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Rejoice Everytime
you hear the sound of my voice

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:: 2006 26 March :: 6.22pm

i feel like i need to escape, or i need an escape.

so much bullshit. of course my happy little world will come crashing down, what more could be expected?

i'm going to prom with josh.



:: 2006 25 March :: 9.59pm


2 | l<3ve


:: 2006 25 March :: 10.22am

Working 12 to 9 then getting up at 4 to be to work by 5AM the next morning is always very fun.

It's also fun when you step on a rusty nail.

And by the way, Sarah quit BK. I have no involvment in any of her actions. When it comes to work, we aren't even related.

1 | l<3ve


:: 2006 24 March :: 7.04pm

Fucking GOD!!!

3 | l<3ve


:: 2006 24 March :: 3.52am
:: Music: Wilco - The Late Greats

In Deed The Snow Comes
So i was thinking about how things seem to add up in time.

But i dont want to wait anymore><

I'm impatience when it comes to making things work lol.

I want my money and i want my TOTAL freedom.

1 | l<3ve


:: 2006 23 March :: 8.25pm

MY PHONE IS BEING REALLY STUPID RIGHT NOW!!! If for some reason I don't get a call or text from you, its not because I'm ignoring you. My phone is giving me dumb problems. EDIT: I think I fixed it.

I gained so much love and respect for Teri today. More than I already had. She's so awesome.

EDIT: Here ya go Anne... what I had in mind...

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EDIT AGAIN: Cuz I'm really bored:

What would you do if...
1. I died?
2. I kissed you?
3. I lived next door to you?
4. I started smoking?
5. I stole something?
6. I was hospitalized?
7. I ran away from home?
8. I got into a fight and you weren't there?

What do you think about my:
9. Personality?
10. Eyes?
11. Hair?
12. Family?

Would you:
13. Be my friend?
14. Keep a secret if I told you one?
15. Hold my hand?
16. Take a bullet for me?
17. Keep in touch?
18. Try and solve my problems?
19. Love me?
20. Date me?

Have you ever:
21. Lied to make me feel better?
22. Wanted to kiss me?
23. Wanted to kill me?
24. Broke my heart?
25. Kept something important from me?
26. Thought I was unbearably annoying?

27. Who are you?
28. Are we friends?
30. Describe me in one word:
31. What was your first impression?
32. Do you still think that way about me now?
33. What reminds you of me?
34. If you could give me anything what would it be?
35. How well do you know me?
36. When's the last time you saw me?
37. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
38. Are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say about you?

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:: 2006 23 March :: 6.51pm

Saturday is state, i'm pretty nervous. I have my GVSU music auditions next saturday, so I'll get everything out of the way so I can enjoy my spring break. At this point I don't really care how I do at state, just so I can get it over with.

During the meaps today my english class was combined with a modern lit class. There was this kid who was bugging the shit out of me because he was suppose to be writing a paper, but didn't know how to do it. So I turned around (because of course I wasn't going to do any of the work I was suppose to be doing) and I helped him write his paper. The kid was a junior and didn't even know you could incorporate a quotation from a book into your own sentence. So, I helped him write a couple of paragraphs. He just didn't know how to say what he wanted to say. I bet when he gets his paper back it's better than a C he'll be surprised. It made me wonder just how some people can get so far in our education system and fail so badly. I really did like working with him, however, and it kept me busy for an hour.

Syrinx is going good, and I'm excited for the end of my senior year. The future is getting less scary the farther I travel. That's a good thing, a very good thing.




:: 2006 22 March :: 3.47pm
:: Music: Excuse Me Miss- Chris Brown

Long Time No Update Lol.
Definitely haven’t updated in a long time…

I still really have nothing to say except for MEAPS suck ass. Im going shopping tomorrow with Sonego to go look at baby clothes for Emily n Austin's baby BOY. I love going shopping for baby clothes.

That’s all I pretty much got, but a comment would still be nice.

EDIT: So yeah, Definitly no shopping today with Ashley. Shes really tired from the Fall Out Boy concert annnd, its my moms birthday today so were going out to dinner. She hasnt picked where yet but im pretty sure its gunna be Trini's just because she knows i want to go there lol. Anywhooo the whole point in this edit was because i saw the cutest thing today.... Ashley was gunna drive me to my car evne though it was like 2 rows over lol, and Ashley was saying good-bye to Aaron and .... yeah they kissed. awwwwww *sigh*. Im so happy for her. :) Their just so adorable together.

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:: 2006 21 March :: 6.21pm

The following rant contains foul and abusive language, gay bashing, sexual content, bigotry, and severe anger:

WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL DOES STACY THINK SHE'S DOING BY SCHEDULING GAY MIKE IN AT 8 AM ON A SUNDAY!?!? The last thing I want is that son of a bitch pushing me and Todd around for seven hours. I have to deal with enough crap in my life to have to put up with his shit. That piece of monkey trash can find another day to mess up. Sunday's are supposed to be days where I can enjoy working with the people I LIKE, not working with some ball lickling fanny bandit who gets a spicy poop boner from making my life a living hell. Either I'm calling in on Sunday or he's gonna find another day to work, because this isn't gonna happen.

I apologize to anyone this has offended, but you'll get over it. I'm pissed, I have the right.

People who wear pink to prom are hot.

7 | l<3ve


:: 2006 20 March :: 2.29pm

look for a graham cracker:


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