2004 26 May :: 8.05pm
 Heart of Fire
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of? brought to you by Quizilla
.to me.
2004 24 May :: 6.40pm
:: Mood: bored
well im bored soo i figured i do this 2...
[four beverages you drink frequently]
1: water
2: water
3. coke
4: alcohol of some sort
[four things to do when you're bored]
1: talk online
2: smoke
3: listen to music
4: sleep
[four things that never fail to cheer you up]
1: food
2. weed
3: all my friends.. i love u girls!! and Jimmy!!
[four things you can't live without]
1: Food
2: friends
3: music
4: sex
[about ten years ago ]
1: i met Jimmy!!!!
2: Johnson was big and new
3: i lived in Arlington
[about two years ago]
1: I started smokeing weed
2: Holly and i were INSEPERABLE
3: i was obsessed with Robbie
[about one year ago]
1: i was in 8th grade
2: i was still obsessed with Robbie
3: Holly and i were still always together
1: went to Johnson with Manda
2: eat at Georges
3: did this...
[3 things you dislike]
1: Fake ppl
2: ppl who lie
3: noesy ppl
[four CD's from your collection that you will never get tired of]
1: 40 oz. to freedom
2: Twiztid Freek Show
3: cheeseburger cd Kelesy made for me
4: lol ym whole itunes playlist
[four vacations you have taken]
1: Florida
2: Cearder Point Ohio
3: Woodward
4: Canada eh!
[Three things you'd like to learn]
1: how to spell
2: how to fly
3: how to not have my heart broken by thoes a care about most
What is your favorite...
gum: Big Red
drink: rum and coke
season: fall
type of weather: RAINING!!
emotion: giggly
thing to do on a half day: get high with my friends...same thing i do everday lol
late-night activity: sex
city: ...??
store: Weathervane, Marshals, Bobs...
When was the last time you...
cried: friday night had a big cryign fest with Manda, Kelsey, Meg and Jimmy.. i love u all soo much!!!!!
laughed: all day wihty Manda
hugged someone: today i hugged Tony
felt depressed: friday...
felt overworked: everyday in school
faked sick: thursday
What was the last...
word you said: ok
thing you ate: Cheeseburger sub and fies for georges YUMMY!
thing you drank: water..what else do i drink
song you listened to: stand by me by Oasis
place you went to: Georges
movie you saw: scary movie 3
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: not at the moment
Height: 5'4"ish
Hair Color: brown
Siblings: older sister, younger brother
Natural Hair Color: brown
Eye Color At Birth: blue
Eye Color Currently: greenish brownish
Glasses/Contacts: yes
Birthdate: June 26
Sign: Cancer
Current Age: 14
Siblings names: Angelina & Nick
School: NHS... the school of unneeded drama!
Current Grade: 9th
College Plans: not sure.. i want to go to Cali. but Manda want to go to New York and i dont want to go that far away for her and my home.. :-/
Song that was stuck in your head: Mandas fuckin ring tone lol
Person that called you: Kelsey i think
TV Show you watched: Wild Boys
Person you were thinking of: Joe
You have a crush on anyone: lol more like an obsession :-[
Wish you could live somewhere else: Natick and the ppl in it suck.. but i wouldnt leave my friends for nething
You think about suicide: no i think its the PUSSYS way out
Others find you attractive: umm only my tits >:O
Want more piercings: i want my belly botton done
You like cleaning: when im bored....
You like roller coasters: LOVE THEM!!!!
Have You Known The Longest: Jimmy
Do You Argue The Most With: no 1 really
Do You Always Get Along With: Manda and Kelsey
Is The Most Trustworthy: Manda and Kelsey
Makes You Laugh The Most: lol manda kelsey meg jess brittany and jimmy!! lol i love ppl who make me laff!!
Always Has A Man/Woman: jess u pimp u
Is The Most Sensitive: Klesey
Has The Coolest Parents: Brittany
Has The Coolest Sibling(s): I love Mandas sister
Is The Most Outgoing: Manda
Is Most Rebellious: Meg
Is Most Likely To Become Famous: Manda with he BEAUTIFUL voice and INCREADBLE poetry
Is Most Likely To Become Rich: the famous one wouldn't u think...?
Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: Robbie for baeting his wife lol
Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: lol i hope none of them have that many....
Always Wears A Smile: Jess
Without Thinking About It, Who Do You Think Would Die For You?: Manda, Kelsey, Meg, Jess, Brittany, the important ones
Complains The Least: lol we all complain..all the time..
