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:: 2005 8 November :: 3.11pm
:: Mood: pissed
:: Music: Raised Under Reagan-No Compromise

Anti-Nazi Rant
Hi friends. So today was interesting. I went to an anti-nazi protest. Yes, there are nazis in this fucking podunk town. At the moment they're trying to become an official club. But to do that they'd have to have in their constitution that they won't discriminate....so I don't see how that would work. But whether they're official or not, they're still here operating. And it pisses me off. It's amazing the amount of bullshit I've heard about how they have 'freedom of speech'. Well guess what? So do I. And if they think I'm gonna sit by and praise the so-called 'diversity' of those bastards' lies they are fucking insane.

Yesterday in the paper someone wrote an editorial about how liberals and nazis are essentially the same. So apparently because I believe in civil rights and liberties, keeping the government off my body and out my bedroom, and helping the oppressed, I'm a fucking nazi. I didn't know real people actually thought like that. I thought it was all sheltered people who are experts in double-speak, like Anne Coulter and Bill O'Reilley, surrounded by yes-men. I guess I was wrong.

But what pisses me off the most about this whole thing is that it's even an issue. I thought we were way past this. Didn't anyone learn anything from the holocaust? Oh wait, that's right, neo-nazi's deny the fucking holocaust ever even happened! No shit.

Anyway, I needed to vent. Fuck off, nazi's.

"Don’t be cattle, be citizens
State your opinions
Speak out! No Compromise!"

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:: 2005 6 November :: 7.35pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Clutch-Spacegrass

There is no word in the English language I hate more than "success". It's such a bullshit word. And you know all my professors/advisors/other old people I'm supposed to respect are obsessed with it. So the next time I'm assigned an essay about success I'm going to say "Fuck success."

I could go on but I don't feel like it.

You wanna know something funny? I had to look in the dictionary to figure how to spell success. Buahahahaha!

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:: 2005 5 November :: 11.58pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: I can't hear shit at the moment...

Hi friends. Today was a long, eventful day.

I woke up at like 6:30 cause my roommate's damn alarm went off then. So then I couldn't get back to sleep so I swug like half a bottle of Benadryl (granted, it was a small bottle). I got up for real at like 11:30. My parents called me to bitch at me while I was in the shower because I was apparently supposed to magically know I had to meet them right then to go the football game. So then I rushed over to the football stadium which is like a mile away from my dorm. Mind you I was still woozy from the benadryl.

So we went to the game and I got see my family, yay. Central lost though. Bleah. Then we went to the coffee shop that my dad is now obsessed with. Yay coffee. God knows I needed it.

Then after my parents left, I went to a punk rock show that was at the Wesylan church of all places. There was about a million bands playing for 5 bucks. Pretty nifty. So I thrashed around for hours and saw one of my favorite bands, Chinese Happy. Kyle, you should check them out. They're pretty awesome. So at the end of their set the guitarist smashed up his guitar. I have the fretboard. It's hanging on the wall. I thought I was only there for like 2 or 3 hours, but I was there for 5 hours. That show kicked my ass. I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.

I think that's it. Hope y'all had good weekends. Au revoir....

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:: 2005 5 November :: 10.55pm


Today was a wonderful lazy day at home. Dad and Andy played Project Gotham Racing 2 in the morning, mom did yard work, I slept.

Then I woke up, went on the computer, made pouty faces at dad until he set up a screen for the projector from work and I played DDR for 15 minutes. Until I realized that playing by yourself sucks. So I played some Fable instead with dad and Andy watching. Then we played some multiplayer slayer on our Halo 2. Dad was still learning how to play.

We ate dinner, I mutilated potatoes (their guts were various shades of green and blue tonight). Then we watched The Interpreter. It was pretty cool. I'm thinking about possibly being an interpreter now ^_^

Oh, crazy stuff!!!! So I went to the bathroom today, undid my belt, and my pants fell down (as in down to my feet). They were all zipped up and buttoned and everything. I think that's a hint for me to get a new belt and pair of pants. So holy crap! Katie's actually losing some weight!

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:: 2005 5 November :: 7.43pm

We're in Chicago. We being my entire family and two of Hannah's friends.

Tomorrow we're going to see the musical Wicked. Maybe then Hannah will shut up about it.

My throat hurts and I'm tired.

I love you all. And, pathetically, I miss Nick.

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:: 2005 4 November :: 11.44pm

Well, I'm home. Yay.

Last night I was hyper beyond hyper. I blame myself for drinking 2 cans of Dr. Pepper and a can of Dr. M. It took forever for me to fall asleep.

Right now I'm trying to talk the family into watching Kung Fu Hustle. No luck so far. Grr.

I want a Choo Choo Bear elasti-kitty!

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:: 2005 4 November :: 4.21am

500 lines of code. 8 hours spent writing it tonight(14 hours cumulative). I'd say "someone kill me" but the weekend should be awesome. I'd say more, but I'm just so fucking tired. Hope everyone's sleeping well right now. Hopefully I shall be too soon. *passes out on the spot*

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:: 2005 3 November :: 11.00am

So yeah, I don't know if I've told you all yet but...

I'm going home tomorrow!!!!!

I didn't really get a chance to see the parental units and Andy last weekend because they were in Indiana for a regatta. So I'm going back to celebrate Andy's birfday (he's 16 now!) and have fun being mothered over. And to celebrate Ben's upcoming birfday and Tracey's birfday. Le w00t le w00t!

It's sad though, we can't do our DDR Friday because of this. Mama wants to pick me up right after my math lab because Andy's apparently having a kajillion of his friends over to celebrate the fact that he can drink beer and wine in Germany ;p

Sob. Cry.

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:: 2005 1 November :: 9.10pm

So I just had a long and slightly blasphemous conversation with God....
Read more..

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:: 2005 1 November :: 3.30pm
:: Mood: eck

Blah. Feel like crap, I do. Probably got a cold or sommat. So don't kiss me or anthing ;p

My Halloween was rockin hard core with the Jender Bender, Joel, and Eric. Booyaka. Hope that your Halloweens went well too.

One more class, then I can get food and sleep. Yays. I wanna skip but I shouldn't.

Gimme some meds, sleep, and cuddlin.

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:: 2005 31 October :: 11.31am
:: Mood: sad

Well, Rachel, it's true.

Please let your thoughts and prayers be with Jacobu and his family.

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:: 2005 30 October :: 9.12pm

Far out freaky shit
I am half convinced our dorm room is haunted. All year books have randomly been falling from my shelves. Like, for no reason whatsoever. My roommate lost her hairbrush and can't find it anywhere. She had to go out and buy a new one. Actually, she might've lost 2 since she's been up here. I don't remember. My other roommate's fish is possessed or something. It looks sick all the time but it won't die. And today it jumped out of its tank. It was out at least 20 minutes and it's still alive. Weird.

So if anything else weird happens I'll be convinced.

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:: 2005 29 October :: 1.43am

Ladies and gentlemen:

that is all..

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:: 2005 28 October :: 6.02pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: Raised Under Reagan-The Rules

This world is fuckin heartless. But thats ok, I'll work around it.

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:: 2005 28 October :: 2.17pm
:: Mood: pumped/jealous
:: Music: Rammstein

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, humans and aliens, insects and arachnids, cats and dogs, dust and dirt....

Rammstein's newest album, Rosenrot, has officially been released in Germany!!!!!!!!!

Now let the countdown begin for its release in the U.S.; December 6.

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