2007 25 February :: 8.30pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Can't let it go - Goo Goo Dolls
Disappearing Act
Kelly and I were talking, and then he just left! He didn't even say goodbye, and I don't know where he went. I'm sad now. I hope the psycho gets back on before I leave -_-
Edit: He came back!! It was the weather, it ate his internet
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2007 25 February :: 5.52pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Suicide is Painless - Mash theme
UGH! I accidentally deleted my last update. I'm so sad. I didn't mean to:(
kind of makes me laugh though.. but then not at all.
I have to give reasons on the turkey carcasses from the contest tomorrow. Not looking forward to that at all, it's hard as hell memorizing all that shit. I better get good at it though, during real contests we only have like 6 minutes to place and memorize it. Ack.
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2007 24 February :: 5.30pm
:: Mood: cold/tired/stressed/sad/lonely
:: Music: My little cousins screaming/beating each other up
Mom and I ordered two chicken salads for supper last night, and we hit a squirrel on the way to get them. It was really sad. I wanted to like... fix it, but then it was dead so I couldn't. I had an emo moment after that.
And THEN I went to bed at like 2:30 even though I knew I had to wake up at 4:45 to get ready and go to Feyetteville, Arkansas for a Poultry Contest for FFA. Suckage. As soon as we got back and I got home, my cousin called and wanted to know if I could watch his two little kids. I've watched them once before, but this time they're really going to die. They are killing me! The sucky part is that they're so damn cute I don't want to get on to them, but they're needing it. They're beating the shit out of eachother and mouthing me really bad. It makes me sad because I don't want to get onto them so they don't hate me, but I don't want to let them think they can walk all the fuck over me. *sigh*
I want to talk to Kelly. He would make me smile and not care about sucking at poultry and psychotic children.
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2007 24 February :: 1.43pm
one would like to think that things couldn't be all that bad. but then their parents' fucking 07 impala gets impounded twice in the same week.
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2007 24 February :: 7.04am
Hooray for playing board games until 7 in the morning. =)
Especially when David owns the Grand Rapids Police Department, yet has to go to jail nearly 50 times. He just couldn't collect his 200 dollars.
Miss Scarlet is a dirty dirty whore.
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2007 23 February :: 5.09pm
I'm just having a really good day.
Caleb is one of my biggest joys. Every day I look at him and think about how lucky I am. He is so much fun. I love watching him learn. He's smiling and laughing and creeping around, trying to roll over. The other night I put him to bed, head to the left, feet on the right. Charlie got up with him in the morning and there he was, smiling, feet on the left, head on the right. It makes me smile everytime I think about it. He's the sweetest baby I've ever seen. I just can't believe how much I love him. I knew I'd love him, but I can't believe how much. And I love Charlie. We're having so much fun together. This is so great. I love our family. Oh my gosh I love our family. I love where we live, I love my son, I love my husband, I love my friends, I love that school is almost over, I love my family of course.
Okay, sorry that was so full of love, not my typical entry, lol. Hormones? Possibly.
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2007 23 February :: 9.10am
Fuckin free day in Accounting. How fuckin rare is this? So rare that I had to use "fuckin" twice.
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2007 21 February :: 4.00pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: 45 - Shinedown
I got the internets back after 7 days without. Woot.
... and then there was no more excitement in my life.
I do love Kelly though. That's some excitement in my life.
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2007 21 February :: 9.52am
 Get your own CrushTag!
hey...at least its kinda an update
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2007 18 February :: 1.58am
Ugh, today at work was going so well....Then the last hour and a half just completely ruined it. For one, I had this feeling that entire time that something wasn't quite right.....something was going to happen that I wouldn't like. And then, sure enough, while I was closing up, I spilled the entire tub of butter on the floor, and on my leg...and all down the counter...and all over my shoe....and all over the wall....v_v I was so bummed.
I had brought in some old CD's and I was reminiscing while listening to them all. =]
Quote of the day, by my dear buddy Brad, "It made me want to punch a Jew!"
We were talking about The Passion of the Christ. lol
Mmmm...thats all I got for now....
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2007 16 February :: 8.46am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Never Leave - Seether
So our second phone line that we use for the internet has passed away. I don't know what's wrong with it, and dad keeps "forgetting" to call the phone company. I'm becoming annoyed. I've not talked to Kelly since Tuesday night. That's just sad. I miss him!
Our play was yesterday. We sucked. The only person I communicate with during the play never got his lines memorized so he succeeded at making me look like a dumbass because he had specific things to say that made me say what I said and he didn't say them so I just looked like a dumbass who made up my part. I was very angry and upset because the judges killed me when they critiqued us. I cried a little but then I was like ok this is stupid, I'm going to go eat chinese food in a little bit, I don't need to cry so I sucked it up.... Sadly the food was lacking that day. It was definitly not very good.
Anyway, besides acquiring yet another strand of some awful cold/flu, that's all that's happened here lately.
What a boring life.
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2007 15 February :: 12.20am
today came and went and only slightly pissed me off.
thanks for the card grandma.
i don't want to think about love. it doesn't seem to be on my side lately.
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2007 14 February :: 9.45am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Pain - 3 Days Grace
Happy Valentines Day Kelly!! I love you babe
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2007 13 February :: 4.38pm
19, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
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2007 12 February :: 10.41am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart - HIM
It's raining, I have a headache, my throat hurts... I need to be with Kelly so he can snuggle with me because it's just one of those days.
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