..:*:..Your born (yay!)..:*:..You play drums (more yay!)..:*:..You die(boo!)..:*:..

Hatred is a waste of time and energy " Don't waste your time trying to be different b/c when it comes down to it we're all just alike <


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SHHHH My Turn to Speak, Just listen...

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:: 2003 14 September :: 6.29 pm
:: Mood: pissed off

wala wala bang bang
I am pissed, Pissed I am, enough said from the person who is pissed.


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 13 September :: 10.20 pm
:: Mood: pissed off


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 11 September :: 4.27 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic

Tomorrow is gonna be great! It's gonna be Joe's birthday! Happy b-day bebe! Woo! lol.

Ok, after school, Amanda and I are gonna go see Twisted Method agaiN! Woo! We're goin to do the interview better and again. Hell yeah!

At the end of the school day is the rally. I'm a lil sketchy about it b/c you know, Go HOME FRESHMEN! I dunno....i hope it's gonna eb fun though....

After all that TubuLARness Amanda,Jeremy,maybe Jared, Me, Ginny, maybe Levi and Cailyn are gonna go to the Mariner game....Woo..fun! Fun FUN!

Ok..now i have to go and set up questions, later!


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 8 September :: 9.42 am
:: Mood: confused and um...Grrred

HIM and ME
Ok hello.

I have a friend that I adore very much. He's such a neato kid. Well over this past weekend he was all over this chick. I mean that's not bad right? Sure, but see he has a g/f. He was all over this chick all weekend, nibbling on her ear, arms around her, touching her bum bum, I wouldn't care usually but he has a G/f! I don't think he should do that. I dunno....He says he's not w/ his g/f 100%, but down to the point if ur going out w/ someone officially then it's 100% if u like it or not, right?? Now the chick likes him but knows that he has a g/f and is now confused as I am. O boy, he was just talking to his g/f and just hunged up and went over to the chick and started putting his arm around her. Right after he hanged up w/ her! She told me that when they were walking to their hotel rooms that they hugged good night and he kissed her. But don't worry she came to her senses and pulled away and said," Not until u have no g/f." hehe. I wonder what he thought when she said that.

I'm single now. Some ppl are happy, some aren't, some don't care. I'm single now b/c have a confused situation thing in my life and that i need to get it straightened out before i have a b/f or w/e. Don't worry, i believe mike understands. I'm not sure at this point if i will go back out w/ him. I'm not concertrating on that right now, so yeah.

I still have no computer! I'm at school in 4th period typing this up. lol. I'm not gonna get my computer back soon. It sucks. I can't live w/ out it.....

Tell me what u think about that guy and chick thing. If u wanna know who those ppl are call me and maybe i'll tell u.

P.s i'm not grounded no more. YAY!

7 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 5 September :: 7.30 am
:: Mood: poo

hello everyone. I'm in school right now. lol. Um....let's see......ah??

I have been grounded for about a week now and I'm still gonna be for a while. Sorry everyone, but i'm not allowed to talk on teh phone or be on aol. So i can't talk to n e of my friends!

My computer is such a bum. It decided yesturday to not to turn on!! So now it broke. I ahve no more comuter. AAA! How am I gonna last w/ out it if i can't be on AOL or the phone and now no more computer? Grrrr....

O I'm gonna be away over the weekend. I'm gonna go to Orlando. I'm gonna return on Sunday like at i dunno, maybe around 12 pm. I hope I have fun.

I miss everyone. I want to see them everyday, I just want to go to Mariner like every other kid that's not. Maybe next year. Well I got to go . I'll talk to you later. Or rather type, if i can. Byes.


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 2 September :: 7.22 pm
:: Mood: Crazed and Dorky

I just was at my drum lesson's at Brent's and I walked in there all glum b/c I didn't wanna do drum lessons and right there in front of my eyes at Derek from Twisted Method! I'm like hi, what's up dude? He's like nuttin, u? I'm like just here to do my drum lessons. He says cool. We talked for a lil more but then Cullun had to intterupt so I can go practice.

