these alot. To be in all honesty, I hate what I see and who I am. I see so many things I could improve on or build but, by doing these things I would go outside my social norms. Im never really one to be doing things I cant control, or have some control in knowing whats going to happen. So I continue on with these things that are in many ways hurting me.

When I look back on myself I see a pathetic red headed kid who cant just relax and be a normal person. I see someone who spends his life in front of a screen, whether its a tv or pc. I see no confidence, no emotion. Nothing. Just a husk of a person who could try to be more, but won't attempt to. I have no girl friend, I dont even think anyone would even want to be with me because of these problems. I hate what I see, and thats my point.

Sounds emo'ish, eh? Well, thats too damned bad, I dont give a flying fuck about these assine categories people are put into. I am who I am, the get fuck over it. Im at least trying to...

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:: 2005 19 January :: 7.24 pm

I feel like watching Monty Python. No wait, Ive done that before.

I need to go get my paycheck and pay my insurance off, I need to apply to college, I need to open a checking account and close the savings one, I need a credit or debit card, I need to start doing homework, I need to stop being lazy...etc. This list could span accross the globe, I just dont feel like typing that much.

Lifes a bitch, Im alone, no one would be with me. So I continue on this road of life.

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:: 2005 14 January :: 3.07 pm

Its my birthday bitches. Im legal.

Now if you excuse me I plan to go and pick up a bad habit.

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