2005 28 November :: 3.01pm
You will not believe this.
Sigur Ros is coming to Calvin College in February.
Tickets go on sale December 8th.
Here is the site.
* feb 18 : 6pm concert calvin college fine arts center, grand rapids (mi)
general on-sale date dec 08
* feb 18 : 10.30pm concert calvin college fine arts center, grand rapids (mi)
general on-sale date dec 08
5 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 28 November :: 2.37pm
"You're just mad because you are a skip-bo loser lol".
<3 ashley
9 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 28 November :: 12.02pm
Blah. I had to make up a history quiz today.
My history prof is the coolest! He was speaking what sounded like French to this woman, and I saw some arabic books on his desk. Rockin! He also mentioned that he saw I was going to be in his class next semester and printed off his rough copy of the syllabus. And told me where to buy the book. My good cheesey, he's the best.
Tara's gettin sick. I'm plotting on stealing some hot chocolate from the caf for her. If Jeramiah ever gets online ;p
2 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 27 November :: 10.45pm
Lol Lisa and I just talked on the phone for 84 minutes. Your jealous, I know.
So umm...
Break was pretty good. I seen In The Mix and Yours, Mine, and Ours. They were okay movies. I thought that Yours, Mine, and Ours was just like Cheaper By The Dozen but I was informed that Yours, Mine, and Ours was an old movie and it was re-made so I guess they didn't exactly copy. I also went to the mall with Lisa and it was so crazy there. There was so many people there I just wanted to shoot myself..haha kidding. Then I went to my friend Jessica's house and we went into her hot tub a million times with her neighbors. I'm glad we hung out because I missed her so much and we always end up talking about things that I wouldn't normally talk about with anyone here since she doesn't go to my school. They just finished their basement so her and her sister share the whole basement and it was like 2am and her sister was sleeping and we were talking and she said the funniest thing ever and I just started busting out laughing and I couldn't stop laughing and I was holding my blanket over my face so I wasn't as loud but it was still funny just because for some reason once I start laughing I just can't stop and im so damn loud when im with my friends.
But I'm getting bored so I am going to go.
<3 Ashley
I've lost myself somewhere deep inside of you.
2 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 26 November :: 12.49am
So I came up with this theory after watching too many James Bond movies and eating chocolate.
Our dear friend, Kelly Bond, is one of James Bond's many illegitimate children!
This works perfectly because, according to Rachel, Kelly doesn't have a father.
Kelly and I saw Rent this evening. It's AWESOME!!! I want the soundtrack now.
1 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 24 November :: 10.33pm
So you got what you want out of me
Took me for the ride but you never
Bothered saying goodbye, No return
What I have, is all that I have
And Im so afraid of losing
And Im so afraid of bruising
Cause Ive been here before
But I still want more
And I'd do it all again.
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 23 November :: 10.49pm
:: Mood: Sick
So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.
Well As for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs
And sit alone and wonder
How you're making out
But as for me, I wish that I was anywhere with anyone
Making out.
One last kiss for you
One more wish to you
Please make up your mind
I'd do anything for you
One last kiss for you
One more wish to you
Please make up your mind
2 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 23 November :: 4.21pm
What is the point of these e-mails? What happens?
Read more..
8 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 23 November :: 4.14pm
I got out of work early (3 instead of 5) and that makes me happy.
Sadly, since it's bad out, I'm not allowed to go anywhere. Stupid snow. Maybe I'll go cash my paycheck.
We all should hang out this weekend.
I'm gonna go write my paper that's due at 5. Yay!
I love you all.
2 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 22 November :: 8.08pm
:: Mood: content
And thus have I returned home for the holiday ^_^. Definitely feels good to be back home, though oddly enough my room here is actually considerably colder. If anyone wants to do anything though, just call me up. Hopefully you know the numbers.
Last night I kind of wound up staying up rather late tearing my mind to shreds on a program that just wouldn't work. So, at the moment I'm kind of in the mood to just fall on my mammoth fleece covered bed and sleep.
va con dios mis amigos
1 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 22 November :: 3.32pm
So at strike on Sunday it was pretty fun. When H went into the girls dressing room he was shocked. He said that it looked like a buffet gone wild lol. There was food all over the floor and clothes and makeup. It was gross. It was 10 times worse than the guys dressing room. H was picking stuff up and I'm like "omg there is my other sock that I couldn't find" and then he picked up some food and I'm like "oh that was mine" so since alot of it was mine he made April and I clean it. It was sooo gross. Then he told us to go through the teachers lounge to go get the mop so we did but we found tons of food so we just started eating it and we couldn't figure out what chemical to put into the water to mop the floors lol. We are pretty dumb. We finally got the mop into the makeup room and we didn't know how to mop so he had to show us. Haha all in all we had fun and I'm really happy that April and I are friends now since we weren't last year. Haha I can't imagine why!?!
Look at my wonderful play pictures. (Read More)
Read more..
3 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 22 November :: 3.31pm
Yeah so maybe you should call her again. Let's see where that gets you!?!?
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 22 November :: 1.02pm
Since I don't have much to do, and don't want to start studying for all my classes or anything, I decided to start registering for classes!!!! Right now I'm up to 14 credit hours and am looking for one more class, maybe an art class for fun.
I'm feeling better today, and the lubberly side-effects of the vicodin (sleeping and dizziness) haven't hit me yet. Le w00t le w00t. Walking is also easier, so maybe Kyle won't hafta carry me down to not-Ric's-anymore when we go!!! *dances*
In other news: I need more black yarn!!!
4 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 22 November :: 1.45am
Hi everybody! How's it going? If you couldn't tell, I'm a bit drunk right now. Um, I'm proof editing what I'm writing so if this is well written let me know. ;D I have class in the morning and Brianna is laughing at me in the backround so I'm gonna go now. I have to pee real bad. Later all!
5 rays shine |
Bring a ray of hope...
2005 21 November :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: Tired
:: Music: Anything But Ordinary-Avril Lavigne
So I was going to write this whole long entry but I don't really feel the need to anymore.
Friday-kids show, pizza, charlie & the chocolate factory, went home for two hours, show, IHOP.
Saturday-show, annalise's, show, cast party. At the cast party I cried for a long long time and so did April and alot of the seniors. I don't feel like explaining why so if you were in the play then you'll know why and if you weren't then don't bother asking.
Saturday night-Mikki's house.
Sunday-Aprils house then to Strike.
That was it I guess. I wasn't going to come to school today because I wanted to sleep in but then I remembered April I promised I would go and she promised me she would go so we both just, went.
I'm really happy that we talked today. I haven't talked to him in so long.
I'm happy that tomorrow is our last day of school.
Lisa and I are going shopping on Friday since it's the biggest shopping day of the year!!! I'm excited. We now have Lisa and Ashley days which are like once a week lol. We are dorks haha but I'm going to post pictures from the play soon.
Love always, Ashley
Your so predictable.
Bring a ray of hope...