2006 13 January :: 10.24pm
Tuition for 18 credit hours at Western: $Kajillion and one
Books: app. $300
other school supplies: $35
Seeing Danielle (Coop's roomie) drunk: Priceless
Danielle is our entertainment for the evening.
Edit: And by entertainment I mean someone that we had to look after and make sure she wouldn't drown herself in the toilet.
Bring a ray of hope...
2006 13 January :: 3.12pm
I missed school again today. I've been sick for the past few days, but this morning it was really bad. I woke up at around 3:30am and I had a fever, I thought I was going to throw up, I couldn't breathe, etc so I just started bawling and this morning I wanted to go to school, but then my mom seen me and she wouldn't let me go. We went to the doctors and at first they tested me for strep throat and it came back negative and the doctor said there is also a differen't kind that I could possiably have that doesn't show up on tests, but since they weren't sure they wanted to test me for mono and draw my blood and get a blood count. So anyways my mom and I are sitting there in the doctors office and then my mom was talking on her phone and they have a sign saying that you have to turn your phone off and we were waiting for the lady to come in to draw my blood and I thought my doctor said her name was Dino, but her name was really Dina and anyways I was being completely serious at this time because I seriously thought it was her name and i'm like "Mom, put your phone away, Dino will be here soon" and my mom just busted out laughing and she's like "Dino? Dino is a dinosaur! Her name is Dina, not Dino" and so then I was laughing because thats what I thought her name was and then all of the sudden she walked in and my mom hurried and put her phone away and she hung up while she was talking to my sister and I was laughing hysterically because I knew "Dina" was going to walk in and so then my mom goes "oh sure you laugh about it now but wait until the needle goes in" and she was trying to cover up and make it sound like I wasn't laughing at the lady and then I kept laughing still at how dumb my mom sounded and how she was lying lol. So I was pretty pissed off that they had to draw my blood because I'm scared of needles and it wasn't as bad as I thought but they don't know what I have until Monday. It really sucks because I'll fall asleep and when I wake up I always feel worse than I did before I fell asleep and I just start bawling again. It hurts so bad. I hate this. I hope that I don't have mono because I'm pretty sure I wont be at school for a long long time....
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2006 13 January :: 2.15pm
Yay! No classes today!!! So I slept in late. It was great.
No classers on Monday, either. I've never gotten MLK day off for school before, except maybe in Illinois because my school was more diverse than Rockford will ever be.
I yoinked Futurama from Eric's harddrive. Yay!
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2006 13 January :: 8.51am
Today is going to be a long, long day.
One without lunch.
I'll update about my classes when I'm not tired/have time/think people care.
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2006 12 January :: 10.07am
School. I hate school. I don't want to go. It's lame lame lame.
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2006 12 January :: 8.06am
Girl things
My period came last night. Four days ahead of time.
I have horrible cramps and a class at 9:25 and one at 10:50. Then I have work from 1 to 5.
Oh, and we're all out of pads. And I can't find a tampon (not like I'd use one anyway). The rule states that if you use the last one or few, you're supposed to tell someone, HANNAH!
I think I'm just going to stay home. There's no way I can go anywhere bleeding and cramping. I'll go to work at 1 maybe.
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2006 11 January :: 6.14pm
I've visited all of my classes now.
All of them look to be really good and exciting and envigorating. I can't wait to learn more (don't I sound like such a nerd?).
History will be a bit like last semester (same prof) but we'll have a paper to turn in at the end and will have to lead an in-class discussion at some point. Japanese is going to be extremely easy (as easy as your mom was last night ~_^), mostly review. Which is okay because Sami-sensei isn't doing the most fantastic job of teaching people stuff, but she might get better later on. German is German, Olivia is herself as usual. I met a really cool dude that's lived in Germany for more than a year. Plus he's black, the first black person I've ever had in a German class (this is a good thing, people, cuz he's rockin). Myth and Ritual will be really cool because our prof was an anthropologist in Africa and returns to Africa almost every year. Plus, as soon as he found out that my major was German, he started speaking to me in German. Last but not least, my Literary Interpretation and Analysis class seems to be pretty good. We're reading Oedipus Rex at the moment. Booya.
I have a lot more reading this semester, and will probably be working more on school work than bumselning about on the computer (let's hope). My goal is not to get below a C/B (equivalent to a B-) this semester.
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2006 11 January :: 5.22pm
God, you're pathetic.
I'm in a really bad mood today again and just about everyone is bugging the shit out of me.
Why can't people just mind their own fucking business?
Please stop asking me. It's rude and it annoys me since it doesn't concern any of the people who have asked me in the last week.
School sucked today. My grade in english is now a 93% which isn't bad but I can do better than that and the only reason that it's lower is because we are reading a dumb book and I sleep all hour so she gives me zero's but I wasn't aware that I'm not allowed to sleep considering that I do the homework that's due anyways, but Ms. Eilola just love's being a pain in my royal ass and that's all there is to it.
I feel like crap once again......
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2006 11 January :: 7.22am
I don't know what this semester's going to be like.
I have math homework due tomorrow and no math book.
I have reading to do for my Cultural Anthropology class and my Principles of Business Management class but I don't have the books for those classes either.
I'm trying really hard to get by without buying the books. My family's going through a hard time financially and I don't want to ask them for money.
I'm going to go to the bookstore today and copy my math problems out of the book then see if I can borrow/read (while standing around in her room) my friend's books for anthropology. I guess I'll see if I can borrow the business book from a girl at work.
Or I could try to get by until next week.
I definitely need the math book though.
I'm stressing out.
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2006 10 January :: 7.35pm
"Well he looks like a douche bag, should we write that down?"
Haha I love you Stacy. We are such bitches. When he was barking i'm like "Ugh, that makes me sick!"
I was only being honest!
...five million more years until the weekend....
This whole thing is just inside jokes that only a select few people understand.
We all took our bitch pills today...
And I definitely don't feel good right now and half of my family is sick so I'm going to go take some Nyquil and go to bed.
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2006 9 January :: 10.12pm
I ate dinner with Eric, Jenn, Joel, Blue-Hair boy, Eric's new across the hall neighbor/friend (Jenn has [hopefully] succeeded in freaking him out a bit), Mera, and visits from other aquaintances. My life feels full now thanks to sitting in the caf and listening to our conversations. Conversations at home were...safe, sometimes we didn't even talk. But here we talk about anything from Star Wars to music to sex.
And I'm not cute!!!!
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2006 9 January :: 9.13pm
Yay I'm on the internet on my laptop!! How exciting!! I need to download msn messenger though which is going to take five million years. Oh well I'm happy!
Bring a ray of hope...
2006 9 January :: 8.49pm
I'm in a really bad mood tonight and anyone who talks to me pretty much annoys me.
Tonight when my sister and I were on our way home from shopping she was trying to do something to my mirror and I wasn't paying attention since I was driving and she pushed the on*star button because she didn't know what it was and that was a bad idea lol. My radio all of the sudden turned off and then this weird music started playing and then a lady started talking to us and I didn't know what was going on and she was going to send help but then we said it was an acciden't and she said something to us and she turned it off, but it was pretty hilarious.
School is so stupid I just want it to be the weekend again. I always have fun on the weekends.
My sister Danielle dyed her hair dark brown so now we have the same hair color and now all I keep hearing is how we look like twins....
And Stacy was everyone being serious when they said were hanging out with Big Nasty this weekend? Haha I love Ben he's so cute!
I know this is hurting you but it's killing me.
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2006 9 January :: 3.59pm
Happy first day of class, everybody!
I'm a lucky butt and dont' have any classes today, but tomorrow I'm gonna have a butt load.
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