The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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This thing called life

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:: 2007 27 January :: 10.03pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Vienna - The Fray

All About Me Survey
I Ama (very happy) girlfriend, waitress/dish washer, daughter, sister
I Wantto be with Kelly right now
I Havethe most amazing boyfriend in the world
I Wishthat everyone would just get along
I Hatethose who try to be someone they\'re not
I Fearbeing alone for the rest of my life.. and the dark
I Hearnot very much i\'m not a good listener
I Searchfor success and happiness
I Wonderwhy people on antartica are standing upside down
I Regretnothing, everything happens for a reason
I Loveenjoying life, being me, and talking to Kelly with my nose plugged
I Achewhen i have to mop the floors at work
I Alwayslaugh, even when i don\'t know what\'s going on
I Usuallyconfuse myself and those i\'m talking to
I Am Notsomeone who depends on others to achieve
I Dancebest after putting soap on the bottom of the shower so I can do the slide with more grace and ease
I Singlike a cow on menopause
I Neverwant to be without my other half, Kelly
I Rarelyever listen without staring at your forehead
I Crya lot, but not always because I\'m sad
I Am Not Alwayswho you think i am
I Loseall of my bobby pins
I'm Confusedwhen people make fun of me
I Needto get my own car
I Shouldbecome a better person and make better grades
Take This Survey at

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:: 2007 26 January :: 10.53am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Just a Phase - Incubus

I have drama practice after school every day but Friday for the play that takes place on February 15. Today should be my day off but I have to work from 3:30-8:30 and that just makes today really sucky because I have that to look forward to. I'm almost positive I have to work Saturday from 2:00-8:30. I better get to waitress tomorrow because we're always really busy and I want to make gobs of money in tips. That would make my Saturday being sucked up by difficult people semi alright.
I was going to come home straight from work and talk to Kelly since I won't really get to Saturday, but Tessi wanted to go watch a movie and everyone was busy and I was kind of feeling sorry for her, Lord help me, so I said I'd go see one with her after work. We were going to watch Catch and Release, but for some reason it isn't playing, so she wants to watch Dreamgirls. I don't know if it'll be good or not, I'm not exactly in the mood for a musical but ... whatever.
I miss Kelly and I just stopped talking to him 4 minutes ago.
This is going to be an extremely long weekend.

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:: 2007 24 January :: 4.22pm

Caleb is rockin the camera

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:: 2007 24 January :: 9.36am
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: Mexico - Incubus

I decided I was dying of thirst and ran to get a powerade in between classes and it wouldn't spit it out forever and so I looked where they came out and there were two others already there so I got 3 all together. It was a sign. It means that I'm special and powerful.
Go me.

Our councelor is a creep head. She makes me laugh though.

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:: 2007 24 January :: 9.10am

Well it's kind of been a while. It's so hard to get up at 6:30 every morning. I am not used to this yet. Definitely not getting enough sleep. School is going well. Caleb is doing very well. He was weighed yesterday by the nurse and he weighs a whopping 12 lbs. 10 oz. now. He's in the 50% percentile. And he's 24 inches long, he's in the 75% percentile. I think he's going to be very tall. He's just a happy little boy, always smiling and laughing and cooing. He talks so much. And he's a good cuddler.
Other than that things have been good. I'm going to go buy an elliptical in a couple days, I am so excited. I've lost 10 pounds in a few weeks. yay.

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:: 2007 22 January :: 10.58pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Love Hurts - Incubus

Much needed update
So school let out due to the crazy ice storm that took out trees, power lines, phone lines, and houses. It was totally cool. We were out of school for an entire week. That week made me not ever want to return, so today, the first one back, sucked so bad. I'm ready to be out of here, and I want money so I can just go to Michigan and not have to hang around here and work my ass off just for the trip up there and for a car and for insurance and gas and food. Maybe I'll not eat anything but like... oh what's cheap?!... Ramon Noodles. They're like 10 cents per package around here I think. Anyway, I'll cut food for the most part, and cut gas, I'll just syphone it during the night, wearing my ninja clothes. Insurance... geeze. That'll have to stay on the list. Other than that I'm good I think. I'll just let my clothes kind of wash clean in rain, or find someone's pool...
I missed Kelly's birthday because of this stupid storm shit that happened here. That was sad. It was also our 4th anniversary. I tend to be all "omg random anniversary!" and it makes me feel bad for him. Guys don't care about that shit, I'm aware of it... But I still like to go on about it cause they're like "oh ... shit I have to act like this is important to me and say nice things to them and... gah! what's something nice to say!?" and it's humerous. I'm sorry. I find humor in other's distress. I got something wrong with me, but It's been wrong for 17 years and I'm ok with it now.
Anyway. LAN Party thing. I do believe I'm going to allow myself to be drug away by Kelly to attend. I'll have to leave like the morning of the 5th and drive all day, then stop and sleep somewhere, then drive the rest of the day on the 6th. Make it there, collapse in exaustion and then wake up and go on another road trip to PA for however many days. Hotel room with Kelly? Fuck yes. Amazing.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

