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The Penguins Made Me Do It...

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:: 2004 20 July :: 7.57pm
:: Music: apocalyptica - romance

Section the First: Randomness is fun!
Screw nicknames, what do you wish your name was?:ToTo! come on, that's a kickass name!
Masturbation - thumbs up or thumbs down?:*shakes head*
Say a swear:kiss.... *kuwaiti glare*
Would you rather be a child, the age you are now, or older?:slightly, but not much older, old enough to leave home
If you were 12 feet tall, what would you be made of?:TWO ToTos
If tomorrow were surely your last day here, who would you call?:ummmm.... matt bellamy?
What would you say to that person?:i (heart) him?
What the heck are you waiting for?:for him to fall madly in love with me already.
Section the Second: Favorites
Exotic Food:chinese. mmmmm...
Piercing (not necessarily one that you have):tongue without a doubt
Bodypart:ass! *sings* oh i'm an ass man!
Day of the Year:last day of school, whenever that might be
Section Thrice: Your thoughts on...
maroon 5:who?
MTV:satan spawn!
the news:laughable
George Dubya Bush:*keeps quiet*
Catholicism:same as my thoughts on any other religion, it's a religion
Literacy in the United States:um.... it has no impact on my life whatsoever?
College:woo woo! here i come! not so fast
the State of Maine:it's.... big?
Have you ever been to...
New York City?:when i was 4
another country? which one?:oh a lot, i'm kuwaiti...
the Grand Canyon?:no
Lincoln, NH?:no
Complete the sentence...
I love:confetti
I hate:creepy crawly things
I wish:the world was flat
I am disturbed by:britney spears
I am excited by:cars! vroom vroom...
I am happy because:i have no immediate reason to be sad
I am sad because:something that sucks happened?
I am looking forward to:leaving kuwait
I regret:a total of almost 5 years of my life
I wonder about:sexuality in society and its relevance to the origin of symetry and the divine proportion
Go on and give me a quote.:Revolution is bloody, revolution is hostile, revolution knows no compromise, revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way. -Malcolm X

When you're Dyslexic I am... brought to you by BZOINK!

5 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 20 July :: 1.52am

french royalty

13 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 19 July :: 6.45pm
:: Music: REM - at my most beautiful

catching up in a nutshell

andy and jess came over around 3 to swim. we went downstairs and swam and got pruny. they taught me marco polo! then we played with the little indian children from the 4th floor! fun fun fun. we also played that colour thing. yeah. then barney joined us! and we ate my food for a change. after that got done, we went upstairs and showered, 2 per bathroom. then my mommy got home and freaked out in kuwaiti, much to jess' amusement. andy and barney sang in the shower, much to my brother's amusement. my mother did my hair, did andy's hair, and we went off to buffalo's. for that evening, check out andy's pictures.


woke up late. around 4. mary sent me a message. so i told her to pick me up. i got dressed in record time and we went over to her place. i broke her mom's treadmill. good times.

3 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 19 July :: 2.38am

||||basalt floor sex||||
sky is sagging
suffocating starving flowers
algae takes on a frothy white
when dragons fuck for cake
"lick the frosting from my face."

somewhere in antarctica,
a pigeon writhes in flames
bloated seahorses drift by
carcasses bleeding uterine soap
where hungry hips wash

there is a forest growing out of the water
each tall tree swelled with hemoglobin
the ocean wants to scream
moaning waves roll underneath each other
so submerged are they
weeping onto sand
and in love

4 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 17 July :: 11.55pm


something to say?


:: 2004 16 July :: 4.33pm

I'm in love with the thought
(and the swimming notion)
that you'll be drowning in the land of romance;
without my love, I might add.
May I get married,
and may their lives be Mary.
"Oh look it stopped snowing."

*the last line is from Interpol - Roland

something to say?


