2005 29 August :: 8.14pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: iPod
Yay! I'm so not the only one with a computer [in the TV room] here now!!!! Booyaka, matey!
There's a mandatory hall meeting with the RA today at 9, w00t upon w00ts.
Funny story, y'all! Just sit down and listen to aunty Kittie tell her tale...
So I was purchasing a couple of special order passes at the bookstore in Bernhardt Center. The cashier knew I was a female. This older man comes up to help her and keeps on referring me as he, him, and sir. She looked mortified, I was doing my best not to laugh.
The man leaves and the cashier keeps appologizing profusely while I laugh my ass off and reassure her that it's happened before. And the thing is, I looked like a female. I'm damn sure I did. Sure I was wearing a guy's t-shirt, but it was tight enough to show that I had boobs.
Boooooobs. <--for all you guys out there ;p
So I went back to my room and told Tara, but she didn't seem to find it funny. That girl has no humor when it comes to stuff like that, I think.
[/story time]
Bronco Bash sounded awesome today. Sounded. I never went in, I just stayed at the entrance and talked to this chick about anime. She's nice.
Then I walked back and talked to this guy that was in my group. The one that likes Rammstein. He's awesome, and nice (in my opinion). He and Heishutter (probably spelled that wrong, oh well) would get along well. He hatest the French.
Classes start tomorrow. I'm nervous.
My first one starts at 11. German conversation.
Wish me luck.
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2005 28 August :: 9.40pm
:: Music: Heaven by Lamb
This could be heaven right here on Earth...
I kind of want to see the movie Just Like Heaven for a few reasons.
1. In the theater, the preview had the song Heaven by Lamb in it. And I love Lamb.
2. I'm curious as to how it would end. Like 50 First Dates, there's not really anyway they can end it. She's dead.
3. I'm a sucker for girly movies.
4. Reese Witherspoon is in it.
I love you all.
P.S. I just wrote my first rough draft for my first paper in college!
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2005 28 August :: 9.03pm
:: Music: Guy playing the piano and singing
Hola all.
I just got a phone hooked up in my room. I can't remember the number for the life of me, and it would be long distance for you all, so just ask Rachel or someone else for it;p
I hunged out with my grandparents today and had chinese for linner. I am now stuffed and enjoying the jamming tunes that someone is slamming out on the piano in the TV room. Damn, he's good. Makes me kinda wish I'd continued piano....
...then I remember my teacher. And how I swear he was a pedophile.
Well, at least there are more people in the TV room, still no one else on a computer though. I feel special ^_^
I do wish that dad would've let me have internet in the room. That'd be so much more convenient.
Blah, Bronco bash tomorrow. Y'all are invited ~_^
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2005 28 August :: 7.51pm
:: Mood: content
Alright, so I just managed hook up a phone to my hardline ^_^.
In case you want to reach me, just call up: 517-313-8164.
Otherwise college has been pretty blah. I start classes tomorrow, so that will be interesting.
I hope everyone is doing well, y va con dios mis amigos.
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2005 28 August :: 4.39pm
It's a big joke at Aquinas that the squirrels are evil. It stems from the fact that any squirrel you come upon will not run away, it just stares you down.
Now I didn't believe this because I hadn't seen any squirrels on campus. But on Wednesday, I was walking back through the woods and there was a squirrel by the path just staring at me. He wouldn't move.
So I guess I believe it.
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2005 28 August :: 9.33am
Mats family reunion was fun. ^_^
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2005 27 August :: 12.11pm
Dormroom slideshow
Hi all, I finally uploaded the pictures I took of my dormroom.
Read more..
Tara and a couple of her friends came in at around 4 this morning, right when I was in the middle of a deep sleep. They attempted to be quiet, but they didn't succeed at all. They all fell asleep on the floor, and when I woke up they were asleep. And when I came back 3 or so hours later they were still asleep. I hope that they wake up soon because apparently my family, the Germans, and my grandparents are coming by to visit. *hint hint nudge nudge*
Love y'all. And miss y'all terribly a lot.
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2005 26 August :: 3.48pm
Hey all, how's life?
I'm here in the tv/pool room where there is wireless network. It sucks that I can't have internet in my room (dad wants me to not be on the computer 24/7), so there's this guy watching tv right now. And it's a Victoria's Secret commercial, and you can just tell that he's enjoying watching these chicks parade around in only their underwears.
Oh good, now the show's back on.
I got my books today. They didn't cost an arm and a leg like I thought they would, but that's also because they ran out of the two English books I need. So I need to go in next week and either make a special order or hope that some more are in.
The walk up to the bookstore wasn't too bad, but the walk back with a bag full of books was treacherous and evil. I actually splurged and used the elevator. Hnnn, tired.
