Lights fly past The signs are blury and I wonder if I jumped this curb would it slow things down. Why didn't I listen my suicide note!


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The Truth of Killing a Song Bird

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:: 2008 13 June :: 1.16am

the backlight on my LCD on my laptop just took a shit.

So i get on toshiba's websit to lookup warranty info.

it expires 6/12/08
how convenient that the LCD fails 2 hours after the fucking warranty is up.

I'm going to call them tomorrow along with a list of other stuff i have to do.
who knows, maybe something good will come out of the deal.

5 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 12 June :: 9.27pm

For all you young'n guys out there, sometimes girls will ask you questions that are strange and out of the blue, just remember

Ignore them.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 8 June :: 11.20am

Happy birthday rache.

drink a few for me. :D

4 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 4 June :: 5.08pm

So today i've found the only place in the city to get away from the city.

The ocean.

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 3 June :: 9.07pm

1st attempt at a resume, any suggestions?

Download My Resume from - Resumizer FREE Resume Creator

Justin BeVier
2704 W Arthur
Chicago, Il 60645
  • Typing

  • TIG welding mild steel and aluminium

  • MIG welding mild steel

  • General automotive maintenance

  • Home repair
Hungry Howie's of Cedar Springs151 s Main street
DriverSeptember 2005
  • Delivering Pizza

  • Janitorial duties

  • Cashier

  • General Maintenance
Compass CoachWhite Creek Ave, Cedar Springs, Mi
Bus DetailingFebuary, 2008 - April, 2008
  • Cleaning and detailing coaches

  • Cleaning the shop

  • Running errands
Wolverine Redi-MixNorthland drive, Rockford, Mi
Loader OperatorMay 06 - Aug 06
  • Operating and Maintaining a Caterpillar 950G front end loader

  • Cleaning and Greasing a Redi-Mix plant
University of Northwestern OhioLima, Ohio
  • I took 3 classes at UNOH,

  • High-performance welding

  • Automatic transmissions

  • Fabrication

  • I had to leave school due to family issues

10 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 2 June :: 11.59pm

here at #rabid-duck

I like turtles

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 31 May :: 2.17am

may he ride forever on the streets of boston

may the skinhead never return.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 30 May :: 11.42am
:: Mood: wet ::
:: Music: muse ::

hey, it's been awhile


yeah, i know, it's been awhile. i'm sorry. i'm a slacker.

since my last update i've...

been to europe.
left my girlfriend.
been unemployed.
fucked around.
gotten some stuff done.
fucked around some more.

there. now that we're all caught up, i can move on to more pressing things.

okay. i really don't have anything pressing. i've been in a funny mood lately. and that seems to pervade everything. so, there's no sense of urgency.

but i dunno. something has to change. i mean, a lot of STUFF has already changed since last we met. but i'm talking about something within myself that needs to change. because i can't continue on this path and remain successful.

which is exactly why i don't want to go back to steelcase. because i could, but it would just be more of the same old bullshit. and i want something new, something different, something that takes me somewhere else. i'm moving on damn it, even if the rest of the world won't let me.

another part of moving on involves not smoking. which is really really hard. it's hard because i don't want to. if i wanted to, it wouldn't be nearly as difficult. but i don't want to. i like smoking. i like the way it tastes and smells and feels. but we're a dying breed.

*pause for irony*

got that laugh out of your system? good. me neither.

but yeah. i really have to cut it out. out of my lifestyle. out of my budget. i need to make more room in it for beer money.

party at emily's tonight. bound to be a great time. i'm looking forward to it.

bruce wanted some help installing a door tomorrow morning. should make the job go faster, and i might get some cash out of the deal. that'd be nice.

after that is owen's graduation party. and hunter wanted to hang out in the evening. but the hockey game is on at rich's. so i'm gonna have to figure out what i'm doing with that scheduling conflict.

and rich invited me to go down to indianapolis with him to see nada surf. it's in like a week and a half. i hope i'm working by then, but i'll have to ask for that night off or something. i dunno. we'll see what happens.

and i think bonnaroo is the weekend after that. so i've got two concerts in the span of like a week. and they're both overnighters. damn man. i'm never going to get anything done.

speaking of which, time to get off my ass and do something. this has been a truly leg-numbing experience.



4 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 27 May :: 11.01pm

this is my shower update, waterproof keyboard FTW

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 25 May :: 8.22pm

last night was interesting.

lots and lots of beer made stuff really interesting.

5 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 24 May :: 1.55pm

polish hot dogs from bobaks are great.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 24 May :: 12.27pm

so right now, i'm cruising down some highway in chicago with dan, lorelai, and jeff.

me and jeff are sitting in the back of the car on our own adhoc network.


Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 20 May :: 10.32pm

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 20 May :: 8.27pm

Don't wish it away
Don't look at it like it's forever
Between you and me I could honestly say
That things can only get better

And while I'm away
Dust out the demons inside
And it won't be long before you and me run
To the place in our hearts where we hide

And I guess that's why they call it the blues
Time on my hands could be time spent with you
Laughing like children, living like lovers
Rolling like thunder under the covers
And I guess that's why they call it the blues

Just stare into space
Picture my face in your hands
Live for each second without hesitation
And never forget I'm your man

Wait on me girl
Cry in the night if it helps
But more than ever I simply love you
More than I love life itself

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 20 May :: 5.03pm

Chapter 3:

Broken hearts.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 19 May :: 4.54pm

anyone know him?

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 19 May :: 4.54pm

anyone know him?

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 19 May :: 2.14pm

okay i'm back.

public transportation FTMFW

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 19 May :: 11.48am

todays adventure:

getting from 2704 w arthur street


850 n state street.

with $3.08 and a CTA pass.

oh, and no map, laptop, or guide.

:) wish me luck

2 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 18 May :: 9.38am

the critter on the roof/in the vents

after several minutes of deciphering the noise, i think we have a small dog and an old man sweeping on the roof.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 17 May :: 12.18pm

part 2 of my adventure begins today.

i'll arrive in chicago at 7:51PM CST


Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 14 May :: 9.51pm


thank you anon

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 12 May :: 10.20pm

am i the only one that finds a kid getting hit by a train funny.

i mean serious, its not like the train was "on a rampage" or steered into the kid.

he was walking on the tracks.
he deserved to get squished.


1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 10 May :: 9.45pm

Chicago may 16th at 8pm midway airport.
I'll be there.

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 7 May :: 4.49pm

circut city update...

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 7 May :: 12.17pm

okay, here we are, the whole store of texas.

day 1: I arrive at the airport around 2ish, erin is there to pick me up, we go to the A's(aaron and amy's) apartment where we will be staying the next month. erin had to go to work, so i just stayed there and took a nap till she got home. also she bought me whataburger, wich is fucking delicious. erin gets home and so do the A's and i get to meet them, they seem nice.

day 2: I wake up to Amy making breakfest, french toast, bacon and orange juice, mmmmm, it was delicious. after breakfest i don't really remember much, i had some time to kill that day, we probably played GTA IV all after noon until i got to go and meet erin's dad (dan) who is pretty cool, he bought us dinner for erin's birthday, real nice guy and stuff.

day 3: wake up, amy is cooking yet again, this time its eggs and bacon and toast mmmm, we end up going swimming in the "luxury" pool at the apartment that day, i got burnt pretty badly, i'm finally getting "settled in" i guess, that night we head to erin's mom's house, i meet her mom (heidi) and her stepdad (james) and they are both pretty cool.

day 4: nothing eciting this day at all, shit is starting to get rocky with amy, the a's and erin have a funeral to go to, so i'm by myself in the apartment, i hang out all day, play some GTA IV and steal some internet from the neighbors.

day 5: this is where the shit hits the fan, nothing eventful happed during the day, me and erin are hanging out and messing around that night, the A's are gone at destin's house and erin sends amy a text messag saying "let us know when your on your way home" just to be curtious and shit, amy then freaks out and starts bitching about how its her apartment and we should have more respect for her and shit like that, i thought it was curtious and very respectful but whatever, anyways, erin and amy get into a text messaging fight, to much drama, about 12:30 midnightish erin calls her dad and he says we can stay there for a couple of days. we pack all our shit up and leave, left most of the stuff we bought for the apartment there just to be friendly because we used some of their stuff. again being curtious.

Day 6: erin and amy get into yet another text messaging fight and erin wants some of our money back, we paid $350 total to stay there for a month and we're there for 5 days, i do the math and $295 is about right for us to get back, amy freaks out and says we arn't getting a dime back.
.... cunt we also find out that we can't stay at erin's dad house for much longer either. so we might stay at erin's mom's if we can or i might head to chicago or something, i don't know yet.

6 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 6 May :: 5.26pm

everyone was right, maybe i can't make it this far from home.

3 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 6 May :: 5.25pm

I can't decided how i feel about anything right now.

to much drama, its freaking me out.

Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 6 May :: 1.43am

glad to be out of that place.

we just moved to erin's dad's house, we each get our own room and we've got our own bathroom to share. :)

the only thing we left was a note on the counter that says

"Dear A's, went to mexico <3 justin and erin"

i thought it was clevar.

1 You are Invited | Would you drop everything?


:: 2008 4 May :: 8.06pm


i'm in texas.

I hate where i live, to many fucking rules, i have to put all my stuff in one tiny closet when i'm done with it, a real pain in my ass.

i don't like not having my own place, i don't like not having a vehicle, and i really don't like feeling like i'm trapped.

i knew this was going to happen.

ugggh, i don't like this place right now.

7 You are Invited | Would you drop everything? | Random Journal