2006 9 April :: 10.34pm
:: Music: Goodness - Page France
Way Before There Was Goodness
So, things are interesting around my head.
Life seems to be looking sideways. not up not down but the complete opposite direction. life is going to blow out my tire but then repair it with an allignment problem.
Tuesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe The I.A. performs 3$ cover charge
Wednesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe the I.A. performs 2$ cover. (there is also an open mic that night after we perform if you like to listen to fucking retarted emo kids.)
Thursdays @ 9pm at The Eastown Hookah Lounge the I.A. performs
5$ cover charge
3$ fun fingerfood buffet.
Comedy and hookahs ....what could be better.
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2006 9 April :: 4.50pm
I'm sorry I hurt your heart.
MORE: I would like to wish THE Anne E. Howland a happy 21st birthday. May your following week be filled with fun, perpetual drunkeness, and D-Town mayhem. And please, call me when you are drunk and leave a voicemail. Those are fun to play back when you are sober ;)
MORE: The little fruity half-mirror on my cellphone cracked today. Does that mean that I'll carry around with me 7 years of bad luck?
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2006 8 April :: 9.25am
I'm so tired. I'm rarely ever home to do such things as... sleep. Or... eat.
2006 7 April :: 4.37am
an explaination...
EDIT: I have a long weekend ahead...
EDIT: Anyone who is worried about me and worried about my actions as of late, I'm fully aware of what I've been doing. And yes, a small part of me is ashamed for some ideas that I had. But, I have to say that most of the time it was exactly what I say it was, harmless fun.
And don't worry, I'll change the way I've been acting. The things I have done lately aren't really my style. I just wanted to be fun. To actually be liked as something else besides the "nice guy."
I got... caught up in the moment.
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2006 6 April :: 10.11am
Last night was great. We blew some hours on payroll, but it wasn't our fault. I wasn't gonna send home Mike or anything, and I needed Allison. So if Stacy has a problem with hours last night, she'll have to get over it. Everything else was good. Waste was... well, there was that mishap where someone must've hit the dial while they were turning the broiler (*cough*AndyDoug*cough*) and made the speed too fast and we wasted about 24 burgers. Yeah, that pissed me off big time. Let's see, I did all my bookwork (days bookwork too because none of it was done). SOS was... high, but only because we were trying to have no waste by the end of the night. Cash was... short, by about $4, but three of it was from daybreak so I really only was short a dollar for my shift.
Wow, I guess it wasn't a good night. I admit it, if Allison wasn't there I'd have probably ripped some hair out. "Not gonna lie."
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2006 5 April :: 1.32pm
Tonight is the night I have to prove that I don't SUCK on nights as a manager. Teri gave me a "pep talk" last night. She's in my corner ;)
I'll do anything to save the night shift from a solid week of NewMike when Annie goes on vaca.
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2006 5 April :: 5.52am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Damien Rice -Be My Husband
Ok everybody i need you all to do me a huge favor TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!!!
I need everyone to post back to this with a short bio about me. i need to write a bio about myself to put in the on the town magazine when they do their article about the I.A. and i cant for the life of me think of what to write.
if you could please post back ASAP about this that would be great so i can start thinking about what youve all wrote or even just use whatever you wrote for the article
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2006 4 April :: 7.40pm
My week is too busy for my own good. I might die by the end of it.
There's nothing worse than smelling like Burger King when you are in an orgy. Unless someone really wants a taste of that whopper.
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2006 4 April :: 1.42am
Yup, I like them when they are good and engaged.
Doesn't it make the chase much more exciting?!?!?!
*rolls eyes*
EDIT: I guess I need to add a disclaimer saying how I'm just kidding about going for a girl that's already taken. Since some people took it literally *cough*Joe*cough*
2006 3 April :: 12.20am
Thursday night, 6pm, Craigs Cruisers on 54th street and Clyde Park, thats where my birthday party is at, be there or be square
Comment and let me know if you'll be there or not!
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