Deanna and I can't dance. nor do we have any friends. But now we have anges. Wonder if she can dance.


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The names Brielle, bitch

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:: 2003 25 December :: 10.09 pm

another survery
x. name = brielle janine

x. birthday = december 19th, 1989

x. piercings = my ears,.

x. tattoos = none

x. height = 5'1

x. shoe size = 9...

x. hair color = uhh... well... 3 different colors lol, my natural is brown.. and you can kinda see that, i highlighted it blonde, and i got red highlights from the sun

x. length = well, i just asked my mom and she said its a foot from my shoulders, so i guess its pretty long

x. siblings = two younger brothers, 1 month and 10, and a younger sister whose turning 3

x. pets = one dog


x. movie you rented = dont remember? i like never went them

x. movie you bought = i havent bought one in years...

x. song you listened to = at this very moment, clay aiken .. idk the name of the song

x. song that was stuck in your head = the song im leaving too

x. song you've downloaded = none.. so sad

x. cd you bought = new found glory

x. cd you listened to = clay aiken

x. person you've called = i dont call people, they call me

x. person that's called you = katie, to wish me a merry christmas

x. tv show you've watched = as told by ginger!

x. person you were thinking of = katie...


x. you have a bf or gf = nope

x. you have a crush on someone = sure do

x. you wish you could live somewhere else = FLORIDA...

x. you think about suicide = i have...

x. you believe in online dating = no... but dunno...

x. others find you attractive = ahahahah... next question

x. you want more piercings = i want the top of my ear pierced.. i forget what its cllaed

x. you want more tattoos = dont have any.. i probably wont get one... im too much of a baby to take the pain

x. you like cleaning = no, not usually. but who does?

x. you like roller coasters = YES! sooo much i love them

x. you write in cursive or print = print

x. you carry a donor card = no?


x. gum = orbit rocks my socks

x. tv show = 7th heaven, GENERAL HOSPITAL
8 simple rules, and all the other comedies on abc, those three are my fav

x. thing in the world = dunno...

x. thing to collect = anything i think is kool

x. colors of all time = pink

x. thing to do on a rainy day = listen to music, dance it in

x. feeling in the world = being inlove


x. food = pasta

x. song = toooooo many

x. thing to do = shopping, listen to music

x. thing to talk about = anything, i love talkin... about boys... hehe

x. sports = baseball! yankees and derek jeter!!!!! <3

x. drinks = rootbeer

x. clothes = =my clothes. yeah.

x. picture = dunno

x. movies = the lion king, how to loose a guy in 10 dayz... and dunno... i odnt really watch movies

x. band = i like good charlotte, new found glory, and simple plan

x. holiday = christams, thanksgiving, my birthday

x. cars = dunno much about cars, but my 12 year old cousin does... he called a car place when he was 10(or 11) and wanted to buy a lambergenie and made an offer with the car ppl

have you...

x. ever cried over a guy/girl = yes.. so sad

x. ever lied to someone = yea... =(

x. ever been in a fist fight = with my brother

x. ever been arrested = nope


x. of times I have been in love?: once,

x. of times I have had my heart broken?: 2

x. of hearts I have broken?: none

x. of boys I have kissed?: 1

x. of girls I have kissed? no

x. of continents I have lived in?: 1

x. of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends?: 2

x. of people I consider my enemies?: i cant stand a lot of ppl... lol

x. of cd's that I own?: a whole freakin' lot.

x. of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 6/7

x. of scars on my body?: a lot

x. of things in my past that I regret? lotz

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:: 2003 25 December :: 9.33 pm
:: Mood: curious

