*real eyez.... realize...real liez*

2 days left til *16*..yay
LadiePerfection/Taylor Duzer: yeah whatever because u kno u cant resist his sexin.
all he gotta do it not give u any for 2 weeks
and u will b runnin to have his babies. "give it to me daddy!"

I vow to never break your heart, I'll never let you down, for better or worse,
I'll always be around


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So I'm spoiled & I'm rotten in a sinister way

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:: 2003 23 July :: 9.54 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Beyonce f/ Big Boi n Sleepy Brown- Hip Hop Star

*5 dayz till me n Todd's bday!*

I am aggravated coz I was having dis cool behind dream dat I was singing a trio in the arts center, the song was beginning, Jalysa was about to let da first word out and my mom frickin woke me up! Jus to tell me she was leaving me 10 dollas for da laundromat unda my cell fone..why didn't she jus -do- it lyke she usUalLy doez! ahh..I tried dreaming it back but it didn't happen. I had another dream about ::ahem...:: (nooo not sex 4 all u ppl thinkin i prolly did coz y'all say i'm nastay lyke dat but i'm NOT icu) and then my alarm clock wasn't all static lyke and I -clearly- heard I Will Always Love You

Courtney is also aggravated b/c she has nothing to eat

Ooh yeah! I have my pasta!!! Yessss! My din din from last nite...den I'll get Chinese or da Jamaican food while I'm at da laundromat. Yayyyy!!! I'm smart!

Mood: really frickin happy!!!

I'm talkin to Stephanie on AIM rite now. Hmm...dat's da end of my bEyOncE s0ngz...now Mizz Shany <...Ashanti ppl...) is on. Den...K-Ci & JoJo...Next..and yah. icu I saw suttin dat sayd remix ur playlist last nite and I can't find it! Mannn quiz tyme! hehehe...

take the butt quiz.

and go to mewing.net. why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts?

Oooooh I've been finding stupid quizzes lately but I frickin love them! I gotta go see what comment Steph left me so buh bye!

Courtney, Coco, Cori, Coray, Miss Courtney, Miss Thang, Mizz C, Mizz Coco, Pookie, Cookie, Chocolate...dat's good stuff right dere

I need food (and GUM)!

2 ooh* | no she didn't!

:: 2003 22 July :: 11.44 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Ashanti- Sweet Baby

I'm getting a tad bit sleepy, and "bouncy" was getting too overrated. I'm talking to my coz ghettognizz (Gary) lol. I think Ima camp out in da living room instead of sleeping in my bedroom tonite! lol and I saw a buggy but it's too high up..and I don' noe where da fly swatter iz and I don't wanna infuse my room wit buggy poison! Tiffi b gettin nastay on da fone...ewww lol! Yo..I need a freakin job lol. Gettin $$ from boiz only working during the -actual- school yr itself. (uttt oohh..da story of two) Yo..I made a remix to the remix of Never Leave You. The only person b-cides me who would do dat is P. F*cking Diddy

Hey it's past midnite now..still talkin to G

aiight..it's 12:2o...I finished making my dot pictures of Lil' Kim (icu) so now I'm going bye bye. I put my zZz message up on aim and I'm ready to kick it and go zZz-in! 2day wasn't too bad...2marro I'm doin laundry n gon' see a picture of a boi Ni nite y'all...::yawn:: holla @ me...

~*~Mizz Pookie~*~

My name is Pookie and I am -not- a wh0r3!

no she didn't!

:: 2003 22 July :: 9.00 pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Novel- Peach & Ludacris- Act a Fool

I think this iz da 6th tyme I've written in here today...lol...

Take the M&M's Test @ /~erin

blah blah blah! I think ima talk to one of my Pookies lata... i can't find any quizzes! dammit! bbs.. (in lyke a min..watch!)

Mizz Pook

no she didn't!

:: 2003 22 July :: 8.00 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: 504 Boyz- Tight Whipz

I lOv3 dese lil thangs! :-)

-- Name : Courtney Nicole
-- Birthday : April 21st
-- Birthplace : Mount Holly
-- Eye Color : cocoa brown
-- Hair Color : brown and black (I have weave…hehehe but it’s always like dat)
-- Righty or Lefty : righty… getting betta @ left tho
-- Zodiac Sign : aries/taurus.. some say I’m one..othas say da otha..it’s CONFUSING
-- Font : ummm da Eras Demi ITC?

