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Darkness covers me...

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:: 2005 31 October :: 11.31am
:: Mood: sad

Well, Rachel, it's true.

Please let your thoughts and prayers be with Jacobu and his family.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 30 October :: 4.34pm

I just love it when people ask me that question....

Not really.

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 29 October :: 10.40am

Okay so lately I've been going picture crazy so now I'm going to post tons more. Some of them are from when I was a baby and some are from two days ago lol

Read more..

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 29 October :: 1.43am

Ladies and gentlemen:

that is all..

3 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 28 October :: 5.23pm

So today I get one of those calls that I've had before. The ones that you can already tell something is wrong before you even know what's wrong. Yeah, those kind. You proably know what I'm talking about. I had one of those calls when my uncle died during the summer and when my friend Dakota died too and then today I had another one. So I guess my Great Grandma died today which really upsets me because in the past four months she is the third person to die that I've been really close with. Nobody was planning on my uncle dying since he died not even two weeks after I just left him in TN and nobody was expecting this either. I'm really upset about this whole thing and I try not to think about it but people that I love just can't keep dying on me. I can't deal with this for much longer. We aren't sure if we are going to TN for her funeral or not. My dad is taking this really hard and he said he doesn't know if he could handle it, and I don't know if I could either. My dad told me today that he is thinking about going to the funeral but he's not sure so if we end up going we'll most likely fly out on Monday. That's really all I've got.

4 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 28 October :: 2.17pm
:: Mood: pumped/jealous
:: Music: Rammstein

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, humans and aliens, insects and arachnids, cats and dogs, dust and dirt....

Rammstein's newest album, Rosenrot, has officially been released in Germany!!!!!!!!!

Now let the countdown begin for its release in the U.S.; December 6.

1 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 28 October :: 2.09pm

So apparently tomorrow is Homecoming here at Western. Le w00t. I'll totally be missing another football game in favor for going home and scaring people. Mwahahaha!

It's the weekend now!!!! Yay!

My uncle's gonna be picking me up around 5 to go and eat a meal with the cousins and aunt and carve pumpkins. Hee, I love carving pumpkins. Especially the pumpkin guts part.

Tomorrow I'll be getting up earlier than usual to see mah daddeh run. There's a 5K race goin' on. So dad'll get a tour of the campus. Then we'll go home. I'm rather excited.

I'm thinking about never giving Joel back his hat ;p It's too awesome to give up.

Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 27 October :: 10.34pm

Aww tonight was fun. I got to meet Lisa's boyfriend. He's pretty hilarious and he wanted to go into my barn and let me add that it was dark out and we were all scared, okay so Lisa and I were, he wasn't. So we went out there and then he wanted to go into the basement part of the barn and I started freaking out. I've been down there like twice my whole life and it's been during the day with my family not just two other people. I was scared lol!!

Then last night I had fun even though the play did suck and Brittani Matthews and I shouldn't ever sit by each other at a restuarnt or at a play because we are too damn loud and then the fog stuff about killed us and then we couldn't stop laughing at how they kept breaking character. It was pretty fun though and then on the way there the truck in front of us kept putting his brakes on and we didn't know that his left brake light was out so we thought he was putting on his right blinker every five seconds and Britt and Dani were swearing. It was hilarious and then Brittani was screaming at Justin L. to stop the car because she had to pee and he wouldn't because we were literally like 2 miles away from the community center and so she opened her door and was like "IM GONNA JUMP" and then we got there and H was like "why was the door open the whole way there" lol it was funny and I still can't learn this little Blood thing that Mishy tired teaching me. Oh well but I will post pictures from it sometime this weekend I gotta go.


4 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 27 October :: 9.25pm

Jabberwocky should be made into a musical. It'd be awesome.

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 27 October :: 3.34pm

I'm sick.

Someone should come over and make me soup and baby me.

I love you all.

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 26 October :: 12.01pm

Hello all! Look look look! I'm updating!!!

But yeah, moo. I just had my history midterm, my brain feels like mush ><"

Tara and I aquired sommat last night...take a look!!! Read more..

Blah blah blah, have a nice day! I'll be home on Saturday!

Edit Midnight

So I came back up to the room after being on the computer and looked at Vash. He had died ;_;

So I had a fishy funeral right before going off to math.

Sob. Cry.


Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 25 October :: 12.02pm

Ohhh..if I only could say what I really wanted to say....

That would be the day.

6 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 24 October :: 6.23pm

So I just deleted that whole entry about me being upset because I realized it wasn't something I wanted everyone reading.

For about a year now I've kept everything inside of me and I've never told anyone anything too personal just because I've been waiting for the right person to understand how I feel and today I finally found someone who understands me and it's like we can finish each other's sentances. I'm just tired of keeping things bottled up inside of me. I've done that for a year now and today is when it's going to stop. So it looks like my secrets are out.

If I hurt you I'm sorry. Don't think this was easy.
I love you.

I don't anyone to be sad or mad because I've never told them these things it's just I will when I'm ready to tell everyone else

Thank you so much Mishy.

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 24 October :: 4.11pm
:: Mood: Scared
:: Music: Avril Lavigne-Why

Yesterday is already over, today sucks, and tomorrow is bound to be just as fucked up.

3 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...


:: 2005 23 October :: 11.48pm

Dude, I have towel on my head. It's great just taking a night shower, then my hair won't look too bad tomorrow morning when I go take my history midterm.

This weekend=one of the bestest weekends. Ever. John with an "H" totally yoinked Rachel's gloves and didn't notice until this evening. Tsk tsk tsk. And I fell asleep on John's bed for perhaps 20 minutes. Good times. I watched him play WoW for a while. Damn, it's so addicting even to watch.

Looks like I'm coming home next Saturday. I'll help Rachel with the Forest of Fear or whatever it's called. I will need a ride back down to Western on Sunday, however. Andy has a regatta in Indiana. Blah, I so can't spell. But yeah, I'll pay whoever could help with my love and gas money.

Oh, and Rachel, you left your towel here. I'll bring it back up later ^_^

2 rays shine | Bring a ray of hope...

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