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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 10-13-2004 at 4:46pm
Music: Hawthorne Heights - Ohio Is For Lovers
I think Laurence owes a debt of gratitude to Kevin Randall and Allison Yocum.

Had Kevin not dated Allison, I wouldn't have met Brandy, who wouldn't have introduced me to Laurence, who wouldn't have introduced me to Woohu, which I then wouldn't have posted about Deftones, which wouldn't have caught the attention of a couple of Deftone-crazy Kuwaities, who one of which in particular wouldn't have met Laurence. ; )

Granted, there is the off-chance that you two would've met randomly on here on your own, but for the sake of my journal entry, lets pretend not.
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*bows to californians*, 10-13-04 9:01pm


you know, i always did feel a certain special connection with allison and kevin #2. ;-)

but dude, you're so right. i think about it all the time.

and, a few weeks ago, i found this conversation you and i had about a year ago and the things we were discussing are so relevant to the particular point you brought up. i was going to post it, i just never got around to it. but now i think i must!

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10-13-04 10:32pm

actually thanks to TAMARA for making allison admit to kevin that she had the hots for him, and then making them go out.
so thank you to me for introducing tamara to allison and sarah.
but then, we could go on forever.

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Re:, 10-14-04 4:16pm

Don't make things complicated

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Re: Re:, 10-14-04 7:43pm

why not? i could be very good at that!

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10-14-04 2:27am

Well, thank heaven for Kevin!

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Re:, 10-14-04 10:42am

actually, if i'd never given you my email you never would have explored the wondful world of the deftones so.

thank foofoo for faygo! and thank penguins for deftones.

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Re: Re:, 10-14-04 7:30pm

Oh, Penguin be handy!

Thank Mabooboo/Wayne/Murray/Foofoo!

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12-14-04 5:28pm

WAIT just a damned minute... THANK ME AND ONLY ME... so what they they met through brandy and that tamara made her tell me she liked me.... all that matters is that ME (Almighty) Kevin RANDALL went out with her and that I introduced Joe to brandy... and I dont mean turner i mean the brandy on top of Kathy's frig HAHAHAHA, oh yah and Brandy Turner.... I guess *rubs outter edge of HUGE glass*....

Sorry for posting so many inside jokes that probably only Joe gets but whatever I still am the only reason... Cuz I made the choice.... CHOOSE OR LOSE 1998

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i mean the brandy on top of Kathy's frig HAHAHAHA, 12-14-04 8:23pm

HAHAHAH oh yeah. i kept filling the dixie cups with it

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