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:: 2007 20 January :: 1.46am

Summer Wine
Ville Valo and Natalia Avalon

Strawberries, cherries and an Angel’s kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things

I walked in town on silver spurs that jingled to
A song that I had only sang to just a few
She saw my silver spurs and said let’s pass some time
And I will give to you, summer wine
Oh, Summer Wine

Strawberries, cherries and an Angel’s kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you, summer wine
Oh, Summer Wine

My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak
I tried to get up, but I couldn’t find my feet
She reassured me with an unfamiliar line
And then she gave to me, more summer wine
Oh, Summer Wine

Strawberries, cherries and an Angel’s kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you, summer wine
Oh, Summer Wine

When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes
My silver spurs were gone, my head felt twice its size
She took my silver spurs, a dollar and a dime
And left me craving for, more summer wine
Oh, Summer Wine

Strawberries, cherries and an Angel’s kiss in spring
My summer wine is really made from all these things
Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
And I will give to you, summer wine
Oh, Summer Wine

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:: 2007 14 January :: 5.16am

"We really need to get you some pants"

"Yeah, *giggle* thats not a pickle"

"I know.....I'ts your penis"

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:: 2007 13 January :: 10.41pm
:: Mood: hungover something fierce

my manager is fucking crazy, but in a good way. partying until 10 in the morning is the way to party.

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:: 2007 13 January :: 6.44am

I miss good times with good friends.

Damn this world.

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:: 2007 13 January :: 6.07am


Why does, when everything seems to be going so well, the past pops up out of nowhere, and bites you in the ass? But it's so suddenly unexpected, and stings so much, the pain creeps into your heart. =\

Oh well, I said Happy Birthday, and I meant it.
P.S. You're a big fat liar. And certainly not who I thought you were, once upon a time. I thought you were cool once, and now I see only shallow egotism. Yet, I still can't help but like you.

I'm only slightly bitter.

P.P.S. Myspace, I hate you. Why can't I quit you???

UGH! Emo time.....God Damned myspace. Eff yourself and die.

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:: 2007 12 January :: 1.22pm

Skipped my first class today. Walked in, turned around and walked straight back out. My day had already started out bad. It wasn't helping me. Just finished dropping that class. >.>

There's one small fact that make me irritated that im not staying in. But it would be that way regardless if I were there or not, so there wouldn't be much I could do. At least I don't have to watch it happening, and make myself feel even worse.

I really fucking hate one way streets, hardcore. Who the eff invented those anyway??? What's the freakin point?? Besides to confuse. ><
And when there's construction going on also, its even worse DX<

*Sigh* Yay for Friday afternoon cartoons.

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:: 2007 12 January :: 12.05pm
:: Music: War - Edwin Star

Jefferson airplane - Somebody to love
When the truth is found to be lies
and all the joys within you dies
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

When the garden flowers baby are dead yes
and your mind is full of red
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

your eyes, I say your eyes may look like his
but in your head baby I'm afraid you don't know where it is
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

tears are running ah running down your breast
and your friends baby they treat you like a guest
don't you want somebody to love
don't you need somebody to love
wouldn't you love somebody to love
you better find somebody to love

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:: 2007 11 January :: 10.55pm

My first day of college today. One class at 6:15 p.m. to 9:30. Art History II

My teacher is awesome, she makes great facial expressions. And she said fuck today. (phuc) Cuz its the french word for seal, aparently. =]

My life has been feeling crappy lately. Who knew it would take school to make me feel like it was heading back on up. >.>

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:: 2007 11 January :: 9.01am

Sooo... Back at school. Early. I got up at 6:30 this morning! And my first class was only a half hour long. And my second class doesn't start until 10:30. And I'm excited about pottery tonight with Becca!
In other news...

Caleb is 11 weeks old today, where does the time go?
He started sucking his thumb! It's so adorable! He's gotten really good at it overnight. Yesterday he tried and tried and then overnight he got the hang of it. This morning on the monitor I heard "smack smack smack" and I knew exactly what he was doing and it made me smile. :-)

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