[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music : R&B, Rap, Hip-Hop, Soul, Ol’ Skool
-- Cartoon : Spongebob Squarepants + The Proud Family
-- Color : silver, *pink*, black, white, silver, n blue
-- Slushy Flavor : Coke
-- Magazine : Essence, Vibe, n J-14
-- TV Show : I don’t really lyke TV
-- Song at the Moment: Can’t Hold Us Down + Love At First Sight
-- Language : Spanish + English
-- Spice Girl : Sporty, Posh, Baby, *Scary*, and Ginger!
-- Food & Beverage : smoothies, collard greens, *c-food*, n Kool-Aid, oh Cinnamon Apple iced tea!
-- Subject in School : band n Spanish ::gasp:: (I miss dat class…)
-- Weekend Activity : moviez, sum1’s house, just OUT!
-- Ice Cream Flavor : *b-a-n-a-n-a* + Sticky Bun!
-- Roller Coaster : Vapor Trail @ Sesame Place!! Sike nah..i heart em all

[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase on aol : icu (lol) + brb
-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with que???
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex : eyes, lips (smile), n calves… lol tiff
-- The Best Name for a Butler : Jacque! (soundz lyke z-Jock!)
-- The wussiest sport : golf… nah… uh bowling or pool
-- Your best feature : Ant + Chuck say my ass, othas say my eyez coz they’re “dramatic”
-- Your bedtime : I don’t have one…az long az I get up
-- Your greatest fear : dying & being a virgin
-- Your greatest accomplishment : when I figured out how 2 do frames…
-- Your most missed memory : erbody playin tag in Young School (u remember Todd!)

[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or coke : Pepsi Twist, Vanilla Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King : …wendy’s!
-- Single or group dates : depends on who I’m wit
-- Adidas or Nike : adidas 4 socca, Nike othawise
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers : Chick Fil’ A Chicken nuggets!
-- Rugrats or Doug : ol’ school Rugrats not da new..but ultimately DOUG!!
-- Single or taken : taken but single in heart ::angel halo::
-- Monica or Brandy : Monica but I gotta give Brandy her props for her newest cD
-- Tupac or Jay-Z : 2pac
-- Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes : NEITHER
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea : Lipton coz dey make my Cinnamon Apple
-- One pillow or two : two, but three if theyr'e flat..lol
-- Chocolate or vanilla : white chocolate
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa : I dunno da difference
-- Cappucino or coffee : umm I like Coffee Coolattaz n *Carmelattaz*
-- Boxers or briefs : boxers… coz I can sleep in dem

[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : hell yeah
-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : Jarrell
-- do you think you've been in love? : absolutely not
-- Want to go to college? : yeah- Clark Atlanta babi!
-- Like high school? : I had a fun tyme az an 8th grada in da high school…
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : mmhmm
-- Believe in yourself? : yeah I guess so
-- Have any tattoos/where? : nope
-- Have any piercings/where? : 2 in each ear
-- Get motion sickness? : when I’m on a swing..
-- Think you're a health freak? : u can’t be black wit a family dat lyke to cook n be a health freak
-- Get along with your parents? : my birthmotha, yez, I don’ trust my papi, my mom now…ehh…
-- Like thunderstorms? : yes! (Javonne waz freakin out @ da lightning lol…) dey are sexi..or can make a nite sexi

[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married : 23 or lata..i’ll be outta college
-- Number and Names of Children : (a boi and two twin girlz) Deion Jarrell, Aviance Santaiya Navaeya, Diamonique Jazlyn Renee
-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : in college either in marching band or a sorority
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding : somewhere island-like or a snow covered environment (or a snow theme –inside)
-- How do you want to die? : telling a story, going to bed and dying in my sleep @ old age
-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : teacher, doctor, lawyer, musiq producer
-- What country would you most like to visit? : Japan

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color? : gimme a brotha wit icy blue eyez…ooohhh wee!
-- Best hair color? : don’t care
-- Short or long hair? : short n texturized or some –noice- cornrows
-- Best height? : taller than me but I’m 5’9…dat’s gon be work for da next couple of yrz
-- Best weight?: don’t matta…but gimme a noice chest…fine calves… wooh!
-- Best articles of clothing? : hmm…boxerz…sike nah I dunno
-- Best first date location? : amusement park
-- Best first kiss location? : don’t matta… but in da rain at nite in da summa
-- What facial feature do you find the most attractive? eyes, smile, n lipzzz

