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Darkness covers me...

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:: 2005 10 December :: 4.34pm

If this what you want. This is what you get.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 10 December :: 3.35am

Two completely unrelated things:
Read more..


Read more..

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 9 December :: 11.49pm

Alright so maybe it was worth it.

Tonight was fun. I love Dani, Megan, Emily Sorensen, Aaron, Scott, Matt, Emily E, Brittany. We always have so much fun.

But I should go to sleep now. I couldn't even stay awake for the movie.

<3 Ashley


:: 2005 9 December :: 6.09pm
:: Music: Nightmare before Christmas

I'm home now, and will be here until the...19th I think. Then the flight and trip to Californi-ay, then back again on either the 30th or the 31st. Then [hopefully] road trip with the Kelly and Rachel. Mom was totally okay with it, which rocks. We can move back into the dorms on the 7th, and classes start up again on the 9th.

I got presents from Coop and Tara today (and I gave Tara her present ^_^). Coop got me an organizer for my craft stuff (which I desperately needed) and Tara got me an Armor for Sleep CD *squee!* Which is kinda funny...right before I lay down for a nap and couldn't breathe and Tara and I went to the health center and all that shite, she and I were talking about music because she'd just gotten back from a Fallout Boy concert. I'd asked her if she liked Armor for Sleep and she said yes, so we were lamenting about not having any Armor for Sleep CDs.

Tim Burton rocks my world.

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 9 December :: 6.26am

Rockford doesn't have school. Actually, no one has school.

I hate being a commuter. All this happy joy ("Rachel, Rachel, we don't have school") and I've got to go give a presentation, do my French oral exam and take a math quiz/test along with finishing up my portfolio by 5.

Luckily, my parents came to pick me up last night. So at least I don't have to drive to school.

But sigh. I am sad.

I am never procrastinating ever again.

5 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 8 December :: 7.49pm

NO MORE CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 8 December :: 7.11pm

Today was probably one of the worst days of my life and I don't think it's going to get any easier until that day comes. The truth behind the reason why I didn't come to school yesterday wasn't all because I woke up late and I was sick. Yeah, both of those things are true but Veronica's mom did call me Tuesday night and she told me she was going to bring her to school on Wednesday and I was scared. I was scared to see her so I didn't want to go and when I got to school today I soon found out she was coming today. I can't begin to explain how scared I was. I don't know why I was scared. It's not like she was going to hurt me or something. I just couldn't handle it. I barely could look at her and when I did look at her for the first time, I can't even explain how it felt. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't even introduce myself. Sam Foley had to tell her who I was. The only reason why I went near her was because someone told me that I might be the person to spark her memory. So I did it, just for her. It hurts so bad seeing your best friend look at you as if she's never seen you before. I just want to tell her all of our memories and I wanted to show her our spot but I knew it wouldn't help. It seems like were missing so much of our friendship. I feel like she's running out of time and it's frustrating because I want her to remember so bad, but she can't and I know it's not her fault. I miss her so much and I would do anything to help her, but unfortunately theres nothing I can do. Getting up every morning for school is just going to get harder and harder until she comes back. And if you don't understand how I feel, think about it happening to YOUR best friend. I think I'll probably cry tomorrow too. I feel like I still need to cry which is weird but thats just how I feel. Stacy told me I was cute when I cried and it's cute how many people kiss me when I cry. They did that in the play too.

It`s unbelieveable how we pick ourselves up everyday, just to be let down anyways.

That hurt. It's okay, I'll remember that next time.



:: 2005 8 December :: 3.06pm

I think there's a toilet paper boycott going down at Nick's house. I have go to go to the bathroom but there's no toilet paper. I guess I'll use my "facial tissues."

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 8 December :: 9.36am

Holy frick. It's 7 degrees out. And it's warmer now than it was a couple of hours ago ><"

So yeah, just came back from taking my 8 a.m. history exam. It's great, I managed to put my fave history term that I've learned this semester into the last essay that I wrote. Good ol' defenestration. They mentioned it once in Questionable Content. I must find it and print it off for my prof.

Waking up at 6 sucks. I'm so glad that I'm not in highschool anymore ;p

One more exam to go...math *shudder* Then the selling of the books and the [hopefully] eating in Bigelowe caf for many hours. Yay. I also should start packing a little. When Tara's awake though. She came in late this morning, so she'll be sleeping for a while. I don't want to wake her up ^^"

Blah, tired. Cross your fingers that I catch the bus.

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 7 December :: 6.18pm


Check it out, they're hot.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 7 December :: 3.53pm
:: Music: Let the planets burn-Hanzel und Gretyl

Bwahaha, I have stolen Eric's ring ;p It's effing awesome and pretty. But I'm gonna give it back to him tomorrows cuz he's got one of my rings ;_; I'll take a picture of it to show everyone its awesomeness.

I watched Eric play Blood Omen (insert random number here) last night. It was like hanging with Ben again. Except Eric's comments were different. I wanna make him play Ninja Gaiden cuz that's fun to watch. Gah, gotta go down sometime within the next couple of days anyways because my VCR is down in his room and I think that Andy wants it back for downstairs.

I'll be home on Friday after 12 noon. Mom's coming to pick me up around 11, and I have a TON of stuff to take home for over break. Edward doesn't wanna go home *whine*

Jackie, we MUST see X3!!!!

3 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 7 December :: 1.07pm

They said I can't take, what, what do they know, any girl who's anyone is out at the mall and I can't dress up, what, outta control. My friends stand out so I wanna be bold. Even no make-up, what they're outta touch. They think my blue mascara is way too much. It gets a girl wondering what's wrong with this world when a girl can't choose how to be a girl. They said you're going the wrong way, the wrong way to no where but I said it's the right way, the right way to get there. They said I'm too young to follow my own way to the future but I stand in my own way, right or wrong, it's the only way
that I'll get there.....

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 7 December :: 11.43am

I didn't go to school today. My alarm never went off and when I did wake up Lisa was calling me and it was like 7:20 so I wouldn't have had time to get ready anyways. I don't feel good and I hate school so I guess it's okay.

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 6 December :: 7.51pm

look i'm emily dickinson
I don't leave my house!---
Thou hast doom;

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 6 December :: 7.49pm

Did anyone have Mr. Wells for mathematics at any point in their high school career?

And remember any of his songs?

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...

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