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bacardi (profile) wrote,
on 7-20-2005 at 2:04pm
Subject: penis

okay so if you get a girls number, from normal conversation like we were talking and she could have walked away because i was done with the transaction (at work) yet we started talking about other stuff.... then i got her number .... okay so if that happens doesn't that mean she was interested? i mean at least a little? i called her the next day after work, and left a voice mail and she never called back so im pretty much done with that one... but yah why would you give out a number if you didnt wanna be called?
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07-20-05 6:20pm

maybe she got into a horrible accident or someone died and she can't bear to look at her phone

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07-21-05 4:08pm

when did the number exchange take place?

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07-21-05 6:37pm

saturday nite

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