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runningaway (profile) wrote,
on 1-27-2004 at 10:20am
Current mood: oh so tired.
Music: the hush hush of the library.
Subject: "you the man."
i just overheard someone say, "you the man." but it was more like," ya da ma." silly ebonics.

yesterday was pretty cool. we ate pizza. yum. i felt like such a cow. there i was stuffing my face when i shouldve been at practice. whoops.

i met another new friend of codes' last night. shes found some good people. im happy for her...and anna...and everyone else that has found new boys. :)

dani is now going to be my lover. ima kick that dude's butt.

i think i was the most open ive ever been in this journal w/ my last entry. i decided to actually say something i was feeling. it was good but bad. hmm... im not used to being that open w/ everyone i guess.

i should go study. ew.

maybe ill catch some zzzzzzzz's instead. sounds much better to me.

all my love to you,
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01-27-04 10:46am

I have an Elmo shirt.


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Re:, 01-28-04 10:13am

elmo is the shit. i have a cookie monster shirt. we are so cool.

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01-30-04 5:46am

charles i am this close * * to stealing your icon, you better watch out

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Re:, 01-30-04 10:18am

AH. you cant. its my life! oh oh. im watching...

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