Do you want to die: Ha! alot of ppl
Biggest Flirt: hmmm...
Never EVER Betrayed You: Manda
Biggest Pimp : James Patrick Young.... my first husban!!
lol oh that was fun ahahah...well im off
.to me.
2004 24 May :: 6.24pm
Enter value(s) in comment, then copy & paste to your own journal
0= I don't know you
1= I like you
2= I love you!!
3= You are funny
4= You are cool
5= I don't really care for your personality
6= I want to fuck you
7= You are sexy!
8= You have a nice body
9= I want to get to know you
10= I hope you die
dear amanda-
i hope that the end of school is coming fast enough for you. It musty be different without kailtin there. dad said you were kind of down last week and i wasnt sure if it was due to mothers day, or my letter to you. i just wanted to tell you that i love you; i love your poetry and your lyrics and your caring nature. i know that you are still very angry, but its important for you to see me and spend some time together. it might help me to be able to hear from you in person just how hard all of this has been for you. ill be coming to see you on Friday, june 4th after school. id really like to take you out; at least to talk and tell you in person just how much i love and miss you
<3 Mom
.to me.
2004 24 May :: 4.14pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Fat Joe ft. Remy Martin-Lean Back
Blahhh Monday
Friday was interesting.
My advice to anyone who's ever kept their feelings inside as long as I have - its to just let them go. And if the person who your feelings are directed towards doesn't care, then you shouldn't either.
The sad thing is, is that it shouldn't take people enough to be intoxicated in order for them to tell people how they feel. But I'm glad I did because now it doesn't bother me anymore for some reason. I've just given up on caring about ppl who don't care themselves. And a conversation with Meg the other day led me to remembering all the people I've become close with in the past... and have had to let go of somehow. And if I can move on and love new people as many times as I did before, then I can again.
Dont miss anyone from your past..
Theres a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
To Katelin, Amanda & Meaghan..
I love you three so very much thank you for standing by me through the years... Out of everyone you have been the ones to carry on our friendship the longest.
Emily-We went through so much 6th through 8th grade and there are so many memories between us and I know they won't end this year... This year has been a big change for us because of the schools but I know you are always there for me whenever I need you
MajkL* Your my everything I really don't know where I would be without you..
BFF girls I'll never leave you
2 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 23 May :: 10.03pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Vertical Horizon-"Best I Ever Had"
long ass time....
wow it has relly benn a long ass time since i wrot in here, btu i think im gonan try and rember to do it again... lol not liek i have no time to do it ahahah...
~~~~~~~~Summer is sooo CLOSE!!!!!~~~~~~~~
school is comming to an end. Thank God!! lol i cant wait till the summer.. but somehow i dont think its gonan b all that good nemore.... i thougth it would b eay to stop cearing about ppl who dont care abotu it... but its nto that easy when u love them soo much....
Friday night Manda Kelsey Meg Jimmy and I, had a nice BIg crying fest(well jimmy didnt cry lol) but yea us girls got shitfaced at my house and then went up to are home (Johnson) and Jimmy came to visti is... lol littl did he know he would ahve to sit and listen to 4 girls start crying abotu nothign and everythign all at the sem time.. ahahahah but i thik it was good cuz we all got out what we really wanted to say...sad but good i guess....
lol wel today was a good day tho... sat around my house wiht a few ppl and go high lol as neone can tell if they walk in my room seeign as how it still smells like weed... lol but its all good cuz mommy believes me that it was insence ahahah.....
I love u Manda Kelsey Meg and Jess!!! ur mo loves forever!!!!! <3MAJKL!!!!<3
off to bed cuz im sooo tired!!
.to me.
2004 23 May :: 1.53pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: nonoe right now!!
LAst nite!
ok well LAst night was THE BEST nite ever!! ok so i went to the kiss concert and as soon as i got there i met up with janet and erika! we walked around forever, then got our tarrot card read... mine sed that i would get a pregnancy scare in october, and certain times im to nice to poeple(hahaha right lizzy), and that i make a big deal out of little thing! that is so true.. he also knew i was sigle... and alot of other things... i was like thats so fucked up!! he told me in october i would be shitting bricks for a couple of weeks!! im so scared lol!
ok so janet and erikas seats were in the lawn and mine were bad... so we sttod at the door and 4 rich looking ladies started to walk out.. so we go are you leaving? they sed yes so we asked for their tickets... and guess what... $500 tickets... we were in the FUCING 6TH ROW!! i was so excited.. we saw Ja rule, ashanti, kim locke(we got her autograph and hugs:) ) sean paul, backstreet boys hahahaha, jc chazes(or whatever the fuck his name is) jessica simpson, and maroon 5 from the 6th row! it was awesome!
