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:: 2007 6 December :: 11.26am

It's hard to argue when,
You won't stop making sense.

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:: 2007 4 December :: 9.17pm

Why is it that anytime someone has a song they like or is stuck in their head they have to post the lyrics to it?

I don't mind hearing about what other music people like.. But instead of posting every word of the song and taking up half a page doing it.. Just post the Name of he band and title of the song and "If" I feel like knowing what the lyrics are.. i can look them up myself or just listen to it.

Maybe its cause Im lazy and don't like scrolling past a half o' page of lyrics, but it really annoys me when people do that.

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:: 2007 1 December :: 11.02am

Haluaisin kuulla suomea.

Minä huonota hirveän.

Niin....olen astuva jotta kirjailla heittää laulelma sinsijaan. =(

Taksin katolla vilkkuu
Yön ainoa valopilkku
Tutoa topattu moottorivene
Odottaa minä menen

Esiin tunkevat aatokset sameet
Valhetta vatovovat karkeat sanat
Paksu lompakko
Helppoa on lempeä pyytää
Alla silmien hymmerrys hyytää

Valoviikatteet taloja niittää
Käsi hamuaa lautturin viittää
En osaa elämää syyttäen kiittää
Se jääköön en piittaa

Kohdusta hautaan
Ui uuttera lautta
Tuhannen kapakan kautta

(I don't think an online translator would work very well)

4 hovnos | what you say?


:: 2007 1 December :: 9.36am
:: Music: CSS- My hot hot sex

I should quit watching I am legend trailers
I had a dream the other day. Zombies where attacking the world and I was the last person alive. I fended them off with a club I made from a tire iron. My hideout was Rivertown mall, especially Dicks sporting goods. I slept in the rafters in a canoe and climbed up there with a rope ladder. So if any of you become zombies.... stay away from Dicks sporting goods or else.

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:: 2007 1 December :: 8.44am

I saw the most ungodly beautiful sunrise on my way home from work this morning. I say 'ungodly' because it was actually pretty foreboding in a way. Even a bit malignant. The sun itself had a beam of red light that shot straight up into the sky, like some weird searchlight, and the clouds around it were just bathed in deep red, though it got lighter and more orange as time passed.
All I could think about was how much I wanted my camera right then. Sometimes I wish it were much more portable. =(

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:: 2007 30 November :: 8.12am

I ate my first snow of the season this morning. =]

It tasted just like all the others.

10 hovnos | what you say?


:: 2007 29 November :: 10.18am
:: Music: Muse

Okay, so I was driving down the road the other day when we actually had sunlight. And I saw my sunglasses laying there and thought I should wear them. So I put them on and I think, "Wow, these are fitting kind of wierd, I think someone sat on/kicked/stepped on, or otherwise maimed them in some fashion." (Yes I really think like that) and I just keep going for a while longer, then I notice they have a couple scratches on the lenses that make it annoying to look out of. So then I think, "Shit, these are like almost brand new, now I'm angry." And so I start looking at the scratches, and then I start looking at the rest of the sunglasses more critically, and I stop, and a realization hits me. "Hey, these aren't mine."

And so...the moral of the story is...I have someone's sunglasses in my car. So....If you are missing some sunglasses then let me know =]
And If you haven't been in my car in the past month or so... I know they're not yours. =]

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:: 2007 24 November :: 2.36am

Peace at last..
Well, She is finally getting the help she needs and that is a huge weight taken off my shoulders. Its nice being able to stay out late with my friends and not have to answer for myself when i come home.

I'm tire of being treated like a 13 year old with a curfew. Why do women always assume that just because you live together that they can dictate everything you do. I'm sorry if i sound like an asshole, but if i haven't put a ring on your finger, whether were living together or not, I do not answer to you or anyone but myself and am not jumping thru hoops to make you happy.

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:: 2007 16 November :: 3.19am

coolest mcdonalds ever

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:: 2007 7 November :: 2.09am

I'm not surprised.

Habits form.
Habits form.
Habits always kill.

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:: 2007 6 November :: 12.08am

Are they still in love?

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:: 2007 31 October :: 10.20am

Song or Suicide

Sorrow rebuild me as I step out of the light
Misery strengthen me as I say my goodbyes

I heal my wounds with grief
And dream of you
And weep myself alive

Sleepwalking Past Hope

I hid the keys to unlock love's heart
To hold you in my sweetest pain and suffering
Everything's unfair in our lust and war
Redemption beyond right and wrong

In our hearts love keeps sweet-talking to despair
And goes on sleepwalking past hope
All is lost in this war
And all we can do is to wail and weep to the saddest song
Sleepwalking past hope

I unlit the light to embrace the dark
To be near but not to turn into you my darling
Forever we're lost in our souls' storm
Reflections of each other's faults

I gave up long ago
Painting love with crimson flow
Ran out of blood and hope
So I paint you no more

My hell begins from the 10th and descends to the circle
Six hundred threescore and six
And from there I crawl beneath Lucifer's claws just for one last kiss

2 hovnos | what you say?


:: 2007 30 October :: 5.49pm

i think im turning japanese
I love these guys and they make me laugh so much.

3 hovnos | what you say?


:: 2007 30 October :: 10.35am

I've decided I can't do art anymore.
Not...straight art anyway. Like..drawing and painting and such. I can't help but feel creative in most things. But as for just plain drawing, I don't think I can do it anymore.

And I've also decided that I'm going to give up on almost everything. Except for pure friendship. And see where I will end up.

I hold on to too much pointlessness...

3 hovnos | what you say?


:: 2007 30 October :: 8.37am
:: Music: Daniel Lioney

Who knew celebrities had their own myspaces? Like, for reals.

They're hard to find, but they're out there.


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