The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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This thing called life

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:: 2007 20 October :: 4.35pm

Prepare to laugh. XD

Captain Planet

Kick ass.


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:: 2007 17 October :: 7.09pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Welcome to the Black Parade - MCR

I got a letter from Crowder today, and it seems there were funds left over from Financial Aid, so I'm going to be getting back a lot more for this semester than anticipated, like a couple hundred, so I'm excited about that.

That's really all that's new.
Kelly's still amazing. And still mine. <3

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:: 2007 17 October :: 1.32pm

nothing new, just been doing the school, boredom, and having no money thing. eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 30 days of pain to break up the monotony and make sure that i don't accomplish too much in life.

just wanted to let the people i don't see know that yes, i am still alive.

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:: 2007 15 October :: 9.18pm

Who dreams about Napoleon Bonaparte wanting to get with them?

Me, apparently.

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:: 2007 12 October :: 7.51pm
:: Music: Television

After searching for a new purse for like 2 months, I finally found the perfect one this morning in Aeropostal. It's brown and pink and freaking huge -- and the best part is that it was 20% off so I got it for like 16 something. I love it.

When we got done at the mall, Tessi and I went over to Kyle's to decorate. I made a penis out of pink streamer and made it jizz, even, with green streamer. I can't wait for Kandace to see it. Oh man.

Dad's bringing me a hamburger and french fries. I'm so excited.

Anyway, I am currently at Tessi's because she wanted me to come pick out something for her to wear and get some stuff together so that when she gets off of work we can just head out there, and I'm done with everything, and I want to talk to Kelly, but she doesn't have msn, and for some reason Meebo won't connect. So... ugh.

-Edit- Meebo's working now!! How amazing.

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:: 2007 10 October :: 12.49am
:: Music: I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song - Fall Out Boy

Sometimes I wonder what people would look like without toes. There would be no flip flops though, and that would be sad.

In further news, do not even attempt to think that Mountain Dew - Game Fuel is good.
Maybe it is and it knows that I'm not a gamer, so it transformed itself to taste like bottled ass because I'm posing as one to drink it, but I'm doubtful of this theory.

Some dude has a crush on me. It's cool... until I realized I don't know for sure who it is, though I have a really good idea. I was informed through this random ass thing on Facebook that I added that's called like Crushes or whatever, I don't know for sure.
Weird though.
I thought everyone at school thought that I was this weirdo silent person that ocassionally cracked random jokes that most don't get, but if I'm right then this dude is in one of my classes.
The drama continues.

Anyway, congratulations to my darling love Kelly. <3 you!

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:: 2007 5 October :: 12.48am
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: Who Knew - Pink

I was on my way home from class (which was really hard tonight) and Tessi called and asked if I could come hang out with her. We haven't hung out or really even talked in weeks so I stopped by and we sat around and talked about everything down to our sex lives. It was fun.
For some reason we decided to go down to Fastrip and buy cigaretts and smoke.
I quit smoking quite some time ago...I know, I know, I'm only 18 wth, but I started when I was like 15 1/2. It was one of those "cool" things to do that I got swept up in. Anyway, I usually end up smoking when I drink, but just smoking to smoke? Don't really do that anymore.
She doesn't either. So... yeah. I don't even know why we did it. It was fun though; we had niccotine buzzes and we did stupid stuff. Another good time to go in the books.
Now I'm left with a pack of cigaretts with no intention to smoke them. Good times though.

Next weekend is Kandace's 19th birthday. It's going to be freaking awesome. I haven't hung out with everyone in a really long time so it'll be nice.

Well... It's 12:55 and I was hoping Kelly would be on, and if not him than at least Jacob but neither are. *sigh*
So I'm going to my room to watch We Are Marshall -- which I stole from Ashley -- and be a big loser.
<3 REP

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:: 2007 3 October :: 6.24pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: White and Nerdy - Weird Al

I just found out that next year, FAFSA might be upping the aide to $7000 as opposed to the $4300 we're getting now.
Holy Fuck. I'm poor, that means that if it does happen, I'll be getting $2700 more.

School's getting harder. I'm writing essays and speeches for like every single class and it's getting stressful.
I have three tests next week.
Political Science
Computer Applications

So yeah, blah.
Also, it's been storming a lot lately, and we lost power last night from 8:00pm until 4:00pm this evening.
Yeah... it's been real fun.

Despite everything, I'm in a really good mood right now. It's crazy.

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:: 2007 1 October :: 8.24pm


Once again I plan on going to a HIM concert. This time it seems that it will actually go through okay. But there are only two of us, and we both agree that it will be much more fun with more people, so please, if you'd like to go, let me know! It's in Chicago, on the 25th of this month. It's not expensive as it's only HIM. Tickets are $27.50 and of course there will be a couple other small expenses that will need to be taken care of, but we haven't calculated them yet, if you want to go, I'll let you know those when we find out.

Please, someone come with us! lol. =]

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:: 2007 1 October :: 12.26am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Go Blind - Hootie and the Blowfish

I got on today and Kelly was away for hours and hours, so whatever's up with that.
Then I kept getting disconnected every five minutes, so I went to my room and read a book. I tried to go to bed early, but I couldn't sleep so I decided to test the internet again. Seems to be working fairly well now.
I don't know what was wrong. It was annoying though.

I've been depressed lately, and really short with everyone. Who know's what's wrong.
I think a trip to Michigan would cheer me up.
That's a long time coming though.

I want to move there after this semester, but "what the fuck would I do?" seems to reverberate in my mind.
I won't have enough money to go to school. I won't have a place to live. I won't have a job. I'm hoping to have a car by then, but even that seems impossible at the moment.
My parents are like, "Ok, we're aware of your intentions to move after this semester, but you should stick around for the rest of the year and move at the end of your freshman year."
What I hate is that it would make sense for me to do that.
I'm getting over $500 back for this semester, I would get close to that back for another semester, and while $1000 isn't a whole hell of a lot of money, it's a starting point.
I just don't want to stay. I'm sick of not being with Kelly. I don't know if that makes me stupid, but that's the way it is.
It helps nothing though. I need to figure everything out, but I'm not sure how to.

Anyway, Jacob gave me this link. It's kind of funny.

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:: 2007 30 September :: 8.40pm

The MonkeySpehere
Hehe, this was very entertaining, and also very eye opening. I suggest that everyone go read it.

MonkeySphere: Click Me!

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:: 2007 28 September :: 10.21am

Haha, that's great. I do a survey last night, and get up this morning to my friends lists containing no less than 5 more XD

Gotta love woohu!

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:: 2007 27 September :: 10.57pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Fuck You Like An Animal - NIN

Earlier today I misplaced the phone, so I was looking for it.
Apparently I had hit the on button, because when I did find it, it said that it had been on for 4:04.
I laughed so hard.
Then I realized that I was a nerd :(

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:: 2007 27 September :: 9.25pm
:: Music: Jewel

Ah, What the hell?

So your guy's friend lists are a bit shorter.... =]

Read more..

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:: 2007 26 September :: 11.11am

HIM was on the radio last night.....that's.....wierd.....

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