2004 22 April :: 4.57pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: DRYER
whoops. stupid caps lock.
well now, isn't this interesting.
i'm really tired.
signed up for the SAT,
have a million things to do.
and i'm tired.
best be off, to begin taking care of my "million things".
starting with.....
making sure the SAT and ACT aren't on the same day.
critique me
2004 21 April :: 4.31pm
I hate it when the truth is, well, true.
School didn't go too bad today. We've been playing in the auditorium for band because of the damn noise in/around/by the bandroom. Chemistry, of course, a third of the class was missing because of senior interviews. We worked on those stupid grams to moles acid/base reactions crap. Make up quiz tomorrow. I got a 60% on the first one.
Drama, let's not get into that. Monologues due tomorrow..
American Lit- Uhh. I hate that class with a passion. She makes us write these questions out, like..What does Doctor Robinson symbolize? We have to write the answer in a minumum of one paragragh, using two direct quotes, and explain how the relavance of the question relates to the message.
And then she throws them away.
Lunch, always a fun time.
Civics is a joke.
Algebra II, I finally did the work today, becaue I understood what he taught, and I did it right. Go me.
Bus ride home. I'll be so happy when I have my license.
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2004 21 April :: 1.05pm
Well I just googled myself. Yeah.
Well, it turns out someone with the exact same name as I have, middle initial and all, was killed on February 17, 1951 in Korea. Yeah, I'm dead.
There are two engineering professors with the same name as me.
One web designer with the same name.
One art student who likes to draw anime.
One dead guy who is famous for something but I can't figure out what. He's in a museum and has a race named after him (must be in the south). So that is the results of me googling myself.
critique me
2004 19 April :: 10.53pm
:: Music: here in my room - incubus
My mother was horror striken when I asked if it would be okay to wear flip-flops to prom. She looked as if I had told her I was going to renounce subject pronouns forever. - Beans
nearest book.
page 36.
fifth sentence.
"I wouldn't think of changing the light," cried Mrs. McKee.
now, that's out of the way.
i'm tired.
i need to talk to jackie. again. and, again, i'm not sure exactly why, or what about. but i need to, just the same.
i feel pretty good.
i fucked up this weekend.
and i can't believe everyone has been so tolerant of me.
that's what baffles me the most.
i screw up little shit, and they eat my ass for it.
i fuck up something major, and it's conveniently overlooked.
i just need to sleep.
critique me
2004 19 April :: 6.58pm
:: Mood: confused
There is no one to trust anymore,
You've all become corrupt,
I see your hypocritical words,
Chained together in sentences,
You don't know what you want.
You don't know what you need.
I thought you would be there,
To catch me when I fell,
But I shouldn't have expected it,
You've never done it before,
But you weren't there.
You stepped back,
Watched it happen,
And you said you felt so bad,
But you'll do nothing,
And say nothing,
And just keep on doing it,
And that's the part that's sad.
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2004 18 April :: 6.49pm
"it's just the way you smile," you said
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2004 18 April :: 6.41pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: "Kryptonite" - 3 Doors Down
There's a First time for everything
I guess last night was one of those nights.
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2004 18 April :: 5.59pm
:: Mood: Buddha Buddha
:: Music: "Help Pour Out the Rain" - Buddy Jewel
I think it's gonna rain
I just checked my "Body Mass Index." By qualifying standards I am obese. However, I have a problem with this. I mean there is no doubt that I could be slimmer, much slimmer, but not to the point that these health nuts think I should be. They say my ideal weight is between 122 and 164 pounds. There is no way I could even get down to the high limit, let alone the low limit.
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2004 17 April :: 3.11am
i'm happy. that's it. just plain old happy.
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2004 17 April :: 12.17am
blah, headache, blah
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2004 16 April :: 9.27am
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: "Track 4" - All; I think it's Pirates of the Carribean that my sister was listening to
I had a very strange dream last night. I'm not sure what it means. It had religious overtones so I'm not exactly sure where it came from either. It was very strange and I'm not sure what it means.
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2004 15 April :: 10.40pm
:: Mood: enamorated
:: Music: incubus - favorite things
well. i'm officially booked for the remainder of my weekend.
a couple of gray areas, but i'm confident that something will come along and consume them.
so, as you all know, i'm playing at the kent theatre on saturday.
which is why you all NEED TO BE THERE.
because kevin is hott.
so hott, he deserves two "T"s
but alas,
he still cannot compare with Tony "the epitome of hott" Norkus.
he will be the savior of the earth, and the symbol of the revolution, someday.
that's just how hott Mr. Norkus truly is.
and all because of a chinese sow.
critique me
2004 15 April :: 9.10pm
:: Mood: chipper
(from Tabletop's Journal)
I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions. Anything you want. Then go to your journal and copy and paste this, allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything
critique me
2004 15 April :: 8.48pm
:: Mood: content
All the boys that I am friends with are so fucking retarded. What is it? Let's be fucking Retarded week or something?
