"Satellite developer Intelsat and the Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation are other well-known names on the list."
no.... anyone but krispy kreme!! Fuck GM's financial aid plan... give that shit to Krispy Kreme!!
My theory:
If GM goes insolvent, thousands of people will lose jobs.
But given that we move the aid to Krispy Kreme, doughnut prices decrease at record pace and all the unemployed are too distracted by delicious glazed doughnuts to worry about how they're going to feed their kids (they could just feed them doughnuts as well, but that's unhealthy. This is where McDonald's comes in...) and live for the rest of their lives!
"Sectors least represented in the Bottom Rung group include natural products, forest products, healthcare, metals and mining"
I feel like I could have told that health care may still be one of the more highly desired items in case of economic meltdown, but who am I...
2009 10 March :: 9.50pm
:: Music: The Killers- All These Things That I've Done
Another head aches, another heart breaks/ I am so much older than I can take/ And my affection, well it comes and goes/ I need direction to perfection, no no no no...
yeah, I'm getting there. I need some hope to hang my hat on.
i really enjoy the fact that, whenever i have to compose an "official" message or something for a group i am with, it always starts out very prim and proper, but right near the end of it the professionalism diminishes rapidly.
it's probably not a good thing, but i'm amused. because i feel like i'm a lot funnier when i'm unnofficial.
it just goes to show you how delusional some people can be.
2009 9 March :: 2.12am
:: Music: black sabbath - paranoid
i think the interesting part here is not my inane banter, but the fact that japan even confuses facebook.
i have now transcended the time-space continuum, through the simple act of having written something tomorrow.
it makes me almost feel like i accomplished something today.
well, i did talk to dad. and i talked to becca's guy about playing drums in a band, like with actual gigs and stuff. seems pretty exciting. i guess we'll see what wednesday brings. and i worked for a few hours, rather unexpectedly. gotta love management.
2009 5 March :: 5.01pm
:: Music: Panic at the Disco- Nine in the Afternoon
Back to the street, down to our feet/ Losing the feeling of feeling unique/ Do you know what I mean?/ Back to the place, where we used to say/ Man, it feels good to feel this way
I'm starting to get frustrated with.... not really knowing where my life is going or where I will be a year from now.
2009 25 February :: 9.30pm
:: Music: Beck- Girl
fists pounding on a vending machine/ toy diamond ring stuck on her finger/ with a noose she could hang from the sun/ and put it out with her dark sunglasses
(It starts tomorrow.)
Hmm... this week is dragging. Work is aggravating. I drink way too much wine.
I think I am ready for 2009 to be over...Get me out of here!
2009 23 February :: 9.50pm
:: Music: MGMT- Kids
The memories fade/ Like looking through a fogged mirror/ Decisions to decisions are made and not bought/ But I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot/ I guess not
I'm not looking forward to the next step.
2009 22 February :: 7.52pm
:: Music: Ben Kweller- Lizzy
Like momma said/ dont ya let it go to your head/ when your town is painted red/ I'm so proud to know you
Went to the Ben Kweller concert on Thursday with Eliz. It's weird to see that he's gotten old (and we've gotten old, too).
Good times. We ate a lot of food, gambled $3, gave fake names and numbers to some parking attendants, rode the (homeless) people mover, and mostly made (drunk off our asses) fools out of ourselves.
I'm still kickin. I love the class and I'm really coming into my own with the language at this point, atleast when I put my mind to it...
I don't remember Spanish being this difficult to get into the mindset of grammatically. The best part now is that if I try to use any Spanish at all, I can't make that switch, so most of the little in between sentence sounds like , in english (umm, well, anyway, etc...) all end up coming out in Japanese. Plus it takes awhile to get into the grove of speaking in order to pronounce every word in your sentence correctly. But I managed, yesterday, to explain the rules of waterfall completely in Japanese so I look at that as some evidence of progress.
Yui's in Amsterdam (jealous) so things have been pretty boring.
I've had a hell of a time getting the replacement AC adapter for my lappy so I can call you guys.
2009 13 February :: 9.11pm
:: Music: Keane- Spiralling
I fashioned you from jewels and stone/ I made you in the image of myself/ I gave you everything you wanted/ So you would never know anything else
pretty sad that I have less than page of journal entries in a year.
1. went to rosie's, drank a little beer and a bottle of beer.
2. andy [marini]convinced me to go to the crazy horse with him to play some pool, that was preceded by another killian's and a coors light, then we went and chilled and watched people line dance, then we had another beer and a shot of jack
3. andy starts line dancing
4. jordan show's up to pick me up from the bar because i'm not trusting andy to drive me home, espically after he had the shot of absinth
5. jordan takes me to her mom's house, where i almost win at 3 games of cribbage
6. go back to jordans, cuddle up with her and fall asleep.
response to teh fil and jess.
Dear Professor Wiese,
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'm in love with your cat. I think I realized it when I finally changed my underwear under the bus, and I saw you carve your initials into the elephant in the corner. I'm sure you're open enough to understand that Santa doesn't exist. I'm returning your Hannah Montana underwear to you, but I'll keep Your photo with the mustache drawn on it as a memory. You should also know that I get sick when I think of your feet and that the apartment building is on fire.
the good news is that I don't have to fix the heater in the truck anymore.
the bad news is i rear ended a jeep liberty in the truck and now the truck is no more.
I was 5-6 car length's behind the liberty, there was a black Taurus in front of her that stopped abrubtly with no signal to turn into "the garage" on northland drive, i glanced over right before the liberty slammed on her brakes, jordan screamed i looked up and slammed on the brakes and before i knew it we we're slammed into the liberty. and that's how the dakota ended its life.
I excaped without a scratch, jordan has scratches and bruises on her knees, I'm just glad we're both okay, i don't know what i'd have done if she had been seriously hurt.