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Rejoice Everytime
you hear the sound of my voice

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:: 2006 7 March :: 7.27pm

Jana is too freaking awesome. I mean, she is the best ever for advice.

EDIT: A white, pregnant, female version of Hitch! HAHA



:: 2006 7 March :: 1.33am

Today was the perfect day. I have got two job interviews for tommrow set up. and i found my zema kitty. i opened the door to let some smoke out from my burnt food and she just walked in screaming at the top of her little kitty lungs. i hugged her smiled, danced, then cleaned her up fed her and now shes happy again! and yeah the improv groupe was good tonight too. we came up with a couple new games to play wed. so all brand new 45 mins of material on wed at the wireless cafe! so today was a great day. if i get one of those jobs then this will be the perfect week!>

EDIT -Image hosting by Photobucket
Whoever correctly guess which animal this is gets 4 times as much love from me than anyone else for a full yeah. and please dont cheat. just guess.

3 | l<3ve


:: 2006 6 March :: 3.18pm

I called it. Everyone hates the new guy. Oh yeah, it's official. His nickname is Skittles now and he might be the biggest prick that ever existed. I figure, I'll work mornings on days he has off and nights when he's scheduled to work. And everything will stay civilized.

"I have a halo, it's just a little tarnished right now."


I hope I know what I'm getting myself into, because I don't think I could take another fall.


Series 1-8
[ series 1 ]
Birthplace:Grand Rapids
Current Location:Cedar Springs
Eye Color:hazel
Hair Color:dark brown
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign:leo
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
Music:anything really
Cartoon:family guy
Car:the hooptie! just kidding
Slushy Flavor:the strawberry banana at work is good
TV Show:House
Song at the Moment:i dunno
Spice Girl:they all suck
Food & Beverage:quesadillas and diet coke
Subject in School:english
Weekend Activity:im usually working
Frozen Yogurt:yuck
Roller Coaster:not a huge fan..
[ series 3 - what is ]
Your most overused phrase:"that's what she said"
First thing you thought when you woke up:wanting to
Last image/thought you go to sleep with:alarm clock
First feature you notice of opposite sex:two beautiful eyes
Best name for a Butler:Jeeves
Wussiest Sport:badminton
Your best feature:hair
Your greatest fear:death or heights
Your greatest accomplishment:either being the lead in the musical or graduating high school
Your most missed memory:high school
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke:coke... pepsi actually gives me headaches
McDonald's or Burger King:ugh.. gotta say bk...
Single or Group Dates:single
Adidas or Nike:adidas
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers:who cares
Dogs or Cats:dogs
Rugrats or Doug:doug haha
Single or Taken:i prefer taken, although i am single.. ugh
Monica or Brandy:brandy
Tupac or Jay-Z:jay-z
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes:leann
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:hate em both
One pillow or Two:two
Chocolate or Vanilla:chocolate
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa:hot chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee:cappucino
[ series 5 - do you ]
Shower everyday:yes
Have a crush:yeah
Think you've been in love:no
Want to go to college:yes
Like high school:i did like it my last two years
Want to get married:eventually
Type correctly:most of the time
Believe in yourself:yes
Have any tattoos? Where:no
Have any piercings? Where:i used to have one years ago.. the hole never healed up either.. my ear
Get motion sickness:no
Think you're a health freak:ha no
Get along with your parents:my mom, not my dad
Like thunderstorms:yeah
[ series 6 - the future ]
Age your plan to be married:no idea... anything before 30!
Number and names of children:i dunno, two would be cool... as for names, I have no clue
Where will you be at age 20:right here, typing this thing
Dream wedding:girly question
How do you want to die:morbid question
Dream job:teaching
Country you'd like to visit:Great Britian
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
Best eye color:blue
Best hair color:brunette
Short or long hair:long
Best height:shorter than me
Best weight:doesn't matter... not too skinny
Best clothes:preppy is nice
Best first date location:i dunno
Best first kiss location:doesn't matter
[ series 8 - other ]
Last time you slept with a stuffed animal:when I was around 5
Rings before you answer the phone:3
What's on your mousepad:its one of those blue ones with the gel wristguard
How many houses you've lived in:three
How many schools you've gone to:2
Bedroom carpet color:ugh, its a nasty beige color, like we've got in our whole house.. i hate it
Shave your head for $5,000?:in a heartbeat
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people:machete, a huge box of matches, and a tent
Best time of your life so far:senior year
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

3 | l<3ve


:: 2006 4 March :: 10.57am

Oooooh man, it's been a while since I've updated. This is going to be a bunch of quick thoughts on my life, so tere won't be much connectivity between them. Lol

Dancing for the rampage is fun, it's becoming more and more of an outlet for us to move onto other and bigger things in the future, which is nice.
Theres too much drama in our crew though.
Erika and I got a hamster and named him Sushi, he kicks ass.
I'd move down to Tennesee if I could afford it.
I think I need to sell my car and get a new one.
Having to pick up my sister because my mom works 2nd shift is a damn nuisence.
I need to find more time to write.
I love weekend nights with erika.
I have an attitutde problem, that I need to fix.
I've gotta get on college. Now...
I hope erika and I steay together for a long time...
Theres a bboy battle in Ann Arbor on the 18th I'm excited.
Next rampage game is the 16th at 7. Be there.

Thats all I can think of

4 | l<3ve


:: 2006 3 March :: 9.53pm
:: Mood: Excited:)
:: Music: Crush- Mandy Moore

Basketball... Ya We Totally Won. Duh! Cant Wait Till Districts... Ya, Definitly Cant Wait.

Their He Goes.... Doing It Again. :D

1 | l<3ve


:: 2006 3 March :: 6.24pm

His name is Mike Morris, and I believe he is pure evil.
An evil parasite has crawled its way into our store. I will do everything in my power to exterminate it. He is no good.

Is payday here yet? The $1.82 in my checking account is getting pretty lonely.

EDIT: He made you cry? It is now my PERSONAL business to get that asshole out of our store.

7 | l<3ve


:: 2006 2 March :: 10.28pm
:: Mood: Tired

[Random Update About Nothing]

Thank goodness for this snow day. I went back and got my hair re-dyed today. TO ME it looks better than it did. I liked it last time… I just, didn’t, because it wasn’t what I wanted. But its ok, I went back and got to talk to Kristen for like 5 hours while she was dying my hair. Jordan went with me, then after we went to Taco Bell. Yummm. I don’t really have anything new to update on besides the fact that we won the league championship on Tuesday for our basketball team. It was friggen awesome. Like I said before… I just LOVE going to basketball games. We have one tomorrow. It’s the first one in districts so I’m excited! I hope we make it far. I’m sure we will! Sorry my life isn’t more exciting haha.

<3 K



:: 2006 2 March :: 8.20pm

Thanks to my mom, I have minutes on my phone and gas in my car.

Geez, those moms come in handy.



:: 2006 1 March :: 10.38pm

I hate not having any money.

If you need to call me, call my home phone 696-0007. My other phone is out of minutes. Yes, I have a prepaid. If you wanna know why, look above.

Isn't :fuck: a great word?

Anne, you are loved. And wanted.

Allison, one of these days I WILL beat you at chess. Unfortunately by that time, we'll be too old to know what chess is.

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:: 2006 28 February :: 4.21am

It's great to have friends that are there to pick you up when you fall.

I wouldn't trade them for anything.

3 | l<3ve

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