[ series 8 - other ]
-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? : last nite; Pigooh & Snickers
-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : 2½
-- What's on your mouse pad? : *Tweety!* and..a mouse..duh
-- How many houses have you lived in? : 2 houses, now in a condo
-- How many schools have you gone to? : 4
-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : brown
-- Would you shave your head for $5,000 dollars? : no..i wouldn’t b able to put weave in to make up for it
-- What was the best time of your life so far? : graduation… oohh soo much happened ::angel halo::
-- Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? If she had good purposes…
-- Would you marry for money? : nah… coz den dat nikka would get me pregnant n leave me
-- Have you had braces? : nope
-- Do you pluck your eyebrows? : nah
-- Do you ever cut or hurt yourself? : on purpose? no
-- When was the last time you had a hickey? : neva
-- Would you live without a computer? : yeah..i did 2 weeks ago and I made it
-- Do you drink enough water? : I think so
-- Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: OFF
-- What is your favorite fruit? : strawberries, watamelon, n pineapple
--Do you eat wheat bread or white bread? : both
-- What is the last movie you saw? : Like Mike
-- Do you kiss on the first date? : …after dinner..hell no
-- Are you photogenic? : ppl say I am
-- Do you dream in colour or black and white? : when I do dream…colour
-- Are you wearing fingernail polish? : mmhmm
-- Do you have any dimples? nah
-- Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most? : sunsets..leads to my fav part of da day *nite tyme!*
-- Do you want to live to be 100?: 99…
-- Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair? : no comment
-- Do you like salty food or sugary food the most? : sugary
-- Is a flat stomach important to you? : nope..it’s only gonna get round when I get pregnant and it makes my ass look bigger when it’s smaller
-- Do you or have you played with a ouija board? : wtf?
-- Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs? : yea
-- When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off? : -off-
-- Do you believe in magic? : nah..not really
-- Do you have nightmares frequently? : don’t dream enough 4 em
-- Do you like your nose?: I guess so…but ppl b talking bout my lips
-- Do you think you can draw well? : yea I guess so
-- Do you listen to music daily? : heck yeah
-- Do you like to watch cartoons? : depends on who it is
-- How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? : dunno..what kinda ? iz dat
-- Do you like your friends? : if I didn’t I wouldn’t b friendz wit em now would i

tiz now 8:4o pM- and i'm talking to *Boo* on aim. I talked 2 Ray on da fone too. I went to Jessica's house earlier for Kool-aid but chick ain't have none. i swear she gon' get raped by our neighbor...he cute n all but he jus stares and ahhh hiz mom loves me and think we'd b perfect together...lordi dee.. All dem quizes I took were quite interesting actually! I enjoyed dem and now I'm off to comment on otha ppls journals! Buh bye 4 now!


no she didn't!

:: 2003 22 July :: 6.53 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Michael Jackson- Rock With You


What Moulin Rouge Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

lol...look at dis

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

I actually lyked taking a quiz. Da girl dat I took it from was a corndog. I do have a "potty mouth" when I get angry...so I guess it came out perfectly huh? Mom made dis good din din wit alfredo sauce, spirally noodles, and ve-ge-tablez!

find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com

Wowwww my name is Chocolate too! Sooo much chocolate! I'm lovin this site!

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com

I think I'm gonna come back here! Heyy I'm finally not purple or orange!


You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

Take the Which Madonna Video Are You? Quiz

Your the boy cut. You love to get out and be yourself. Getting down
and dirty is a very familiar thing to you. You live an active live style
and you simply love it, you go where life takes you.

Which underwear are you?

lol I lyke dem kind! Dey sooo cute! I'm talking to Ray on the phone.


What prep label are you?

Due to the fact that I actually lyke Aero and I couldn't -really- pick what my fav clothing brand waz and stuff. Now I'm talking to Ray n Daniel Mejias! BBS!

2 ooh* | no she didn't!

:: 2003 22 July :: 2.29 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Separated- Avant

::iz talking to Emen so iz now happy:: clapz for me n Emen b/c we answered tha fone rite! I've got da urge to laugh...

