The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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This thing called life

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:: 2007 11 February :: 10.24pm
:: Mood: annoyed/pissed off

Our fucking washer broke. Dad was working on it and then just quit and left all the shit scattered around the bathroom. Well I went in there to take my shower, only to find this out. I go ask him if he could clean it up or at least get it out of my way and he gets all pissed and yelled at me, asking me why I couldn't just take a shower in the other bathroom. Well, all my face cleaning stuff and fucking soap isn't in the other bathroom and I don't feel like taking it all in there and then taking it back, when all I want to do is take a fucking shower and go to fucking bed. He grumbles and pushes past me to go clean it up I assumed.
I waited, went to my room, fixed my bed, took off my glasses, brushed my hair, and then figured I'd given him enough time so I go back in there... To find everything in the exact same place and him fucking working on it again. I am so completely pissed off at him. I just want a fucking shower.
I'm getting a cold, Kelly told me to take medicine before bed so I did and now I'm like on the verge of passing out I'm so fucking tired and Dad's busy being a fucking douche.

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:: 2007 11 February :: 7.05pm
:: Mood: thirsty
:: Music: Hemorrhage (In My Hands) - Fuel

Busy, busy weekend
Friday - Maroon and Gray day for Spirit week. I had worn all my school-ey clothes Thursday, so Jo and I went and raided her closet. We came up with this FCCLA shirt that's maroon and gray, that fits repulsively, and an old cheerleading skirt from 5th grade. Yeah. 5th grade. I barely got it over my hips, but it worked if I wore it on my waist and not my hips. So I wore that over my blue jeans, which I rolled to capri's and traded my shoes in for my ag advisor's purple boots. I was so damn hot.
We decorated for Homecoming and made it look effing amazing. I was being a dumbass and warming up with the cheerleaders before the pep rally and they were talking about "tricks" and I was like oooh I can do a cartwheel and land in the splits. The douche's didn't believe me so I did it. I'm not telling them this, but I pulled a muscle in my ass. Very uncomfortable, but they were impressed.
Went home, got ready, came back up to school with my family blah blah blah. In the middle of the third quarter Tessi show's up and we leave (we lost though, by 3 points after being ahead the entire game. It sucked so bad). We went to Wal-Mart and dicked around for about an hour, headed home, went BACK to Wal-mart because she forgot shit for her brother. Went home and went to bed.

Saturday - I wake up at 5, shower and get ready, then we leave at 6:15 for Webb City. We get there just in time, but all sad because Sonic wasn't open to fill our belly's and we instead had to go to McDonalds. That was alright because I love the mcgriddle.
Go, take the test, head on to Arkansas. Yeah, I know, "What?!" -- We missed our exit some how and were heading straight to Bentenville. This was not ok. I had work at 2:00 and she had to go see her brother. We cut across the one-way and onto the other one-way to head back. We were such badasses... and also completely scared we'd get caught but WE DIDN'T!! It was awesome. So we get back and I work from 2:00-8:30. Then I go out with Tessi and we drink with this guy Matt, and make up rules for Drunken Uno. It was awesome. I got shitfaced within an hour and a half, alternating between chugging Evan Williams and Bacardi. We had to get up and go to church the next morning, so opposed to passing out dead at Matt's house, we opted to just head back to Tessi's.

Sunday - Get up with an AWFUL ASS hangover, eat a bottle of ibprofren (not really), shower and go to Tessi's church where the sermon is about nonother than the sin's involved in drinking. I shit you not. I felt very uncomfortable sitting through that sermon, and we hightailed it out of there right after the closing prayer. Ha.
Get home, talk to Kelly, leave to sleep but I never got to because mom made me watch 2 episodes of MythBusters with her, then the washer broke so I had to help dad work on it. We're going to have to get a new one I think. Suckage.

Anyway, that was my weekend. It was crazy, and it was fun. Definitly a lot of good memories.

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:: 2007 10 February :: 4.10am

I miss my family. =(

For some of them, it's been many years since I've seen them. It makes me sad. I'm thinking when this semester is over, I'm going to spend much of my summer going to visit the ones I can. And going on the big camping trip we always have.

