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jennapie (profile) wrote,
on 11-26-2005 at 2:12am
A decent but LONG survey
..The Basics..
Sexual Orientation?:straight
Would you like to be?:no/sometimes
Age you act?:pft, whatever I feel like!
Age you wish you were?:24
Eye color?:brown
Happy with it?:yea
Hair color?:brown
Happy with it?:yea
Your living arrangement?:with my parents
Family?:yep, lots
Job?:yep, Awesome Tan and Jenny's Grill n' Chill
Obsessions?:neat freak
Can you speak another language?:kinda
Favorite quote?:"oh my goodness"?
Any webpages?:uhhhh
..Deep Thoughts..
Do you live in the moment?:yea
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:yes, the majority of the time
Do you have any secrets?:yea, but Dani prolly already knows, even if I didn't tell her
Do you hate yourself?:no
Do you like your handwriting?:it's ok
Do you have any bad habits?:I crack my knuckles when I'm nervous, it's sick and I hate it
What is the compliment you get most from people?:uhhhh, my laugh is contagious I guess, but I get told to shut up too!
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:The Girl Who Was Never Sad- and it would be irony.
What's your biggest fear?:fire
Can you sing?:not very well!
Do you ever pretned to be someone else just to look cool?:yea, who hasn't?
Are you a loner?:not really, I guess kinda
If you were another person, would you want to be friends with you?:most likely, yea
Are you a daredevil?:not at all
Is there anything you fear/hate about yourself?:I don't trust
Are you passive or agressive?:passive mostly, but I will stand up for myself
What is your greatest strength and weakness?:this is too hard
If you could change one thing about yourself?:I'm fat
There are three wells, love, beauty & creativity, which one do you choose?:love I guess
How do you vent?:I call Dani, or I get really mad, or I most of the time go to my rooma and cry
Do you think you are emotionally strong?:yes
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing?:yea, but you didn't ask what!
Do you think life has been good so far?:it always has ups and downs
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:don't take anything for granted
What do you like most about your body?:yuck, my smile I guess
and least?:ugh, don't ask
Do you find yourself attractive?:no
Are you confident?:I can act like it.
What fictional character are you most like?:well....I guess Audrey in laws of Attraction, but then there's Kat in The Wedding Date, and then that girl in A Lot Like Love.....
Do people know how you feel?:not the truth, most of the time, I'm really private.
Are you perceived wrongly?:probably not
..Do you?..
Do drugs?:no
Read the newspaper?:no, unless I know who or what it's about
Go to church?:no, not regularly
Talk to strangers who IM you?:yea
Sleep with stuffed animals?:yea, just one, a bear named Rosco, and he is so perfect to cuddle!!
Take walks in the rain?:I think I have actually
Talk to people even though you hate them?:yes
Like to drive fast?:yes
..Have you ever?..
Hurt yourself?:not on purpose
Been out of the country?:yes
Eaten something that made others sick?:probably
Been unfaithful?:ummm no, I haven't had anyone to be unfaithful to...
Been in love?:no
Done drugs?:no
Gone skinny dipping?:yes
Had surgery?:no
Ran away from home?:no
Played strip poker?:no
Got beaten up?:no
Been picked on?:yes
Been on stage?:yes
Slept outdoors?:yes
Pulled an all-nighter?:yes
What's your record?:I don't know, a lot
Talked on the phone all night?:yes
Slept together with someone of the opposite sex but didn't have sex?:yes
Slept all day?:no
Killed someone?:no
Made out with a stranger?:yes
Had sex with a stranger?:no
Had sex at all?:no
Thought you were going crazy?:yea!
Kissed the same sex?:no, like my mom or sisters prolly lol
Anything sexual with the same sex?:no
Been betrayed?:yes
Had a dream that came true?:I don't remember
Broken the law?:yea
Met someone famous?:ummmm, yea, Bachelor Bob, and Greenley
Killed an animal by accident?:yes, and it was the saddest thing ever, I cried and had to pull over! I tried to miss it, it was a poor innocent little mole!
Stolen anything?:yea, but my mom made me take it back, it was a Koosh ball when I was like 7, lol
Been on the radio/TV?:yes
Been in a mosh-pit?:yes
Had a nervous breakdown?:well, yea
Considered a religious vocation?:yes
Been criticized about your sexual performance?:no
Bungee jumped?:no
Had a reoccuring dream?:no
Shoe brand?:adidas? heck if I know, shoes are shoes! I like em or I don't
Clothing brand?:AE
Scent?:Tommy's True Star, or Journey, but I seriously have like 8 perfumes, but I wear those the most, and Lucky