:: 2004 16 July :: 3.58pm
:: Mood: in pain
:: Music: interpol - NYC

i really am prey for the female...
ok. yeah. i went to see mary this morning. not really morning. she picked me up at 12. noon. i got in the car, and she was sitting there, her hair got really long, down to midback, still beautiful, you know? the kind of hair that looks like it's jsut been permed? light brown, glows in the sunlight? like that. she was smiling, and i couldn't help myself, i started smiling, and we hugged, and then we cried, and we started kissing one another's cheeks and necks and eyes. she ran her hands through my hair, poked me in the cheek for my braces and laughed. "just like you always wanted," she said. just like i always wanted. isn't that a funny thing to say? we went out to starbucks. it's nice on friday mornings, there's hardly anyone there. she ordered me a tall american black with whipped cream. the way i drank it for 2 years. i had to turn it down. i got a bottle of orange juice instead. she didn't say anything. just smiled. we talked a lot about what we'd been doing lately. she asked me if i was seeing anyone. i told her all about blag. it was so easy, and she completely understood. i asked her if she was seeing anyone. and she started telling me about her ex, who'd broken up with her to go to college. she started smoking by then, offerred me one, and i shook my head and smiled. she raised her eyebrows. "no way, timmie quit smoking? oh the world is flat." she told me a lot about her ex. and i listened. then we went out for a ride. next thing i know, we're at her house. walking in there was like walking into a time machine. nothing changed. we went to her basement and hung around her gym (literally). she's still in such great shape. we played music, she laughed when i showed her what little i learned to play on the guitar. then we watched a movie. about adam. great movie. then we kissed. a lot. slowly. we missed one another. so we took our time. and we caught up. we didn't do anything else. just kissed. and before i knew it, it was 10 20 and i had to go home. so she drove me home. and we kissed again before i got out of the car. she's going to college, she told me on the way home. art school in france. i always hated france. she leaves on the 28th. she wanted to see me. i told you.... yeah. seeing her, the moment i laid eyes on her in the car was like falling in love with her all over again. no, it wasn't like falling in love with her, it was falling in love with her. she told me she was proud of me for making my life better. my gut really hurts right now. i'm gonna miss her so much. 10 months wasted. i don't know if i shouldn't see her again, if it would make it easier when she leaves or if i should see her as much as i can because it can't get harder than this.

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 15 July :: 6.48pm

mary called.
i'm going to see her.

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 13 July :: 3.57pm

get some.
(or give some, whatever the case may be)

basically, that's it.

*stabs her own hand* oh that feels gooooooood.... *scerrnay*

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 11 July :: 4.10pm
:: Music: elliott smith (?)

the humping lesbian club?
so we went out to the hunting and equestrian club. swimming. you'd think it would be easy. it wasn't. we were fine in the big half-olympic sized lap pool, co-ed. but that's not it. we need to go to the women's pool, cuz a bunch of geezees were on the way in. so we ask the nice egyptian gentlemen where the women's pool is. he has a hard time with ms jackie, and when i finally step up he scolds me for not coming up to him earlier. *shrug* so i became the official arabic translator for the family. we drove around. a lot. we asked a lot of people for directions. a lot. we went around in circles. a lot. finally, after getting caught and paying 2KD when i had already gotten in for free, we found it. a skanky little thing full of old kuwaiti women who did not like us, not one bit. "americans" they whispered, "who else would have blue hair and wear bikinis? and the mother lets her children do this? no shame...."

they came up to me eagerly. "YOU'RE kuwaiti aren't you?" i was scared

i jumped off a diving board for the first time! yay! fun! i also learned how to swim, bla bla bla. andy's a jock. just thought i should let yall know. seriously. she swims. fast. and pretty, like. *scratches head* i always thought she was exaggerating but dude.... yeah.

we come home, want to go to applebee's but to save time, andy n i showered TOGETHER! AT THE SAME TIME! NAKEDDDD! ok no, we were wearing bathing suits but IMAGINE! we were also singing "these are not my pants" and so on. funny.

applebee's. i was threatened not to eat anyone's food. *pout*. meanies.....

and THEN

3 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 10 July :: 11.53am
:: Music: radiohead - hail to the theif

Wackiness: 60/100
Rationality: 36/100
Constructiveness: 64/100
Leadership: 86/100

You are a WECL--Wacky Emotional Constructive Leader. This makes you a people's advocate. You are passionate about your causes, with a good heart and good endeavors. Your personal fire is contagious, and others wish they could be as dedicated to their beliefs as you are.

