Deanna and I can't dance. nor do we have any friends. But now we have anges. Wonder if she can dance.


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The names Brielle, bitch

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:: 2003 18 December :: 7.16 am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: GC, Young and the Hopeless

one year ago today
exactly one year ago from today...

you have absolutely nothin on me now... =)

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:: 2003 17 December :: 9.23 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Fefe Dobson, Take me away

i hate this place
okay... its offical... i hate blairstown more than I ever did in my life... i wanna leave this place and NEVERRR come back again... god screw this place...

my computer was being so stupid, im finally gettin to write in this thing because it woodnt work before

my moms loves me sooo much.. i mean she didnt even get me a birthday presents... thanks a lot mom thanks a lot ... maybe my dad remember... i doubt it..

Me- your on my VIP list
Crystal- YAy!
Me- so is Mal
Mal- what?
ME- you on my VIP list
Mal- whats that mean..
Me- Very Important Person
Mal- is that good...
man.. i love you mal, if you leave im gonna miss you like crazy if you leave

omg... rebecca, that was the funny thing was she was sleeping on the desk!!!!!

i dont hate you katie i just hate this place

im out

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:: 2003 17 December :: 10.47 am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: NFG,Sonny

stupid school\board of ed
why cant they change the grading system this is sooo stupid they didnt even vote on it...

my throat hurts like a motha, uhh whenever i open my mouth it hurts, i can barely breathe my throats hurty and my nose is retarded

when i went outside it was raining and i stepped off my poarched and got soaked my feet was soo wet and the bottom of my pants were too...

we have learn next period ... yes... i love that class haha i need to do my math homework during then...

i dont wanna babysit.. i hate it... it sucks... i only have to do it today though.. i wanna quit by my parents wont let me and i need the money...

im out

my birthday is in 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! yay yay!

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:: 2003 17 December :: 7.10 am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: GC, Change

Have I changed?
I still miss the old Brielle... the one before she left. She's returned.. but she isn't the same. But I can't see what's different.
^ im really sorrie, if i'm not the same as i was before i have changed, but it's for the better and you still mean a lot to me... im sorry, please just tell me how im not the same

the eye doctors was boring no update, i had the man, i hate the lady.

the concert was boring and hot, i talked to kristen & deanna the whole time and yea
br> im really upset, leave something to cheer me up
br> school then babysitting be home at 4:30

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:: 2003 16 December :: 4.17 am
:: Mood: annoyed

uhh... that spanish tutoring thing was soo boring all we did was like sit there and he wasnt really helping the people in my class and it was one long hour

now i have an eye doctors appointment which is gonna suck because the ladys a bitch...

my brother has concert at BES tonite at 730 that im goin too but its not that bad court, deanna, and ashley are goin to be there, speaking of ashley i still have her MADE sweatshirt, i want one, i asked my mom for one for christmas i doubt she'll get it...

im out

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