[current clothes ] hot pink halter & stretch old navy jeans
[ current mood ] happy…ish…
[ current music ] Blaque- Ugly
[ current taste ] tuna
[ current make-up ] a free sample of Coffee Shimmer lipstick
[ current hair ] 80’s ponytail and down
[ current annoyance ] I’m booorrred!
[ current smell ] Ultra-Sheen hair grease
[ current thing i ought to be doing ] laundry
[ current desktop picture ] my hermanito n my babi sis
[ current favorite band ] …? B2K?
[ current book you're reading ] Knocked Out By My Nunga Nungas + Candy
[ current cd in cd player] Chapter II in 1, a cd I burned in my personal, & Beyonce in da computer
[ current movie in vcr] my mom’z soap opera test
[ current color of toenails ] Surf Blue (it’s really dark n shiny!)
[ current refreshment ] Kool-Aid!
[ current worry ] if I can go out dis week
[ last person you touched ] my mommi when I hit her ::angel halo::
[ you talked to ] Emen/Pookie
[ you hugged ] my mommi when I sat on her lap
[ you instant messaged ] Pookie
[ you yelled at ] Mike/Pookie

[ food ] –good- chicken, ziti, n COLLARD GREENS
[ drink ] Kool-aid, vanilla milkshakes, Snapple, & Tropicana Orange Juice + stra-berri banana smoothiez
[ color ] pink except puke pink, blue, silver, white, n black (possibly orange)
[ album ] I dunno ooh! En Vogue- Funky Divaz
[ shoes ] NONE
[ animal ] tiger
[ tv show ] Real World (old seasonz)
[ movie ] Two Can Play That Game
[ song ] a whooolle bunch
[ fruit ] stra-berriz, watamelOn, n pineapple!
[ cartoon ] SBSP n Proud Family

are you.
[ understanding ] sumtymes
[ open-minded ] ditto
[ arrogant ] nahh not really
[ insecure ] uh uh…well yes…my boobs are wayyy to small compared to my ass icu
[ interesting ] yez
[ random ] que?
[ hungry] nope! I finally ate
[ friendly ] mmhmm
[ smart ] yez (not trying to b arrogant!)
[ moody ] sometimez
[ childish ] If I want
[ independent ] yez
[ hard working ] if it’s something I really want
[ organized ] sorta
[ healthy ] yea
[ emotionally stable ] sometimez
[ shy ] not really
[ difficult ] hehehe
[ attractive ] …. U decide Ant n Chuck say I am
[ bored easily ] when I have no food n nothing iz on tv
[ messy ] can be
[ thirsty ] yes
[ responsible ] can be
[ obsessed ] umm
[ angry ] not anymore
[ sad ] no
[ happy ] sorta
[ hyper ] at nite ::angel halo::
[ trusting ] do ppl trust me? Yes , do I trust ppl? some
[ talkative ] mmhmm

Who do you want to..
[ kill ] oooohhhh the possibilities
[ slap ] …I’ll keep that to myself
[ get really wasted with ] Ant & Chuck
[ tickle] my sis she so funny
[ kiss] …Jarrell
[ hug] both of my Pookiez, B, n everybody else

tralaala...Emen n Josh r interesting bbs

no she didn't!

:: 2003 22 July :: 10.45 am
:: Mood: really happy!
:: Music: P.I.M.P. & La La La!

Aww yeah! Hell yeah! I'm so frickin happy! It worked y'all! Yeah lemme tell u how it only took me 2 frickin minz to separate my laundry! That's how lazy I get when it's hot in my house! I have to do my laundry today...how fun. Dese ppls on Maury are sad! Okay I jus wanted to say it worked...turned out a tad bit dark...but now i noe to pick *lite* colourz!

no she didn't!

:: 2003 22 July :: 10.20 am
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: Special Delivery rx- G-Dep & all dem otha blackeez