ok well that jc guy from n*sync is a fuckin weirdo... he had like a fucking live porn on stage.. the 4 girls were like eating eachother out and fucking on stage... not to mention they were wearing like NOTHING!!
ok well the concert was the fucking best one ever! i had SOOOO much fucking fun! cant wait till next year!!
to tired to type anymore!!
oh ya and i love Cyndi Lauper!! haha shes such a cute old lady
and Avril Lavigne was fucking drunk as hell during her performance!!! it was awesome!!
<3 NikkiE
.to me.
2004 22 May :: 2.24pm
Foolish Games
You took your coat off and stood in the rain,
You were always crazy like that
I watched from my window,
always felt I was outside looking in on you
You were always the mysterious one
with dark eyes and careless hair,
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
besides some comment on the weather
Well in case you failed to notice,
In case you failed to see,
This is my heart bleeding before you,
This is me down on my knees
CHORUS: These foolish games are tearing me apart
You thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart
You were always brilliant in the morning
Smoking your cigarettes, talking over coffee
You philosophies on art, Baroque moved you,
You loved Mozart and you'd speak of your loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
You'd teach me of honest things
Things that were daring, things that were clean
Things that knew what an honest dollar did mean
So I hid my soiled hands behind my back
Somewhere along the line I must've gone off track with you
Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn,
Somebody more like myself
You took off your coat and stood in the rain
you were always like that
1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 22 May :: 1.37pm
She falls apart by herself
No ones there to talk or understand
Feels sustained, dries here eyes
Finds herself, opens the door inside
People see right through you
Everyone who knew you well
Falls apart, might as well
Day is long and nothing is wasteful
Runaway runaway [Rodney background:] runaway runaway
Hold, hold you but your going away
Runaway runaway [Rodney background:] runaway runaway
[Rodney: Want]
Hold (Want) you tomorrow but your leaving today
You walk along by yourself
There's no sound, nothing is changing
Been gone away, left you there
Emptiness is nothing you can't share
All those words that hurt you
More than you would let it show
Comes apart, by yourself
All is well and everything is wasted
Runaway runaway [Rodney background:] runaway runaway
[Rodney: Want]
Hold (Want) hold you but your going away
Runaway runaway [Rodney background:] runaway runaway
[Rodney: Want]
Hold (Want) you tomorrow but your leaving today
Sometimes we'll feel around and this dance instead can't be down
All the sound of me on my own
Any sound of me again it's time away surround around a friend
I know where I know where no where to runaway
She falls apart, no one there
Hold her hand, it seems to disappear
Falls apart, might as well
Day is long and nothing is wasted
Runaway runaway [Rodney background:] runaway runaway
[Rodney:] Want
Hold (Want) hold you but your going away
Runaway runaway [Rodney background:] runaway runaway
[Rodney:] Want
Hold (Want) you tomorrow but your leaving today
Runaway Runaway
Hold (Want) hold you (Want) but your going away
But your leaving today, but your leaving today
[four beverages you drink frequently]
1: diet coke
2: water
3. sprite
4: alcohol
[four things to do when you're bored]
1: smoke
2: talk online
3: sing
4: write poems
[four things that never fail to cheer you up]
1: jimmy hugs
2. drugz
3: talking to sean
4: talking to my friends
[four things you can't live without]
1: writing
2: friends
3: music
4: food
[about ten years ago ]
1: i was 5
2: i was at the wellesely coopertive nursery school lol
3: i didnt realize my full potential.. and didnt appreciate how happy and carefree i was
[about two years ago]
1: i was in 7th grade
2: i hung out with katie kelsey and meggy everyday lol
3: i was 13
[about one year ago]
1: i was in 8th grade
2: i fell in love with joe russell
3: i was friends with different ppl
4: i met all the framingham kids
5: i was at the mall everyday haha
1: watched goldmember with lizzy and meg
2: talked on the fone with sean
3: picked a ringtone
[3 things you dislike]
1: people that lie
2: when ppl tell you they love you.. then leave you -- deciet
3: ppl who overramatize to get attention
[four CD's from your collection that you will never get tired of]
1: Twiztid
2: Dark Lotus
3: my joe cd
4: hmm.. idk?