I stayed after school today to copy the music for next marching season so i could take it home and obessively play it. You know I did.
Congrats to the following people who made Field Commander:
1. Roman
2. Shae
3. Dani
Everyone who tried out was good, but they all had their negative points, too.
Congrats to the section leaders, also (note-that would be me, also).
Also, in further band news, I challenged Dani and won by three fucking points out of over 500. It's always so close between us.
After I did that stuff for band, Lisa and I played tennis for a while until we left because the boy's team had a match. We went to my house and ate pudding at the picnic table. It was an adventure.
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2004 14 April :: 7.08pm
:: Mood: contemplative
I was standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes and the window was open. I felt the warm evening breeze and I wondered, did I really want to miss this?
The answer is no. I was in too deep to see what I would be missing. I'm glad I didn't.
critique me
2004 13 April :: 11.52pm
i like the great gatsby.
i feel bad about history.
babbit is....... babbit.
and i'm spent.
finally got the back stump out.
need to mail my taxes tomorrow.
wings lost.
what i saw was a whole lot of bullshit. not that i expected much else.
and.... practice tomorrow.
i have this sinking sensation that something is going to blow up in my face tomorrow, but i'm devoting my best efforts to ignore it.
The End;
critique me
2004 11 April :: 5.24pm
:: Mood: drained
Church, crying babies, bad breath (not me), chanting catholics that sound like the KKK, tall ladies sitting in front of me so when i kneel (and she didn't) i got a face full of her bun that added an extra 10 inches to her, my grandmother who is very catty about the organist (and the choir, and the violinist, and the reader..), retarded cousins who have fat boyfriends and brag about them, sugar, Easter cards, the good silverware, cousins being retarded some more, my catty aunt, food, ham, more of the retarded cousins, more sugar, looking at my grandfather's old pictures, cousins being even more retarded, even more sugar in the form of jelly beans this time, and then the cousins, yet again, were retarded. And hyperactive due to the pounds of sugar they ingested.
Heh. At least I don't have to deal with them now.
It's enough to make me want to shoot myself sometimes.
Happy Easter Everyone
critique me
2004 10 April :: 9.07pm
:: Mood: bouncy
For what it's worth, it's worth all the while. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.
Really, I do.
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2004 9 April :: 7.35pm
I think..............i need to go lay down
Today was odd. To say the least. Today was my last day of sleeping in. Tomorrow i have to go work at the lake, and Sunday I get to go to church. I think it's to make up for avoiding it all year. Yup, probably. I'm not the world's most religious person. I think organized religion is just a breeding ground for corruption, mass control, dicatorship, and a little pinch of tyranny. Not that it's a bad thing.........sure. Right.
Anyway, I got some tarot cards yesterday. They're fun. When we get back to school, I'll bring them, so anyone that want's a reading, feel free. It's fun, and they have gorgeous pictures on them.
I don't like MSN messenger right now. It told me to be able to sign in I had to download a new version. It's been fifteen minutes, and i'm not even half way done.
I think everything is just going past me today. I can't concentrate on anything. Is there such a thing as a case of 24 hour ADD?
critique me
2004 9 April :: 12.34am
man i'm tired.
but i kicked ass on trogdor.
i was gonna post my final score, but i lost it.
it was like 1876, or something like htat.
anyway, i'm going to bed.
just htought you outght to know.
1 comment |
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2004 8 April :: 6.40pm
I went shopping today with my mother and grandma. Oh boy. It was fun. And we went to the empire buffet for lunch. Good stuff.
We also went to a book store. My mom and i looked at sex books together. Well, they called it the "gender studies" section. Sure. It's gender studies when you have books titled "Bondage: A complete Explainatory Guide with Photographs", "Seductresses throughout History: 7 famous seductresses", oh, and of course my FAVORITE "A Women's Guide: The Joys of Anal Sex".