Your dedication may cause you to miss the boat on life's more slight and trivial activities. You will feel no loss when skipping some inane mixer, but it can be frustrating to others to whom such things are important. While you find it difficult to see other points of view, it may be useful to act as if you do, and play along once in a while.

In any event, you have buckets of charisma and a natural skill for making people open up. Your greatest asset is an ability to make progress while keeping the peace.

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 10 July :: 8.13am
:: Mood: sleepy but i can't sleep
:: Music: interpol - stella was a diver and she's always down

i'm wearing a skirt!
ok, so we're in starbucks and there's 2 guys alternately playing sax, guitar, bass and african drums. real nice. oh! before we left the house we were all "that song is so annoying, but i think of it everytime anyone says it's hot" and we were talking about that song, it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes. well guess what the guy played on his guitar? YES!

well we had to borrow charis and couches from people because as soon as i sat in andy's lap she dropped the orange juice cap thing down the back of my shirt and i later had to go to the bathroom to retreive it from my underwear. then we found a big empty area full of couches on our way back from the toilets and migrated there. so these guys come in, and as they're walking up the stairs, one of them's hocking a loogie and i go "manly men are coming up the stairs!" so the guys all stop and turn to look at us. it was me, small, loud, dressed like a guy in an oversized taz shirt, khaki straight legs and wannabe-converse. it was jessye, obviously american, with her pink underside hair and flowy light skirt and converse, it was sarah who was rather normal and quiet, and andy with the hair. need i say more?

well as they walk on, looking for places to sit, one of them, the shortest of them all, long curly hair, board shorts, REALLY REALLY REALLY nice ass, cute face.... he starts dancing, only it's not your expected dancing. he just walks by, wiggles his cute little but as if independent from the rest of his body and moves on. we're all in silence. then i trun around and ask sarah "did you see that?" and she goes "i saw" jessye whips her head around and goes "oh my God!" and andy, the only who didn't see it goes "what what what?" so we tell her, and we notice the guy and his friends STILL have no place to sit. so i go "excuse me! EXCUSE ME!" and he and his mates turn around and i go, "can you do that again, please?" he blushes, gets a little embarassed, and mummbles something, then turns around and does it again. we applaud and whoot. so he and his friends sit across from us, on comfy couches. well we have a good time, laugh, hit on sarah (andy gets all defensive of her little sister)

jessye: sarah, i love you!
andy: 1-stop hitting on my little sister. 2-stop hitting on YOUR COUSIN!

good times. finally, we leave. right befoer we get up, this guy is standing behind andy, just looking at the back of her head. ("he's trying to decide if it's blue or green." "guess her real hair colour! it's like a gameshow!") she notices, turns around and goes "hello" and the guy goes "hello. how're you?" and she goes "i'm good," and he's all "good." and walks away. when we're leaving he walks next to me down the stairs and goes "hello" and i respond "hello" and he goes "where're you from?" and i go "around here" and he's all "here? really?!" and i nod and smile then he goes "how old are you?" and i go "not old enough" and he's all "why?" and i say "cuz i'm still young, i go to school" and he goes "where do you go?" and i go "home" and he says "oh ok. i'll see you later" and i say "ok" and he (surprised) "really? i'll see you later?" and i go "yeah, see ya" and walk away. funnyyyyy.

it gets better.