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:: 2007 8 February :: 8.28am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: A little less Sixteen Candles, a little more Touch Me - Fall Out Boy

Stupid Things
[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking/laughing.
[x] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking.
[x] You have ran into a glass/screen door.
[x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then
people gave you weird looks.
So far:5

[x] You have ran into a tree/bush.
[x] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow.
[x] You have tried to lick your elbow.
[x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rythm.
[x] You just tried to sing them.
So far: 10

[x] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit.
[ ] You have seen the Matrix and still don't get it.
[ ]You've never seen the Matrix.
[ ] You type only with two fingers.
So far:12

[x] You have accidentally caught something on fire
[x] You tried to drink out of a straw, but it went into your nose/eyes.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling.
[x] You've fallen asleep in class
[x] If someone says "fart" you laugh.
So far: 17

[x] Sometimes you just stop thinking.
[x] You are telling a story and forget what you were talking about
[x] People are often shaking their heads and walk away from you
[x]You are often told to use your "inside voice".
[x] you use your fingers to do simple math.
So far: 22

[x] You have eaten a bug (on accident)
[x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and
didn't realize it
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand
So far: 26

[ ] You repost bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't.
[x] You break a lot of things.
So far: 27

[ ] Your friends know not to use big words around you
[x] You tilt your head when you're confused
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before
So far: 29

[x] When you're laying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture of the ceiling
[x] The word "umm" is used many times a day.
So far: 31

Now count them up and put "I've done 31 stupid things out of 36"

sonuva.... I failed. haha

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:: 2007 7 February :: 8.43pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Fall out boy

I cuddled with your dealer because that's how I roll
It's True It's pick the month you were born in
1 - I ate
2 - I killed
3 - I ran naked with
4 - I cuddled with
5 - I needed
6 - I framed
7 - I smoked with
8 - I ran shirtless with
9 - I slept with
10 - I raped
11 - I stabbed
12-I fucked

Pick the day (number) you were born on
01 - a cat
02 - a dog
03 - a jew
04 - a mexican
05 - Santa Claus
06 - a homo
07 - your mom
08 - a prostitute
09 - a pornstar
10 -a bag of weed
11 - the trojan man
12 - the kool-aid man
13 - a bowl of cereal
14 - a whore
15 - a pickle
16 - a stripper
17 - a bisexual
18 -a condom
19 - an orange
20 - a crackhead
21 - a homeless guy
22 - JFK
23 - my ex
24 - you
25 - a jar of honey
26 - a lesbian
27 -Paris Hilton
28 - a french fry
29 - your dealer
30 -a glass of milk
31 - Ur grandma

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing

White - Because thats how i roll
Black - because I'm sexy as hell
Pink - Because the lil people told me to
Red - because I'm a pimp and you're jealous
Blue - because i have AMAZING boobs
Polka Dots - because I hate my life
Purple - because I'm gay
Gray - because I love marijuana
Other - because I have double D's
Green - because I'm beautiful
Orange - because I smoke crack
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose
Brown - because i had to
Shirtless - because I've got abs
Other 2-For the assanation of JFK


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:: 2007 7 February :: 9.43pm
:: Music: Ted Nugent, because he's always been there for me

I totaled the Panteramobile, but i'll be driving a new car within the week. Chevy Impala. Niiiiiiiice.

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:: 2007 7 February :: 9.48am
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: Fall out boy

Kelly got back last night!! I was so excited to see him, I missed him oh so much. I'm still amazed how perfect he is and I've known him forever. He makes me happy :)
I really need to study for my test in... *clock checkage* yeah, an hour and 15 minutes. I'm not going to do good, and I know this, so I don't want to bother studying. Bad. I need to study a lot. Obviously I'm not though, I'm updating. I'll go study now I suppose.

I love this song

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:: 2007 5 February :: 1.55pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: If you could only see - Tonic

Shitastic Week
Kelly left sometime this morning for Lansing(sp) to attend his grandmother's funeral. I know he had to go but I miss him dang it.
He should be back on Wednesday if all goes as planned.

We get our announcements, caps and gowns tomorrow. I'm uber excited. I think we got like silver for the girls and maroon for the guys. I don't even remember what our colors are.
Graduation is going to be so effing sad. We're leaving a seat for Justin with a white rose in it and we've got a slide show with some pictures of him on it and just a few paragraphs about him and... yeah. It's sad but he deserved it so we'll suck it up and make it through it alright.