I just recapped what happened a lil later and realized how much of a dork i was. I was all blushy and smiley and crap, like a crazed fan. I wanted to jump up and down and yell ur Derek! Dude, that soooo sux major beans in an old can that is invested w/ larva and mildew, o no! not the mildew! That's not me. I'm cool and calm around "famous" ppl. O well...

So now amanda and I are totally stoked to set up the interview w/ them. It's gonna be rad yo. I just have to call the manager...well i'll talk to u l8r. byes

I love Derek and Tripp! The Dereks! lol

5 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 30 August :: 9.34 am
:: Mood: drained

Hey, dude(s)! Whats uuuup? I'm so drained from last night. hehe...

Amber, Casey, Jon, Joe, Mike, Jared, Jeremy, this kid name kyle, Amanda, and Linsdey were there! YAY!

It was sooo much fun. We all got stuck in the mosh-pit. It was just great. Jared's foot hit my face when he fell down from crowd surfing. Amanda went up there too to crowd surf but it was an accident. Everyone else stayed there a lot later then i did. I had to leave early.

Before the concert, amanda and I hanged out at Neptune's since school let out. We got to meet Twisted method, a singer from Cinder, and other ppl. Amanda and I were allowed to be there during sound check, but llike an hour into it, the security guard kicked us out, when we were allowed to be there! Sucking!

I got the twisted method cd and an autogragh poster too! Woo!!!! Ok, well I got to go and do other crap, holla....


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 28 August :: 8.48 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Twisted Method

No way! Twisted Method!
OMG! Woo tomorrow is Twisted Method! Amanda and I are gonna go right after school to go to Club Neptunes and set up an interview w/ the band yo! Then Amanda and I are gonna get pics w/ them and touch them and have a bunch of fun fun fun things happenin.

Everyone is gonna be there. Like Mike,Jared.Joe,Jon, Amber, Amanda, September, maybe Ali, Me, and other ppl....woohoo....

I'm glad i'm gonna c them. I love 'em. Their neato gnarly TubuLAR ppl. Well i'm gonna go later.....


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 25 August :: 4.03 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: !!!!


Dude, ok last year i met this guy that i fell in love w/ and it was awesome..but then it took a bad turn. He turned into an ass and broke my heart and he was the only guy i ever cryed about...i haven't talked to him or seen him in a year.

But then today on aol he IMed me! He got my s/n and starte talking to me! I'm like no way! he's apologized and crap it's great. I'm soooooo happy! AAAAA!He feels sooo bad about what happened. it's wounderful!!


4 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 23 August :: 9.54 pm
:: Mood: chip,chip,chipper

So i had a party here tonight. it was ok. I was glad that i had mike,amanda, and jared w/ me or i would of been sooo bored! hehe...

So this weekend comeing up, amanda and I are gonna c Twisted Method! Also, we are gonna meet them and ask questions, it's gonna be "sweet" as amanda would put it. lol.

I ahd Annie and Amanda here it was grand. Alan came and scared us by runnin in the window. It was great. He's soooooo HOTTTT! He played my drums too. It's great. I love him sooo much.

I have to do the stupid biology report. Grrr...Another one. I hate it. Well grrrr people grrr.

O dude, My friends and I snuck out last night. We went into a house that was gettin built and we hanged around there. It was fun. They left Mike and I alone for an hour. Just to let u know Mike and I didn't just talk.......hehehe. and he.

Amanda, Anne, and I kept freaking eachother out. It was just dandy like candy. hey! I like that. I'll use it. Don't take it! hehe(amanda).

Ok well i'm gonna go and do my stupid report. Later cheese nits that aren't cheese or a nit.


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 19 August :: 3.46 pm
:: Mood: wee

In biology today i fell asleep! I'm so dead serious. oops. he's just so boring and nice i can't help it. He even watched me sleep! he's a push over. it's fun fun fun.

I'm gonna hit the girls some day i promise you. they bug me fo sho.....


