2005 28 November :: 12.02pm
Blah. I had to make up a history quiz today.
My history prof is the coolest! He was speaking what sounded like French to this woman, and I saw some arabic books on his desk. Rockin! He also mentioned that he saw I was going to be in his class next semester and printed off his rough copy of the syllabus. And told me where to buy the book. My good cheesey, he's the best.
Tara's gettin sick. I'm plotting on stealing some hot chocolate from the caf for her. If Jeramiah ever gets online ;p
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2005 27 November :: 12.37am
By Popular Demand....
For those of you interested in playing the emo game, the link is below
Actually, you'll have to copy and paste. I'm not html literate. Also, be careful when playing in front of parents and/or younger siblings. There are some rather.....graphic scenes.
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2005 26 November :: 12.49am
So I came up with this theory after watching too many James Bond movies and eating chocolate.
Our dear friend, Kelly Bond, is one of James Bond's many illegitimate children!
This works perfectly because, according to Rachel, Kelly doesn't have a father.
Kelly and I saw Rent this evening. It's AWESOME!!! I want the soundtrack now.
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2005 23 November :: 9.19pm
I'm home. And already bored. If anyone wants to do anything, call me. I'm here till sunday.
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2005 23 November :: 4.21pm
What is the point of these e-mails? What happens?
Read more..
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2005 23 November :: 4.14pm
I got out of work early (3 instead of 5) and that makes me happy.
Sadly, since it's bad out, I'm not allowed to go anywhere. Stupid snow. Maybe I'll go cash my paycheck.
We all should hang out this weekend.
I'm gonna go write my paper that's due at 5. Yay!
I love you all.
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2005 22 November :: 8.08pm
:: Mood: content
And thus have I returned home for the holiday ^_^. Definitely feels good to be back home, though oddly enough my room here is actually considerably colder. If anyone wants to do anything though, just call me up. Hopefully you know the numbers.
Last night I kind of wound up staying up rather late tearing my mind to shreds on a program that just wouldn't work. So, at the moment I'm kind of in the mood to just fall on my mammoth fleece covered bed and sleep.
va con dios mis amigos
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2005 22 November :: 1.02pm
Since I don't have much to do, and don't want to start studying for all my classes or anything, I decided to start registering for classes!!!! Right now I'm up to 14 credit hours and am looking for one more class, maybe an art class for fun.
I'm feeling better today, and the lubberly side-effects of the vicodin (sleeping and dizziness) haven't hit me yet. Le w00t le w00t. Walking is also easier, so maybe Kyle won't hafta carry me down to not-Ric's-anymore when we go!!! *dances*
In other news: I need more black yarn!!!
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2005 22 November :: 1.45am
Hi everybody! How's it going? If you couldn't tell, I'm a bit drunk right now. Um, I'm proof editing what I'm writing so if this is well written let me know. ;D I have class in the morning and Brianna is laughing at me in the backround so I'm gonna go now. I have to pee real bad. Later all!
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2005 21 November :: 9.06pm
:: Music: Allman Brothers
So I've got the itch.....
I think I figured out my problem. I've got the itch. I haven't been on the road in a very long time. So I'm thinking of going on a roadtrip over winter break. Anyone interested? I'm not sure if I can convince my parents but if I tell them it's a preventative measure to keep me from dropping out and taking up hitchhiking or trainhopping they might let me. However if I find it to be an agreeable way of life, moreso than college, it might become permanent.
You can go ahead and call me crazy now. I'm sure I sound insane.....
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2005 21 November :: 6.09pm
I know I've probably never told anyone this (my mom just heard about it today and laughed) but here's how dorky my siblings and I are:
Hannah, Nathaniel and I were playing some kind of shopkeeping game loosely based around Chrono Cross. I was the shopkeeper, Buddy was some pet and Hannah was the customer(s).
Once, Hannah came in as a "customer," snuck in the back of my shop and I was audited by an IRS agent (played by Hannah).
And apparently, NORMAL children don't do these things.
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2005 21 November :: 5.05pm
Yay for naps!
According to the medicine bottle, Vicodin may cause drowsiness and dizziness. So ha to dad! He thinks that I'm on my deathbed, while in reality I'm just feeling the side effects of a drug. Wooo.