[four vacations you have taken]
1: barbados
2: Florida
3: Aruba with kristin
4: Las vegas with meggy :-)
[Three things you'd like to learn]
1: to write a fluent sonnet
2: how to sing high notes
3: how to sing in front of ppl and not be scared
What is your favorite...
gum: dentyne (sperament)
restaurant: ehh
drink: a screaming orgasm :-)
season: spring and fall
type of weather: sunny
emotion: happiness
thing to do on a half day: hang out with my friends and... smoke?
late-night activity: partying ;)
city: boston?
store: hot topic, pac sun, wet seal, blahhh i dunno
When was the last time you...
cried: umm last night with meggy kelsey lizzy and jimmy I LOVE YOU GUYS
laughed: with lizzy and meggy this morning
hugged someone: today i hugged jimmy! =) lol
felt depressed: last night..
felt overworked: school bites my ass
faked sick: ive lost track
What was the last...
word you said: i dont remember
thing you ate: ramen
thing you drank: water
song you listened to: desperately wanting
place you went to: johnson
movie you saw: goldmember
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: none..yet
Height: 5'3"ish
Hair Color: dark brown with light brown streaky things and pink streaks as of now lol
Siblings: a sister
Natural Hair Color: dark brown
Hair Color Currently: you def already asked me that..
Eye Color At Birth: brown
Eye Color Currently: brown
Glasses/Contacts: yes
Birthdate: April 21
Sign: taurus
Current Age: 15
Siblings names: Kaitlin
School: NHS
Current Grade: 9th
College Plans: def college in newyork with all my friends
Song that was stuck in your head: desperately wanting
Person that called you: sean
TV Show you watched: pimp my ride
Person you were thinking of: sean
You have a crush on anyone: you can call it that
Wish you could live somewhere else: all the time
You think about suicide: uh yeah.. unfrotunatley
Others find you attractive: prolly not..
Want more piercings: getting my belly button done again .. (i closed it up)
You like cleaning: NEVER
You like roller coasters: hell ya
Have You Known The Longest: kelsey
Do You Argue The Most With: kelsey
Do You Always Get Along With: lizzy and emily
Is The Most Trustworthy: lizzy and emily!!
Makes You Laugh The Most: meg and lizzy
Always Has A Man/Woman: jess lol
Is The Most Sensitive: sean
Has The Coolest Parents: lizzy
Has The Coolest Sibling(s): lizzys bros pretty cool .. when he wants to be lol
Is The Most Outgoing: lizzy
Is Most Rebellious: meg
Is Most Likely To Become Famous: lizzy (victoria secret model)
Is Most Likely To Become Rich: uh.. ?
Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: cozzy cuz hes shady
Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: um no clue
Always Wears A Smile: ...who says that
Without Thinking About It, Who Do You Think Would Die For You?: Majkl :-)
Complains The Least: everyone complains at some time...
Do you want to die: a certain krew... excuding jimmy and robbie and um ppl who are nice :-D
Biggest Flirt: lizzy
Never EVER Betrayed You: lizzy
Biggest Pimp : jimmy haha
well there you go :) have fun
this entry is dedicated to the one and teh only emmy d!!!! i wuvv you emmy :-)
1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 22 May :: 11.44am
:: Mood: emotional
:: Music: Do or Die w/Twista-Do U
what a sad drunk night..
Tried to forget you
I tried to move on
But the deeper I feel it
The harder I fall
Nothing else matters at all
Let me tell you
You don't what love is
Till you lose it
You don't know what love is
Till it slips away
Leaves you alone in the dark
Takes you and tears you apart
You don't know what love is
Till it breaks your heart.
.to me.
2004 20 May :: 4.30pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: roses
crash into a ditch!
ok well yet again this is a journal entry about people being fucking gay!! ok well lets keep this short and sweet... ok fuck all the assholes in the world!
ok well anyone that is mean to julie moulton needs to fucknig DIE! lol i love you Julie Anna Moulton sooooooooooo fucking much!
ok well everyone wear a skirt tomorrow so we can get water gunned to we can GO HOME!! yippie!!!!!!!! im sooooooo excited... ok well this is the funniest song in the world but now its over!
im really bored so i will write later!
3 NikkiE
.to me.
2004 20 May :: 3.35pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: d12-40 oz.
.to me.
2004 18 May :: 9.17pm
:: Mood: PMS
:: Music: Eminem Obie Trice 50 Cent-Luv me
New Background..