-My Week-
*Accounting test
*Poultry test
*Concession stand - 5:30 p.m.
*Macbeth test
*Vocab test
*Get Senior stuff
*Poultry practice - 7:15 a.m.
*Sociology Test
*Talk to Kelly again -I hope-
* ... I don't know
*Homecoming Dance
*Wake up at 4:15 a.m. get ready and drive 2 hours to take the ACT

Holy shit. I am going to have a very low score on my ACT this time around because I'll be out late with Homecoming. Now, yes, I could skip it, but ... fuck that. It's my last one! I don't want to. I'll just have to take the ACT again if I get a low score again. Last time I got a 21. Not ok. I need at least a 25. What I also need is to learn some fucking math. Math pwns me and kicks my ass everytime.

Anyway. That's that. We got out of school early because of a teacher meeting or something. Sweet. Renkoski, Tylor, Derek and I went to Taco Bell after school and ate. It was very delectible. We jammed out to Purple Rain and Unchained Melody. Good times, good times.

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:: 2007 4 February :: 7.26pm

My kitty doesn't like it when I kiss her face. ^^

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And she loves Silkroad. (Kind of)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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:: 2007 4 February :: 1.47am

Haunt You Every Day

I don't feel the joy
I don't feel the pain
You were just a toy
I am just insane

Walking on my own
Leaving you behind
You were crying out
That you need to speak your mind

So alone in love
So alone in love
I'm going to haunt you everyday
Haunt you everyday

I am gonna kill
When I need a thrill
Eating at the heart
until I've had my fill
When will stupid learn?
Fires gonna burn
Think of consequence
Then you move when it your turn

So alone in love
So alone in love
I'm going to haunt you everyday
Haunt you everyday

Walking on my own
Leaving you behind
You were crying out
That you need to speak your mind

So alone in love
So alone in love
I'm going to haunt you everyday
Haunt you everyday
haunt you everyday

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:: 2007 4 February :: 1.14am
:: Mood: apathetic

You're full of shit.

You stupid hypocritical moron.

Let it go. The damage in your heart.

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:: 2007 1 February :: 6.15pm

Totally didn't go to class today. Totally no regrets about that. Totally wearin my pjs all day. Totally watching Grey's tonight. Totally lots o snow outside. Totally...

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:: 2007 30 January :: 8.22pm
:: Mood: amused

omfg. this makes me so happy...

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:: 2007 30 January :: 8.44am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: A kiss to send us off - Incubus

The President
Everyone is so fucking sick at school. It's time to pull out a bio suit. Too bad I had to give it to the president when he needed one. Yeah, that's right. He came to me. I'm that dependable.
... Right, back to my story. My throat's starting to hurt so I'm living off of cough drops today. I swear if I get the shit they're passing around like a hacky sack I'll hurt them. I don't want or need to be sick.
I have a freaking Accounting test tomorrow. Oh joy.

We're getting to the part in Macbeth where Lady Macbeth (moi) goes crazy. I'm excited.

So it's 12 degrees outside right now, and our school is poor so our heaters aren't working too great. My fingers are blue, and if I didn't have pink lip gloss on, my lips would be too.

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:: 2007 30 January :: 9.32am

ok so. i talked to uncle steve about moving to california, and he said
that he would pay for me to get my car fixed, which is barely running
anymore. (by pay for me i mean x-fer money from the college fund)
however he said that he didnt think that spending $420.60 to fly out
to california on march 2-9th to look at the apartments in person /
maybe sign a lease, was a justifiable expense because apparently "you
cant expect them to have an apartment for you 3-4 months in advance".
maybe i was just wrong in thinking that that was the whole point of a
lease... *shrugs* anyways, he said that i should ask my mom and don to
pay for the trip out there, and im not left with any other choice
really...its that or i drive to overpopulated Southern California and
expect to find an apartment AND move in the same day, but if i did
that...uncle steve said he'd be willing to transfer the money for it.
sooo, to get to the point, if my mom and don could somehow spare the
money for my plane ticket for my "vacation" to find an apartment and
go to blizzard and maybe meet some of the people there ahead of time
(president maybe *crosses fingers*) i would greatly appreciate it. if not, im sure i
could like stay in a hotel for a few days or something when i get
there...but that would be over 420.60 pretty fast...alot faster then i
could find an apartment, thats for sure.

*ends ranting*

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