Today, before the book experience, I went with a group downtown Kalamazoo. There's this hippie shop that I want to check out sometime. I could tell that they were burning incense ^____^ I saw a guy with hot pants on. He's also a freshman, that much I could tell. Too bad I had to go with my group...*sighs* But he was definitely raping and stealing pants-worthy ~_^
More people are starting to move into the dorms. I'm happy, more people to meet then ;p
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2005 26 August :: 1.29am
:: Mood: tired
Hi friends. I'm at school. And I haven't died or anything yet. Yay! My roomate is a neat freak and likes rap. This will be an interesting year. Textbooks are expensive and overrated.
I am so ready for bed. Goodnight everyone.
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2005 25 August :: 10.19pm
Ignore that first part. It's boring.
I don't really feel like taking a shower tonight. And you know what? I can do that because I am a college student and that's what we do. So tomorrow, I will sport a jaunty chapeau to cover up my greasy hair.
Things are settling down. I just need a JOB and life will be doubleplusgood. As compared to the plusgood it is now. Hardy har har.
If you feel like it, here are pictures from orientation. I'm not in any of those. Well, I'm in the Q.
Aquinas is so beautiful. You guys should just come with me and we'll walk around.
I love you all.
P.S. Nick = the best. Just in case you didn't know.
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2005 25 August :: 8.11pm
:: Mood: upset
Didn't get the job.
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2005 24 August :: 11.58pm
Hey all.
Amazingly enough, I'm getting wireless signal from the first floor (and I'm on the fourth floor!)...so I decided to tell you that I'm alive and well.
I'm alive and well ;p
I met some people, they're pretty cool. Tara's nice ^_^ I met two sarcastic guys and one of them gave me a hug *squeals happily*
I love you all and miss you all!!!!!
*knuddl* <--German for "hug"
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2005 24 August :: 9.18pm
I can never be sick from school EVER AGAIN
My mommy got an old-fashioned lawn mower. You know. The kind you push and the blades rotate and it makes you wonder how it cuts grass.
I don't know why but I've always wanted one. She said it was because the other one is too hard to push and get out. She also said that the riding lawn mower was too much of a hassle and missed too many spots.
She's lucky my dad's the lawn and garden buyer. Or maybe that's why she asks, because she knows she can get it.
Either way, it does cut grass. It cuts grass really well. So well, in fact, that I might volunteer to cut the grass.
However, Mom tested it out on the front yard and it did nothing to improve the looks at all. It's just as ugly, if not more so. We have this fungus in the middle of the yard in the shape of the letter c. Weeds and crabgrass cover every other part of the yard. (Except for where it touches the neighbor's yard and his fertilizer was inadvertently spread upon some of our yard. I wouldn't be surprised if it was on purpose, as some kind of hint. "Look at how beautiful your yard can be!" If it was, sorry, guy, our well is broken and we can't water the yard. Nice suggestion though.)
I read the funniest thing yesterday. I was reading 1984 because I love those kinds of books. Someone was talking and it said they spoke "parenthetically" but the sentence they spoke was in parentheses. Most awesome thing ever. Oh, George Orwell, you slay me!
School's going fine, by the way. I'll speak more on the subject when I have time to sit down and let it all sink in.
For now, I'm off to read my Nancy Drew book. Number 32 and only cost me a dollar. I'm a sucker for Nancy Drew. You can blame my aunt Patty for that.
I love you all.
P.S. George Orwell (or shall I call him Eric Arthur Blair?) was fugly. Seriously. That had better just be a very bad picture of him (is that a mustache? If not, what is it?) because I don't know how I can love that man anymore. I'm kidding. He could be a 1000-pound woman and I'd still love him. (Not that way, Nick.)
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2005 24 August :: 2.38pm
Hi friends. I'm updating to say bye to everyone on account of I'm going up to Central on the morrow. Have fun at college and whatever else you're doing and don't forget to keep in touch. Um, I think that's it. Good luck to you all.
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2005 23 August :: 10.12pm
:: Mood: nervous
Well, tomorrow I move into my dorm at MSU. I'm somewhat torn between being excited and happy, and being worried and sad. I am definitely looking forward to college and dorm life, not to mention all the people I'm likely to meet. On the other hand though, I'm really going to miss everyone here...
...Even more than I thought I would, I realized yesterday. I suppose I'll still keep in touch with everyone through the wonders of the web (provided you people choose to keep updating and using MSN/AIM), and I'll still be home every now and then.
Hmm, and I think I should probably end this bloody entry before I start getting really sappy, so farewell and va con dios mis amigos.
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