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:: 2003 29 April :: 5.33pm

oh my god...

i don't know or care if any of you are religious or not but i'm asking you to pray for my friend Sharif...

on the way home from band practice as i was getting on the on ramp at Atlantic Ave. I got a call from Ben Garbarino asking me quick for Sharif's home phone number... kinda annoyed because i was driving and all i was just like "why?" thats when Ben told me that coming out of school after band practice Sharif had gotten into a horrible car accident, hitting someone head on and totaling his car. I am not positive of how hurt he is now but I imed Tucker, anyone who left after me and Tucker said that he didn't know that that was Sharif that had been hit and that it looked pretty bad and the firetruck and ambulance came.

please pray for him... god let him be alright...

10 going | downtown.


:: 2003 27 April :: 11.33am

man oh man i had a good night :0)

despite an utterly crazy day comprised of working then speeding like all hell to my theory class then coming home and talking to Ashley in my driveway then throwing on some clothes and running to pick up AJ...

got to Ovation, not too many people there which rocked. Met up with Bonnie and Heather and many hot guys that Bonnie knew from Wellington. GOt in and met some cool kids from Ft. Pierce.. lets see there was Corey who talked too much, Mando who was wearing a Sloth shirt, Joey who was reallly cute and didn't say anything but just smiled heh, and Mike who i called Mikey who likes Tenacious D and has sexy hair. Soo chilled w/them before it started then bumped into Taylor + OH crew and Dave and Anna and Nicole + crew. Irish Car Bomb... ehhh hung out w/Nicole then found BOnnie and she dragged me all the way to the front for Rufioooooo omg it was soooooo amazing, everyone around was singing at the top of their lungs and they closed w/my favorite, above me andddd i caught 2 stickers sooo goo me!

decided to chill during Yellowcard and bought some merch. got a pimpin Rufio shirt that says sweet licks :0P and the LP and the guy gave me an "I <3 Rufio" sticker. rock.

LAGWAGON!!!!!!! my obsession throughout middle school.... they were soooo good!! it was fun singing along to them too, lots of old memories. Its weird... i saw them about 6? years ago and they didn't look this old lol then again i was talking to this guy Harris and he said that he'd seen them 10 years ago so maybe they are really old.. probably over 30... crazy but still insanely amazing nonthe less.

what a good night. thanks to everyone specially AJ who came with me <3<3<3

8 going | downtown.


:: 2003 24 April :: 10.52pm

half days = own.

Lucilles + DDR + Teirney's room + all my company + Jenn & Steph & perm kits

all made my day <3



:: 2003 24 April :: 7.25pm
:: Mood: feeney hazonned

performing word acrobatics with palpable meanings and tact. meaningless questions and thoughtless perceptions we act.

and im sooooo full of shit. 8)

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 22 April :: 9.06pm

lol well yeah. i'm alive :0P

i was going to make this big production of coming back on the one year anniversary of my journal and guess what ladies and gentlemen, i forgot :0( lol

as many of you know i resumed another journal i had (picturesxstarsxdreams) but i think i'm going to go back to this one also... more of the friends only stuff on the other one soo its all good.


4 going | downtown.


:: 2003 19 April :: 12.19pm

Pink Floyd is fuckin dope. so is halo. so is existing right now. thats all i have to say.

3 going | downtown.


:: 2003 15 April :: 8.39pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: bad religion-inner logic

but there really wasnt much point, and I gave up the idea out of laziness.
everything in life is made out to be a competition. today i decided. i shouldnt have to. i dont want to. im gonna let loose. and dance some more. tomorrows a whole new story.

6 going | downtown.


:: 2003 14 April :: 9.16pm



does not<_______> ton seod


look at your clock. and think of what those numerals mean. digits by which we base our lives around. a false constant. just like all the other fictional apparatus we add into the mix. "Time" as we know it is a measurement of something that is infinite. whet en oxymoronic perception.

3 going | downtown.


:: 2003 10 April :: 9.55pm

shankfucious top 5 movie picks:

1. The Legend of Douchebagger Vance
2. Jeympity Jones and The Temple of Do-Me.
3. Douche-mosis Jones
4. Jeympageddon starring Bruce Flinkis.
5. Planet of The Jeympes.

I should be doing my homework. Instead i fill this time by creating fictional movies or thinking of them based on our fictional discourse. Atrophy of the mind. Or perhaps expansion. or maybe. there is no such thing. as either. and we are all fucking insane. living by invisible constants in a fictional realm.

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 8 April :: 12.00am

shank: where the fuck do you think we are.
girl: on errrth duh. in florida.
shank: no you dumb fuck. in both a dimensional and mental state. where are we.
girl: umm dimension.you mean like the twilight zone?

how people turn into these automatons. intriguing. just thinking of the entropy of human nature. and how standing on this earthen floor i still dont feel like i am anywhere.



:: 2003 7 April :: 9.54pm

reverrrbb. selur eht etirw-re. my friend billy pilgrim said to ignore the negative. word to you billy.

dew yew realize that around the world peeple are shewting one another? because of stewpid negative fucks who cant get along. fucking queers man.

shankfucious say: throw out external influences. and listen to yourselves more often.

2 going | downtown.


:: 2003 5 April :: 8.41am

killing somoene is never realized in your mind until you can no longer see them. and once you have realized you killed someone. you develop a hunger for recessitating them. and just as killing them was once your goal, fixing your foul deed now is. only their insides have decomposed into a disfiguration far beyond recessitation. so we dig a grave to bury the past. dress in black and perhaps say a few words. and soon after forget what once was.

i should be working out. but the phone never rang. ive lost credence in friends. doesnt matter.

2 going | downtown.


:: 2003 31 March :: 9.17pm

nostalgic fever. longing for old escapades on endless nights. for the days when the sunrise bore hope. days before i became addicted to painkillers. before machines started turning human. times when i enjoyed looking into the night sky. times when you guys made up stepdad quest and i thought you were so gay. when i swiffed fuckin pebbles. when we whined and giggled like little girls playing silent hill 2. when we watched golfballs and blocked all the roads. when i fell in the shower. when the demon light would make us run. when you got caught in my closet. when we toilet papered the baseball field and mummified you. when we put shampoo bottles everywhere. (sorry) when we smoked black and milds and bitched about life. when hong kong fooey got us into some dumb ass movie. when we beat up the ashtray but only you got caught. when we played halo until 5 in the morning. when we bought douches because we have lost our minds.

haha. ill never forget it all.

2 going | downtown.


:: 2003 26 March :: 10.51pm

i n
s w
p o
u d


direction is relative. what is one man's left is another man's right. what is percieved as ones downfall is in anothers eyes their uprising. keep in mind that what you see is merely one interpretation of the whole. however, inspite of this, one usually takes to the belief that their was is the only way to see things. we get so arrogant in our views. closing minds and boarding up the entrances once an opinion has been formed. sdrawkcab eb yam siht uoy oT. Only because that is the way you have been taught to percieve things. so hows about you try. break the mold. dna yfed niotpecrep.

consider this paradigm. do you see the following as evil or as live? it all depends on your perception. after all. life is how you make it. break through it all.


3 going | downtown.


:: 2003 25 March :: 10.24pm

when you live. you leave nothing but broken hearts.

2 going | downtown.

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