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:: 2003 4 August :: 12.02am

BAND CAMP in T minus 8hrs 15min.

i'm a happy camper :0P
(wow i suck)

okay. No band director. I really have no idea what the deal is, guess we'll find out tomorrow :0/... sorry to get everyones hopes up... we'll deal... what else haven't we been through??

my mom thinks Greg is a FAG. yes, a queer, a homosexual whatever haha.
its kind of funny but he brings it on.

tonight was so wonderful... its nice when you have noone to interrupt you :0P



:: 2003 3 August :: 1.39pm

name: Vivi Tran
age: 17
reason for woohu username: plainmornings... for a year (about 2 years before he was crazy popular) I really liked Dashboard Confessional (Swiss Army Romance <3) and my boyfriend at the time (actually he was obsessed first, i didn't like it off the bat) loved this song, a plain morning and I guess I grew to like it too so it was my favorite song when i started my woohu over a year ago :0)
aim sn: picsxstarsxdream
reason for aim sn: Another stout I had lol I was obsessed with the Juliana Theory for a summer & I just liked the name of the song pictures, stars and dreams
do you enjoy reading my woohu: I don't know... Its always been interesting I guess, always another girl, another heartbreak, something else going on...I guess it was never boring.
why: oops.
intresting fact about you: I'm not a very intresting person... um...
weird fact about u: Everythings weird about me... at one point I almost gave up getting a car to get a $20,000. bassoon :0P
quote: my bandoness (come'n band camps in a day, gota get in the groooove!) "I'd rather be a band dork then a loser like you"
will you post this in ur woohu: aren't i?
if you see me out in the streets would you say hi: i guess



:: 2003 1 August :: 5.23pm


Red Lion (SE conrner of Boynton Beach Blvd & Military Trail)

No Parking
Against Medical Advice(AMA)
Harold and the Purple Crayons

Doors 8
Show 9
$5 if under 21

be there or be... well square :0P

2 going | downtown.


:: 2003 31 July :: 4.42pm

and the schedule:
2.Hist of the Americas
3.Span IV- Lona
5.Eng - Timberlake
6.Bio - Murnan

oh yeah. Bandos, WE HAVE A DIRECTOR!!!!!!!

His name is Phil Rodell(sp?), hes an ex member of BLAST and plays trombone!!!!! (tbone love!) Dave Markgraf will be the assistant director and many of you already know hes a percussionist. Hes hired a whole staff for band sooooo yay!

finally seniors!!

8 going | downtown.


:: 2003 31 July :: 1.22am

i hate that i came online with the intention of checking my mail/messages and i read what you wrote and i've been on for over an hour now... raking through the past, one thats so hard to let go...

i cared so much, i remember everything from the day we met, how we ended the first time, the second... how we remet and how amazing it was to our tragic end.

i'm sorry that we couldn't work out, i'm sorry that you couldn't live up to my expectations, i guess i'm not sorry that i cared so much about you because i've learned from that, i've learned from our whole entire relationship and now i have a better understanding of how things work.

I'm sorry if our memories cause you pain, its not easy to read your words and reminisce about the past, how happy you made me and how my heart still breaks everytime i think about it.

I wish you could be happy because I truly do believe that I am happier now then I have ever been.

Maybe old feelings never die but life will continue regardless...

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 27 July :: 1.54am

breathe in. the steady race of your heart. a sunset in brahma. a paradise apart.

the calm before a storm. the nervousness of a first kiss. the frailty my world of glass shattering as my dreams manifest.

the crush of being trampled. and the bitter-sweet taste of getting back up.

2 going | downtown.


:: 2003 22 July :: 10.17am

Cross from LJ.
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Brand New - Jude Law and the semester abroad ]

so easily are your eyes deceived...


Saw Pirates of the Carribean tonight (ARRRGHHHH!!) with my lovey, Jizzeniffer and Lauren. Johnny Depp = ultimate hotness :0)

tonight was sad. After the movie, Gregory and I just sat in his car and talked. Our little talk ended with me crying and him holding me :0/ exactly one month from today he won't be here with me and i'll be reduced to lots of phone time and once a month visits ::sigh:: Its funny when you've seen someone for over 50days straight, you always end up with this crazy emotional attachment. rah.

i don't want him to go :0(

oh. and not to confuse anymore but all the "tonights" up there were in actuality last night (7/21) and today is... today. :0)

4 going | downtown.


:: 2003 19 July :: 10.01pm

i meant to post this yesterday but i got lazy :0P

alsooooo guess who sooo got their Radiohead tickets :MEEEEE!!:
have no fear, i'm still alive.

I've actually been doing stuff hence the not doing the online 24/7 thing :0P

i haven't worked since Monday so that has been really nice. Dinner w/the Rosensweigs rocked my world <3 muchas gracias to la familia Rosensweig <3

Ben & I got our warped tour tickets.

Dinner with Greg and his aunt and uncle tonight was nice.

thats all. buenos noches.



:: 2003 19 July :: 4.34am

runawayBRAINFIREsupernovaOVERDRIVE6thgearSHATTERSTORMagnosticLIGHTSPEEDselfservingMALIGNANTradioactiveATOMIC loveboy.

3 going | downtown.


:: 2003 17 July :: 9.52am

dah. i'm fucked

its a one way PROcess. you cant turn glass back into sand. and if you found a way to. the sand would never be the same.



:: 2003 16 July :: 10.53am

oh my. sweet. palliate.

to the

i would break the fall if it was your want.

but for this jagged rock i cannot.

for it is where you choose to be.

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 12 July :: 11.23pm

she wants to know what it feels like. he wants to know how to fly. he wants to feel that fire. he wants for her to speak her soul. she wants to stare at him unwavering. he wants her to feel happiness.



:: 2003 8 July :: 11.57pm

on jaded wings we fly. everythings awry. we build our castles inbetween tides. but some memories they wont subside.

i'm not the repairman for your life. you must do that yourself. my dreams project the realizations of my subconcious. a datum for my being. you were gorgeous tonight.

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 8 July :: 2.24am

love has become such a tangible thing...

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 6 July :: 11.35am

last night was a crippler. one that punched me in the gut a thousand times. "whatareyoudoingjackass." wheres the point in clouding truth. be open where you stand. blow out the inside. maybe you will. maybe you cant. maybe i cant hear.

i am that orange light hanging on the pole that is you.

1 going | downtown.

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