*Coco n Todd's 14th in 6 dayz!*
Well...I think I'm hungry b/c my stomach and my head hurt. That's usually the sign telling me that I kinda well ahem...forgot to eat. That's how ssssllllloooowwww Pookie can b sometimes. Emen waz sposed 2 call me at 4 diz mornin but he didn't so he can't say I would have gotten mad if he did! Lemme try suttin...
Well...I think I waz having an interesting dream. I was listening to quotes or suttin lyke dat and the last one i heard waz "don't have sex with someone who is also a virgin because..." and then my alarm woke me up. It was really staticky (sp...i noe) and junk. If you didn't get da e-mail about AOL Ebonic Terms ask me and I'll see if I saved it or not or will jus type it or suttin. You know wut..strike dat! lol I tried writing this paragraph in *pink* but I'm not sure if it worked b/c it's automatically white due to -my- saying. But thaz cool. "Yo...u mus wanna b in da guiness book of world records of being tha dumbest motha ::what!:: alive" hehehe I lyke dat quote! it's from Craig Mack if y'all ain't noe! If P. diddy doesn't STOP saying "Diz iz da remix!" I will come up in NY...naw I'll get someone else to do it...and shoot him!!! aaahhhh omgzus...I really should get me some food b4 I become faint lyke I usually do if I don't eat. It's really kinda freaky funny. Coz I feel like I'm having a hangover and I can't walk straight or down the stairs (i live in an -upstairs- condo), it hurts when I sit up, and I jus lie down and wanna pass out. But if I went to the hospital I'd be afraid ppl would think I was -trying- to be anorexic Okay now I noe I need to eat, coz I'm losing my sanity, keep on making -typoz- and fixing dem, and I'm rambling about STUPID stuff! I still wonda if diz is pink or not. Okay my arms hurt but I'm bearing the pain and so are my fingers. I'm too tired for thiz mess! Okay I'm going...soonn...one day....


i miss everybody..i think erbody should go 2 da park and play tag..dammit i'm going!! :-)

no she didn't!

:: 2003 21 July :: 9.47 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Don't Rush- K-Ci and JoJo

oww..my mouth hurts..well my cheeks but I discovered something *new*! I can fit 20 medium-large sized green grapes in my mouth! Ain't that hott! Todd isn't Pookie anymore...but Emen iz n so iz...noe wut I'm not gon' say hiz name! I'm listening 2 Infatuation

1o:2opM- I'm listening 2 Selena again. still on da fone wit/ Ray n Javonne...wow...dere's a racist radio station near NY grRrRr!!!!! I'm off da fone and eitha Ima call a Pookie nvm Ray called me! Aww darn none of da Pookiez r home. ::tear:: bbs...

no she didn't!

:: 2003 21 July :: 6.49 pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: tHe St0rY oF 2- aShAnTi

fooood...where art thou? ::tear::
I misS thA w0nderful feeling of having good cooking in ur tummy, and it sux having this painful sensation in your stomach and head at the same time. *Note: thiz iz da 1 tyme i did not forget 2 eat!!*

U noe wut...after comparing Beyonce's and Ashanti's cd'z...Beyonce's...........
I mean it's good and all...but I can actually sit and listen to Ashanti'z, wit Beyonce'z after listening all da way through I be skippin songs! lolz...

tralalalala...lalalala! Omgoodness! I really lyke diz song.. (da story of 2) it's...soulful! Diz frickin sunburnzZzz on my shoulder. It's basically jus my right shoulder tho. GrRrRr...I couldn't help it...I kept fallin asleep in da sun..and I was unda partial shade..not to mention I waz inhaling smoke from ciggys and firez. que horror! Aww...poor Stinky from Hey Arnold.

Pookie (da 1 who sayz i'm hiz princess)...can u read or tell time...You are 2 hourz ovadue of calling me! ::tear....smile:: Naw...I ain't mad I still "<3" you! And I'm still hungry...


no she didn't!

:: 2003 21 July :: 2.53 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: dAngeRoUlsLy in l0v3 2- bEyOnc3

*PoOki3 iz hApPy!*
*Coco & Todd R 14 (again) in 1 we3k!*
Diz s0ng waz mAde by D3stiNy's ChilD nOt nooOo bEyOnc3! AnyWayZ I w3nt 2 Best Buy + bOugHt 2 cD'z bEyOnc3- dAnG3roUsly iN lOv3 & aShAntI- chApt3R iI. Heyy...I kiNda lyke diZ s0ng Hip hOp stAr! lolz..I *actually* tAlk3d 2 my bAbi! (oooohh.....ahh....wow....) iT 'twaZ me, him, n tifFy. EwwWw! Beyonce iz a lil trick nastAy! lolz "I dar3 u 2 undResS m3" lol...a lil 2...yah! lol Danggg...gimme a s0nG wit a hOt b3at! WoW...I'm dAnciNg 2 a s0nG! Okay...I lyke Baby Boy da beSt! coz my bAbi Sean Paul!!! iz up in dis s0nG! oooh...it's *dulani*...aaahhh sssseeeexxxxxiiiiii! lolz I still didn't separate my laundry...I'll do dat @ lyke 4 suttin...blah blah! I hate my *U* j0urnal! I can't wait 2 get fAst jOurnal! ooh...bEyOnc3 cussed...again! lolz...I'm still *bOunc-E!* My cOusin jus called from NY abOut da fAmiLy reUniOn...it's cOminG up! Diz iz da cuZ frOm laSt yr that sayd I shOuld b a mOdel! hehe...n I grew... 2¼ inchez! wooohuu! lolz...lemme take A quiz!
bbl..it's lyke 4:05 whoops!