We didn't look at those.....
critique me
2004 7 April :: 5.09pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: incubus, as always
my back hurts - but the world needs ditch-diggers too!
i hate the fuss that some people are making about paying for woohu, so i won't say anything, other than i'd be willing to bet all the stumps i pulled today that they're the same people who have said "jeez, i have no life, so i'm posting on woohu again....."
it just bugs me, all the people who are somehow even whinier than i am.
and i'm pretty fucking whiney.
take today for example, i pulled five of the stumps in fron of our house today.
no small feat.
and i started on the big one 'round back, but i couldn't get that one. i have three more up front, and the big bitch in back, that are all waiting for me once tomorrow rolls around.
but tomorrow is going to be even worse, because i'll be tired before i even get started.
not to mention that i have soccer practice in an hour.
speaking of which, i need to get ready for that.
maybe take a drive beforehand.
it's so nice out today, i might as well.
thank you.
critique me
2004 6 April :: 8.19pm
Me and lovely anne dear having a discussion
my favorite mistake says:
are they like, compulsive morons?
There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one says:
umm, no, americans
my favorite mistake says:
heh, same difference
critique me
2004 6 April :: 6.33pm
:: Mood: pissed off
Woohu, The Future
Andy, please link to my journal or post some of this.
Don't complain about paying for things. You are lucky that Woohu is around. Unless you are already a contributing member of Woohu, you really do not have the right to talk. I have been a paying member for more than two years. Personally, I feel I am doing something to support something I care about and I need. So all of you stop sniveling, get off your butts, earn some money. Walk down the road, find yourself some pop cans. 20 cans makes $2 in Michigan. Just figure something out to keep Woohu going. It takes us all to contribute a little to keep this going. Just remember, this isn't just Andy's site. Those of us who have been here for a long time, and even those who haven't, have helped make this place what it is. This is a community, what can you do?
critique me
2004 5 April :: 11.38pm
:: Mood: greawexome!
:: Music: none
oh my god.
i'm not sure whether to cry or wet myself.
maybe i'll do both.
but i can't do either at the moment.
because i just fixed my car!
i am so jazzed.
i think i made a sound that was similar to the one that phil made when he got his computer working.
only i didn't stop any conversations when i did it.
i talked to dad. he told me how to set the timing, and gap the points, so i'll do that tomorrow.
gunnie stopped by. that was really cool to talk to him.
hopefully katie can come over tomorrow too.
and i really should get started on those stumps.
but my CAR WORKSs!!!
and a big shout out to JARED GRINDLE, for helping me with my flat.
my body really wants to expel some fluids right now, in one form or another.
but alas, i have to go to bed.
oh well. tomorrow is another dawn, another day.
i'm giddy.
critique me
2004 5 April :: 9.14pm
:: Mood: doot doot do, doot doot do
:: Music: "Strawberry Wine" Deanna Carter
Alas My Transgressions Forgotten
Yes, it's that time again. Time for me to pbe philosophical about my life. This of course will invariably lead me to have a hopeless on some girl close to me that will never, ever know how I feel about her. Not that I have anyone in mind just yet.
Well I have a rough few weeks ahead of me. I know my grades won't be turning out like I would like them. I'm just considering what it would be like for someone who does not know they belong there. I guess the only reason that I am still in school is because I know I belong there. That's a new feeling for me. I'm not doubting that place I am in the world as I do on a regular basis with everything else.
My title for this entry, it seems so long ago. A different person, but the same. I was just realizing when I saw Jen today that I haven't changed one bit in the last year. No, now I have to admit that I was too pighead to believe what was going on this time last year. I should have taken advantage of it instead of running from because I was afraid of getting hurt or hurting someone. Now, I'm left with nothing but my own thoughts of so many emotions unfulfilled.
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2004 1 April :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: content
Well, yesterday i finally got everything cleared up with me and zac. We're friends now. Which is good. At least i KNOW now.
The talent show was a tad boring today. The best part was at the end when FUZZY LOGIC played 'sweet home alabama'. Jacqui, Katie, and myself danced at the top of the bleachers until 2:06. It was quite enjoyable.
FYI: I'll be getting a picture of that damn pelican soon.
That makes me happy.
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2004 31 March :: 9.01pm
:: Mood: Grood
:: Music: The Steve Miller Band - The Stake
this is a really good disc to practice to.
i wish i could do that right now.
killer harmonies, and the drums are fun.
but it's still challenging. the perfect mix of work and enjoyment.
maybe i'll loan this to roman for harmony fun.
we'll see.
my priority right now is finishing my homework and surviving the talent show.
i'm not sure which one looks more promising at the moment.
i'll know by tomorrow night, though.
later, kiddies.
critique me
2004 30 March :: 10.26pm
his handwriting is atrocious.
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2004 30 March :: 8.40pm
:: Music: BSC - fastmovingdumptruck
my band rocks.
and the guys are all hotter than me.
which is saying something!
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