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brad (profile) wrote,
on 12-13-2003 at 9:03pm
Current mood: bored
Music: tenacious d - i dont know the names of then yeah..a good one!
Subject: and set fucking fires
just because, im going to keep kate and stacy's little thing going. this might be fun and entertaining to keep going. well anyway...

-i love music...its pretty much what my life revolves around and always will revolve around
-im 17
-my birthday is february 11th 1986
-i believe kelly is my 12th or 13th girlfriend...the first 10 or so were just those fake relationships that you have in middle school
-i love kelly with all my heart
-ive cheated on one girlfriend ever, i will never cheat again
-i love playing the guitar
-i own two guitars. one acoustic and one electric
-i like wearing hats
-i am obsessed with blink 182
-if i could meet anyone in the planet it would be tom delonge
-diet pepsi twist is my favorite pop
-i like to read only if the book has killing and cool things in it such as lord of the rings books
-ive always wanted to go on a road trip
-i hate annoying people
-when im depressed i hate it when people always talk to me and ask me whats wrong when they dont truely care
-i have few friends that actually care about me and my feelings
-i hate it when people bash on blink 182 just to piss me off
-i hate when people take credit for things they didnt do
-i love being loved
-i like it when people can be comfortable around me
-im a picky eater
-i hate being forced to do things
-i hate being rushed to do things
-i have about 10 pairs of shoes
-i like being clean and organized
-i hate it when people call me a pussy for not doing what they want me to
-i love movies
-my favorite movie is gangs of new york
-i dont like being ignored
-i like shopping
-i like buying and wearing new clothes
-i like pictures and putting them on my walls
-i enjoy being on the internet..most of the time
-i dont really believe in having a religion
-i like being free
-i only like school because i get to see my friends
-i like having longish hair
-i prefer brunets over blondes
-i can be shallow at times
-i dont do drugs
-i do drink..on occasion
-being called a druggy pisses me off
-my sister is a bitch
-i love my mom
-i barely ever see my dad
-i have my dads "figure" or so my mom says
-i want to be in a band more than anything
-christmas is coming up and im gonna get everything i can out of my family because im greedy
-my best friend is jay ruster
-my girlfriend is kelly metzger...most of you know
-i want to be a singer/guitarist but im too much of a pussy to sing in front of people because i dont think i can sing
-converse is my favorite shoe brand
-i cant stand wearing shoes without socks
-i dont like wearing anything under my pants..i bet you all wanted to know that one
-i love chocolate milk
-my favorite food is pizza
-i like video games
-im not conceited
-i was raised kind of normal
-i wasnt what you would call a normal child...i was kind of differant..but in a good way, like i never cried in public places and i was always nice to people i didnt know
-my mom brought me up right
-i will never hit a girl as long as i live
-elvis IS the king
-cash is the man in black and no one will be like him
-i am ashamed how girly i can be..for example:
>always messing with my hair
>always worrying about what i look like
>caring about what other people think of me
>not liking to get dirty..sometimes
>i dont like acting like a complete idiot in front of girls
-im cheap
-most parents hate me
-i dont want to be like everyone else
-my bra size is 34-C.......jk
-i always like to have a guitar pic with me
-i can only bench about 135 lbs
-i look scrawny but im sure i can kick the shit out of alot more people than you think
-i love kelly
-and lastly....kelly ownes my heart for as long as she wants

i hope you all felt the need to know a little more about me, and hopefully this helped a little, tell me what you think. later children

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12-13-03 11:14pm

i like you

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Re:, 12-14-03 10:41am

is that so?

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12-13-03 11:21pm

If you don't wear anything under your pants... what do you do when you change for PE?

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Re:, 12-14-03 10:41am

i wear boxers to school, but anytime i dont have to..i dont

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Re: Re:, 12-14-03 10:46am

free ballin' lol

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Re: Re:, 12-14-03 12:10pm

yeah, I remember that...

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12-14-03 10:08pm

i offer my services as a bass player to form a band

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Re:, 12-15-03 3:35pm to me sometime about making a band. if we could possibly find people with talent and equiptment then things might work.

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Re: Re:, 12-16-03 3:27pm

i will look around

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03-07-04 2:45am

You sound cool.If I had 5 cents I would give you half.oh,and I LOVE BLINK 182!!have a nice life

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