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squishylover (profile) wrote,
on 4-15-2004 at 6:55pm
Current mood: Idiotic
Music: Switchfoot
Subject: I am waaaay dumb
God I am sooo friggin stupid. I have no idea what I was thinking, I could have been kidnapped...raped...something I don't know. God I'm an idiot. I bet right about now your wondering what the hell I'm talking about, so I will tell you. Alright I'm walking to Luna Rosa and this really nice black car goes by and I looked at who was driving and I thought it was the guy who worked at the resturant. Well the guy looked at me and like waved meaning like do you want a ride sorta thing. Well I'm like sure, if it's the guy from the resturant then he will just give me a ride since he's going there anyways. Well I get in the car and he locks the doors then I realize that it's not the guy from the resturant it's some weird guy, and I'm like...Do I know you? and he's like no but I'm a chauefuur (sp) and he's like I'll give you a ride if you want. I was like starting to wig out and he's like don't worry I won't hurt you or anything well he starts to drive and he's like where do you want to go? I was like you can just drop me off at this stop sign he was like ok are you sure what are you doing I was like just going to go eat. He was like do you want to come with my I'm doing the same. I was just like no thanks I have to go. I got out and I was like thanks. Well he left and I just kept on thinking omg omg omg. Well I ate had fun I start walking back home and these black kids on a bike kept on hassling me....god *Note to self: Be careful what you wear when walking on atlantic. Meh I'm just a lil' blah right now from that. That's all for today.

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04-16-04 3:22pm

Didn't your mommy tell you not to take rides from strangers?

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Re:, 04-16-04 3:37pm

8-p yes she did...but did I listen NOOOOOOO!...

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