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:: 2006 22 January :: 12.05pm
:: Mood: Tired

I can't do that to you. I just can't.

I would never hurt you like you hurt me.


:: 2006 20 January :: 11.36pm

Aww I love Annalise!! She's too sweet to me!

Haha I love how someone will call me and then I didn't hear my phone ring and I notice that I have a missed call about two seconds after they called so I call them back and they are right in the middle of leaving me a voicemail and then listening to their voicemail cracks me up because sometimes they don't know if they should stop talking and switch over, or what. I don't know it just has happened to me a lot with many people and it's pretty funny.

Emily called me tonight and that happened, but that isn't my point. She wants to come over tomorrow with Logan and Justin to visit me. Afterwards she said she is feeling sick and she thinks she has mono from me.. Everyone who gets sick all of the sudden think they have mono lol. Let's hope not.

Thank god I only have like 10 minutes left. Robot mode is over soon Stacy lol.

Well this was pointless so I'm going to stop rambling on.

4 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 20 January :: 1.32pm

Last night I was in the hospital again. I was actually going to explain everything thats going on, but now I don't really feel like wasting my time. If you're important then i'll let you know what happened.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait until I can go back to school next week.

I probably wont ever say that again.


:: 2006 19 January :: 1.59pm

Hey peeps (especially Kyle), check this out.

Ridiculous, ne?

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 18 January :: 6.59pm

Today was a long long day. I haven't slept very much today. I had a lot of friends come over to visit me :) I love them. They're too sweet.

Now my sleeping schedule is off track. At around 3:30 am my mom wakes me up to so I can take my medicine. I fall back asleep. Then at 7:30am she comes and wakes me up again so I can take more medicine. I sometimes get up and go visit everyone who's getting ready for work and school or sometimes I just fall back asleep. I sleep until around 11:30 when she wakes me up again. I get up..she makes me eat something..I watch a movie...I sleep until 3:30..usually by then someones here to see me..I see them for a while...I usally sleep some more..wake up..i'm forced to eat..I watch tv for a while then I sometimes fall asleep and at 11:30 before my mom goes to bed she wakes me up again and makes me take more medicine...

Haha im going to be addicted now.

I pretty much didn't do that at all today so tonight's probably going to be rough.

I'm going into my 3rd hour (drama) for like 20 minutes just so I can talk to H and see what I'm going to do about the play and I have to get all my homework from the rest of my teachers. Ugh..

Josh's letter he wrote me was so cute. I'm so sad for him. He has to face Ms. Eilola alone...oh well things happen. I'll write his letter tonight, and I can't forget to write Lisa's and Kelli's too.

When I got my picture taken for my license the lady was like "you could have at least smiled" since I was complaining about me looking horriable and then she said that and I just wanted to slap her and be like "umm maybe you should shut the fuck up I have mono and I've been in the hospital" and then I also just wanted to lick her or something so then she'd get mono too.

Anyways I don't really have much to say and too many people are talking to me and my brain still can't function very well and im getting too confused so I can't do all this at once.

~mCaLa~ says:
bummer....so H found out today, did u hear this story yet?
*ASH*-forget the things we swore we meant <3 says:
*ASH*-forget the things we swore we meant <3 says:
~mCaLa~ says:
oh...well he was in shock..he's like "are you serious? lil one has mono?" we're all like "umm..yea" he let out a yell..lol

Hope this was fast enough Stacy!!

<3 ashley

8 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 18 January :: 2.50pm

Even the slyest and most clever words cannot hide muted action.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 17 January :: 11.23pm

I'm not really mad at you. I just don't think you meant what you said. You lied to me and from now on I can no longer believe anything you say.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 17 January :: 10.15pm

Ignore the intro, click the cut tag. An anti-Bush text adventure!
I don't know if any of you have experienced the glory and darn good times that are contained in text adventures but you should try them out.

While you're pondering your further descent into geek-dom, read this totally awesome fake text adventure game that bashes our president! (taken from this blog which actually isn't this political most of the time every once in a while)

Read more..

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 17 January :: 7.10pm

Read more..

8 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 12 January :: 8.49am

Also, Leute...

It has come to my attention that my birthday is in less than a week (it's on Sunday, January 22). I wish to remain in the Kzoo area to celebrate, but you all are invited down to celebrate with me! We'll be partyin' it up at a chinese restaurant called Joy Fong which is located in Portage. I'd be honored if you guys came down and joined in on the celebrations.

I'll post more details later on in the week when I have more time and am not about ready to go to class.

Peace out, j0.

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 11 January :: 3.57pm


I scoff.

To sum it up to those who are too lazy to click the link, Armin Meiwes (the dude that's imprisoned for cannibalism in Germany) is sueing Rammstein for their song titled "Mein Teil" because it's about him.

I scoff.

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 16 January :: 2.49pm

Stop doing this. It's getting so annoying. You don't get that.

Everythings about you. It's always about you. You think the world revolves around you. You're selfish and I can't stand it any longer. Maybe you should just listen to yourself. I think we were right.

You just made everything a lot easier for me, so thank you for pretty much proving everything we thought.

My dad and Kelli are coming to see me tonight :)

Aww yesterday I got flowers and then today I got more!!

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 11 January :: 1.15pm

Happy MLK[Jr.] day!

We get the day off to celebrate ^_^

3 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 15 January :: 7.40pm

Okay so I'm going to try to make this short because I'm about to fall asleep.

Last night I woke up around 4am and I started crying because I couldn't breathe or swallow any liquids. My mom gave me some kind of medicine to calm me down and it wouldn't help so we went to the hospital. When I got there they told her I was dehydrated and they gave me a breathing mask and they tried putting an IV in my arm, but they couldn't find a good vein so they had to keep trying. I was getting so pissed because it hurt so bad. Finally they found one and they had a huge bag of some kind of liquids connected to my IV. They said it would take over an hour to get it pumped into my IV and into me and then they put Steriods *sp* into my IV to take down the swelling of my glands so I could breathe better and apparently I'm allergic to w/e kind it was and I had a major allergic reaction. I almost passed out and then I got all these weird pains everywhere and it felt like someone was stabbing me with all these tiny needles so I was screaming and crying and I really don't even remember what happend after that because they gave me something and it pretty much knocked me right out. I was so scared though. My machines I was hooked to were beeping and I hated being on a stretcher. I seriously felt like I was going to die. Anyways I don't know if I said it or not, but I do have mono so I probably will be out of school for a while. Who knows what's going to happen. I think when my dad walked into my hospital room it scared the crap out of him. When he seen me he just kept looking at everything I was hooked up to and all the IV's and he was like "God this is awful" and I can tell he felt bad because he isn't going to be here for me since he's leaving for Pittsburg tomorrow morning. Oh well though. My mom has to pretty much force me to eat and drink. I can't even stay awake long enough to eat anything, but the doctors said that I have to because all the medicine I'm on right now will make me sick if I don't. But I'm getting too tired so i'm going to go take a nap.

Thanks Stacy, Dani, and Dustin for coming to visit me today. It was awesome. I <3 you!


Oh yeah and Stacy I don't know why I was thinking about this, but when you seen me today where did you say I looked like I came from..idk it was some movie or something...haha I don't remember what you said, but it made me laugh at the time when you said it.

3 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2006 14 January :: 11.25am

Happy Couples Unappreciation/Yay for being Single Day!!!!!!

To all the lonely people far and wide, bust out your empty agendas! Screw those couples, always PDA-ing in the street! Today is our day!

4 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...

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