we're in fanar and the hot guy with the hot ass comes up to us and goes "we just wanted to know your names" and andy goes "well that's too bad" and he goes "why?" and she goes "cuz we don't want you to know our names" and he goes why not? and i step in since andy's about to blush which wouldn't helo any i go "ok, SHE'S my girlfriend. so you can't hit on her when i'm here." and the guy turns to me, as if noticing i'm there for the first time and goes "well why not?" and i go "because she's MINE." and he goes "oh.... ok.." and walks away. andy calls at his back "if you were a girl i'd hit on you" and someone goes "you have great hair" and we go our separate ways. sarah was distrubed. "why do you always tell people that you're a lesbian?" "because it's FUN and it WORKS." *sigh* good times. the rest of the evening was pretty much boring.

7 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 9 July :: 7.50am
:: Mood: *shrug* almost-but-not-quite-full
:: Music: smashing pumpkins on repeat

today is the greatest...
how do you know when all the al-dookhis and all the aldaghis bought new books?

ToTo's the only one eating.

-yours truly

ok, i've been here a week. *boob face* i know. i didn't think i'd been here that long either. didn't realize time was going by so fast. we've created a poster of all our summer inside jokes so far. there's a lot, and we're just getting started. krinkle...

yeah. besides eating andy out of house n home, i've also been spending insanely large amounts of money. i somehow managed to spend a 20 in a week. krankle.

jess: "i'm dying.."
andy: "shut up, you're not dying."
jess: *keels over*
andy: "....shit..... that's not cool. oh that's really krankle."

i'm done reading the da vinci code. *giggle* yay. good book. i highly recommend it. although i have to admit, it pisses me off in some places. drags on too long. and then there's the hoo-hah business... *says no more*

we've been taking a lot of pictures. go see andy's angelfire for more of those. we went book shopping, bought a lot of books. there's this used book store and the family went nuts. i sat in a corner and did math puzzles from a big book. it was awesome. *pushes glasses up on nose*. by the time we left they'd spent a total of 45KD on books. that's about $135. yeah... they also bought kuwaiti t shirts. *giggle* foreignOrs. what else have we been doing these past couple of days?

too many inside jokes. mhmm. and i've been learning to glonk better with the aid of jessye. she taught me how to work on my strumming. awesome. i can now play short stories, smoke on water, come as you are, the intro to newborn (not very well), mad world and you don't see me. awesome. i feel so proud. since i've gotten the idea of strumming i've been experimenting with different glonking sounds. *cheesy grin* yay! i rock! laurence said this would happen and now he has a picture of me as his icon. *shifts weight* i still find it strange.

oh! one more thing. jessye and i have decidde to create a livejournal community where would could set to work on our great novels. i know i'l forget it later, so it's
i don't like what i've written so far, but i'll see where the story takes me and figure something out from there. ok that's enough out of me. i'm alive, i'm well, having a great time, thank you and goodnight.

blessed be

something to say?


:: 2004 7 July :: 3.52pm
:: Music: muse - all of it! ALL OF IT!

laurence: "i'm a virus, you're a drug."

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 5 July :: 10.28am
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: interpol album on repeat

laughing too hard
andy n i are in the basement. andy's online *clears throat* and i'm watching the apocalyptica DVD (again) and i'm talking baout the teodore dude acting like a "sick bird" as andy put it. so i'm looking at this guy and i'm like, "he's like a sick bird. he's like a bird that you behead and he's still moving and twitching after he's dead. it's like trying to headbang without a head."

allow me to gush over apocalyptica. teodore is all yeah and things. he's the newest member of the band, he gets ALL the solos and he thinks he's all that. he headbangs like he has no head and dresses like he has no penis. it bothers me.

there's an old guy who's balding. he wears shiny clothes. i don't like it.

there's a man with short black hair, the odd one out cuz the rest of them have really light really long hair. he also has a vachinga. that's a vagina pattern on the chin.

then there's eicca. he's hot. he's talented. he's got the bod. he's got the fingers. he's got the most awesome hair. he has this gorgeous deep voice ("romance..."). he is not married. he can pull off leather. he's perfect. he can't be straight. *sigh* i adore him very much.