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 17 August :: 7.19 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: puddle of mud: "she fuckin hates me" (but for now it's a dude)

Ok. Hello. So i have this friend that is ok. He gets depressed at times, basically he's like Jeremy, neato but has their moments. Well i've been trying to hook him up w/ chicks or what not. I'm doin that b/c he thinks i owe him for me goin out w/ mike. not so. He got pissed today at my house and got depressed and left. W/e. He yelled at me saying i'm not trying, i don't like him, i don't care from him, blah blah and blah blah.

Which i do care for the kid and i've been sticking w/ him for 8 yrs while everyone else has come and gone on being friends w/ him, dude that's a friend that sticks by ur side. Amen right? Right!

I wanna kill him right now. u don't understand. I'm tired of him making me feel bad and all for being me. It sux major monkey blue ass! I'm tired of it. I'm not gonna help him no more. I tried to hook him up w/ amanda, she don't like him and now sarah but he wont go and c her. Hello! it takes 2 to go out w/ someone. He's not doin his part. GRRRdified!


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 14 August :: 3.58 pm
:: Mood: anxious

First day...not bad, but not good. 2nd day...ok. 3rd day, fine.....4th day.....better.

I already have to do a research thing for bio! It sux major monkey bums yo! It's dur tomorrow and i haven't even started...oops.

I have homework for Am. Gov't. That's actually kinda easy though...at least easier than biology.

How did ur days go?

I miss everyone that's not at my school! I saw someone wearing Jeremy's shirt and i'm like no! Jeremy isn't here!......then i thought about everyone else and im all sad and all.

There's these girly-girls in my spanish and their soooo stupid! They asked so is cafe brown or like black? It's a stupid question b/c the color of that word is right behind it. Then when we had to take notes on the seasons they asked which one is summer and spring. The teacher told them it's in order from the seasons and they still didn't know! I wanna smack them soooo frickin bad! Grrrrdified.

Today this kid on my bus was sleeping on teh way back w/ his head cocked and his tounge out. lol. We couldn't wake him up! It was funny, but eventually he got up.

There's thsi neato guy in my 1st period. He was all o heyyy to me. I was just like hey? He's funny. I think he does drugs though b/c he acts like it.....

Well I have to go and finish my stupid research. GrrrDified i am.


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 10 August :: 5.39 pm
:: Mood: bouncy

Ok today Was fun. I mean really fun. No i mean really really fun. No, wait I mean it was estatic. No a bigger word, A bigger meaning. I wanna do it all over again. Can't explain.

I can tell u what happened but i don't want certain ppl to know about it. So just ask me the next time u have a chit chat w/ me.

So to keep u all up to date, only like 1 or 2 ppl are Grrdified at me now.

Tomorrow is the day, the day we've been all
Dreading. Not wanting to come find us. But guess what? No more Hide in seak. We've been found. We lost the game like every year. Will we wake up tomorrow and say golly gee-wiz, yeppy! or will we say holy m/f. I wanna die! No one knows untill that moment that ur eyes peer through ur room early in the morning. When u walk ur first steps of the year on the concrette and when u sit in ur desk of ur homeroom, u feel scared or maybe excitied, we wont know till that moment. But when u hear the principle's voice, that's when u know, School has caught us. It gubble us up. No more freedom, no more sleeping in, Our choices have been taken from us and it's being held captured till that last day of school and that my friend is where our freedom rings again!
Till then, we're screwed.


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 9 August :: 12.04 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: chevelle send the pain below

yo ho
Ok so last night I was talking to Tubularchick. She's a neato kinda gal. I told her that what she did at cali's sleep over i found rude. So she got mad i guess. Another person mad at me, let c that makes it....3 now? Boy i'm on a roll.

I was talking to Germany last night. We were writing a song together. He's a great kid but he can be a player. My dad and sister were fighting. I don't know what about but it made her cry so it had to be bad. It 's hard to make her cry in a fight w/ anyone. So yeah. Her b/f was right there too on the couch.They fought at 2 am. Sux dude, it sux major monkey blue bum's b/c it's her b-day.


2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

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