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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 7-8-2002 at 7:01pm
I was having such a nice day, then this Logan butt faced kid had to go and call me dirty names. *tisk tisk*. I'm not the violent one, but I don't like ignorant people either. I have this feeling like he wouldn't say anything to my face, so we're all set. but if he does, bring advil.
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07-08-02 10:53pm

don't worry, he's my cousin, i'll straighten him out

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Re:, 07-08-02 11:06pm

Hey, don't sweat it. Logan is stupid. And I think he let's the fact that he dated Jessie, go to his head!

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Re:, 07-08-02 11:53pm

are you sure you have the right logan?

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Re:, 07-09-02 9:38am

this isn't your cousin. From what I hear , your cousins cool. It's some other logan kid.

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Re:, 07-09-02 12:41pm

not your cousin Logan, another Logan

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