no she didn't!

:: 2003 21 July :: 11.34 am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: Wif3y- NeXt

Quarrellers! Oh man, you are the kind of couple
that makes everyone completely sick. You are
the most puke-inducing kind of couple on the
face of the planet. One minute you won't shut
up about how great your girlfriend or boyfriend
is, the next you are bitching about them. This
kind of couple always takes ages to break up,
unfortunately for everyone around them.

What kind of couple are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

my babi hasn't called me in a whole frickin week... ::tear:: and when Pookie (me dummiez..) called on Friday 2 c if he wanted 2 go out we talked for a total of....get this...38 seconds! Naw...but dat quiz iz so rite it ain't even funny! lol...omg it's gon b so much worse in high school if we make it...ahhhh! lolz...Ciera'z a DUMMY ::grin:: haha...uh uh! my s0ng iz On!! ::can't hold us dOwn:: woohu! hmm i need 2 separate laundry but i don't feel lyke it!

Which [Seven Dwarfs] are you?

AwWwWw!!! Happy iz soo frickin caute! lolz...I shall return...::muah::


no she didn't!

:: 2003 20 July :: 9.04 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: cUpid- 112

blAh bLah blaH...
nOw I'm liSt3niNg 2 BabY bY bRaNdy & iNfAtUati0n bY X-tinA AgUil3Ra diZ k00l-aId iz maddd g00d! Heyy A.d.i.d.A.s. iz on! I'm jus in a really good mood rite now for some reason that I don't know of. I finally talked to Emen. Hiz name is Pookie too and so iz Ant's! And my is Pookie 2, Jus for Todd and Ant! Aww...da alcoholic done turned into a crackhead..poor white w0man (whoopz...) OMG!! Sp3ciAl deliV3Ry iz on!!! lolz...dat white lady from da Orbit commerical is too much! lol (uttt ohh Jump iz on y'all!) Maybe I'll bblz...

~*~Pookie, Cookie, Mizz C, Miss Thang, Coco, Cori, Court Court, Courty, Coutnay, Coray, Courty Court, kid-O, cupcake, pumpkin, babi grl, ChOcOlAt3...~*~

~*~ and afta all dem namez I'm still plain ol' Courtney~*~

no she didn't!

:: 2003 20 July :: 6.03 pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: All 4 U- jAN3t

You are your awesome self. There's no one, NO ONE,
that's anything like you. You are just
yourself. Your self is AWESOME.

What kind of person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ain't dat nice...jus felt lyke pOstin it..ToDd's new name is *Pookie!* teehee...

no she didn't!

:: 2003 20 July :: 3.15 pm
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: Dr3AmiNg 0f YoU- S3leNa

Wowwww!!!! ROckO iz on yo!! I lOv3 da BighEadz!!! Heffa!! lolz...and Filbert? well wut3va he got a hOmerUn! OoOkay! Wellz...I am up afta wAkiNg up @ 11:oo! I wOulD waNnA w0rk in dA hOt tUb d3pARtmeNt!!! ::tear:: Now tell me if diz nAme s0undz seXi.. DulAni JerOme...I dunnO but I'm in lOv3 wit it!! ooommmmggg! hmMm...Ima write dOwn aLl my nicknAmes...x-c3pt da 1 MiKe maDe 4 m3!!!! ::tear:: (hi toDd!) oOh dulaniiiiiii!! sexiii! ImA goOo so I can talk w/o diZtrActi0nz!

no she didn't!