the answers to my survery
1) First Grade Teacher: mrs. feeney
2) Last word you said: bye
3) Last song you sang: get low
4) Last person you hugged: my grandma when she was leaving
5) Last thing you laughed at: danielle, she told her niece and nephew she was gonna call santa because they werent bein good
6) Last time you said 'I love you': today
7) Last time you cried: last nite
8) What's in your CD player: clay aiken
9) What color socks are you wearing: none..
10) What's under your bed: uh... whatever was on my floor when my mom told me to clean my room
11) What time did you wake up today: at 8:15 when my sister came in my room and was like " ITS TIME TO OPEN PRESENTS!"
12) Current taste: cookies
13) Current hair: i straightened it, and its like half up and half down it and has clip on it
14) Current clothes: aeropostle sweatshirt, and pajamas pants
15) Current annoyance:my headphones keep cuttin out...
16) Current longing: * hiM *
17) Current desktop picture: uhh.. a picture of my family when we were leaving from the hospital when we took nick home
18) Current worry: that i wont be able to install the sims
19) Current hate: these headphones
20) Story behind your username: hm... my dream was broken, just like it says
21) Current favourite article of clothing: this comfy sweatshirt i got for christmas
22) Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes
22) Favourite physical feature of the same sex: dunno?
23) Last CD that you bought: new found glory... that was a while ago though
24) Favorite place to be: the mall...
25) Least favorite place: sometimes home.. not usually.. and uhh gym.. i hate gym.. and idk where else
26) Time you wake up in the morning: 6 on school dayz, weekends- uhh anywhere between 9-12
27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be: electric guitar
28) Favourite color: pink.
29) Do you believe in an afterlife: yes
30) How tall are you: 5'1 and 3 quaters
31) Current favorite word/saying: lala, hehe, ooh god, and lotz more
32) Favorite book: speak, and the west side stories, there funny HEHEEHE and anything about derek jeter
33) Favourite season: summer & winter
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: hmm. my grandpa because he died before i was born
35) Where do you want to go: jamaica
36) What is your career going to be like: dunno, i wanna be a teacher
37) What kind of car will you have: a good one, my dads a car sales man
38) Type a line you remember from any book: i dont really read books.. lol

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:: 2003 25 December :: 9.24 pm
:: Mood: weird

it was a derek jeter calendar.. not poster... so that mean... i get a whole year worth of my hottie =)... and when the years over with... im gonna take down the calender and take it apart... and then hanging it all over my room... and i think im painting my room pink.. even though my mom got me a new confater( damn... i cant spell) for my bed ...

and MXC is on tonite i think... and im gonna watch one of the movies i got, either how to loose a guy in 10 dayz or pirates of the caribbean

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:: 2003 25 December :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Dominick The Donkey

well.... i got a lot of clothes from aeropostle... and i got anoter 90 dollars worth in gift cards...

the rest of my vacations... GOIN SHOPPING!!!!!... i tihnk katies bringing over my christmas present tomrrow, im goin to have christmas at my cousins next week, and my dads friends and there families are comin over next week im pretty sure... and ash is comin over one day next week too! hehehe

i fell alseep for like an hour before and then katie called to wish me a merry christtmas so then i woke up... i was like " who picked up the phine " i was out of it... im out...

merry christmas

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:: 2003 25 December :: 2.31 pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: 'get low' Little Johnny and the east side boyz

yay yay... itz christmas... and i cant wait to go shopping because i got lotz of gift certificates =) HEHEHE... and i got new movies - How to loose a guy in 10 dayz, freaky friday, and legally blodne 2....

i got 30 dollarz to the mall!!! hehe... and 25 to tjmax, i got a lot of hair crap, i got a new straightner, the quite hair dyer, 14 karat earring there really pretty, and i got like 3 curling ironz but they all do somethin different, and i tihnk one came with a hair straightner

i got 2 cdz, i got the first good charlotte cd and the clay akin c.d

i got like a portable c.d player... but itz big, and i think it plays .... both radio & ... not sure though... and a c.d rack to go with it

my brother just yelled at me for stealin his c.d and my moms like " how could she, she didnt go anywhere" but i gave it back... and hes just bein a jerk...

anywayz... i realllllly liked this DEREK JETER POSTER!!!!!!!!! uhhh... just to go along with all the other derek jeter stuff i have in my room =)

i got like 100 dollarz... hehe... and uhh... other stuff... but i forget at the moment... and my grandma got me a lot of clothes... HEHEHEHE... she didnt gave them to me yet... but i was there when she bought them because i picked them out... hehe

i went to my grandmaz and my family was there and it was just nice... and i had fun.. we got there at like 7 and lefted at 11... and it was just fun and hmm yea.. i think my cousin has my bracletz... im gonna get the c.d back that my brother just took from me..

well merry christmas everyone ... <3

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