Normal attire?:jeans and t-shirts
Do you wear hats?:sometimes, but rarely
Do you wear make-up?:yes
Favorite place to shop?:AE
Favorite article of clothing?:hoodies
Are you trendy?:no
Would you rather wear a uniform to school?:no
Life on other planets?:it's hard to imagine
Magic?:eh, it's pretty cool sometimes, it's amusing I guess, but I always think that there's a logical way to explain it
Love at first sight?:no
Yin & Yang?:uhhhhh
Easter bunny?:no
Is it possible to be faithful forever?:yes
Is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?:no
Do you wish on stars?:yes
Do you remember your first love?:I'll let ya know, I remember crushes....
Still love him/her?:............
Do you consider love a mistake?:no
What do you find romantic?:I don't know, a lot of things, but have you ever seen a guy see a girl and put his hand on his heart and kinda sighs, cuz she looks so beautiful? I think that is so romantic!
Turn-on?:smells good and can make me laugh
Do you go more by looks or personality?:personality
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?:no
What is best about the opposite sex?:I like good hugs from guys, they make you feel so safe and loved.
and worst?:guys that don't treat girls right
What's the last present someone gave you?:pft, I don't know, it's been awhile....
Are you in love?:no
Is you signifcant other hot?:don't have one
..The last person who..
Haunted you?:Curtis
You wanted to kill?:killing is bad
You laughed at?:Dani
Turned you on?:ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong...
You went shopping with?:my mom
Broke your heart?:Dan
Disappointed you?:Jon
Made you cry?:I haven't cried in a long time, but it was most likely a movie or something
Brightened your day?:my friends coming to see me at the tanner
You thought about?:Jon
You saw a movie with?:Dani and Kourtney
You talked to on the phone?:Kourtney
You talked to on IM:PJ
You saw?:Dani
You lost?:Dan
You thought was insane?:Dani
You told off?:Kourtney
You trusted?:Dani
You turned down?:Curtis, he just doesn't know it.
..When was the last time you?..
Smiled?:like 10 minutes ago
Laughed?:like an hour ago, at the movie I watched
Cried?:I don't know
Bought something?:tonight, nasty burger King and the movies we watched!
Danced?:to the credits on the movie! ahhaha!
Were sarcastic?:to Dani about something, but she gave it back so it didn't matter
Hugged someone?:Dani
Talked to an ex?:pft, let's say tried to talk....
Watched your favorite movie?:last weekend
Had a nightmare?:I have no idea
Talked on the phone?:a few hours ago now
Listened to the radio?:like in my car earlier
Watched TV?:ahah, I just got done watching a movie!
Went out?:pft, no time
Helped someone?:all the time!
Were mean?:a little while ago
Sang?:a little while ago
Saw a movie in a theater?:I don't remember, I think it was that dumb one, with orlando and kirsten
Said "I love you"?:to Dani, earlier tonight
Missed somone:now
Fought with a family member?:like when I got home tonight and yelled at Kourtney to get all her junk outta my room, cuz it was clean when I left, and it wasn't when I got home
Fought with a friend?:Dani and I always argue, we just got done arguing about one of our friends heh.
Had a serious conversation?:in my car tonight
Got drunk?:never
Had sex?:never
Ten Song You Love
[x]:Like I Am-Rascal Flatts
[x]:Black Velvet-Alannah Myles
[x]:Hero-Mariah Carey
[x]:My Humps-Black Eyed Peas
[x]:Where The Hood At-DMX
[x]:You and Me-Lifehouse
[x]:Jesus Take The Wheel-Carrie Underwood
[x]:Strawberry Wine-Deana Carter
[x]:I'm A Bitch-Meredith Brooks
[x]:I Can Only Imagine-Mercy Me
Nine Things That Make You Smile
[x]:favorite songs coming on the radio
[x]:Laffy Taffy jokes
[x]:American's Funniest Home Videos, the older ones(I seriously crack up)
[x]:people calling me(seriously, it's never for me)
[x]:people coming over, or to work to see me!
Eight Things You Wear Daily?
[x]:tank top
Seven Things That Annoy You?
[x]:people that won't shut up
[x]:getting told to do something when I just sit down
[x]:having to go pee in the middle of the night
[x]:having cold feet, like I do right now
[x]:being sick, like I think I am right now
[x]:being stressed, or mad about anything
[x]:when things don't turn out how I had hoped
Six Things You're Looking Forward To?
[x]:the end of the semester
[x]:getting a boyfriend
[x]:kids-the whole shebang!
Five Things You're Afraid Of
[x]:not getting there
[x]:not meeting him
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11-26-05 2:44am


my name is in there


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Re:, 11-26-05 9:16am

yea!! hehe!

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