:: 2003 19 July :: 11.18 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: SharisSa singin on ap0llO + aIm soundz

I'm anxiOus n b0uncy 2nite! I wanNa noe my f*ckin niCknAme Michael! ::tear:: And I'm jus b0uncy well...u noe why I'm b0unc-e...i am alwAyz b0unc-e @ nite tyme! (aww hell naw! u best not b yellin Mike!...oh nevAmind) (hiii e rizZle!! ::muah::) but...uh...what 2 rite ab0ut...? i dunno...i still don' noe my f*ckin nick name!! ahhh! I think Ima take a quiz!

Earth girl
You are a true nature girl!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Da first tyme I took diz quiz I waz a gOdezz...da second..da mysteri0us wOmAn...nOw..I'm dAt 1! What fa f*ck! :-)
I'm such a lunAtic...didN't I sAy dat rec3nTly??? Let'z tAke anuthA!

DKNY: Classic with clean edges and very business
like. You don't like to get outrageous or
overly boisterous. Keep It Simple is your
motto and you do it well.

What fashion designer fits you
brought to you by Quizilla

Yez..me in my darker days b4 Javonne introduced me to *pink!* and then her n my mom forced me to wear bright colas...but I'll NEVA ditch my black!!! neverrrrr! (cAlm d0wn c0cO...hehehe see I -am- b0uncy!) (ant jus sayd he don' noe how i'm still a virgin lolz...r me n chuck still on?) h0w ab0ut anutha quiz!!Wait wait wait let me tell u about HOW I got a frickin sunburn on BOTH of my shoulders from bein in da sun too long from da rib fest, 2 da church festival today, and a whole bunch of stuff! Aahh I'm a black grl wit sunburn...wtF! And I also waz watchin Selena on VH1..dat movie always gets 2 me...::tear tear:: (come on Ant..u ask me why i say "uh uh" when u tell me u only wanna have sex wit a girl that has a big ass!) Okay..now I take a quiz!

Brown Eyes

What Color Eyes Should You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

12:15 aM- still talkin 2 Ant n Mike lolz..and I'm watchin da *Cosby's* woo...funny I do have brown eyez already!

*INDEPENDANT*--Ohh you're bad! In a good way...
Lucky day: October 28th

%Sweet% or *SOUR*
brought to you by Quizilla

(eww Tiffy...u so nastay!...wantin 2 lick da boiz CALVES) Hmm...it's 12:25 n0w..been up for 12 hours n25 mins... and I'm a tad zZz-y

Mood: zZz-y

I want a f*ckin Coffee Coolatta! I think Dunkin Donuts -are- open...jus not da 1 in da mAlL...nevamind my ma is sleep (wut I should be dOing so0n...) ::yawn:: I w0nder how dey make babiez cry 4 tV shows...do dey hurt them?!!! Dat's soOo f*ckin MEAN! omgg...now I'm scared 4 da babies! *OMG! Kenny from da huXtaBle's (da cosby's) is sOoO funny!! And so are RuDy n ClaRenC3!!!* Ladadeeladeeda...ladadeeladeeda :-) (ni nite Ant! sweet drEamZ!) mmm dat saLad waZ goOd! "it's not jus about ur contacts it's about ur eyes okay?" "okay" *yes..RuDy n ClaRenC3 are FUNNY!!! ahahahahahaha!!! lolzZz* I'm zZz-y...wait...I didn't talk 2 Emen all f*ckiN dAy!!! ::tear, tear, TEAR!!!:: heyy...I mite go 2 six flags soon, my fashion sho is comin up, my family reunion is comin up, school's in lyke a month n 2 weeks (fr3shmAn aaAah! lol) *aaAahh DeniC3 is funNnY 2222!! dey AlL fuNny yo!* *omggg i lOv3 OliViA!!!* I wanna goOo ming...mingl...mingling 2marRO! *dannnggg clAreNc3 gOt a bigGg aZzZz! awWw kenny ain't gOt a pat'nA!* Otays..it's almost 1:oo!! w00hu! I wOnd3r hOw fAst jOurnAl iZzz! we'll c...I'm bOut 2 b out cOz i'm zZz-y...ni nite y'all... still talkin 2 Mike...still... nite

~Mizz C~... aKa...

*ChocOlate*- my new friend Kevin callz me dat..

(nite Mike)

no she didn't!

