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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 12-14-2003 at 10:59am
Current mood: panicky
Music: some movie
Subject: eh
movies yesterday. nothing interesting, saw stuck on you. really really long and stupid movie but oh well.
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ANDDD, 12-14-03 6:46pm

i saw it with the my bestest friend ever (besides charlie) LENNY! and that was the best part.
oh yea and i made out with andrew my boyfriend a lot and i kissed him. and that was fun. and also,

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Re: ANDDD, 12-15-03 12:00pm

girl...sometimes i wonder about you. i dont think its healthy. haha. i guess thats why i heart you.

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12-15-03 11:56am

dumbas you are yes. that is all LOOK AWAY BITCH LOOK AWAY

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