Andy's going insane, it's kinda funny. He and I acted out part of Julius Caesar in the kitchen. He was Cassius and I was Brutus. We're such dorks ;p
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2005 21 November :: 12.49pm
Vicodin; friend or foe
I decided, after much thinking (okay, really it was just sleeping) that I would stay at home this week instead of return to school for just two days. Hell, it'd probably take me half an hour just to walk from the bus stop to Rood! (normally a ten minute walk at the most)
But anyways, I've claimed the couch as mine, the end table is laden with cough drops, water, gobstoppers, my cell phone, and the regular phone. I hafta walk to the kitchen table for my drugs ;p
I attempted to take a shower today, so my hair isn't nasty greasy anymore. That was quite a walk, though, so I'm just gonna hang at the couch for the next few hours.
Oh, apparently dad has started up God Squad again. I don't know who all that goes, but I know that Justin Erickson and his sister go (yay for Erickson!). Isn't it sad that right after we graditate, God Squad starts up again? I DEMAND A REFUND!!! <--that might be the drugs talking
Whee, dizzy!
Edit 1:42
I just threw up. It might've been the jello's fault. I wish that someone was home right now ;_;
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2005 20 November :: 10.00pm
To all smokers
I hate you.
Hm, that's a little broad. I'll clarify.
I don't hate you, I hate the decisions you make. I may not know you as a person, but I do know something about you. You sit at bars or outside on the curve smoking your fifth pack in a week, drinking your beer (or whatever the hell you drink) and itch for another one. You try and ignore the urge to scratch at it but it's always there, always in the back of your mind. And when the itch gets to be too much, you light up. It relaxes you. But it hurts you. The taste buds in your mouth scream at you in rage, for they have nothing to taste anymore. Your lung protest in agony trying to get a breath of fresh air. Mother Earth looks at you, ashamed that you would be hurting her and her people in such a way. You throw your last empty pack on the ground and rummage through your coat for the other pack that you bought with the last of your paycheck. You light up again and the itch is gone. The people next to you glare and cringe at you, you reek of this stuff. The tobacco companies love you for it and put more intoxicating chemicals into their product, telling you it's the better, smoother brand when in fact they just add more rat poison to it in hopes that you keep smoking and pass it on to your children. They don't care about you, you think, them people in their damn mansions, they don't care, but my cigarettes do, they're the only ones...You blow out the last puff of smoke and finish your beer. That's the stuff, you tell yourself, that's just what I needed. I don't need anyone but my itch. But there, behind you, all around you are the people who love you. They love you so much that they'd do anything for you, but you can't do anything for them. They see what you're doing; they see it and try to stop it. But it's useless, you've ignored them. You don't acknowledge their presence. And when you do notice them, it's too late; they've given up on you and gone. But they still love you and would do anything for you. Why would you hurt them? Why would you hurt the ones you love? They cry when they can't be with you, for you prefer something that can calm you and kill you at the same time. Instant gratification, just what the American people want, right? But it doesn't matter how much they love you, because you will only love your one and only itch.
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2005 20 November :: 4.44am
:: Mood: antsy
I'm ready to pick up and leave. I like college and everything, but I don't know if it's what I should be doing. What I really want to do is just live in the woods, or on a commune, or travel around, or something equally outlandish. Because it seems like college is simply preparing me for a future I don't want. A future I never wanted and have been trying to avoid and put off. I guess what it comes down to is I'm sick and tired of being part of the mainstream. Because I certainly don't belong here. I mean, I knew eventually I'd get sick of it and drop out, but I thougt I had a few more years. I thought I'd get thru college at least. But here it is, almost 5 am, and I can't get to sleep cause I'm fuckin wired and wishing I was outside. It's what? like 30 degrees out? And I have the window open because I can't stand breathing stale air. You know what? I was never happier than I was last summer at camp. For all the bullshit I put up with, and the long days, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Because how many people get to be around horses all day and live in the woods? Even when I had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning I didn't mind all that much. I saw some amazing sunrises. God, I'm practically counting the days till I go back. But I just don't know how much more I can deal with. I'm sick of TV, the radio, cars, etc, etc.... I really just want to live on my own terms, is that so much to ask? I don't see how college is conduicive to that. There is a problem though. If perchance I drop out and go persue this grand scheme, and it doesn't work out, and I want to go back to school I am fucked. Because I'd have to pay for it myself. Which is probably why I'll stick it out. However I will be pissed if I spend all this time and money on getting a degree and then I never use it. Which I probably won't because to use most degrees you have to get a *shudder* real job. So...if you haven't noticed I really don't know where I'm going with this.
It's quite possible this will all be irrelevant by tomorrow.
Good night, or good morning if you prefer.
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