we've been thinking, we're very different children. we watch music DVDs instead of movies. like apocalyptica and smashing pumpkins. we orgasmed over billy, d'arcy and eicca. we rock. music addicts. what would you do without us?

bbq for 4th of july. never done that before, except for that time at the embassy. there was a cute little hcinese baby girl, bem bem running around, amoosed by andy's blue hair. she kept looking at the sky too. we lit fireworks and firecrackers cheered in kuwaiti. then we ran around barefoot in the sand, like kuwaiti children have done before us, like our ancestors did it. yeah.

what else? yeah. i am do the head. andy will do the head. jessye IS the head.

also. i played bowling today for the first time in my life. I WON! i had 70 points. andy 60. everyone else just sucked. it was awesome. i don't know anything about bowling, so i rolled the ball from between my legs. it was dubbed, ToTo style. i rock. in the words of andy "if there's a god, it's ToTo"; scary thought.

after bowling, we went to the arcade place, i did dance dance revolution again. barefoot. gougou filmed. then we got the little bumper car things. and THEN we did that ball room war! it was hilarious. you put sponge balls in guns and shoot them at people, then andy runs in and goes "i'm a target! i'm a target!" so we all shoot HER. we kept rotating targets. the targets picked up the balls and threw them at the gun-shooting people. it was funny. it was all "it's like palestine and israel." i felt like a palestinian.

stuff happened. when we got home they al went to sleep, it was just me n gougou in the basement. watching apocayptica. again. then we came upstairs and woke up andy and jessye. now i blog. the end. that was breif. considering i haven't updated in a while, not for real at least.

to all the people who are bored with the fact that i'm not updating and keeping them entertained with my life. go out and LIVE!

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 2 July :: 5.37pm
:: Mood: inspired
:: Music: zodiac - naked together

swing swing
swing swing
we're going back in time
sing sing
we're gonna cross the line
fling fling
why does it mean so much?
swing swing
why does it mean so much?

fine fine
we're gonna be just fine
mine mine
i'm gonna make this mine
wine wine
i'll pour you one more glass
fine fine
i'll pour you one more glass

kiss kiss
i still feel your breath here
this this
no worries and no fears
miss miss
i'm gonna miss those lips
miss miss
i'm gonna miss those lips

swing swing
the night's young and so'm i
sing sing
a teenage lullabye
fling fling
why does it mean so much?
swing swing
why does it mean so much?

something to say?


:: 2004 2 July :: 3.41pm
:: Mood: *picks teeth*
:: Music: distorted penguins - about you

where was i?
alright. marina. me and AC. we went to virgin for a bit, then made our merry ways to the one. barney joined us soon after. then came ozy and patrick. andy and la tete. funny midget-wrestling on the couch. then cuddling with ozy (he started it). after we made insane amounts of noise and figured out the bill, (scared patrick shitless; he missed a placebo concert and he had backstage passes too) we went our separate (for now) ways. i found the quiet guitarist at virgin, and we glonked together for a bit while patrck, ozy, barney and AC roamed virgin and andy and jessye went to find credit for andy's fone. we finally got kicked out and walked to the other side. ozy and patrick left for the food court. we went to tche tche. *makes evil sign at name*, then forgot barney there and went to johnny rocket's where AC and i developed plans for our penis. the penis duo called, and the guitarist boy left, and we were all together again, full. virgin. again.

[the following passage has been removed for mental purposes]

then i came home and proposed to laurence. andy don't hurt me....

