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bacardi (profile) wrote,
on 12-22-2004 at 9:37am
Current mood: chipper
Subject: Books

Well last night I finished the second Dan Brown book, Deception Point. It was a good book, I'm still not sure which one I liked better this or Angels & Demons. Anyway I'm gonna go pick up this 3rd book Digital Fortress today after work, I can't wait. Weird in all 21 years of life I have hated reading, then at the end of October I picked up Angels & Demons and then I couldn't put it down, had to get the next one. Oh well they are pretty good books. I guess its how smart they are, like the last one was about the Government and NASA and stuff, it was really cool.

Yah I'm lame, playing Halo 2 and reading books.

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12-22-04 1:33pm

AHAHA *points* you nerd!

you should read, it's a good thing.

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12-22-04 3:14pm

what is Angels and Demons about?

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Re:, 12-22-04 3:30pm

Its about.... hmm.... a symboligist is called to a secret science lab in europe to help with a murder... which leads him to vatican city and all sorts of cool stuff..

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