Thank you piggy! :-)
I still need an icon though.. if any1 has anythign that matches let me know! thanks
new addition to the family... JaSmiNe
R.I.P. lil one, peter, cici, marilyn, & marley =(

1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 17 May :: 8.15pm
:: Mood: so fresh n so clean
:: Music: Usher-Confessions Part II
Quiz/Survey thing from meg's journal
[four beverages you drink frequently]
1: orange soda
2: chocholate milk
3. pepsi
4: water
[four things to do when you're bored]
1: smoke
2: talk online
3: clean/organize
[four things that never fail to cheer you up]
1: pot
2. my lovely friends :o)
[four things you can't live without]
1: my girls
2: my mommy
3: computer
4: cellphone
[about ten years ago ]
1: I was carefree
2: drug-free
3: ignorance was bliss
[about two years ago]
1: I was in 7th grade
2: my best friends were katie amanda n meggy
3: my biggest dilemma was what I would wear to school the next morning
[about one year ago]
1: I was in 8th grade
2: I was still best friends with katie amanda n meggy
3: I fell inlove for the first time - with Joe
4: I had lost the only love I ever knew
5: I hung out at the mall every weekend with my friends n Framingham boys, instead of downtown or @ johnson..
1: I got high during lunch
2: Sat at Johnson for hours
3: came home
[3 things you dislike]
1: fakeness
2: guys who dont care
3: caring so much about ppl who dont care about me
[four CD's from your collection that you will never get tired of]
1: 3 Doors Down
2: D12 world
3: all my burned shit
4: RHCP californication
[four vacations you have taken]
1: Wells, Maine
2: Disney World
3: Cape Cod
4: Lake Winnepesawki, NH
[Three things you'd like to learn]
1: how to do that thing meg can do with her bowl
2: how to be happy with what I have
3: I'll come back to this...
What is your favorite...
gum: Eclipse
restaurant: Friendly's
drink: Orange Soda, Corona
season: Summer, Fall
type of weather: sunny but not hott
emotion: feeling loved
thing to do on a half day: chill w/ppl
late-night activity: drink smoke n chill
city: boston
store: abercrombie weathervane wet seal
When was the last time you...
cried: a few days ago
laughed: today
hugged someone: today I hugged robbie &jimmy :)
felt depressed: dont remember
felt overworked: umm I dunno..always
faked sick: dont remember
What was the last...
word you said: "ya mom"
thing you ate: Wendy's
thing you drank: Orange Soda
song you listened to: Usher-Confessions part II
place you went to: Wendy's
movie you saw: Thirteen
Piercings: 3 lobes 1 nose
Tattoos: none
Height: 5'2 ish
Hair Color: blackish
Siblings: 2 brothers
Natural Hair Color: dark brown
Hair Color Currently: black by mistake
Eye Color At Birth: blue
Eye Color Currently: blueish I guess
Glasses/Contacts: no
Birthdate: July 21
Sign: Cancer
Current Age: 14
Siblings names: Ryan n Brett
School: NHS
Current Grade: 9th
College Plans: umm fuck
Song that was stuck in your head: Do or Die w/ Twista- Do U
Person that called you: ummmm Meg earlier today
TV Show you watched: not sure
Person you were thinking of: who am I always thinking of? :-\
You have a crush on anyone: ya
Wish you could live somewhere else: rarely
You think about suicide: not on a regular basis
Others find you attractive: prob not
Want more piercings: not right now
You like cleaning: yes wen I'm bored
You like roller coasters: yes
Have You Known The Longest: Andrea Jessica
Do You Argue The Most With: Amanda haha
Do You Always Get Along With: Meg n Kate
Is The Most Trustworthy: all my friends are basically
Makes You Laugh The Most: Jessie n Meg
Always Has A Man/Woman: JESSIE HAHA I LOVE YOU
Is The Most Sensitive: dont know
Has The Coolest Parents: Brittany
Has The Coolest Sibling(s): Amanda
Is The Most Outgoing: Amanda n Lizzy
Is Most Rebellious: Meg n Jessie
Is Most Likely To Become Famous: Amanda
Is Most Likely To Become Rich: I dont know.. a drug dealer
Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: I have high hopes for them
Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: I can picture Lizzy having a large hick family
Always Wears A Smile: Jess
Without Thinking About It, Who Do You Think Would Die For You?: no one
Complains The Least: kate
Do you want to die: I could only name a few
Biggest Flirt: Lizzy
Never EVER Betrayed You: no1
Biggest Pimp : JIMMY
2 .from you. |
.to me.