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 1 July :: 4.24pm
:: Mood: *flicks wrist* ohay
:: Music: lenny kravitz - believe in me

AC spent the night! that rocked, i didn't think that was gonna happen, ever. so we wake up today at around 7, and my mom goes "oh my God you BOTH slept in bed? oh wake up, she's so small and short..." *giggle* she loves AC, just because she's short. it was hilarious.

basically, she's sitting there on my floor in her tiny little shorts and my oversized t-shirt. then my brother walks in. i go "no no no no..." and he leaves. then i go to the kitchen. he asks "who was that? she's a new face." and i go "my friend. noor. she's m7ajaba. you weren't supposed to walk in." and he goes "but i saw her hair. and her legs." i'm like "that's why you should knock." then he goes "wait a minute, is this noor as in beladi's noor?" and i go "yeah." so he grins. "i got to see her hair before he did. i'm gonna go tell him now." funny.

so right, morning. i wake up, wash up, wake AC up, we drive to KU so that i can take my entrance exam. math and english. we see the entire school there. exaggeration, but you get the idea. fara7 fayyad (commie!) and amirah and CONCUBINE I HEART YOU! (who is NOT dark by the by) and and and THE HOT GUY FROM A BLOCK! *joy and dancing*. the english was piss easy (yesterday there _______ two cars parked here. a)was b)is c)were d)are ) the math screwed me over. the end. *blames andy*

while i was taking the exam AC went to the airport with my brother and mother. let's not talk about that. just imagine it.... my mother. my brother. AC. 2 hours.

so we went home, then we went to AC's house where i slept. then marina. woo woo. complications. i continue later.

2 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 29 June :: 11.47pm
:: Mood: scerred (and slumber party in my stomach)
:: Music: andy glonking

we are living out the male sexual fantasy of all-girl sleep overs
right. andy n i are sitting here. andy glonking in her skirt and push-up bra, me in boxers and a not push up but NICE bra. jessye is in the shower. now she's in a towel. why you may ask.

right, so jessye came in the airport, we partied, i "yababt" and things. we came home, we ate. we talked a LOT and we ate. we laughed and ate. hold on it gets better. i'll get into other details later, but in the meantime, i must speak of jessye's first arab adventure.

andy gets a bright idea that, at 6 in the morning, we should go take a walk, since it's nice out. so we went. we walked. on the way to the park, a car drives by and greets us. the nice american girl greets back, not aware of the laws of fintas. the car stalks us. we try to lose it, run into a baqalla where a guy that has been driving around playing insanely loud egyptian music awaits us. we linger in the baqalla, then check to see if the coast is clear. it's not. the egyptian guy asks me, "police?" and i go "....no." we wait a little more, then decide to make a run for it. the egyptian guy decides, "no, stay here, have a drink." he pulls out 3 pepsis from the little thing, hands one to each of us, and insists we stay for a while, to chill. we politely do so. one thing, jessye's a diabetic, she can't have pepsi. i'm a recovering heart patient. i can't have pepsi. we silently sip. then we thank the man very much, we must go and we're sorry, we have nothing to pay for the drinks. he says "no no, if you need anything, call me" and he gives each of us his card. we thank him, we leave and sneak around back roads all the way home. it gets better. the car kept showing up again (this nasty white '83 benz) and we'd have to take detours. also, the loud egyptian man also passed by us a couple times, making sure we'd call him if we needed anything. and we're home. as soon as we got home we realized how hot it was out. so we took off our shirts, i tok off my pants, and we lay around. then one by one we shower. andy just got out of the shower. it's my turn now. wow. interesting day. i bet their entries will also be interesting to read.

4 mabidees | something to say?


:: 2004 28 June :: 5.38pm

dual spirits
i was listening to the oldies radio station on the way home from work and i had a daydream about doing karaoke. joe and i would be at someone's wedding or some other type of large party, and we'd be singing "you've lost that lovin' feeling" by the righteous brothers. we would be all cheesy and get really into it, like, getting down on our knees, grasping toward the sky, clutching our hearts, walking up to girls and singing to them -- all of it. then we'd get to the breakdown part and start singing all high and screaming, "baaybay, baaybay! baaybay, BAYBAY! i need your loove!" and it would be so hilarious and fun!

of course, i'd make sure joe had a few fruity drinks in his system first.

7 mabidees | something to say?

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