:: 2003 19 July :: 4.56 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: mezmeRiz3- jA n 'shAnti

oOoOh...weEe! it sho' iz hot out dere! (0 my g0d! D'angElO's lAdy iz on!!! wooohuuu!) Dat plAce waz madddd fun! Ev3n if it 'twAz hOt out d3r3! Diz iz who I saw...
1. TinA!!
2. TinA'z paRentz (mizz a n mista e)
3. ShAlynnE (da grl from mizz knox-greEne'z clazz in 6th grAde)
4. Nay!! (ReneE jOhnson)
5. mizz J! (mrz. jOhnson)
6. NaY's sista ShamekA, n her 2 cuzs
7. rAvOn, ahmEd, n sum blackee
8. my mOmmA's friend who sayZ ima b a beaUtifUl m0d3l!
9. anthOny jOnes
10. brittAny jOnes
11. courtni sUllivAn

heyYy...w. hoUst0n'z SaviNg aLl mY lOve 4 U iz on! Sp0ngebOb is soOo frickin carAzay! I had watAmelon...a really not good smoothie too! (noOo u can't run away tiffy!) uh oOoh!! Funkytown iz on yo!!! Hot joynt! Ima bbs! Gon' take suM quizZez!

~*~Mizz Courtney~*~

no she didn't!

:: 2003 19 July :: 3.04 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: fe3l sO g00d- ashAnti

You are very independent. You let nothing stand in
your way, and you never, ever do something you
don't want to do just to fit in. You like to
enjoy life, and you have a very healthy view of
the world.

How independent are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm a tad bit bouncy again and I think I might be getting anutha journal. It's quite cool actually. Woohu..momma's here so now it's her, me, n Jerry. Wow...I haven't heard stOle in soOo l0ng! aww dang... I gotta go now. (okay..why tha hell would i b excited about cleaning stuff?!) I'll write later...and it says I'm very independent..so DON'T f*ck wit me!! teehee..buh bye!


no she didn't!

:: 2003 19 July :: 1.28 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: QVC background musiq on mommi's tV!

I'm awake!
Well...I went ta bed @ 11:45 and I woke up at 1. 7 am 2. 9:24 3. 10:43 (i was P'oed coz I missed half of da Proud family!!) and 4. 11:47! Then I got up at 1 b/c I was watching Made on MTV..n da guy actually graduated! Yayyy for him! I left my away message on accidently while I was sleeping...well not really accidently and mad ppls come on at nite time! ::cough::Mike, Emen, and boOpie::cough:: *Mike y did u send me 7 ? markz?!* I'm not hypa anymore so dat's a good thing I suppose. I wanted to go 2 Red Lobster or Olive Garden but Jerry was lyke naahh so he jus shot down my brilliant idea! Teehee...but da family reunion is in 13 dayz and counting. Ooh... *9 dayz until me n Todd's birthday!* I'll bbl...gotta get dressed...eat eat..and take da trash out (icky.. sike nah) buh bye!

no she didn't!

:: 2003 18 July :: 11.49 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: young n da restless theme on mommi's tV!

goooood nite!
lollllll...I tend 2 b a bit "hyper" at nite tyme (rite Ray?). Ray says it's not good for me to be hyper at nite, den I turned around n looked at him and we start laughin lol. And we also think ppl have a staring prob or there's just something wrong with me because it goes from o.o ...to O.o or o.O...to O.O (::cough:: ant n chuck ::cough::) ..but hey Ima see dem next yr in BTHS babi...wooohuuu! lol...Ray has also got wandering eyez too...jus lyke Koochie! Dat security guard was maddd funny tho...fa ril lol. And...Javonne and I had a talk about undawear again...lolz. Funny shyt...my lil tantrum i had is OVA! falala...(i will come 2 get u Emen! i promise!) *9 dayz till me and Todd's bday!* I'm jus skippin from subject to subject...so I think Ima jus go coz it's almost midnite. Falalalala...lalalala (i noe it ain't near X-mas..but wut da hell!) Maybe I'll be sane after a goood nite's rest...ni nite world!
~I think ur sexi~*i think ur fly*~couldn't it jus once~*b u and I*~i think u noe just wut i mean~*but maybe i'll c u in my dreams*~
WHERE did that come from...I dunno! ni nite!

*Mizz C*~Coco~*Cori*~i jus luv u babi~*Coray*~CeCe~*babi grl*~*Courtney*~

no she didn't!

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